



3 Years
Extra large
06-16-2014, 11:44 AM
ooc- set during the same time Nausica, Cascade, and D?gmar are in the territory

Cataleya was gone. The queen had vanished into the night with her accomplice, Kylar, and their child, Basanti, without breathing a word to the behemoth in advance. Her departure had not been expected, and her decision to throw the pack into the paws of a foreigner had greatly disappointed him. He had no interest in kneeling before a woman whom had done nothing for him, and so he would not. He would kneel before no one, his interest in pack life ravaged by the recent events in his life. Teaming up with Nausica had been the push he needed to become a rogue again, he had no doubts in his mind about their survival as rogues now. With his skull dominantly raised skyward, and his tail cockily curled above his hips he would depart from Acranum for the last time. He would not glance back at his previous home, instead allowing his time in Acranum to be lost within the deep folds of his mind as he set off to find his dear sister.

-enters territory-

The behemoth would stride into the territory with ease, amethyst eyes glaring from left to right as he monitors his surroundings for any threats. He is not afraid of being ambushed, as fear is an emotion the man had yet to experience- but instead he is aware, muscles coiling and relaxing beneath armored flesh as he walks, ready to be used to his advantage at any and every moment. Blackened nostrils would flare as Nausica's perfume wafted across his nose, chest broadening as he inhaled deeply to engulf his lungs in her chronic toxins. Satisfaction would curl the corners of his ebony lips, massive body pivoting eastward as he pursued his sister's lingering trail. Skull would tip backwards as he strides, a beckon seeping from slackened jaws as he demands she return to his side at once.



06-16-2014, 01:21 PM

The woman still hated her ignorant sister. They had just met, along with some stranger. How dare Cascade come into Alactrica and ask a bunch of silly questions? Obviously Nausica did not care about any of it. The woman had much more on her mind. Neios. Power. Sex. All of the above, not involving her sister. She followed her brother into a pack, but it had been taken by some russet bitch out of nowhere. Nausica was painfully attached to her larger brother. She needed him. The woman helped him recover from the plague. She stood by his side the whole time and she would have done that for a very long time if she had to. He was the love of her life. And it was obvious. It may be taboo but the woman did not care. Love was love.

She had just met with her sister and some stranger. She was annoyed, but after she heard the demanding call of her brother the woman smiled softly. She tingled slightly at the sound of his delightful voice, calling upon her with such force. Nausica went trotting off in order to catch up with him. Her ebony paws slammed down upon the cold earth with excitement. The Saxe girl hoped her sister would ignore the calle. As she got closer the beautiful creature moved to him with excitement. She slithered closer and attempted to embrace him, pushing her head into his thick scruff. "My darling, brother." She would attempt to lick his lip before backing up a step. "You would not believe who I just bumped into." The woman would look into her massive brothers eyes with annoyance. "Our fucking sister."




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-16-2014, 01:45 PM

She got both feet on the ground

And she's burning it down
"She means me," Cascade clarified quietly as she stepped forward. Neither her tone nor her expression was offended despite Nausica's obvious venom towards her. Her eyes weren't even on her sister, but rather regarding her brother with obvious curiosity. "Hello, Neios. It's been a long time."

She had heard the call when Nausica did, but had not come immediately. She took the time to excuse herself from Daegmar before following her sister's trail to where the call had come from. Having not heard her brother's voice since they were children, she hadn't recognized his howl right away, but Nausica's reaction had made it clear, and she'd had to follow.

She doubted she'd be welcome by her sister, but Neios was her brother too, and she'd spent all these long months finding her way home for them, and she wouldn't be so easily frightened away. Her expression was nothing but open and pleasant as she regarded the pair of them calmly.

She got her head in the clouds

And she's not backing down
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
06-16-2014, 07:59 PM

D?gmar let the sisters take the lead, he was their brother after all and if she were to guess correctly, something a bit more than that. There seemed to be some bad blood between the two sisters but it wasn't really any of her concern. She was there on business and as soon as she had the information she desired she'd most likely leave but ohhhh it was tempting to stick around. It'd been awhile since she'd pinned herself against the supple curves of female flesh.

"Ahhhh all together again. This is sweet, don't worry I won't impede the reunion much longer. I simply have a question for you Neios since you were one of the few I respected as a warrior. Do you know anything of this Sibelle woman? I've yet to make a decision regarding whether or not she's fit to be a leader or if she's simply Viridiana's bitch. Hati knows nothing of her. Do you?" She'd keep her questions to the point. She could ask about his plans later or divulge hers if he cared to know.



3 Years
Extra large
06-18-2014, 10:01 AM

He is not forced to wait long on his sister's arrival, her feminine bodice becoming visible among the dead grass that licks tauntingly at their ankles. Immediately she approaches him, excitement tugging at her features as she moves to physically embrace him. He stands motionless despite the burning of flesh against flesh, tail flicking irritably as he listens to his sisters venomous words. She attempts to slide her tongue along the crease of his lips, but he lifts them selfishly to prevent any contact, the animosity welling within caused by his sister's bitter attitude toward reuniting with their only litter mate. You are foolish sister." Malicious words fall from his slackened jaws, ebony lips curled to expose his rows of incisors as he contemplates punishing his sister for her foolish actions. At this moment he assumes Nausica has chased away their only remaining sibling to date, which infuriates him.

An unfamiliar voice breaches his ears, causing audits to perk and his amethyst eyes to roll upward to behold the newcomer. Eyes widened in astonishment as Cascade's form slithered from behind Nausica, their mismatched gazes aligning as the woman says her greeting. "Cascade. You have returned to us." He breathes a response as he relaxes his upper lip to lay comfortably over his adroit fangs, satisfaction welling within his broad chest as he beholds his sisters magnificence. He has been reunited with his sisters at last, and he intends to never allow them to stray out of sight again.

Another form steps into his vision, a dappled female whom was all too familiar- Daegmar. She is a previous member of Acranum, although he is unsure if she has decided to stay with the unsightly wench whom had taken the throne. She approaches him and immediately begins asking questions. She wishes to know if he has any information on this Sibelle woman, and he shakes his head from left to right as he responds. "I know nothing and I will not stay. I am taking my sisters, and together we will form our own empire." He turns his frigid gaze back on his sisters and narrows his eyes, preeminence present in his tone and body language. "You will be coming with me, and you will learn to get along. I will not let this family fall to shambles again. He pauses momentarily, lips curling as he flashes his fangs menacingly. "And should you object I will personally put you in the ground with our father." He falls silent and awaits a response from each of them, jaws slackening to release the combative growl that quakes his jugular.




3 Years
06-18-2014, 02:23 PM

It Had been a few weeks since the ivory female had returned to the land she had called home, even if she was a slave, but word had gotten to her to that the so called queen had stepped down and another was in her place this news was clarified when the ivory female had ventured back after her little hunting trip, the new scent at the border was enough to know however deciding that the pack was somewhat disbanded she turned at the border after deciding she that she wasn't feeling like listening to another and trying to prove her worth and so she dispersed from the border.Prowling though the lush unclaimed domain it it did not take the female long to pick up a scent and once she was all to familiar with. lifting her snout to the heavens she inhaled the aroma of neios the one whom she called master but the question was did she still belong to him? or with cat running off was she free once more? a light hearted chuckle escaped her jaws as she took in to a nice steady stride normally she would have just ignored her questioning mind and turned in the other direction however, she had a strange affection for the male it was just something about him that tweaked her interest and so she decided to seek him out after all she had a good excuse to.

Nimble and swift pads carried the female on the path that the male had wondered down and the closer she got, her limbs seemed to push her frame forewords until she felt like she was practically flying though the domain, the current snow on the ground posing no hazard for the winter wolf. As she neared closer again her fiery amber orbs flicked around her surroundings for any sign of both neios or a threat, like wise, her rounded auds swivelled for sound but it was her sensitive nostrils that picked up the stronger scent as well as others, slowing her gate to a long stride walk she soon realised that neios wasn't on his own. Wondering whom was with the male she stopped to collect her thoughts which was difficult when her auds flicked to the rustling of the shrubs caused by a rabbit, irritated the ivory female was quick to end the creatures life. After a moment or two she decided to proceed with her set task and she was once again off in a bit of a trot with the rabbit tightly grasped within her jaws.

Moments passed before the slender form of the female emerged were the little gathering was, glancing around at the other canines her orbs narrowed slightly as she tried to remember she had meet the canines before but at-last she failed to recall a time she had meet any of them but at least she had found the canine she was seeking. amber orbs rested upon the dark male known as neios for a moment before she lowered her cranium to place the pray she held upon the iced ground before she nodded slightly in a greeting " Greetings, Sir " she purred in a soft chime as she lifted her head once more as she waited for a response.

table by jay


06-18-2014, 03:52 PM

His brother. The one she loved. The one she nursed back to health did not even bat an eyelash at her arrival. The woman spoke her venomous words and they were met with three words that made her furious. "You are foolish sister." The woman let her hackles raise and her lips curl up, "I had faith in you, brother." Her voice was but a hiss. She was obviously ready to strike. Her eyes were narrowed and her tail was daring to rise. Yet pad falls would be heard at her rear. "Hello, Neios. It's been a long time." Nausica snorted and moved to the side of her brother to see her sister. A visible sneer was seen as she eyes the multi toned whore before her. Though, another one came out of the blue. Neios began to spew his filth towards Cascade, "Cascade. You have returned to us." Nausica rolled her eyes before the stranger began to speak some. "Ahhhh all together again. This is sweet, don't worry I won't impede the reunion much longer. I simply have a question for you Neios since you were one of the few I respected as a warrior. Do you know anything of this Sibelle woman? I've yet to make a decision regarding whether or not she's fit to be a leader or if she's simply Viridiana's bitch. Hati knows nothing of her. Do you?" The huge fae listened before looking at Neios quickly, he responded with his baritone vocals. They rang in her ears with annoyance. The massive vixen was ready to kill. Though, a creature in the distance captured her undivided attention. A tan beauty slithering their way. She placed meat upon the ground before she let forth her own sultry song, " Greetings, Sir. " Nausica was mentally dazed by the sweetness of her tones. She licked her lips before speaking to the cream coated fae, "Greetings, my little Minx."




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-19-2014, 08:11 AM

A tiny sigh of relief escaped Cascade as her brother greeted her without rancor, even having reprimanded Nausica. A newly-familiar voice spoke up before she could, Daegmar having taken the same opportunity as she to follow Nausica to Neios. She asked of Neios' plans, and Cascade cocked her dark head to the side in curiosity. She, too, wished to know, and it was as though this gray-toned female had spoken the words for her. Why was she so insistent on knowing Neios' plans? Did she know him well? He didn't seem very glad to see her, if that were so. She'd seemed like an interesting sort, and Cascade wondered what her history might be with him. She had a lot of history to catch up on, it seemed.

Neios' plan was pretty simple, it seemed. He would take his sisters - plural, he was including her! - and form his own empire. Simple, but ambitious. Neios then turned to speak directly to her and Nausica, and his harsh words, his threatening snarl, sent a thrill through her. Eyes wide and hopeful, she lowered her ears and tail submissively, wagging her way closer to him to attempt to touch her muzzle to his chin, tongue stealing out to try to touch him in that universal wolf gesture of a subordinate acknowledging a superior. Compared to her sister's earlier defiance she might look to be nearly groveling, but the bright gleam in her bicolored eyes did not speak of fear, but excitement. "I will follow you anywhere, Neios," came her fervent murmured reply.

The purred words of another hardly registered, until Nausica responded and captured some of her attention. She blinked at the paler form of a stranger, not at all embarrassed for her - or Daegmar - to have seen her fawning over her brother. She made no reply of her own, though, merely attempted to rub her head against her much taller brother's shoulder.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
06-21-2014, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2014, 03:44 PM by Dægmar.)

Oh my was there some tension in this little family. D?gmar would not linger on it however. She had a purpose for being here and thankfully Neios was able to answer her swiftly, unfortunately it wasn't quite what she wanted to hear. He knew nothing of this Sibelle woman either. Well crap, she was back to grasping at straws again. But his next words did give her some hope. Form his own empire hmm? Now this was much more agreeable to her than trying to guess the motives of a Queen that wished to remain neutral. "Your own empire, hm? You have my interest. I will not serve a queen who's afraid to dirty her paws with out permission of her mistress." Though at the moment He was simply leader of a band of rogues. Until he had the empire in his grasp all Neios had were words. And there was only so much D?gmar was willing to risk for words.

It was then a little white sheep approached their black pelted group. D?gmar knew she was of Arcanum but she knew little of this white fae but apparently she was familiar with Neios. Well this was all well and good but she had her answer and she would leave the Saxe family to their reunion and? to what she could only guess was one of their toys.

"I will keep my ears open for your summons should you truly grasp your empire. In the meantime I will seek the white witch that has so vexed Cataleya. I would know her intentions and if she truly seeks to reclaim the Soulless Forest. Farewell.. I doubt this is the last time we'll meet."

-exit unless stopped