
you are the one

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
07-07-2020, 07:14 PM
Rhyme left the den early that morning, and he was careful not to disturb his little woman when he left. Though he was loath to let her wake up along the man was confident he would return before that moment. A bit of time had passed since he’d asked her to be his and committed himself to her. So far he was enjoying the little secret they shared, but he’d go and find Theory before the end of the day and he’d tell her the development. Not that she hadn’t already guessed, hinted, and alluded to this eventual outcome. It wasn’t any surprise the two wolves were fond of each other, and he only felt more right with his daughter’s blessing.

Icy white paws carried him from the den and onto his plans. Carefully he gathered a bouquet of flowers, there weren’t many this early in the spring but he found both white and yellow daffodils. He managed to find a redbud tree and removed a vibrant branch. Adding in a couple of purple crocus along with a plump spring rabbit he returned to the den before the sun reached the horizon. As quiet as he could Rhyme arranged the wildflowers in a vase made by Poem and he dressed the rabbit for breakfast. Not that he anticipated Samara sleeping through the scents he’d brought into the den. If he did, Rhyme would curl back around his beloved and await her wakefulness to offer his surprise.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
07-09-2020, 01:50 PM
((CW: Talk of nausea and vomiting, nothing graphic but mentions and Samara is sick at the end of the post.))

It had been some time since the night the pair had shared and in the days after Samara had nearly been floating on a cloud the whole time. Her meeting with Theory had gone well and she was even finding her appetite was growing, she felt vibrant and alive! And in the past few days, pretty sick. It didn't have a consistent time when nausea would hit but soon enough she'd be dashing for the nearest bush to find her last meal sneaking back up. The mornings when it hit were the worst, it was probably just because nothing quite set the mood for the day like waking up and immediately being sick but she was honestly trying her best not to let it ruin her previously bright mood.

Worse yet she didn't quite know what was causing it, once nausea passed she often found that she felt mostly alright, maybe weak from the retching itself but otherwise she found her heightened state would eventually return, particularly her appetite, and frankly she was drawing a blank on a single malady of the body that could cause that... well except one... but Samara was pretty certain she wasn't pregnant. Samara had also done her best to hide her symptoms from Rhyme, maybe it was selfish but the last thing she wanted right now was to worry him any more. She'd gotten lucky in terms of her mornings, she'd been awake before him lately and able to sneak out once the nausea hit and getting herself cleaned up before he rose.

Today? Not so much. Samara was roused gently by the scents of fresh meat and the return of heat to her back. The woman groaned sleepily, and stretched, her mind not yet fully returned to the land of the living. Samara blinked slowly, lifting her gaze to look up at Rhyme and a pleased sleepy smile rising to her lips as she saw him. The woman stretched again and yawned, slowly pulling herself into a sitting position. She pushed her face into Rhyme's fur. "Good Morning." She muttered softly. The woman turned her attention towards the scent of meat and she spotted the vase. A brighter grin lit up her face.

"What's the occasion?" She asked, padding over gently to sniff at the blooms, their sweet scent like a balm for the woman, she turned back to look at Rhyme. "Oh Rhyme they're- lovely. That's what she meant to say but naseau rolled over the woman and she shot out of the den like a bullet, she rounded the den mouth just in time to empty her stomach on the ground, at least she'd made it out of the den.


[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
07-09-2020, 08:51 PM

The warmth of his much larger form pressed to hers seemed to bring her more fully into wakefulness and Samara looked up at him. Her sleepy blue eyes were partially concealed by her alluring long lashes. Her smile was soft and welcoming as she shifted and held to him tighter. Rhyme grinned and reached down to kiss her forehead lovingly, ”Good morning.” he returned with a nuzzle to her cheek before he found her gaze again before her attention shifted to his bouquet.

”I need an occasion to spoil you?” He asked teasingly in return as she sniffed at the flowers appreciatively. Rhyme had been through a lot, and Samara had seen him at his very lowest point. She’d remained beside him, and even still worked to see his heart fully healed. He had no intentions of ever taking her for granted. Rhyme’s smile was as genuine as it was bright, but it disappeared all the same as she darted for the door mid sentence.

A thousand thoughts entered his mind as she disappeared, but the first was to follow her. Rhyme was on his feet in an instant as possibilities shifted through his mind. Had his rabbit spoiled already? Was she allergic to one of the flower species? Was she getting ill? He couldn’t tell the difference in her scent yet, and even though it really should have been, pregnancy didn’t cross Rhyme’s mind at all. Not until he realized what she was doing. The sudden illness.. morning sickness wasn’t always restricted to the morning but it was the morning.

He tried to deny it internally, he was too old at this point, he wasn’t sure that they would ever raise a family together. He’d learned not to trust a she wolf not being in season twice over. ”Are you alright?” Rhyme turned his head to give Samara some privacy as he asked, ”Can I do anything for you?” Quietly as he stood by supportively.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
07-10-2020, 01:05 PM

Well this was the last thing she wanted, she could feel Rhyme moving behind her but the woman was too busy retching into the ground. She was just dry heaving at this point, most of her prior meal had either already been digested or was now painting the ground in front of her. Her ears twitched a little bit as she heard Rhyme. The woman retched one last time and took a moment to catch her breath. Her head drooping. Samara took a few steps back, taking time to wipe her face on a few leaves as she moved, she'd need to properly wash her muzzle off in some water but it'd do for now just to help clean up a bit.

"I'll be fine." She said, her voice shaking a bit from weakness but otherwise sounding pretty resolute, she'd gotten used to this already after all. "Belive it or not a little wash up and I'll be ready to have a go at that rabbit you brought." She chuckled a little darkly.

"I'm sorry Rhyme, you set up such a lovely morning. Samara trailed off for a moment, but she knew she couldn't keep this little secret anymore.  I've been dealing with this for a few days now... I probably should have told you but I didn't want to worry you." She looked up at the big male, she was certain she looked like shit, tired from the strain on her body and probably with some remnants of her last meal hanging on her muzzle. That also didn't really make her feel better, it wasn't exactly a state she wanted Rhyme to see her in.


[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
07-10-2020, 03:46 PM
Had she sent him away Rhyme would have given her the space she needed, but he couldn’t ignore her affliction. His mind didn’t automatically go to any obvious conditions, the old man just wanted to take any chance to care for her after she did so much for him. Rhyme loved her, and wouldn’t stand for her discomfort. He flinched sympathetically with each wretch that racked her tiny form. Eventually she was able to turn back towards him, more chipper than he expected with the unfortunate start to her morning.

Her voice shook as she answered him blue and lavender gaze returned to her features. He offered a loving glance, but maybe all she needed was a quick clean up. He smiled as they spoke and she went on to apologize first, ”No..” he tried to stop her but there was one more confession. She needn’t be ashamed of her ailment, but when she mentioned this wasn’t the first day his heart stopped.

Rhyme hid his emotions well as she looked up towards him from under long lashes. He looked her over again, this time seeing the tiredness in her eyes and the strain mornings like this started. He wouldn’t immediately confront her, but Rhyme was no greenhorn healer. Now that he was looking..

He leaned forward and nuzzled her ear lovingly. ”Come on, lets get you cleaned up. I’m sure you could use a fresh drink after that too.” He offered sympathetically, ”Then we can enjoy a rabbit. And talk about what might be causing you to be ill.” He hid the worry she didn’t want to put on him with a grin and motion for her to lead him to the stream that ran through the plains.