

aw solo skill prompt



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-18-2020, 10:03 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2020, 10:07 AM by Yurei.)
[Image: reference.png]
"People complain for not having someoen's attention...but i doubt theyknow what the true hell is..."

Yurei was on her den organizing her herbs in piles.Winter came in with it's full strength and she felt grateful she had gathered all she could in Fall.She was glad she had all needed to endure the winter should anyone desire treatment.Now that she held an official rank of the healer she felt she needed to work even harder and be more professional. Acere trusted her this and she didn't want to betray that trust,a trust no one had ever given her and that wasnt the only responsibility.She now also had an apprentice to watch for.Ignis was the one she now will need to teach.

And there as she kept organizing her stuff eyes were frozen into the image of what she was doing.Like if anything happening outside became lost. And that made her lose any attention,like hypnosis playing on her brain. She sighed as she looked around her home,a home in which she now lived with someone else with Casso, and Aki of course.Aki slept in a corner of the ship.And there as the morning turned into a middle day she decided to rest and she lied down. She closed her eyes but with her head lifted. What should she do now? She didn't know but she needed to know quickly. Maybe she could look for Ignis but she wasnt too confident to do so,she didn't have the trust in herself. Was she really fit for this?

Well, Acere placed Ignis and Winter under her teachings,and even if she didnt know if she was fit it was still her responsibility, and thus she was ready to do as told,she didnt want to keep giving the wrong image of herself in her pack,it was enough of  looking the weak,she needed to stand up.She needed to do her duties. But at the end she decided to better go collect some herbs,who knew when her current stocks could atrt to lack on the needed supplies? So why not going somewhere to gather them?  She nodded and in complete silence she set route to the south more specifically the Algoma praire,a place well known for the variety of herbs one could gather and that were she wanted to go.

And like that after a few hours from rest to rest she arrived to the praise ,the huge and vast praire where she could see herd animals running ahead of her,but she doubted she could even dream on catching something on her owe but anyways she was here for a less movied task.Herb gathering. With the sun coming down behind her back she decided to hurry up,Aki had come with her. Quickly she started to look for yarrow the first to gather.And without much efforts she found a generous amount of them between a flower bed.With ears low she approached and started to gather a few handing some to the cat beside her.Sher eally needed a backpack like Drifa's but she didnt know how to ake one but today she at least brought a jar from her den. Hoey could be used in several ways,they worked perfectly for bug bittes,ainticeptic and stomach issues like vomiting or pain.'Maybe i can use it for treating some issues,like pain from stings,stomach ache and nausea.'

But with the herbs now in their mouths she was ready to come back to her pack but before she could do so she found something lying down under a tree.A fallen bee hive.Was it abandoned? Resently taken down? Would a bear be around? She didnt want to find out but the idea of the honey was pulling her out of the precaution. She looked down at Aki. "Should we?...we can just take some honey...i got an idea to use it..." Aki nodded agreeing to the proposal as long they weren't risking their lives.And like that with the jar in her jaws she approached in silent steps,tail low and ears aswell she made her way to the hive, finding no one else there including any bee. Slowly Aki lifted a piece with the jar under it and the golden liquid slipped down starting to fill the recipient. And once the jar was fairly full she closed it and with that done she and Aki carrying the herbs too returned back to Winterfell.

Once they were home,she placed the supplies on the soil. "Lets try tea with honey?" Well she could always try. Setting a fire she placed a bowl with water and some mint,then she added a few inches of honey and mixed it with the water and herbs. When it was done she looked at the cat. "Ready? Lets try..." She said before taking a few sips of the tea,Aki did so as well. It definitely tasted much better.  "Okay, now lets try it with herbs directly..."  Then she took white wood bark and stained it with honey all around it.She tried it out and gave some to the cat. Both agreed that it was much better. Maybe this ould make treatments much more pleasant for patients,she knew some of the herbs were bitter or bad. "Also do you think Casso will like to try this?..." She wondered.

"speech" | you

[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.