
Hidden Pasts


06-16-2014, 04:38 AM

The man lumbered through the grass. He panted as he urged onward, his coal pelt blending into the darkness. He was one of the night. Treading silently, he lifted his muzzle to the sky. There was eerie silence in the night. Stars twinkling down on him, ancestors watching. Stopping to rest at the edge of a hill, his cyan orbs gazed into the universe. Vast the galaxies were, why, he felt so small in his world. He counted the stars, but one particular star caught his eye. It was brighter than the rest, emitting a beautiful golden glow. If his ancestors represented themselves as stars, a brighter star meant a family member had no recently left to join the afterlife. There could only be one wolf who had such a pelt of golden hues.
Just his one thought of his mother unleashed his locked-away memories of his early pup-hood. His sister bullied by her friends, Dusk training with his father, his father rising to dominance and threatening to murder his mother unless Dusk and his sister would battle to the death for his pleasure...all the horror Dusk tried to forget was coming back. The blood, the scars, the death and the darkness, all laid hidden until now. He tried to push those thoughts away as he bolted into a run, trying to chase his nightmares away. His memories were so vivid and graphic, not one bit was missed. The day grandfather Sorik had promised Dusk of great power as a pup. He remembered the exact words that were spoken that night. They echoed in his mind. The day Dusk was excited to go hunting for his first time with father, what an adventure that had been. The evening Dusk stood up for his sister, battling the stupid pups that brought his sister to emptiness. The night Dusk had escaped with his sister by his side...cowardly running from his fears. He had let himself down, his sister, his great potential and mother. He could barely listen to his own thoughts. He ran as fast as he could, ignoring the whispers of his mind that called to him. He shut his eyes in anguish as he pelted into the shadows. He didn't care about the voice that yelled him to stop, how tired he was, he would run. Run from his hidden pasts. The very coward he was.

How long had it taken him to conceal those memories once more? Yet now he was out in the open, sitting quite contently and gazing into the black. A dreamer, he was, perhaps a stargazer. His head was bowed in sorrow, staring down at his paws. Where would he start? Where would he start apologizing for all his idiotic mistakes in his life? He opened his mouth to speak to his fellow guardians, and listening they always are. Yet he felt the presence of someone else. Who?

"Speech" Think



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-23-2014, 03:04 PM

It had taken Esti a while, but she was back. She was finally back home. The willows greeted her in shushed voices, her followers wondering where she had been. Sickness. Esti still smelled of it, and the lands of Valhalla. Dusk had failed to protect her against the offender with bloody eyes, and then the same curse fell upon her. She had been sick for some time and in that time, she had thinned out. Where was her knight? Why hadn't he protected her? No, she wasn't a real princess, so is that why she became sick? Was it because of her lies? Of course not, such things as fate and luck didn't exist. Each being created it's own past, and crime went just as unpunished as good deeds went rewarded. Each and every wolf would suffer at some point, just as each would laugh at another, and in the end, they would all die. That's why it didn't matter.

As long as Esti could say she was a princess, who was to deny her? No one, because labels only had the power that masses gave them. Alone, a prince or princess was no different than an omega. Everyone seemed to forget that though, and blindly trust anyone in power. If that was the case, then Esti had the words that held power, and so, in her own way, she was a princess; the princess of words.

In her terra, where she truly did reign, Esti padded ahead, following the scent of her follower. The darkness surrounded her, her markings giving her an odd, half hidden look. It wasn't long before she finally found her Dusk, but when she did, she no longer knew how to feel. Was she angry for him letting her get sick? Did it even matter? Her eyes aimed to meet his dead on as she approached. She would respond purely on how he decided to, hoping for something of an apology, or a worried greeting, even a submission would be nice, something to make her feel less forgotten and more like the princess she tried to believe she was."Speech"


06-24-2014, 04:24 AM

He couldn't sleep at all. His worry over his princess struck him like a deadly claw. Where had she gone? He was supposed to protect her! And he failed to do so. And he was spending his nights calling to her, searching for her. How could he be such a fool? With his head bowed in sorrow, his eyes only glimmered in sadness as he stared down at his paws. Lifting his head up to the stars, he sent a whisper to all those who had fallen before him, his ancestors.

How could you let this happen? I thought I was rid of that stupid prophecy, and I could be free. Is this free?
The night wind had carried something to him. What was it? A scent. He remembered that scent, though it was mixed with an illness, a disease, blood. Surely this couldn't be the creature that he held most closest to his heart? He would face her anyway, who cared if she reeked of an unknown disease? He would treat her with his kindness, affection and love.
"My princess! Where have you been?" He would turn and face the girl that was his. His deep eyes filled with fret and his tone was worried. His sleepless nights showed a saddened look in his eyes. He cared for her so much, and now, would she remember him? Or hate him for his decision? No, he was the one to be blamed and hated. And he wold apologize to her before she could say anything else.
"I'm sorry, princess, for not protecting you," His head was bowed in sorrow before lifting his caring eyes to the girl, searching for her understanding, beautiful words. "I feel like such a fool...please, forgive me..."
He would plead to his princess. He cared for her so much. How saddened and worried he was for her. She probably hated him for abandoning her at such a time, for failing to protect her from the unknown disease that clung to her fur. If anything, he should be punished. But he would let the princess decide his fate, his dear beautiful, marvelous princess.




3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-24-2014, 12:47 PM

The brute before her turned and spoke, wondering all sorts of things. She felt some anger flare up, because in the false reality she had created, she was a princess, and she was to be protected. Another part of her felt guilty because he had been so worried over her false identity. Their whole dynamic was purely created by words, most of which were a lie, but Esti only felt a little guilty over it, nothing serious. Part of her wanted to punish the brute, but part of her wanted to thank him just for waiting for her. This charade was causing conflicting emotions, making it seriously less fun. Irritation bubbled in Esti's stomach, but she did well to swallow it, "You should be sorry. I was sick. I had to run to another for help, so yeah..." she trailed off, noticing her words were getting too harsh, she was getting too excited, and her mind was scheming.
"You, however can be forgiven, as my loyal servant," she reassured, "but you'll have to earn it, and I'm not sure how. Maybe, since it now seems necessary, you'll have to recruit a new follower, one who can guard me, you know, when you can't. " she said bluntly. Esti knew she was blaming her own problems on him, trying to manipulate him through guilt, but if it worked- if these words led to action- then her speech would be honeyed, and she would savor her plot; gain more followers, erase the doubt. Esti is a princess. "Speech"


06-25-2014, 01:28 AM

He listened to her words. Her words of anger. He hated to see the princess in such a state, and he hated himself for his lousy decisions. The princess had said she was sick and she had to find someone else to help her. Dusk felt his own agony burn inside of him. She caught an unknown yet deadly disease, and had to ask for someone else's help for the cure. He should have been there! He should have helped his princess! And this is how his fallen ancestors were punishing his freedom, having his own heart burst and burn. With his head bowed gravely, he could only listen to the harsh words of the lady. His punishment. Yet he could be forgiven, but he would have to earn it. How? Though he listened on to her words. His punishment. The princess had desired another follower to protect her when he couldn't. There was a silence, and his agony turned to misery. She needed another follower to protect her? What about him? That was his job! No other wolf could replace him!

And you failed to protect her. That is why she wants someone else...

Shut up!

Can't you see, you blundering fool? You failed!

Shocked he was, his mouth open but no words were coming out. He couldn't find the words to express himself. He was speechless.

"Princess, I thought we were more than just princess and servant. I thought we were..." His words trailed off, his eyes wide. "...friends."
What sort of a friend are you? Who leaves their friend behind?

You're wrong!

Admit it! You are no friend!

And he was. He was no friend. How could he let their friendship come to this?

Now he could only wait, wait for another punishment or a more protecting wolf to bounce into the scene, whisk the princess away with a handsome charm. No. That will never happen. He was that wolf that would whisk her away.

"Speech" Think



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-26-2014, 12:31 PM

The brute took Esti's words harshly. That was a fact. Esti's heart sped at his look of despair, his head drooping. There was an amount of pride in the ability to alter another's emotions, almost enough to erase all guilt from the princess's mind. Almost enough, until,
"I thought we were friends."

Esti felt herself move to scoff and deny their friendship, but something felt as if it had kicked her in the heart. Her ears went back in reflex, as if offended by him questioning their friendship after spending time together. No! This wasn't how she was supposed to feel about this. This brute should be only her servant! She should feel no remorse, but he really was her only friend. Even in the mix of all the lies she had told, he had willingly agreed, and even though Esti knew she was in the wrong, that she was leading the male on, she had grown affections for the male, not that she wanted to admit it. If she didn't, though, would she lose the male? Her only true follower and only true friend? The thought of being alone again in the willows seemed dreadful, even though she felt just fine when she did it initially. When did she become dependent on the other? When did she change?

The thoughts seemed to suffocate her and she realized, just like that, that the words she had used to build her empire could also destroy her. She had to fix this, but she wasn't ready to give up just yet, "Okay, yeah," she began with a loud sigh, her voice shaking slightly, "we're friends, okay? That's why you shouldn't be so responsible for watching me all the time. Otherwise we really are just Servant and Princess. It can be anyone, literally anyone, but if we-" she emphasized "we" to try to bring some form or togetherness into view, hopefully erasing any thoughts of leaving in the brute's mind, "- build our numbers, the strain won't be so heavy, and maybe we can be..." she hesitated, the word in her mind tasting bitter, "friends."
She hated it. She didn't want friends, yet somehow this brute had befriended her, and somehow, that made her more scared than not having any friends at all. "Speech"


06-26-2014, 04:40 PM

Can you not hear her tone? She does not think of you as a friend!

She does! I...I know she does!

Dusk knew the girl had to be his friend, or think of him as such. He didn't want to believe, but what if the voice in his head was correct? What if she doesn't think of him as a friend?

Finally see my way? She just wants more wolves for her little empire!

The man strained to ignore the whisper stuck in his mind. He focused himself on the princess's words, how bitter they seemed to him. There was no warmth in her usual happy tone, just the coldness and the dry that made Dusk curse himself for his foolish acts. If this girl wanted to replace him, fine, so be it. He could always find a new friend, somewhere. With his claws tearing the soft grass beneath him, his emotions burned him in anguish. He did not care. Perhaps it was best for him to leave. Until he heard,
But if we build our numbers, then the strain won't be so heavy,
and maybe we can be friends.

Build our numbers? Into what? An empire? Pack? But just the 'we' made him feel belonged and wanted. She needed him. All this time, he thought he was going to be replaced but now...they can be friends. And imagine more! Like a whole kingdom! More than just the willows and them! Like..a palace. What a dream that would be. But something better than that sparked the man with happiness with excitement, friendship. Though he mustn't get ahead of himself, or too excited for that matter. With his saddened look cleared away, he would curiously ask the princess what she meant by 'build our numbers'. A pack or what? That he would need to ask her.
"What do you mean by 'build our numbers'? As a pack or empire?" He asked curiously with an intrigued look, his tail wagging with excitement. More friends could perhaps come useful for Dusk. But he was already soon to be friends with the girl just across from him. What more could he ask for?
"Speech" Think



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-28-2014, 05:04 PM

Somehow, Esti's words had worked, even though for a minute she didn't think they were going to. The brute, in the end, stayed. Esti's imaginary kingdom wasn't destroyed. All was well. Dusk had begun to ask questions, an empire or a pack? What was the difference, really? Esti shrugged, feeling a little more comfortable now that the brute seemed calmer, "I dunno." she answered truthfully, "Wolves that will be loyal to me. Wolves under you. Someone to live here with all of us," she motioned at the trees, "and that way we can, like, prolly sleep sometime, or like play sometime, or hunt something big." Esti's tail swayed with excitement, a real kingdom would be so cool!

The girl stood, facing her servant and friend, realizing how close she had come to losing him. Esti's mood grew a little more serious, "I'll need you to trust me, though. I'll need you to be loyal; as my servant and friend. How do I know you aren't, you know..." her eyes fell to the ground, "that you aren't gonna leave me?" suddenly, the brute's word didn't seem enough. Her parents had left her, her siblings left her, well, not Laufey, he was cool, but the others had. Families were supposed to be together, right? No, their words were lies, her words were even lies. Nothing made anything anyone said true, "I want-" her voice broke for a minute, her stature pulling into her princess-esque mood, "Dusk, I need proof. I need more than your word." She looked directly at the male; a test, an official order, yet something inside her pleaded, "I need you not to leave me alone." "Speech"


06-28-2014, 10:53 PM

Words are worthless. You cannot plead or beg to the crying people with simple words. No.

With a serious gleam in the princess's eyes, she needed him to trust her. A sad expression came over her as she said her final words. She doesn't trust him?

You can trust me! I am loyal! I won't leave you! I...promise!

He resisted the urge to yell that out to her, though they were words. And words mean nothing. The princess demanded proof, proof that he won't abandon her. Proof that he will stay loyal to her as a servant and friend. More than his words. More than his saddened and torn words. Because they meant nothing. But what sort of proof could he give her if she wanted more than his word? With a racing mind, he quickly listed some possibilities of proof. What could he do? Summon more followers like she wanted? It didn't sound like such an ingenious and wise idea to the man, but he would give it a try. With a deep sigh he would speak sadly with emotion.
"I do not know what sort of proof you want, but if it helps...I can gather more followers..."
It was what the girl desired. A kingdom. And convincing other wolves to come may seem a bit risky. But this was his proof! He wanted her to trust him! He had to convince her that he was loyal to his lovely princess. For them to be...friends.

Walk "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-30-2014, 01:50 PM

The man seemed to be finally understanding Esti's position. As he offered to get more followers, Esti smiled warmly. This one learned quickly. If he was this adaptable always, then Esti could see them being great friends in the future. It would be helpful to both of them to get more followers, fake kingdom or not. The girl's tail swayed, "Good. Thank you, Dusk." She had no idea how he aimed to get followers, but she had some form of faith in the brute.

Here, at home in the willows, Esti finally felt at peace. Yes she had almost lost her friend and destroyed her little kingdom, but in the end, it had worked out. That had to take some skill, right? The decision was made; if Dusk brought followers, he was to be trusted as a friend, "Alright, then this time, leave me, and when you return with followers, we will start again, this time as friends."
