
Catch them!

Hunting Bees open



3 Years
08-21-2020, 11:21 PM
The gulley was a beautiful place. Loviat felt at ease taking in a breath of fresh spring air. With everything that Boreas had offered her so far she had never felt so free. The scared brown and white female tasted freedom - Aerie was the family she needed. The Abraxas - though she hoped that she would learn more about the gods as she stayed there. Loviat refused to let her past drag her down, the hunter may have been a slave but that was her past her future lay ahead of her in the most bright desire she ever had. With these distracted thoughts she crouched mildly interested in the rabbit that was in front of her. However, she noticed a small insect crawling towards the rabbit. The prey twitched its ear and ran. Loviat heard the buzzing and recognized it as a bee, probably here to pollinate the many flowers scattering the lands.

A sudden thought popped into Loviat’s mind. Were bees useful? Well they had honey but she was no healer who could use it, though you could use it as a treat or food. However the bees themselves was there a way to trap them? Loviat wasn’t sure what she’d use them for after the task was completed but it was certainly something to think about. It made her perk her head intensely, staring at the buzzing insect it temporarily stopped on a flower to get the pollen.  What was she to do there wasn’t really a scent to a bee but if she watched it closely enough would she be able to follow the insect to its nest? She was worried she would be waiting forever for that to happen.

After she watched it for a while - Loviat decided she was just going to have to look around for a nest. The Gulley was only spotted with trees so surely the search wouldn’t be long. Although she didn’t know what her plan would be once she got there. Perhaps she could make a makeshift cage to hold the bees in, the insects were so tiny though so she didn’t know if that would work. Loviat shook her head when she moved her paws surveying the land over the hills. There was only one way to find out if a plan would work and that would be to apply it. Perhaps catching the bees was too much of a feat; she didn’t have any companions to help her after all and getting stung didn’t seem to be on the list of things to do today.

The nest wasn’t far off nestled in a group of trees only a small walk from where she had found the first bee. Loviat admired for a moment the hard surface with a hole in the middle to allow the workers in and out of the nest. How she would have loved to one day watch them from the inside and learn more. Alas it was dangerous a bee sting was painful having experienced it before it wasn’t something she wanted again. It wouldn’t kill you but the pain was enough to deter most predators away that was for certain. Yet if she could catch a few and maybe steal a bit of the honey for herself it would be something a hunter could admire.

She crouched low to the ground quietly moving closer to the nest to inspect it. From the looks of it the bees had made a large home. A few buzzed around her ears making her twitch Loviat backed up a few paces and hissed to herself. She wasn’t sure how she was going to get these bees trapped, that or leading them away. A makeshift cage popped into her head again as an idea - turning her to a few leafless bushes near her - they were only dotted with buds ready to grow. They were tiny but with the right maneuvers Loviat managed to make a small cage. The moment she made an attempt to catch some bees it resulted in them crawling out through the cracks. She just wasn’t savvy enough to make a craft - cursing she threw it off to the side. Anger enveloped her; she wanted that honey but everything she thought of was turning out to be a dead end.

Loviat raised herself and began to shake the branch that the nest was on. Using her teeth to gnaw at it as the bees seemed to stir. No! She was getting that honey and she didn’t care how many stings it took. Swinging her head against the nest it came crumbling to the ground. With a thud it appeared with a few cracks. The bees began to swarm their annoying buzzing filling her ears while the wolf pounded her paws against the nest. With a powerful blow it cracked apart and the thousands of bees came tumbling about. Loviat shoved her face inside grabbing a comb as she tasted the honey but that was when the stings began.

At first it was just a slight pinch, making her shake her head with the comb in her mouth. Then when all the bees began to sting causing a whimper to escape her throat. Swinging her head side to side in a shake she began to run in the opposite direction. Pain seared through her, Loviat flailed her limbs trying to keep a hold on the honey that was within her mouth. The sweet taste over her mouth was nice but it did not overcome the burning pain in her ears and face. That was when she spotted it. A small lake of water within the Gulley. Loviat dropped the comb in the grass and jumped into the lake.

She dove her face into the water coming up for air and shaking her head free of the drowning bees. After a few dunks they took off and refused to come near her again. Her ears pulsed and her nose felt like it was on fire. Her comb of honey - was sitting on the bank in the grass. Loviat huffed in a bit of disappointment, as a hunter how did this look? What a failure she was, she shook her head and growled a bit. The water felt nice though on her sore stings - staring where she was with a sigh.

Word count: 1,061