
Keep Your Heartbeat Suspended



5 Years
06-15-2014, 10:35 AM

She felt almost like a rogue again. A wandering vagabound and it caused a seed of bitterness to stir within her aching gut. What the hell had Cataleya been thinking? Why had she just given up the pack like that? It was a betrayal. Loss in battle D?gmar could understand but this, to her, was simply abject betrayal. The emerald eyed fae lingered around the terra she'd first met the fae Six in. Another ambitious femme given to loss but at least she had fought.

D?gmar's shoulders rolled forward and she stretched. Spirits above she could use a spar or something to unwind this tension, this uncertainty that was beginning to fester in her brain. Much like the disease she'd managed to survive through. Perhaps the epidemic was part of the reason for Cataleya's disappearence? And yet? she'd had the sanity to simply hand the pack over with the cure in hand. Was this part of some deal for the cure. D?gmar snarled. Either way it didn't matter now. The breeze picked up and her eyes lingered on the ocean for a brief moment before she continued her march of silent contemplation and building thirst for violence.


06-15-2014, 12:32 PM
Batari moved quietly, with her body slung low, like the lizards she had watched for most of her life. She had been drawn here by the rumbling of the earth, and attracted to the fiery spout of water that sundered the ground. The savagery in the earth excited her. Here even the land was violent. This was a good place, a strong place. Batari wanted to test her strength on this earth, wanted to fight one of these other wolves, and see what the wolves in such a place could do against her.

Licking her nose, as she had learned from the lizards, she smelled the air. There was something other than plants, and earth, and rocks in that direction! Turning she moved slowly, her eyes and nose guiding her towards something to sink her ever hungering teeth into. At the crest of a slight hill, she saw the other wolf in the distance. It was a grey and black, and more importantly it had not seen her yet. Batari could smell the wolf strongly, and judged that the wind was against them when it came to smelling her. She grew excited, a kill, a kill, something to feast on, a predator worthy of her belly. NO! It might have a pack, they would come for her, Batari did not yet know other wolves well enough to take on that challenge yet. Someday; but not today... Then a fight, but not death... yes that was a compromise her savage instincts could allow.

Her scarred muzzle wrinked as her maw drew back into a silent snarl. Batari lurched forward, her massive frame flying across the land to close the distance between them with terrible speed. Her ears were flat against her skull and the wind bristled through her thick coat. Batari's eyes watched the other wolf closely, to be ready for their actions, so she could work against them. As she drew near she finally hurled her massive frame into the air and announced her presence with a terrible snarl as she attempted to tackle the enemy's right side, topple them, and sink her teeth into their flesh.

Batari was a larger wolf and very visibly heavier. Still the smaller wolf might be faster, and trickier. Batari's attack was risky, it left her slightly open because she had chosen to send her whole body into the air with that leap; but she was tensed and ready to collide with their body, or turn her own, to be able to regain mobility as soon as she hit the ground.

The fight was on.
_ _ _

D?gmar VS Batari!

Batari lurched forward, her massive frame flying across the land to close the distance between them with terrible speed......As she drew near she finally hurled her massive frame into the air and announced her presence with a terrible snarl as she attempted to tackle the enemy's right side, topple them, and sink her teeth into their flesh.

None, First turn.

Batari's eyes watched the other wolf closely, to be ready for their actions, so she could work against them.......Batari's attack was risky, it left her slightly open because she had chosen to send her whole body into the air with that leap; but she was tensed and ready to collide with their body, or turn her own, to be able to regain mobility as soon as she hit the ground.



5 Years
06-15-2014, 01:26 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Movement caught D?gmar's eye as she turned to see another fae staring at her. A split second later and the wolf was diving right for her! Well? she had been scouring the terra, senses tuned in the hopes of battle and it looked like she was about to get one. The bruiser of a fae closed in, aiming for D?gmar's right side but the emerald eyed fae had no intension of standing still. She whirled to face the earth-toned female, defenses going up in a testament to her thorough training and nerves of steel.

Fur and hackles rose in laced aggression down her back as ears pinned to her skull. Eyes narrowed as her jaws parted in ready retaliation. Her head tipped forward slightly tucking her chin as her neck and tail aligned with her spine. Shoulders rolled forward in liquid, deadly grace as her neck scrunched back her abdomen tightening as she exhaled in preparation for impact. Legs tensed and coiled, shifting to the side to balance her weight and ground her against the attacking woman. There was no time to fully dodge, the attack was too sudden and so toes splayed and claws dug into dirt as Batari's chest crashed into D?gmar's, pushing the smaller fae sharply back as her claws dug into the earth, her spread limbs enabling her to stay upright and as she'd already let the air from her lungs before impact there was no breath to get knocked from her. And while she was the smaller warrioress here it was not by much. She inhaled sharply at the pain but was already launching her own attack as Batari's fangs launched for her.

D?gmar allowed her limbs to bend and her body to drop sharply as fangs soared above her, cutting two gashes along the top of her head about four inches long and a quarter inch deep from the middle of her forehead down between her ears. The vile cuts stung but D?gmar was in the perfect position to retaliate. Coiled limbs unfurled and corded muscle launched her forward and up, open jaws aiming to catch the throat of her opponent, just below either corner of the larger femmes jaws, while Batari's head was still above her own. D?gmar hoped to get a hold and strangle her attacker. As she surged upward her front limbs sought to wrap around the base of the other faes neck, just in front of the shoulders to try and steady herself as well as pulling the other fae down towards her. Tail whipped out behind her to steady herself in this attack.

D?gmar vs Batari

For Dominance

Round: 1 of 3

Attack: Dropping her body to coil her limbs once again only to spring forward and up jaws aiming to latch onto Batari's throat just below the corner of Batari's jaw, fangs on either side. Front limbs raising up to wrap around Batari's shoulders to balance herself and to pull Batari down into her jaws.

Defenses: fur and hackles raised | ears pinned | eyes narrowed | jaws parted | chin tucked | neck and tail aligned with spine | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | abdomen tense | limbs coiled | toes splayed | claws digging into dirt | weight evenly distributed | breath exhaled in preparation for impact

Moderate and wide-spread bruising to chest. Two gashes along the top of her head, four inches long, from the middle of her forehead down between her ears. Each gash is a quarter inch deep.

ooc: Asked Panda over cbox, Batari's aiming to crash into D?gmar with her chest. Jaws aiming for whatever she can get at.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]


06-15-2014, 04:07 PM
Batari?s opponent spied her as she approached, it mattered not, the fight was on. She had commited to her attack, and so when they turned to lessen the damage, she was now in a head on fight. Batari had seen her opponent more clearly as they drew nearer, and saw that the wolf was smaller in height and thinner in stature than her bulk. She braced herself for the collision and relied on her superior mass as her chest thundered into the other female wolf?s. The other wolf was quick, and clever, like Batari expected smaller prey to be. The foe moved to protect more vital areas; but still Batari?s teeth drew first blood and her tongue delighted in the taste.

The prey was perhaps too clever though, for Batari was not given long to feel the rush of triumph, this fight was far from over. Batari had to try to shift back onto her hind legs and rear up, knowing that the out of sight opponent was now nearer to her more vulnerable underbelly. If she had learned anything from the reptiles it was that the underbelly was the weak point on most every creature. Batari opened her mouth to keep her fangs at the ready and protect her neck as she flattened her chin to her chest and pulled her head back, as the jaws of the prey left quarter-inch deep cuts at the base of her neck near her shoulders, on her right side, instead of where her opponent had intended to bite. The wounds were moderate but fortunately not life threatening, still it was a close shave and grave warning to Batari that this clever wolf was not to be taken lightly.

Batari was frenzied now that blood had been drawn by both parties. To try to break this close lock they had, she raised her own forepaws to block the other wolf from trapping her, and attempted to counter the maneuver by instead having her heavy paws try to land on the other wolf?s shoulders to force them away. Using her tail to steady herself, and her mass to try to force the opponent back, Batari rolled her head away from her opponents mouth and attempted to bite at the right side of her opponents neck.

Since Batari was still more over the prey than under her, the attack would be for a less vital area; but the proud and angry wolf-savage hoped to inflict enough damage to get the other to pull back. Batari?s hindpaws sank their claws into the dirt as her toes spread and she used her powerful legs to leverage her mass forward. With this charge against the smaller wolf, perhaps she could topple her over backwards if not cause them pain by simply crushing against them with her mass.

Her muscles were tense, her hackles raised, ears flattened against her skull as she put all her might into taking down this smaller wolf, Batari maintained an awareness of their position and readied herself to change course entirely if need be.

- - -

Batari VS D?gmar

Batari received moderate wounds to the base of her neck by her shoulders on her right side but nothing vital was hurt.
Minor bruising from the chest-ram.

Defense: Batari reared back and opened her mouth flattening her chin to her chest to lessen the damage from the attack at her neck.
She used her forepaws to try to block D?gmar's paws from getting on her shoulders.
She then rolled her head away from her oponent when making her attack.
Her muscles were tense, her hackles raised, ears flattened against her skull as she put all her might into taking down this smaller wolf, Batari maintained an awareness of their position and readied herself to change course entirely if need be.

Batari has made wild\ attempts to bite at the head/neck of D?gmar on D?gmar's right side, since she is still coming from a more upwards angle, the probability of vital damage is significantly less.
Batari has heaved her weight forwards attempting to overpower D?gmar with her heavier weight, if not topple her backwards entirely.

Notes: @_@ This is one of my first spars ever so I apologize if anything is weird or doesn't quite work.



5 Years
06-16-2014, 07:20 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Batari's weight shifted suddenly back causing D?gmar's attack to fall short of the throat and instead leave quarter-inch deep cuts at the base of her opponents neck, in front of her right shoulder. D?gmar's front limbs were pushed down impeding her her gamble for a hold around Batari's neck. D?gmar immediately prepared for her opponents retaliation. Her abdomen tensed and tucked as her back arched, pulling her body down to the ground. As she fell she twisted her head to the left, just narrowly avoiding a grip from Batari's jaws but blood was drawn once again as a gash two inches long and a quarter inch deep blossomed vertically across her right cheek.

Front paws hit earth as her stance immediately squared, her body bracing for whatever the cave woman would throw at her next. Limbs coiled lowering her body and center of gravity as she prepared to spring. Fur and hackles remained raised, ears still tucked and her eyes still narrowed, mind whirring in calculation. Chin tucked as her shoulders rolled forward and her neck scrunched back pushing fur and fat across her vitals. Jaws were agape, neck aligned with her spine, tail streamed out behind her ready to aid her balance when she moved. Well? if she moved.

D?gmar snarled as paws slammed into the tops of her shoulders. Her widened stance was once again forced to bear the weight of this bruiser. D?gmar had no plans to hold still for even a second. Toes splayed as claws dug into dirt. D?gmar jerked her shoulders back then rolled them forward suddenly in an effort to shake Batari's stability. As she rolled her shoulders violently forward her back legs also uncoiled launching her down under her opponent. She hoped the extra force on her sudden momentum would be enough to dislodge her opponent and allow her open, snapping jaws and uncoiling neck to latch onto Batari's underbelly just behind the sternum. Her goal was to seize a hold as far under as she could get and thrash her head to rip flesh and cause pain. Hopefully enough pain to get this brute of a woman to give D?gmar some distance? and also hopefully enough pain to prevent her opponent falling on her and trying to smother her.

D?gmar vs Batari

For Dominance

Round: 2 of 3

Attack: Jerking her shoulders back then rolling them suddenly forward as her back limbs uncoil to propel her forward in hopes of dislodging Batari's weight from her shoulders. Open jaws are aiming for Batari's underbelly just behind the sternum.

Defenses: initially abdomen tightening and tucking causing her back to arch pulling her body down toward the ground and back on all fours | fur and hackles raised | ears pinned | eyes narrowed | jaws parted | chin tucked | neck and tail aligned with spine | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | abdomen tense | limbs coiled | toes splayed | claws digging into dirt | weight evenly distributed

Round 1: Moderate and wide-spread bruising to chest. Two gashes along the top of her head, four inches long, from the middle of her forehead down between her ears. Each gash is a quarter inch deep.

Round 2: two inch vertical gash on her right cheek, a quarter inch deep. Mild bruising to the tops of her shoulders from Batari's weight.

ooc: Tricksie hobbitses!

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]


06-16-2014, 11:00 PM
As Batari thrashed and bit at whatever her teeth could find purchase on her prey?s right side, her tongue was once again delighted in the taste of blood. However her battle crazed mind was furious to see it was a superficial wound to the snout. Batari had been hurt, and wanted to bring the pain back to her enemy.

Batari?s plans of revenge were once again hindered by the cleverness of her foe. She had hoped to punish the wolf with her size; but instead the momentum was used against her. Batari?s paws found the other wolf?s shoulders; but it was unstable ground. When the prey shifted its weight backwards, Batari felt her balance thwarted. On instinct she knew that danger was coming next and her tensed body began to move into action as the other wolf?s gaping jaws disappeared towards Batari?s vulnerable underbelly. Crushing her foe would be sweet; but trapping a mouth against her weakest front was death. Batari had already lost her balance and so now only momentum could save her.

Batari shifted her weight forward and to the left, and raised her right hind leg at the same time as she tucked her tail between her legs and against her stomach, no longer needing either leg or tail for balance. Batari snarled in anger as she felt her right hind paw collide with the other wolf?s mouth, as she kicked up with it to protect her belly. When Batari?s forelegs had been destabilized, her left foreleg had been guided to the ground behind her opponents right foreleg, by Batari shifting her weight. Batari had used this left foreleg to push further forward before bending it to allow for her leftwards tumble. This motion had brought Batari?s whole body, including her rear legs farther forward, further ensuring that her right hind paw, which could have reached up to defend her belly despite this, would meet with the enemy?s jaws. As Batari felt the pain and blood flow from her wounded paw, she knew that she would not be walking proudly from this fight; but rather limping away. Still it had been a valuable sacrifice; for a wounded paw was a better wound than an open belly.

Still Batari had felt the hot breath of the other wolf on her stomach, felt the teeth as they brushed against her chest to get at her vulnerable belly, and it had driven her into further rage. As Batari?s body had lurched forward and tumbled to her left, this single motion had served both to aid her defense, and engage her next attack. Batari?s jaws went for the prey?s rear right knee, which was bent forward and thus exposed to her in that it was a ridge as opposed to a smooth surface, for her jaws to clamp on to. Batari?s open and snarling maw attempted to close on this important Joint as she continued her leftward roll, so that as Batari attempted her bite, the bottom of her jaw was parallel to the right side of the other wolf.

While most wolves had learned to bite and shake their prey from side to side to tear and rip and cause harm, Batari had learned from the alligators and crocodiles. Every day of her youth she had lived in fear of that terrible bite, followed by the sickening roll which would rend and tear and separate flesh. As she had grown into an adult, she had turned her fear into her greatest damaging attack. It was Batari?s intent to bite on that knee and bring as large a piece as possible of her foe with her as Batari rolled to her left.

The roll might leave Batari on her back with both hind paws, one wounded and one whole, curled up to defend her belly along with her now tucked tail, chin tucked as low as possible to shield her neck, and both ears flat to her skull as her forepaws also folded to protect her vulnerable underside; but that bite coupled with that roll could be just what she needed to wound her foe and prevent the clever wolf from turning herself to make another pass for Batari?s soft side. Batari had no intentions about stopping that roll either. Not until her belly was facing the earth once more. She knew only then would she be truly in the clear.

This fight was approaching the point where, because she was holding back with no intent to kill on this day, it would end. Only the actions of the clever, smaller wolf remained to see who stood triumphant over whom. It had been a good fight that had gotten the blood pounding in Batari?s veins and flowing from both bodies. Batari?s base instinct screamed at her to continue to fight until death; but her sense of self preservation and her wits were able to, just barely, restrain those urges for now. Any further wounds to her or the other wolf would be wasteful and stupid risks unless one of them intended to kill and eat the other.

- - -

Batari VS D?gmar
Dominance Bout

Round Two Batari received moderate wounds to the base of her neck by her shoulders on her right side but nothing vital was hurt.
Minor bruising from the chest-ram.

Round Three Batari?s Right rear paw has been bitten and severely although not permanently wounded, as she sacrificed it by putting it in the way of the bite at her underbelly. She will have to get it treated and definitely be limping and trying to avoid using it.

Defense: Batari used her forward toppling momentum and then left front leg to help ensure that her body moved forward as she began her tumble to her left. This also ensured that her right hind leg, which she drew up to protect her belly after shifting her weight as soon as D?gmar lurched forwards, was bitten instead of her belly. Trading a temporarily crippling wound in place of a fatal one.

Batari?s body is going through a roll to the left to break away from her foe. As she rolls she is making sure that when she is most vulnerable her body is tensed, curled to make her belly smaller and more defended, all her paws are in the way, her jaw is tucked in to protect her neck, her tail is tucked, and her ears are flat against her skull.

Batari is not going to stop this roll until her belly is facing the ground again, unless physical impossibility prevents her, an eventuality for which she has done the best she can to be prepare for.

She is also hoping that her offensive attempt during the beginning of this roll has provided an excellent defense.

Attack: When Batari lurched forward and to the left it was not only to protect her belly with her rear right leg, it was also to give her better access to bite at D?gmar?s right rear knee. She is hoping to bite hard, and not let go as she goes into her roll for the most possible damage. A move she learned from watching crocodiles, and not a tactic typical of normal wolves.

In the very least she hopes to prevent D?gmar from being able to turn quick enough to effectively attack her during the most vulnerable part of her roll.

Notes: This has been a fun and enlightening fight, and I really hope that I will receive some helpful and constructive feedback so that I can do a better job in the future. Thank you for bearing with me as I tried my hand at this for the first time. D?gmar is definitely a tricksey hobbit.



5 Years
06-18-2014, 07:04 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Her target was moving! Belly flesh evaded D?gmar as her opponent shifted above the mottled femme. Fangs instead snagged Batari's right hind foot in a grip. But this was not where she wanted to be, dwelling under a larger opponent who was twisting over her. And nothing vital within her grasp. There'd be too much weight if Batari rolled and D?gmar was at risk of straining her lower jaw if she tried to hold onto the larger woman. No dice. D?gmar released the foot, her weight shifting forward as she pulled herself with her front limbs, her back limbs giving another push as she twisted her body forward and to her left, where she'd be less impeded by Batari's limbs, in an effort to get herself turned around and ready to attack.

As she moved though a bitter pain shot through her right hind leg as Batari's lower canines tore two moderate gash down the side of her thigh, just behind the knee, about four inches long. This battle was getting dangerous. D?gmar spun around to face her opponent, trying to ignore the blood that was dripping down her face from her previous wound, threatening to get in her eyes. It took only a split second to rekindle any lost defenses.

Fur and hackles laced down her back, fluffing up her form. Emerald eyes narrowed dangerously as ears remained pinned tightly to her head. Jaws were tense, open and ready. Her chin tucked gracefully as her shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back. Tail and neck aligned with her spine. Righting herself to her usual height, rather than the lower stance of her previous attack, she spread her weight evenly across her limbs, the legs tensing and coiling, a sting of pain shooting up from her injured thigh. Abdomen tensed as toes splayed and claws dug into the earth.

Taut limbs uncoiled once again launching D?gmar at Batari. She hoped to get the other while the wolf was still on the ground though with the time it had taken D?gmar to get herself turned around the belly would most likely not be a possible target and so she'd have to improvise and trust her instincts. D?gmar attempted to approach Batari from the front at a 45 degree angle approaching Batari's right, hoping to close the distance between the two femmes.

Back legs struck the ground as she launched herself at the other wolf, as she attempted to drape her left front limb over Batari's back, just behind the shoulders. Open jaws aimed for the lower side of Batari's neck, a few inches down from the mandible where the jugular ran. D?gmar's goal was simple, to get a hold and put an end to this match. If it looked like Batari was going to be full back on her feet before D?gmar could close the distance she would launch herself forward and up to maintain the possibility of her attack.

D?gmar vs Batari

For Dominance

Round: 3 of 3

Attack: Attempting to approach Batari's from the front, off to the right forming a 45 degree angle. Seeking to wrap front left leg over Batari's back, just behind the shoulders. Jaws seeking to bite into Batari's lower right neck, a few inches below the mandible where the jugular runs.

Defenses: fur and hackles raised | ears pinned | eyes narrowed | jaws parted | chin tucked | neck and tail aligned with spine | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | abdomen tense | limbs coiled | toes splayed | claws digging into dirt | weight evenly distributed

see previous posts for injuries from first two rounds

Round 3: 2 moderate gashes to the outside of her right thigh just behind the knee. Each about 4 inches long

ooc: sorry if it's a touch rushed. I had a lot of fun! We should totally do this again <3 Let me know if you every need more "prey" for Batari, lol. Haha and Batari's a pretty tricksie hobbit in her own right ;)

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

The Judge


06-19-2014, 06:52 PM

Batari v D?gmar for Spar

Round 1

2 for clarity. -2 not specifying which side she attacked -3 for not specifying where she intended to hit her opponent to try and topple them -3 for not specifying where the bite should land

7 for powerplaying. -3 ?flying across the land to close the distance between them? you need to attempt to do this.

1 for defenses. +1 for every one listed

3 for attack. +3 leap

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Batari Total: 22/50


9 for clarity. mostly clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for every one seen

6 for attack. +3 attempted bite +1 vitals +2 attempted leg wrap

10 for injuries.First round

Round one D?gmar Total: 45/50

Round 2


8 for clarity. -2 need to specify where the bite is intended to land on the neck

8 for powerplaying. -2 ?used her powerful legs to leverage her mass forward ? need to attempt to do this

3 for defenses. +1 for every one seen, counter attacks don?t count as defenses

4 for attack. +3 bite +1 heaving weight down

7 for injuries. -2 moderate wounds to shoulder -1 bruising

Round two Barati Total: 30/50


8 for clarity. -2 D?gmar fell but is still below Barati?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for every one seen

8 for attack. +1 rolling shoulders forward +1 launching herself forward under opponent +3 bite to underbelly +1 vitals +2 thrashing head to increase damage if bite lands

6 for injuries. -2 bite wound -1 bruising

Round two D?gmar Total: 32/50

Round 3


4 for clarity. -2 be more specific as to where you intend to land -2 not sure what you meant by ?tumbled to her left? -2 I struggled following the chain of events

8 for powerplaying. -2 ?left foreleg had been guided to the ground behind her opponents right foreleg ? you need to attempt to do this

0 for defenses. none listed, counter attacks don?t count as defenses

6 for attack. +3 bite +1 going for a joint +2 worsening the damage by rolling

7 for injuries. -3 damage to the paw

Round three Batari Total: 25/50


9 for clarity. mostly clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for every one seen

7 for attack. +2 paw drape +3 bite +2 vitals

7 for injuries. -3 gashes to the leg

Round three D?gmar Total: 43/50


Batari: 77/150

D?gmar: 120/150

And the winner is...

D?gmar! Batari must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Batari - Bite to the paw which will take 3 ooc weeks to heal. Wounds to the base of the neck, which will take 2 ooc weeks to heal. Bruising will go away in a few IC days.

D?gmar - Gashes along the top of the head and along her right cheek resulting in light scarring, will take 2 ooc weeks to heal. Gashes along inner thigh will take 2 ooc weeks to heal. Bruising will go away in a few IC days.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Pandafox
Be careful with defenses! We look for specific defenses for fights and if you?d like me to list then feel free to message me on Viridiana?s account. Other then that, I loved reading this!

For Luna
As always Daeg is a tank and I loved reading her. There were a few clarity issues but nothing major. Great job with attempting and your defenses!

- By [Dione]


07-07-2014, 05:39 PM
Batari saw the attack coming, the pain in her hind paw was infuriating. A red haze was beginning to creep into her mind and the large savage wolf knew that if this battle did not end soon she would go into a frenzy, attempting to kill this wolf until she succeeded or died trying. She had not planned on dieing today, and she did not wish to risk being pursued by a pack of wolves for killing this one.

As the wolf approached to attempt to bite her neck, Batari sprung up and napped her jaws barking wildly and furiously. "NO MORE! WE ARE DONE!" to halt the attack. She then lowered herself, laying down completely, her belly against the ground. This was as submissive a posture as Batari ever took. She looked more like a lizard, resting on the ground, than a wolf showing submission; but perhaps the message was still clear.

"Batari has lost!" she growled, the words tasting like vomit in her mouth. "Batari is done. More blood spilled against Batari would be a waste. If you fight Batari more, one of us will die, and the killer will be broken. A broken wolf is a dead wolf soon. Batari has seen how this preywolf fights. It is not prey today. Batari has learned. Batari is done. Smallwolf wins."

Batari's simple savage speech served as her admittance of defeat, and conceding to the wolf that it knew better than she, today, how to fight another wolf. Batari wondered if it would still try to attack her, or if it would leave her to lick her wounds.