
I hope you dance!

Rhymara birthing thread!



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
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Pride - Pansexual
07-30-2020, 01:54 PM

Quite frankly Samara was ready for this to be over. Much as she was eager to get to meet her children she was also desperate to not feel like a balloon just barely able to get anywhere. It didn't help that the pups were particularly restless today, they never really stopped squirming of course but it felt stronger today and not for the first time she wondered what exactly it was she was carrying within her. The pressure on her abdomen was stronger than usual as well and the woman had basically hardly left the radius of the den she shared with Rhyme since the sun had come up that morning. She'd spent some time quickly sorting through her herbs again, a basic stockpile kept close by the sleeping furs in the den, better to be safe than sorry.

Rhyme had gone off, to be honest, Samara wasn't sure where, but she'd assured him she'd be fine. Which she would have been if today wasn't deciding to be a bit more chaotic. Samara was pacing, something in her body telling her to just get up and not lay around, plus it helped the rolling occasional pain in her stomach and abdomen. So it was when she felt it, wetness growing near her back legs and Samara paused, taking a moment for her mind to catch up. Oh! With a sort of eerie calm, the tiny woman lifted her head, voice raising in a call for her family, for Rhyme and his daughters, they all had to be there. Then though she knew she'd need to make the waddling journey towards the den she continued pacing a bit, until such time as the contractions became too much she'd walk it off, work the puppies into a birthing position with the minimal pull of gravity on her already low to the ground form.

"Speak!" Think!

Table Art by Vhitany
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



4 Years
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Trick 2019
07-31-2020, 07:44 PM
Ever since Samara had asked her to help with the birthing, the girl had been working on her supplies. She’d been getting together everything she thought she might need from the packs gardens, and asked Rhythm for advice. Her Great Grandmother had a great deal of experience under her belt.

When the call came through, Motif wasn’t far away. She hustled to her dad and partners den. she found the mother wolf outside, pacing and waiting by the den. She rushed to Samara’s side, putting down her supplies as she kissed the other wolf on the cheek. “How are you feeling?”
[Image: IdzUBSO.png]

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
08-05-2020, 02:59 PM
Rhyme tried to keep his worries to himself, but he couldn’t help but remember when Theory was born and he’d lost his son before he’d even taken his first breath. He was already on edge from that experience but his mind often played with the possibility of worse happening. It was too much to handle most of the time, he couldn’t stomach the thought that something would happen to Samara. Any harm to her would be his fault.

He was gathering a bouquet for his laden love, some spring flowers to brighten the den and hopefully her day. He was nearly done when he heard her call and he didn’t doubt for a moment what was happening. Rhyme brought what flowers he’d been able to find towards the den, smiling through the flowers at Motif’s quick arrival. The relief he felt at seeing her so comfortable with Samara lifted his spirits further and he hid his worries away.

He offered Samara the flowers offhand, they were the least of her worries. Rhyme followed after Mo and offering Rara a kiss on her forehead. She seemed calm and prepared for the task ahead. ”The last leg of the race.” He spoke softly as he searched her bright blue eyes. ”I love you. You’ll do great.” Rhyme whispered to her then, offering his love and support.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
08-05-2020, 03:18 PM
Poem wasn’t so sure about her invitation to the birth of her youngest siblings. She had felt a draw towards plants when she was younger, but she had drifted away from it over time. Poem didn’t feel like caring for injuries was her calling, especially after being named heir. Not that she was using that position these days… She shook herself of any of the thoughts and made her way towards the den her father shared with Samara.

She liked Samara, she was kind enough and offered her services and help whenever Poem needed either one. She couldn’t deny the excitement for new life and young innocent siblings. A smile played on her features as her icy white paws brought her to the little gathering outside the den. It was a beautiful day, wonderful for welcoming new family into the world. She smiled at her father and Samara before leaning against Motif. Doing her best to keep from looking nervous.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
08-06-2020, 06:22 PM

Samara fixed the young woman, who was the first to arrive, with a grin. It was time, her body was alive with excitement and nervousness. Her children would be in the world soon enough, no longer an abstract concept attached to her existence. But she also wasn't naive to the things that could go wrong, but she couldn't allow herself to dwell on it too long if she let herself focus on the perils she'd start to spiral and then she'd be less than useless. Motif gave her a peck on the cheek and Samara accepted it happily, they were not as close as Samara had managed to become to Theory but she was happy to find Motif was at the very least friendly towards her. She had no doubt that the moments they'd spent together on the beach only a few weeks ago had helped to start breaking down those walls.

"Fine for now, water just broke. Contractions are pretty mild and far apart still." She said, wincing as a ripple of mild pain worked through her abdomen as if to prove her point. "Can't believe how impatient I feel for what's to come." She joked lightly, much as she wasn't exactly looking forward to the peak of her labour she also couldn't wait for the end result.

Next to arrive would be Rhyme. He offered her flowers and Samara grinned up at him. She took a moment to sniff them, closing her eyes and just accepting the calming affect they offered her, even if only for a moment. "Oh Rhyme, they're lovely." She said, reminded of the day they'd discovered her pregnancy. This time she was hoping to keep her breakfast down. He leaned into his kiss and nodded nervously as he offered her support.

Finally, Poem would arrive, not the last of the trio of girls they were waiting on but as Samara continued to pace, her pain growing stronger and closer together she knew that the pups would not wait for their missing older sister. Once they were in the world and nestled away there would be time enough for the girls to see them. Samara stopped midstep, a paw raised above the ground as she grimaced, her body visibly shaking from the pain. "Alright." She said, nodding towards her mate and Motif, this time she didn't continue her pacing, instead heading towards the den and quickly shuffling inside to settle in her nest.

"Speak!" Think!

Table Art by Vhitany
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
08-06-2020, 06:22 PM

Samara fixed the young woman, who was the first to arrive, with a grin. It was time, her body was alive with excitement and nervousness. Her children would be in the world soon enough, no longer an abstract concept attached to her existence. But she also wasn't naive to the things that could go wrong, but she couldn't allow herself to dwell on it too long if she let herself focus on the perils she'd start to spiral and then she'd be less than useless. Motif gave her a peck on the cheek and Samara accepted it happily, they were not as close as Samara had managed to become to Theory but she was happy to find Motif was at the very least friendly towards her. She had no doubt that the moments they'd spent together on the beach only a few weeks ago had helped to start breaking down those walls.

"Fine for now, water just broke. Contractions are pretty mild and far apart still." She said, wincing as a ripple of mild pain worked through her abdomen as if to prove her point. "Can't believe how impatient I feel for what's to come." She joked lightly, much as she wasn't exactly looking forward to the peak of her labour she also couldn't wait for the end result.

Next to arrive would be Rhyme. He offered her flowers and Samara grinned up at him. She took a moment to sniff them, closing her eyes and just accepting the calming affect they offered her, even if only for a moment. "Oh Rhyme, they're lovely." She said, reminded of the day they'd discovered her pregnancy. This time she was hoping to keep her breakfast down. He leaned into his kiss and nodded nervously as he offered her support.

Finally, Poem would arrive, not the last of the trio of girls they were waiting on but as Samara continued to pace, her pain growing stronger and closer together she knew that the pups would not wait for their missing older sister. Once they were in the world and nestled away there would be time enough for the girls to see them. Samara stopped midstep, a paw raised above the ground as she grimaced, her body visibly shaking from the pain. "Alright." She said, nodding towards her mate and Motif, this time she didn't continue her pacing, instead heading towards the den and quickly shuffling inside to settle in her nest.

"Speak!" Think!

Table Art by Vhitany
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
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Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-07-2020, 06:41 PM
Oh, she was late. It felt like time always got away from her these days - renewing the borders, trying to study herbs independently, wracking her brain for ways to try and reconnect with her lost siblings... The imminent birth and the strengthening of the relationship between her, Poem, and Motif only had her stewing on what she'd lost with Verse and Noir. The only common denominator was her, so logically it followed that they'd run away and it was her fault. She hadn't done enough to reach out while they were here and now they were lost to Boreas; vast wilderness laid between her and any hope of tracking them down. Dreams found her chasing the barest slip of Verse's fur or Noir's scent already weeks old. It was beginning to haunt her.

When she arrived on the scene the young alpha was breathless and bright-eyed. This was a new chance to turn it all around. She could be there for these kids - for her siblings - from the very beginning. Theory was so nervous she felt like she was going to throw up. "Hey," she called softly, watching the tip of Samara's tail recede into darkness within the den. She paced nervously for a few moments before settling next to her father and sisters. "Were you there? For our births?" she asked, her eyes trained like a hawk on the entrance of the den for any sign of distress.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
08-08-2020, 06:26 AM
Rhyme smiled as Samara appreciated the flowers that he’d brought for her. He lived to make her smile, especially in these calm moments before the storm. She leaned into his kiss and he felt the excitement and anxiety flare up yet again as their eyes were brought to Poem’s quiet arrival. Though all he wanted to do was hold her through the ordeal Samara paced lightly, unable to remain still as her labor progressed. He nudged her hip lovingly as she seemed to freeze and realize it was time for the real work. Samara gave her warning and slipped into the entrance.

He was about to follow her inside when Theory arrived, her nervousness reflecting the general atmosphere around them. ”Hey,” he returned lovingly as she offered Theory a quick nuzzle to her cheek as she asked about his whereabouts during her and her sibling’s births. ”Yes, I helped welcome all of you into the world. It was a very long day. Poem and Motif were born early in the morning, and that same evening you joined them.” He tried not to think too heavily on Verse, Noir, or Darilnor. The last of which died before he took a breath, Rhyme couldn’t begin to imagine if the other two still held breath in their bodies.

He smiled at his daughters and finally followed after Samara, as she made herself comfortable Rhyme curled himself behind her.



4 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
08-12-2020, 05:43 PM
“Me, too” Motif teased back, meeting the eyes of the older woman. She knew she was going to love these kids, and help Samara in anyway that the other woman needed her to. Her world and family was going to expand, a whole run of little siblings would be underfoot soon. Motif was all too eager to meet them.

Her lips twitched when her dad arrived with flowers for his mate. It did hurt her heart, just a little to watch. Samara wasn’t mum, but she was family now. And Motif would love and treat her as such.

When Samara gave the world, Motif followed the other woman into the den. She laid down the skins she had brought. These could get ruined by birthing fluids, well still offering something better than earth for the kids to be born onto. Motif was nervous, but she knew everyone else here would be willing to help and catch any mistakes.
[Image: IdzUBSO.png]



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
08-12-2020, 05:55 PM
((Minor PP permission granted by Kat to use Rhyme's paws as chew toys.))

Samara heard Theory's voice as she was getting settled, and she couldn't help but smile. Good, they were all here. She gently gestured where Motif could lay the furs she brought, adding to the already considerable nest Samara and Rhyme had made, then laid herself down, trying to feel less nervous than she was. Soon enough Rhyme was in the den and curling his form around hers, a comforting feeling. With Rhyme there, Samara could almost believe nothing would go wrong. Almost. She tipped her head back to give a smile up at Rhyme, a quick ripple of pain wracking through her body and across her face. The contractions were getting closer together, giving her less and less time between them to catch her breath and prepare for the next.

Samara couldn't have said how long she lay there, simply weathering the rolling storm of pain. It felt to her like several lifetimes, though she knew that couldn't be true, but she could tell something had changed finally, the pressure on her abdomen felt more solid this time around. And she could feel her body tensing in a new way, with a small gasp she experienced the worst pain yet, a groan tearing from her lips. The first of her children was pushing their way into the world, regardless of if she was ready or not. Another groan of pain escaped her and instinct kicked in, she began to push in earnest. Samara's grasp on her surrounding slipped as the pain continued to escalate, her body shaking in the effort. Once again she lost track of exactly how long things continued on in this way. Somewhere along the way, she realized she was biting down, hard on Rhyme's paw but couldn't seem to release her grasp. Not at least until the pressure on her abdomen released and she was aware that a pup had slipped into the world. Panting heavily Samara strained to reach the little bundle, she just managed to lick it clean, a brown boy splotched with white, before she was wracked with the next set of contractions. Samara would have to rely on Rhyme or Motif to help nudge the mewling bundle towards her belly, she was already in the throes of the next birth. Gods, if they were all going to be this bad Samara was certain she'd die.

A sort of feral growling scream tore from her throat as the next pup struggled its way into life, once again her fangs found purchase in her mate's paws and she shook, tremors tearing through her body. Her eyes rolled, finding Rhyme and clamping down was all she could manage to do to stop herself from screaming at him. Her pain addled brain wanting, needing someone to blame for it... and well he at the very least shared half the blame. The second boy was quick on his brother's heels, nearly identical to his brother though as Samara cleaned the amniotic sack from his face and cleared his airways the scream that the pup let loose was louder than Samara would have ever thought possible from such a small little spud. This time she was able to gently nudge the boy towards her stomach, panting as she was given a moment to breathe. They were perfect, two boys suckling at her stomach. She'd seen newborns before but there was something fascinating about them being hers. The boys were larger than she'd expected, she wasn't certain if it was that she herself was so small or if they were large... or both.

Samra was only given a few moments to think on that as another contraction pushed through her body. More? She thought incredulously, the boys had already torn through her with such violence, she was aware of the tang of blood in the air and was certain her own abdomen was drenched in it and sweat. Her boys were fine but Samara was struggling. The next birth was kinder on her though, she didn't escape without pain but this time she didn't need to bite down on Rhyme's paws, the boys seemingly opening an easier pass for the smaller bundle that slid onto the ground. Dutifully she curled to clean this little pup as well, a little black and slate girl, one side showing a tiny speck of white on her face. She used her hind paw to gently push the girl towards her brothers and assuring she had managed to latch on. The girl was so much smaller than her brothers and she gently nosed her, concerned. But the beautiful little girl seemed perfectly fine, simply smaller compared to her brothers.

This time Samara was given a decent breather, time to admire the little bundles of life curled at her stomach. She was exhausted, and she was leaning back heavily on Rhyme's form when the next contraction hit. Samara moved to check when she felt the pup slide onto the floor. A tiny little bundle of fur reached her gaze, so much smaller than even the girl currently tucked against her stomach. This time Samara was almost certain whatever it was she was looking at wasn't alive or if it was, it wouldn't be long for this world. Still, instinct drove her to clean off the tiny pup, finding a muzzle and clearing whatever airways the, to her mind clearly malformed, life had. The pup shuddered for a moment, the air clearly rushing into its body and then tiny jaws parted and released an incredible wail, nearly as loud as her bigger brother before her. Tiny little limbs worked the air and ground and the pup sprawled onto her stomach and Samara realized with a start that minuscule as she was she appeared to be whole, four little limbs, a tiny little tail, two folded ears and a tiny little face. Samara wondered if her own mother had thought the same thing when she'd been born, she had to imagine she'd looked much the same. Gently she ushered the girl towards her stomach, nosing her siblings so as to make sure the runt could begin to suckle.

Samara moved in and out of total awareness then, so enchanted by the tiny lives right in front of her. She tipped her head back again to look up at Rhyme. "They're perfect." She croaked. The next part of their plan would have to fall on Rhyme, Samara was simply too exhausted and struggling to hold onto wakefulness long enough for the children's names to be chosen.

"Speak!" Think!

Table Art by Vhitany
[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
08-12-2020, 08:01 PM
Rhyme worried less about his own comfort and fully on that of Samara, she leaned into him as labor progressed. Time seemed to warp and the self named man felt like her was forced to watch the woman he love writhe in pain with nothing he could do. Finally there was a shift of finality, as their first son was being born Samara latched her teeth onto his paw. Rhyme stifled any noise he might make and made no move to stop her. He couldn’t fathom the pain, but he got an idea from the way she contorted and rolled her eyes back. There was much excitement leading up to these moments, but now that they were here they were filled with pain and uncertainty.

Their first pup was a monster, but relief came swiftly as he took his first breaths and Rhyme nudged him to his mother’s side as she leaned back against him in another heavy contraction. This time her body showed its agony physically and through the painful sounds that left her throat. Rhyme took her teeth and held tightly to her as he was nearly convinced that these would be their last moments together. As their second made his arrival she was still able to clean him and usher his tiny form to her side. Rhyme grit his teeth and hid any discomfort as he was unable to pull his eyes from the tiny children at her side.

He started to breathe more easily as the birth continued and another was born, their first daughter. Already they had his heart and as Samara was able to lean back for a moment he could feel relief, until the last. He felt the same as his mate, she was so tiny that life wasnt likely. For a moment devastation took his heart but her cries soon filled the den and Rhyme let out a heavy sigh of relief. This was the final pup, the runt, but she lived.

Rhyme loomed protectively over Samara’s tiny form and their newborns as the dark she wolf looked up to him. She looked exhausted but content and Rhyme felt like they would all pull through. ”They are, and so are you.” He praised her work as he leaned down to kiss her forehead before turning his attention to his older daughters. ”We invited you three because we wanted to ask you to name your brothers and sisters.” Rhyme told them their surprise softly, eyes glancing from them back towards the mewling bundles at Samara’s side.



4 Years
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The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
08-13-2020, 11:44 AM
If Poem hadn’t been eager to have children before this point she was now. She tried not to look too closely as her younger siblings were born into the world. Averting her eyes didn’t help the smells and sound of birth. Thankfully she wasn’t the one with the attention so she leaned back and waited until everything was over. When she looked back to Samara’s belly she couldn’t ignore all the blood marring the scene and she shivered lightly as she shoved away the thought and focused on the tiny bundles nestled tightly against their mother.

”You want us to name them?” Poem squeaked, doing poorly at hiding her emotions. Through it all she felt the touching sentiment. Rhyme nodded and gestured to the first puppy. He was a little quieter in his arrival, but Poem couldn’t begin to think of a good name under all of this pressure. ”Uh…” Her brows knit, but as she was about to pass up the opportunity the perfect name popped into her head. ”Haiku.” The word was confident and as she said it a flaring of love and pride in these squirming little siblings bloomed within her.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
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Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-16-2020, 12:58 PM
...we wanted to ask you to name your brothers and sisters. Theory's heart raced laps around her ribcage before tripping and falling down somewhere near her toes. That was much more responsibility than she'd anticipated. Poem stepped up to the plate neatly and offered what seemed like a perfect name. It made Theory shift nervously on her paws. She was thinking much, much too hard about this. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and tried to open her heart and mind to some possibilities. These were precious new lives. Theory wished that she'd had more time to prepare - it felt like a test that she had already failed. Knowing Rhyme, he wouldn't want her to agonize over this. In fact, he probably sprung it on them like this so that they didn't tear their fur out over it. With a deep breath, she peered into the den briefly and looked at all the perfect little new paws. "S... Suspense," she murmured, gesturing towards a squirming bundle.