
The angels sip champagne




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-18-2020, 09:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2020, 10:02 PM by Elise.)

The wind that came off of the ocean and blew up the sheer cliff face ruffed her mostly pale fur with cool, salty air. She smiled a little as she tipped her head back a bit and closed her sapphire eyes so she could revel in it. The loved the smell of the ocean from up here and the view was fantastic. She was stretched out on her stomach with her front legs partially dangling over the edge of the cliff. Her hind legs were stretched out behind her so that her slender form was in one long, lean line. The afternoon sun beat down on her spotted, speckled form and she couldn't imagine how this moment could get any better - besides having someone to share it with.

She'd been toying around with the idea of joining a pack a bit purely because it was impossible to get consistent interaction as a loner. She got bored and lonely so easily and it seemed like her only option to solve that problem was to be somewhere that would always have other wolves around. That one pack by the orchard where she had run into that very handsome alpha came to mind... but did she only want to pick her new home based off of the attractiveness of their leader? She wasn't entirely sure. It didn't seem like a bad way to pick a home necessarily, but she did have to draw a line somewhere.

With a sigh she rolled onto her back so she could stare up at the mostly clear sky. Her head very nearly dangled off of the cliff's edge, but she was in no way close to falling off so she didn't mind. A few clouds drifted by lazily above her and she neatly tucked her front paws against her chest as she admired them. If only she could be like a little cloud and just drift around where ever she wanted to go.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

Christmas 2019
08-18-2020, 09:30 PM

"Beat Destruction"

Black paws carried a well defined form up the hillside where he was told the flowers would be. Beat had been sullen and sulky as of late due to the appearance and disappearance of his brother. He knew that it weighed heavily upon his Aunt Twig, so he set out today to collect flowers for her so that he could lift her spirits. Maybe his own too, while he was at it.

Beat had a small basket with a handle held between his jaws like some little old lady. He didn't expect to see anyone way up here though, so why should he care? As he ascended the hill to the edge of the cliffs, the black and white young man stooped to snap a flower off here and there which he then deposited in the basket.

It was only when Beat was at the top of the hill that he saw the woman laying there. He was mid pick, his mouth open with the intent to snap off a pretty blue flower when he spied her. Two-toned eyes of plum and turquoise went wide for a moment before he snapped his mouth shut and stood tall. He'd had a growth spurt recently and his puppy fat was melting away. Beat was turning into a fine looking young man, but at the moment he probably looked like a moron with his little basket and his surprised expression.

[Image: s5aYTNb.jpg?3]
Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-18-2020, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2020, 10:01 PM by Elise.)

She might have missed the boy entirely if it hadn't been for the shuffle of paws against grass and the snap of teeth that eventually alerted her to his presence. The sounds made her mismatched ears perk and she lifted her head, looking down the length of her own body toward the black and white young man that stood a few feet away looking very startled. She raised a bow at him and her vibrant gaze assessed him for a moment. He was really quite handsome despite the fact that he was clearly on the younger side. Perhaps a few seasons from his second year? If she had to hazard a guess. Her eyes shifted to the basket that was sitting next to him and if she wasn't curious about him already she most certainly was now.

With a smirk she rolled onto her feet and stood, backing away from the edge a bit before she turned around to face him. After a quick shake of her fur to get rid of any possible bits of grass that might have gotten stuck there during her cloud watching she trotted over to the monochrome man with a slight grin lingering on her muzzle. "And here I was thinking that I'd be alone all after noon," she told him with a subtle purr to her voice. Her tail swayed gently with the movement of her hips as she neared him, her curious gaze dipping to the basket in question and she spotted all the flowers he had been collecting in it. "For me? You shouldn't have!" Elise exclaimed with a giggle as she bent her head down to the basket and picked up one of the pale purple flowers from the pile. She held it delicately between her teeth and reached up to tuck it in the fur by one of his ears. He was a few inches taller than her, but she quite liked when a man was taller than her. She wasn't the shortest girl around so whenever she was smaller than whoever it was she was talking to it made her feel extra feminine and dainty.

Once the flower was in place she gave his cheek a little parting lick and stepped back to add, "Kidding, of course, I'd never just steal these lovely flowers from you." With that disclaimer in place she gave him a playful wink and settled back on her haunches. "What's your name, cutie?"

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

Christmas 2019
08-19-2020, 12:05 AM

"Beat Destruction"

She was so pretty. Like really, really pretty. Beat was mesmerized by the way her hips seemed to swing when she walked. The graceful placement of limbs and tail. The subtle cant of her head as she looked up at him. Beat hadn't had much interaction with wolves outside of Abaven and this woman was pure overload to his senses.

As she tucked one of the flowers that he'd collected behind one pale ear, Beats jaw dropped. She smelled nice too. And then she licked him and he felt as though his mind had blown. What did he do?! How were you supposed to react to that?!

Blue and purple eyes went as wide as possible. He still hadn't been able to say a damn word. He could only gawk and think about what a loser he was. She was a pretty girl! He should be able to talk to her! Instead he was standing there like a moron, just staring like some sort of creep. It was shameful, and yet he could do nothing about it.

The woman asked his name, calling him 'cutie' in the process. He began to speak, but his throat was super dry. He closed his mouth, swallowed hard, then tried again. "I, uhh.....B-b-Beat. My name's Beat." He didn't even think to ask hers, though he probably should have. The young man was simply too shocked by the strange and unexpected flirtation that he'd damn near forgotten his own name.
[Image: s5aYTNb.jpg?3]
Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-21-2020, 11:33 AM

She tried to hold back the huge, amused grin that wanted to cross her face when she saw how utterly flustered she had made him from her simple gestures, but she just couldn't help herself. As he stumbled over his own name a giggle escaped her her tail wagged furiously against the grass. She knew that flirting with wolves that would flirt back with her was fun, but she hadn't realized how fun it was to flirt with someone that would just get too flustered to reply. "You are just so adorable!" she exclaimed, grinning happily from ear to ear. This was exactly what she needed to brighten up her day - a little bit of company in the form of a young man that was incredibly cute and easy to play with. "Well, it's certainly a pleasure to meet you, Beat," she added, never one to forget her pleasantries even when she was being a terrible tease.

She stood again and peeked into his basket of flowers, admiring all the pretty blooms he had collected. "Who are these for, hm? Do you have a little girlfriend back home?" She could tell from his scent that he lived in the pack that was just a short distance from where they were currently standing so "home" certainly wasn't all that far from them. She liked the idea that he was here gathering flowers to take back to his crush, but given the way that he had been so utterly thrown off by her flirting and little affections she couldn't imagine that they had really gotten very far if he did. It was still adorable to think about him delivering a whole bouquet of these to a girl his age though and she gave him an interested grin as she awaited his response.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

Christmas 2019
08-21-2020, 07:13 PM

"Beat Destruction"

Who was this angel? She smelled so nice. Her voice was so soft and sweet. The way she wagged and tilted her head made him feel like the most special guy in the world. Beat had nothing to base a relationship off of, so he had no way of knowing that she was being a tease. He felt big and strong. Attractive and desirable. This pretty woman had graced him with smiles and kind words. He was on top of the world!

Pale ears flicked forward as she asked about the basket. He had to fight through his own shock to speak once more. His eyes widened as she asked about a girlfriend. "No!" He said quickly. "I'm, uh... I'm collecting flowers for my aunt. She's been a bit sad lately and I'm trying to cheer her up." Bloody hell... he realized after he said it just how lame that sounded. His brows furrowed as he internally degraded himself. What a fool. That wasn't how you won over a woman, was it? Seriously... was it?
[Image: s5aYTNb.jpg?3]
Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-23-2020, 01:27 PM

Her eyes lifted back to his with a raised brow when he so adamantly denied that the flowers he had collected were for a girlfriend. It was fine if they weren't, but it did make her smirk to see him so flustered over just the idea of it. When he did tell her who they were intended for it was far more wholesome than she could have imagined and it honestly made her feel a bit bad for teasing him so much about it. "Your aunt has been having a hard time lately, huh?" she asked as she looked down at the basket of flowers again. It made her smile, knowing that this sweet young man was doing something so genuinely nice for one of his family members. She silently hoped that he continued to be so thoughtful as he got older - it was a trait she didn't see that often in men.

"Well, if we're gonna cheer her up we're gonna need way more flowers than this!" she insisted, looking up at him with a look of determination. She wasn't sure how she suddenly became so invested in making sure he was successful in his mission of collecting flowers to cheer up his aunt, but now that she was she wouldn't rest until he'd done a good job of it. "You go that way and I'll go this way. Between the two of us we can collect flowers way faster than just by yourself!" With that she gave him a determined nod and turned away to start collecting the vibrant blooms that grew wild across the grassy cliff top. She'd pick two or three before returning to the basket to deposit them, her tail wagging gently behind her the whole time.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years

Christmas 2019
08-26-2020, 03:34 PM

"Beat Destruction"

Still completely flustered, it took Beat a moment to realize that the woman had asked him a question. "Oh, uh... yeah. She kind of helped to raise me and my brothers. They're gone though and she's sad." He was sad too, but he absolutely hated seeing Twig sad. He'd caused her so much heartache that he couldn't stand for her to endure more. So, flowers. It was the only thing that he could think of that might brighten her day.

Blue and purple eyes widened as the beautiful lady offered to help him pick flowers. Would she really do that for him? "Uh, W-wait! You didn't even tell me your name!" Involuntarily almost, he took a step towards her as though he didn't want to be far from her side. What was this sorcery? This strange magnetism? It was something entirely new to the black and white young man. He didn't understand it one bit. Perhaps he should talk to someone about it when he got home? But who did he trust? Corvus, maybe? Corvus was the closest that he had to a male figure in his life. He would have to do.

As the woman suggested, Beat went one way and she went the other, though really, he just wanted to pick flowers right by her side. After picking a few of the multi colored flowers, he would take them back to the basket. In no time at all, they would have it filled. Then what would they do? He didn't want to leave just yet, he knew that much. He didn't want to leave at all, if truth be told. "Where are you from?" It was the first time that he hadn't tripped over his words, but he probably looked like a crazy person with his eyes all big and locked on her.

[Image: s5aYTNb.jpg?3]
Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.



5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
08-29-2020, 08:38 PM

She could understand being sad about missing siblings or family members. She'd lost all trace of her siblings and her parents were both gone. She still new of some cousins and other relations over around Valhalla, but that wasn't quite the same was it? Immediate family always seemed much closer than cousins and such and all of hers was gone to the wind. Before she could really get caught up in her musing he stumbled over asking her about her name and it made her smile and giggle in response. "Oh, it's Elise!" she replied, her tail wagging behind her. His tendency to drift closer to her didn't go unnoticed and it made her grin a little. He was such a sweetheart and as weird as it was for her she just wanted to make him happy - even if that meant picking a bunch of flowers for his aunt.

After another tip back to their quickly filling flower basket, he surprised her by asking where she was from. She looked up at his wide, innocent gaze and couldn't help the smile that pulled at her lips. "I'm from all over. I'm a traveler and a wanderer I suppose you could say. I don't know if I've stuck in one place since I was a pup," she told him, adding, "Not like you with your pack. You live in that one over that way, right?" She already knew the answer from his scent, but she figured she'd give him the chance to answer all the same. Living in a pack was something she had thought about a few times, but it also sounded so strange and foreign to her. She knew her father had led a pack back in the day, but it had been long gone by the time she was born so she had never experienced that type of life.

She picked a few more of the multi colored flowers and gently laid them on top of the pile. They were getting pretty darn close to the top edge of the basket and she gave him a victorious grin. "Not a chance that your aunt will still be sad with all these flowers to cheer her up!" she declared with a proud grin. She trotted over to his side and giggled as she pressed her nose to his cheek. "Your aunt is lucky to have you, ya know that? Everybody needs someone looking out for them and making sure they're happy."

"Talk" "You" Think