
To Die in Battle (but not today)

Katja the First


8 Years
06-16-2014, 11:20 AM

Katja's quiet pawsteps carried her through the snow and away from Ebony's lands. Though much of her time was spent on duties to the pack and some might have felt she were leaving to get a break from it, this was no vacation either. Her intention was not to rest, but to continue training. Cover the same ground unceasingly too many times and your senses dull, you lose your focus, you get sloppy. Spar the same people, hunt the same prey, and you lose the skills you need to face other opponents, hunt more dangerous prey.

She'd healed completely from her encounter with the boar, leaving only the scars where the hair had not yet grown back to cover them, and she was feeling the restlessness that she'd learned was Freya's hand guiding her to find what she needed elsewhere. She'd made her way here, to a place called serpent plains on that feeling, that hint. There were no snakes here now, all in their winter sleep yet. There was a small family group living here, she could smell their scent markers and the soft sweet scent of children (though strangely, no adult females) but she kept clear of them and they didn't make any attempt to chase her off. Which was good for them, because she was in no mood to put up with loners trying to defend non-existent territories. Bad for her, because she was longing for battle.

She spent hours stalking rabbits, rodents, and birds among the unfamiliar terrain, working on moving stealthily through the snow in an environment where she did not know what was beneath her, waiting for... what? She didn't know, but Freya had sent her here for a reason.
