
Kings and queens

ft Demise



2 Years
Extra large
08-13-2020, 07:09 PM

Adrian has been traveling cross this all new continent and now he found himself in another,one that just crossing an erth pass he managed to reach in. He felt highly impressed by what he was seeing in front of him,a huge castle rose before him.It seemed old and he wondered who it belonged to. Certainly not by a wolf,and that was beyond incredible. And as soon as his eyes met such mighty structure he had been thinking about claiming this for himself,of course, it shall belong to him.He was after all a Heir, someone who was aiming to become an emperor of his own empire of his own dynasty.But of course a long way stood before him,and for now he needed to get to know more of his new terrains and maybe start learning about any locals or potential recruitments.But he didnt want to rush,an empire of the dimensions he was looking for could take a lot to fulfill,so for now he limited himself to think.

Calmly the large male walked through the stone made soil, eyeing the place with his cold gaze.His walks was one of pride,head held high and a walk without fear,this was going to be his and now he walked as he was in his own home.

After a few hours, he lied down into a stone platform that gave him a clear view of the rising moon.The timing couldn't be any better and he was already enjoying his new residence.


This character is rated M due to language and actions.


08-13-2020, 11:05 PM

Demise had entered this new land quietly, having come into the bay between Auster and Boreas from the west, she had come ashore on the fabled shimmering coastline of Auster. Utterly delighted and proud of herself beyond measure, the dark being had spent hours on the beach, watching the surf light up as the waves crashed and ebbed on and off the beach. Lavender eyes had lit up momentarily as they had as a pup, though a storm threatened to end the fun for her. The one day queen set off then for the reaches of the stone structure to the northeast of her. Dark limbs carried her easily over the terrain, and as soon as her paws kissed the stones of the palace, she felt everything shift in her. Though the scent of a pack still lingered, it was stale, old, the place had been vacated.

A couple of days had passed since her arrival, Demise had mostly stuck to the castle and the garden just east of its walls. It would be hers, she had decided the second she had arrived in the stone halls and laid her eyes on the ivy-covered throne. This would be where she brought the Mortalis family. This would be where she would rule her kingdom. Her idealizations were interrupted when the sound of paws on earth and the strong scent of male entered her nostrils from the main halls of the castle. With a deep, barely audible, growl and a quick rise to her feet, Demise went to greet the stranger at her newly claimed home. Her entrance in the darkened hall was silent, and the darkness of her pelt allowed her to remain hidden as the male took to the platform and laid himself upon it. Demi could tell the male was enjoying himself, possibly imagining what life would have been like for the inhabitants of this palace. Under normal circumstances, the dire queenling may have understood his intrusion, after all she had yet to mark this place as her own. Tonight, however, as the nearly-full moon rose overhead, Demise felt a little confrontational.

Sliding from her place in the shadows just behind the dark male, Demise appeared in a ray of moonlight as though she had simply come from the air. While the male was large in his own right, the demon was a full hand larger, and in ill-temper thanks to his unknowing intrusion. “You seem to be enjoying yourself." She spoke for what felt like the first time in months, and her tones were not cordial. Cold and demanding, the beast confronted the male, looking him over with lavender and pink eyes to size him up. Her dark expression would be plain to see, her words obviously not friendly, and her tail raised in dominant assertion, Demise was every bit the queen in her stance. Regal but threatening, the monochrome demon watched as he reacted both to her presence and her words. She would defend what she saw as her own, against any who would claim it for themselves.

“Speech" | Walk | “Thoughts."
code by bird, img by cloudynight



2 Years
Extra large
08-14-2020, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2020, 11:20 AM by Adrianus.)

The prince remained there like if he was watching his own kingdom and he was really going to make this one.An Empire,a kingdom other will know sooner or later.And he saw this castle as the start of it,it could serve as both shelter and a sign of his power. If he wanted to follow his father's steps he needed to have a solid start. And no,he wasnt going to share his crown,he wanted to be the only king. But of course,he needed subordinates and anything an empire should have but it would take its time.

He started to brainstorm how he saw this empire in either long or short terms. But for now he was going to gather recruits and followers and he would use anything to do so. He knew how to move masses,that was something he learned from his father,to know how to manipulate others under his feet.

But then a no so friendly speech reached his ears.With a cold expression, he looked up to the newcomer. A girl being sarcastic. He sighed and rose to his feet looking at her eyes. "I am living here so yes I am comfortable." He assured her without hesitation and himself using harsh vocals. "I am starting shit here so," But there maybe he could start now with recruiting but he wanted to go step by step.


This character is rated M due to language and actions.


08-14-2020, 04:41 PM

The male rose to his paws, though a bit slower and more world weary than the dark goddess first assumed he would. Fire met the cool lavender of her gaze, and Demise felt her hackles raise in answer to the unspoken challenge. It was the words he ushered forth that caused her lip to curl ever so slightly. “Oh? And what kind of 'shit' would that be?" Her question was feigned interest, false down to its core, but would still ring true enough to glean an answer from him. She didn't care about his ambitions, or his claim, her only goal was to drive the male out. This was her castle. It would be her family that rose here, her own dynasty that would take root in these halls. Her gaze remained cold, and she gave nothing of her anger away, even her prior sneer had been washed off her face.

Demise held herself with a regal pride, one that spoke volumes of who the young goddess queen truly was. While it may not have been a surprise that the male would be so obstinate in the face of adversity, it was aggravating that he would flout his claim. She watched him, never letting it show that she was sizing him up, waiting for her chance to strike. Just the smallest provokation is all it would take at this point, her blood was boiling with a territorial rage that she had not yet experienced. There was an intruder in her home, and she would be sure to oust him. She may be young, but from the time she took her first wobbly steps out of the den, Demise had been trained to fight. There was always confidence in herself and her skill, and while she wasn't sure just what kind of skill the male had, but she knew better than to underestimate anyone. There may be no one backing her at the moment, but she didn't need that to make her claim here clear.

“Speech" | Walk | “Thoughts."
code by bird, img by cloudynight



2 Years
Extra large
08-15-2020, 11:53 AM

“Oh? And what kind of 'shit' would that be?" "Rising an empire of course," He said simply as if it was something obvious. "Ill rise my family here, from scratch and my father gave me this opportunity to claim my own lands for my own empire like his." It was of the family to keep going with the claiming of lands and rising empires,he was the first of his siblings to be given such privilege,always everything first for the firstborn and the Heir right? And here in this new land no one will stand on his way,she would make sure of that.

He stood his ground despite her unspoken challenge, he was raised to prevail above others,well trained for combat, battle,war, and diplomacy almost everything needed for a Heir to succeed as a future king.And here far away from home he was ready to use all she learned for his benefits and if this girl would stand on the way he would do all to remove her but maybe she could be of use.He could use a first followed even if he could get it through manipulation.

"Ill rise and create an empire everyone shall fear, conquest and rising above others will be our main goal.Ill start my recruitment and this castle is just perfect to help show the power i hold." He proclaimed with risen head in pride,he was borna a king a sovereign.


This character is rated M due to language and actions.


08-27-2020, 07:56 PM

The Daemonican queen watched the male carefully as he gave his intent to raise an empire. That didn't help to soothe her ire, in fact it stoked it even more, and a slow smile formed on her pretty face. She would never be one to bow, she made others bend the knee. She took a stiff step toward him, in true alpha fashion, and from her cool lips came the biggest proclimation. "I am Demise Mortalis, new Empress of the Daemonican Empire in the Otherworld, demi-goddess of painful death, torment, destruction and misery. I have come to claim what is mine by birthright, this castle is where my family shall meet me to begin anew, these halls will ring with the songs of the unholy, wretched and damned. This castle is mine, and I will not share it. You make your claim elsewhere. This is my castle. My home. And I am willing to show my claim in your blood if I must." She meant her words, each one said on a deeper and deeper growl until the became a rumble that felt as though it shook the very halls.  It would be her own roots that settled here, not his own. She was determined to make it so., and he would not stand in her way. Her lavender eyes shone with demonic will - her own madness bubbling up as she waited to see if he would turn and run, or if she could soak the hall in his blood. Would he realize his mistake? Would his mortal mind come to terms with her divinity? She cared not if he chose to follow her, she would have his submission. Whether he stayed in the castle depended on his next move. The demonic death goddess was not blind to his usefulness, after all.

“Speech" | Walk | “Thoughts."
code by bird, img by cloudynight