
Be in my pack maybe?

The return of Fiori



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-18-2020, 01:44 PM
Hello, friends! I come to you today with a proposal for my dream of bringing Fiori back to life. My character Leo led the pack for a long time before my life got twist turned upside down and I had to step away from Ardent for a while. Now I'm back in full force and I would love, love, love to bring my baby back with Leo's grandson - Mr. Ulric Adravendi.

I'm about 90 posts away from being able to create the pack and I've been averaging about 20-25 posts with him a week for the past three weeks so as long as I keep that up we could be ready to create the pack in a month or so. (Yes, I could technically challenge someone for it next week, but it just doesn't fit with Ulric's personality so I shall carry on!) I'm mostly posting so early because I want to know if there is actually enough interest for me to keep working on this! Getting some threads to recruit people would help with my post counts and obviously if I don't get enough recruits then there's no point in me working so hard to get to 200 posts to begin with.

Here's a little run down so you can get the feel of things. I took inspiration from how Fiori was originally run, but this is the new, hip, updated version. This is an informal, generalized run down but you get the gist!

Alignment and expectations: The alignment of the pack will fall somewhere between lawful neutral and true neutral. Loyalty, protection, and ambition are going to be the top priority. The goal is to have somewhere that is going to be a safe home base for everyone in the pack and somewhere that everyone feels like they are part of a family. Ulric won't punish anyone that is comfortable just staying at the "intermediate" level of ranks, but anyone that does want to work hard on their own development and strive for higher ranks will have the chance to do so. As long as they are looking out for each other and are contributing to the over all good of the pack then everything is going to be a-okay!

Ranks overview: Fiori will be led by the Sovereign, aka Ulric, and he will have a council of wolves that he will rely on to make sure the pack is in tip top shape. This includes the Head of the Guard, his Advisor, the Master Tradesman, the Regent (his mate), and the Heir. They will all have specific area of the pack to focus on. For example, the Head of the Guard will be over the Warriors and the Advisor will be over Medics and Hunters. There will be four categories for the rest of the pack to fall into as far as roles go - Medic, Guard, Hunter, and Tradesman. This could evolve over time, but that's what we're starting with. I'm open to suggestions for other ranks that might be helpful! The Head of the Guard can be challenged for, but you must have gotten to master skill level in fighting in order to challenge for that position. The Master Tradesman position is one that can also be challenged for via test of skill overseen by the Regent, but again, they must be a master in the intellectual skill to do so.

Moving up the ranks: Promotions are mostly based on skill level. Anyone that is in the first tier of assigned roles will need to have at least an intermediate level of skill in their chosen concentration. Once they get to the expert level of a certain skill they will be able to earn a promotion to get to the elite tier of their specialty. Of course, the more active they are in the pack the more responsibility they'll have such as being mentors, being trusted to lead trainings, being representatives at festivals, and all sorts of things. Everyone is encouraged to study anything else that they enjoy learning about even if it's outside of their rank. So that Elite Medic could still learn about crafting and trading or navigation and that would definitely get them some extra recognition. There is also no penalty for switching positions so if your master healer becomes a master in fighting and wants to switch to being in the Elite Guard that's totally fine!

That's it! That's my brain baby! Please let me know if you have any specific questions or if there's anything I forgot to cover. Please send me a message on Discord or leave a note here if you're interested in being a recruit and I'll get a thread started for them asap!



6 Years

Double Master
08-22-2020, 07:15 AM
I can volunteer someone to be in your pack! I'm thinking Káti



3 Years

08-26-2020, 08:19 PM
well, at this point. she has been adopted in so she'll follow and become useful.

blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby