


06-18-2014, 12:56 AM

She was stressed, extremely so. Carrying the burden of Tortuga?s crown on her own was ridiculous these days. She was weak, and pregnant- not the type of leader that Tortuga needed. Well, at least not the only leader that they needed. Over the last few days, she had been mulling over an important decision, a decision that would affect the very base of Tortuga and how the pack was led. It was time to name another Praetor, another wolf to help her lead. To help take some of the burden from the Queen.

However, this decision didn?t come without a cost. The promotion she had in mind would cause a shifting in the ranks, where another wolf would have to take the place. There needed to be more wolves. Tortuga simply didn?t have enough members, and that lack of members worried her deeply. It wouldn?t matter how many wolves she put in charge, if they didn?t have anyone to direct. She would have to come up with a way to decide who would be promoted next, to fill out the upper ranks of the pack. The thoughts mulling in her mind cleared, as she tilted her head back into the air- a song leaving her, calling for one- and one alone? for now. She would call for the new Praetor of Tortuga.





8 Years
06-18-2014, 07:57 AM


in defense of the innocent

Qanik's stride faltered in it's even, measured cadence as a call rang out for her. The last time Roman had called out for her had been... the day they had discovered the sickness had struck. It was not a good memory, and she was still glad to hear her alpha's voice ring out without the desperation it had then. But concern still gnawed at her, for Roman was still weak from the sickness.

She turned away from the border to move more deeply into their territory, following the call. It took a little while, for Roman was all the way over by the lake, so she had plenty of time to worry and wonder. But finally her oversized paws brought her into the clear area around the lake, and she saw her alpha's bright dyed markings and purple eyes against the white of the snow.

Approaching, Qanik lowered her head in respect. Something smelled... different about Roman, but Qanik's nose had never been her strong point and the scent of illness still clung to Roman to confuse things. "You called for me, Roman?" Her low voice held a warm note, always glad to see and speak to the wolf she thought of more and more as a surrogate daughter.


cowardice is the only sin


06-18-2014, 09:23 PM

The time she waited for Qanik to appear gave her plenty of time to worry about what the other woman would say. She hadn't intended for all that had happened to happen, and she hadn't been able to give Qanik Erani's message before she had fallen ill- (even though she was still convinced she had been poisoned). She waited nervously for the older woman to show up. She had grown close to Qanik, she was a wise wolf, and very even tempered. A perfect match to Roman's slight impuslsivity. Looking up, as she heard an approach, she smiled warmly, yet nervously at her. Could Qanik tell? 'You called for me Roman?' The other woman questioned, and Roman nodded shuffling her feet slightly.

"I did... I have a request to make of you... and some news." She said, her tone slightly wavering. Why was she so nervous!"I'm still recovering from the illness... and I'm... pretty sure I could be... pregnant." She glanced away innocently, before looking back at Qanik. "I was wanting to name you secondary Praetor- secondary alpha... because Tortuga needs strong leadership, and I'm not sure I can do it alone." Especially not with the babies growing inside of her. Tortuga would need someone else to turn too. To Roman... there was no better. "Qanik.. would you be my secondary Praetor? The second Queen of Tortuga? She asked, slightly meekly, though with a lot less nerves.




8 Years
06-18-2014, 11:03 PM


in defense of the innocent

Qanik regarded Roman quizzically as the woman shuffled her paws like a naughty pup who's gotten in trouble, but held her peace until Roman began to speak. The news she delivered widened Qanik's blue gaze. "Pregnant?" she coughed out. But... by who? Of course - the big striped boy who'd acted so protectively when they'd both been struck down with sickness. It must be. Who else could it be? She would not be so tactless as to ask, but she couldn't help but wonder. Slowly through the surprise built a wide grin, a surprising expression on the usually calm and unassuming warrior. "That is wonderful, Roman." Pups! Tortuga's first litter of pups in the year she'd been there.

But if that pleasant news had startled her, Roman's request shocked her completely silent. Second Praetor? Her? That would elevate her from her already-surprising high position into one even higher, almost equal to Roman. Could she accept that? What should she say? What could she say?

Her gaze dropped to her paws, and she examined the snow with the utmost concentration and seriousness. Was she capable of being an alpha, even a secondary? But Roman was right, with her carrying pups and still weak from her illness, she would need someone with to take up the slack in ways that a mere beta could not. For Roman, for Roman's unborn children, for Tortuga... could she really turn this down?

"I..." Her voice came out gravelly with her inner turmoil, the idea of being queen of anything causing her pelt to prickle in alarm, but she swallowed and began again. "I would be honored."


cowardice is the only sin


06-19-2014, 04:38 AM

Roman still didn't know what to make of this pregnancy. It was difficult, and strange to her. The idea of something living and growing inside of her- seemed alien. "Pregnant?" Qanik coughed out, and Roman looked down at the ground sheepishly. Cursing, not for the first time, Faust. A smile grew at the older woman's jaws, and she spoke again and Roman relaxed more. She supposed Qanik wondered whom the father was, and she supplied the answer to the question that the woman had been so kind not to ask. "Faust is their father. I... haven't told him yet." She said lightly, as she glanced around at her stomach. Truth is, she was nervous about telling Faust. How would he react. Looking at her stomach, she sighed. The idea that it would get HUGE was insane to her. She was about to be fat- and fat wasn't attractive. What had she done?

They were on to the more important matters at hand however, and as Qanik took in her request. Roman studied her. This was what she liked about Qanik- what she admired. The white wolf didn't just jump into something without considering it. She seemed careful, and thoughtful about everything. It was what made Roman trust her initially, when Roman had come to Tortuga. It's what made Roman feel like she could open up about anything that plagued her mind. Now Roman waited on pins and needles, waiting to hear the answer from Qanik.

When Qanik spoke, accepting Roman's request, she let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. "Thank you." She breathed, then let out a slightly large smile before speaking. "Queen Qanik."

Her smiled faded, as she remembered her other news. "There was something else.. I needed to talk to you about." She said, waiting on a response from Qanik- more so to continue. She really didn't want to be the one to deliver this news.
