
Proving ones worth



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
08-15-2020, 11:23 PM
Naiche let out a jaw-cracking style yawn, not so much tired as finding himself able to relax more as he got use to things. So far he did like this pack he had joined. The wolves seemed capable and that was more important to him than how friendly they were. Really, once he knew enough about a wolf for if he should respect it, station, abilities and things of importance then he didn't really care if they wanted to be cold and indifferent to him most the time.

As long as no one looked down on Naiche, as long as no one was weak or worthless then he was fine with things. The wheat-colored wolf saw the chance to go to grow stronger here and to have a real future, the two things he had been searching for. The lithe wolf who felt incredibly small as of late had found himself back near the water again. The brackish pool that still felt foreign to him and all that encompassed it still felt foreign to him. For one who spent so much time traveling that made it more interesting.

Naiche waded into the water, no higher than an inch above his paws, just to feel the water run over them. Naiche wouldn't relax here for too long though. Even as he stood there he imagined the number of wolves he still needed to meet, to learn about before he could accept them. The young wolf wasn't really big into socializing but sometimes there were reasons to do so. Knowing the wolves you will hunt with, fight with was a good reason. Finding those he could spare with or gain lessons from was another good reason.

Still the wolf would stand there a few more minutes as he thought over his plans. His head up high to look at the horizon, tail in a low relaxed position.