
The Sword In The Ruin




3 Years
Large species
07-03-2020, 04:49 PM
Hirundo had been drawn to the structure the moment she had seen it towering above the forests and plains alike. The woman had not stopped traveling for two days, much to the dismay of her companion. A storm had struck the beaches to her East, but the most that was driven her way was heavy rain and some lighting. A particular sound the thunder made had sounded familiar, but in a way the woman couldn't place. The woman trudged on.

The rain had left a wet sheen over her coat, its normal shimmer amplified by the droplets. Though the heat of the sun had caused gentle steam to rise from the mare as the water evaporated. Her steady gallop had slowed to a calm walk as she crossed the plains, her companion landing in the curve of her back and hunkering down, cawing gently at the familiar warmth.

Hirundo continued walking until she reached the beginning of the ruins, scattered stone and metal surrounding the woman. She paused to turn her head around, feeling eyes upon her frame. She stood for a moment, eyes roving everything within reach. Having not spotted the creature, the woman began to silently move deeper into the ruins. Her gaze was focused on the path ahead of her, and she paid little heed to the things the stepped over. Eventually, the mare came to the beginning of a den of some sort. The mare moved to walk alongside the outside, her eyes never moving from their forward gaze.

After walking for a short while, the woman happened upon a monument with ancient writing wrapping around the entirety of the object. Hirundo did not recognize the words, but some of the runes pictured were familiar to her. She gently pressed her head against the stone for a few moments before she moved away. The scent of moss and feel of the rock triggered a gentle memory in her, but one she couldn't picture. The woman found an area clear of most debris, came to a stop and closed her eyes. She did not move until she cracked an eye to address her friend who had settled down on a rock nearby.

"See what I cannot, but do not get caught," she whispered softly before closing her eyes and resuming her still position.