
Honey Do List



3 Years

07-25-2020, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2020, 04:42 PM by Wyndelin.)

Wyndelin moved back into the gulley with a piece of wood clamped firmly between his teeth. He'd decided he'd like to surprise his companion, Flikkr, with some honey. He'd had the luck to find an active hive but it was going to take some work to get the bees out of the way so he could even get at the honey. Wyndelin knew it was a terrible idea to go waltzing right up to the nest and trying to grab it. He would get stung to bits if he tried that and he had only limited knowledge of healing. Flikkr could help with minor injuries but in all likely hood he'd just have to tough out the pain and discomfort of a bee sting.

Wyndelin had thought long and hard about how he might lure or shoo the bees away when it finally dawned on him that he could make a fire and try to use the smoke to scatter the insects away from their hive. He'd learned to make a fire while living amongst the wolves of the cliffs. They'd often insisted he cook the meat he caught for them which was an exceptionally bizzare custom. He'd never heard of wolves heating their meat before eating it. Though, he had to admit, cooked meat did have an interesting flavor. Still, he much preferred to eat his meat raw and pure. Though, he still wouldn't say no to curing some in a bit of smoke first. That was a real treat. Maybe he could smoke some rabbit meat at some point on this journey.

Dropping the piece of wood in the pile he intended to ignite he went off in search of more wood. He'd need to get a good fire going. Thankfully he still had a couple pieces of flint that he'd stolen from the band that had abducted him. He figured he'd ought to get something useful for his trouble. Keeping his tail pressed against the back of his thighs at the memories that danced on the edge of his mind he focused on the task at hand. He'd need to get the fire started soon but he needed a bit of kindling. Finding some dead leaves he grabbed a mouthful and padded back over the area where he'd piled his fire building supplies.

Wyndelin stepped back and stared at the beehive that was hanging on a low branch near the edge of the gulley. The wind, unsurprisingly, was moving from one end of the gulley to the other. He started piling the larger pieces of wood ahead of the hive so that the wind would whisk the smoke right back to it. First he stacked the large pieces of wood before adding the smaller sticks and then at last the kindling. Now was the hard part. He'd have to strike a spark and get the fire going. Buffering the wood pile by placing his body between the wood and the wind he took one piece of flint in his mouth. The other piece he held between his paws and then very carefully he began to strike the two together. It took time and patience and he was fine with that. This was his sort of craft. Something interesting and intricate. He didn't care much for violence, being the victim of it or inducing it. He felt there were surely better ways to settle differences and conflict but the world certainly didn't seem to feel that way.

Wyndelin knew he probably should learn how to fight. If he'd been better able to defend himself maybe he wouldn't have been disfigured the way he was. He wondered if he'd be able to find love now. What woman would want a man like him? Could he even call himself a man. Wyndelin shook his head to still the thoughts as he focused on the flint, finally casting a spark into the kindling which moved to the smaller sticks and down into the larger logs below. A man was so much more than a small part of his body. Did a man not have a mind? A heart? A soul? Wasn't there so much more that made a man a man other than his body.

Further more when did having a peaceful automatically call his manhood into question anyway? What greater goal was there than living in peace and being able to give ones mind to higher tasks. He just didn't understand it. Wyndelin again tried to turn his thoughts away from the harsh words of the cliff wolves that had beaten and maimed and mocked him. What did they know anyway? Bunch of heathens. They'd probably charge right at the honeycomb and thing it some great show of power to just barrel in there and suffer pain and injury to prove just how tough they were.

Wyndelin settled down as the fire breathed to life, then he stepped away to let the wind begin to work. He carefully added more and more dead leaves to the fire to encourage it to smoke. The smoke rose and twisted in the wind, carried off down the gulley. Wynd sat back and waited as the smoke churned out from the fire. The bees buzzing around the hive slowly began to scatter. The sound of buzzing gradually became less and less until at last there was a soft silence in the air around him, broken only by birds singing in the distance. Wyndelin scratched behind one of his ears as he waited. He really did need to start putting weight on again. Signs of his captivity still showed on his slender frame though the sweet air of freedom was doing wonders for his over all well being.

Wyndelin carefully picked up a larger branch in his teeth. He eyed the hive fore a moment and swung. He missed the first couple tries but on the third he successfully knocked the hive down. There were a few stunned bees hanging out on the hive yet and Wyndelin quickly drug it closer to the fire until even those bees decided to stagger off into the air. Satisfied he wrapped the honey comb in an empty rabbit skin then took off on his journey. Flikkr would definitely appreciate the treat.
