
Tall Tales And Silver Linings




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-15-2020, 12:18 AM

Meadow has so much to tell her niece. Since Iolaire went on her quest, Meadow has found a new companion, made multiple friends and missed Io horribly. The last part is why is searching for the smaller wolf now. Meadow wants to wrap her in a hug, hear how the quest went and then tell her everything that happened. The sun is high in the sky as she makes her way toward Io’s cottage. Rigel floats on air currents overhead and lets out a small hoot to let Meadow know he is still there. The tall grass tickles her belly as she walks and makes her giggle.

As she approaches Io’s healing cottage, Meadow slows and comes to a stop. Not wanting to interrupt anything she might be doing, Meadow moves to the side of the cottage and sits down. Content to wait for her niece here, she closes her eyes and inhales deeply, taking in the scent of herbs, grass and flowers. The sun shines brightly and she remembers that Iolaire likes to sleep in. Maybe she should get her breakfast. As the thought crosses her mind, Rigel likes out a hoot and circles in. Opening her eyes and blinking a few times, Meadow smiles happily at the day.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-23-2020, 11:05 PM

A yawn pulled from the small woman as she woke from her nap. After the quest and on their start home, she'd begun crafting and consuming the treatments that she was assured would give her body the ability to create children. There was nothing that she wanted more than to further both her line and Roan's. Perhaps they would name one of their children Dapple. Or at least make it a middle name.

She'd been working in the garden earlier and had gotten rather tired. The treatments took it out of her, so she'd gone to take a nap. Now that it was time to head back to work, the little dame pushed past the skin that covered the door of the cottage. Io blinked in surprise not only at the bright light but at the fact that her aunt Meadow was simply laying there. Had she been waiting for her? "Aunt Meadow, why didn't you knock?" The ash, onyx and snow woman gave a soft laugh and shook her head. "You could have come in. Family is always welcome, you know."
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-26-2020, 07:40 PM

Meadow can be patient, when the need arises. As time passes and Iolaire does not emerge, Meadow decides to move closer to the door and lay down in the grass. Rigel lands and perches on top of the cottage and keeps watch as she sinks down onto her belly. She allows her body to rest, basking in the warmth of the sun. Eyes drift close as it warms her fur, lulling her into a state of complete relaxation. As time passes, Meadow falls into the realm of dreams and drifts lazy on the currents of memories and imagination that mingle and blend. Only when the sound of the skin that serves as a door is moved aside is she slowly roused from her impromptu nap. Paws under her chin, eyes blink open slowly and see a blurred image before her. It does not register in her mind that the blurry form is Iolaire. Eyelids slip shut again and she lets a yawn slip out.

And then the fuzzy wolf speaks, her eyes spring open when Io’s voice breaks through her sleep fogged mind. Smiling up from the ground, she pushes herself up into a sitting position. Sheepishly, Meadow says, “I know. I just didn’t want to wake you. I heard you went on a quest and you need your sleep.” Nodding firmly, she offers a happy smile and adds, “Besides I needed one too.” She laughs and says, “Actually, I stopped by to see how it went!” Tail thumps the ground slowly and Rigel hoots his greeting from his perch. Looking up at the owl, Meadow says, “Oh and I also have some things to tell you. But you go first.” Looking back at Io, Meadow smiles brightly.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-27-2020, 01:44 AM

As Meadow was pulled from her nap, Iolaire grinned. Her aunt was such a silly wolf. She was the exact opposite of her mother. It was very amusing to know that they came from the same parents, although different litters. They were just so different. Not that it was a bad thing. She loved Meadow. The little earthen wolf never seemed to be upset or angry. She was always positive. It was something that Io needed every now and again.

Her aunt said that she had needed a nap as well and Io chuckled. "Well fine, fine. At least join me on the furs." Off to the side of the entrance were two stacks of furs. It served as Io and Roan's front porch. There was even a little overhang to keep the brightest of the sun off of those sitting upon it. Meadow asked after the journey, admitting that she would speak after. A little hoot from up above brought green-gold eyes upwards. A cute little own sat upon the apex of the roof. Had Meadow found herself a companion?

"The journey was long, but honestly I had expected it to be longer. I learned a lot about fertility, including brews and treatments that could jumpstart my body. I've been taking them daily." It was taking its toll on her. Often she was sick. She felt weaker than ever, but she was determined. If she could manage to conceive, all of the vomiting, dizziness, nausea, grumpiness, tiredness... it would all be worth it.

Directing her full gaze upon her aunt, she inquired. "Tell me what news you have." Black ears flicked forward as she gave her attention over to the other woman.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
08-31-2020, 10:40 PM

A sleepy, lopsided grin pulls at Meadow’s lips as she looks at Iolaire. After the earthen wolf explains about needing a nap, Io invites Meadow to join the onyx, ash and snow woman on her furs. Nodding in agreement, Meadow stands and stretches out the kinks that have settled into her back. With a one final shake of her coat, Meadow once again yawns before making her way to the furs on the other side of the entrance. Picking one of the piles, she makes her way to it and flops down on her belly with a content sigh. It is the simple things in life that make her the happiest sometimes.

Once settled and after Iolaire speaks of the journey, Meadow furrows her brow in concern for her niece. With a serious tone, she asks, “Are you taking care of yourself? Resting when you need to and eating properly? Can I do anything for you and Roan?” It is in her nature to want to take care of everyone who needs it. It is not that she doesn’t trust that Iolaire is doing everything she needs to, it is just… Meadow needs to know that she doesn’t need to hover. If her niece asked her, Meadow would fetch her food every day and take over any duties that were needed.

Io looks at Meadow, asking about what news she has. Eyes light up and a huge, bright smile appears as she wiggles slightly on the furs. Launching headlong into her story, Meadow says, “Well, I made some friends! I meet Mortis and Indigo and Hanako and this really sweet wolf from Abaven named Spirit. Mort and I were in the Weeping Woods near here and, while we were there, Rigel came down and decided to be my companion!” Pausing to breathe, she looks up at the great horned owl and smiles. “He is really sweet and Mortis gave Rigel his name.” she adds.

Looking back to Io, Meadow tells her, “Indigo is so sweet too. He offered to let me help with his garden. We planted some flowers and herbs and I really enjoy our time together.” Eyes look at Iolaire but see through her as Meadow thinks back on all the adventures she has been on. With a happy sigh, the earthen wolf blinks and is back in the present. Meadow smiles and says, “I am sorry. I meant to come and find out all about your journey and everything that I missed with you. Instead I am talking your ear off again.” A chuckle and shake of her head as she finishes, “So, what all did I miss?” Tilting her head, Meadow smiles and watches her niece.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm