
We Arrive


06-14-2014, 08:49 PM

This, Kau decided, would be the place that they settled. It was far enough from his old home that Kau felt satisfied that they could begin a new here, start a new life, and shape a new story. The true reason Kau had denounced his claim to the Kedieo Clan throne, was for Avion, whether the other knew it or not. It was not the sort of land, the sort of place the massive male wanted for his love or himself, and so he set off, calling Avion away, and leaving it all behind. He cared deeply for the smaller male, even if he didn?t outwardly show it often, or around others.

Purple hues would turn back towards the young male who followed him, authority in his voice as he spoke. ?We will be remaining here, Avion. This mountain will be our home.? He would take a few pawsteps, massive body moving up next to his mate. He would give a light lick on the back of Avion?s ear, looking around with a flick of his tail. ?Do you believe you will mange here?? The question that might have seemed very sweet and caring came out a bit harder, but that was simply how Kau was. Fawning over his mate had never been needed before, and showing truly gentle emotion was foreign to him.



06-27-2014, 02:26 AM
They had walked so far...oh so very far. His paws hurt, tail practically dragged at the ground. But everytime Kau would turn to glance at him, Avion would appear as if he were perfectly fine. Even offering a small smile from time to time. He didn't want Kau to worry, so Avion would pretend that he was all fine and well. They would arrive on a mountainside, the climb had been somewhat difficult for the smaller male, but he would follow without complaint. His collar jingled slightly, the shackles on his forelegs occasionally rubbing together and creating a "chinking" sound as they slid against one another from time to time. He remembered his enslavement so very well, and he hoped it was something he could put behind him forever. But even so, it was the only life he had ever really known since his kidnapping at a very young age; something he didn't remember.

Kau would speak to him, and Avion would stop as his mate brushed against him. He nodded quietly as he felt Kau's touch on his ear. "Yes, I can manage." It was all he had managed to say, for he was unable to tell if Kau was upset about something, or if he was mad at him for being so slow. He wanted so badly to rest, even to eat. But he would keep that to himself, he didn't like to worry Kau. As long as Kau was happy, that was all he cared about. "Um..where are we?"


06-29-2014, 08:23 PM

Kau would give an approving nod as Avion spoke. It was what he wanted to hear from the small male, though if Avion was seen to have any trouble in this terrain the massive male would not hesitate to move them. He would relax more, looking around at the surrounding territory as his mate asked the question. The answer he knew part of, but not completely. Still, it would be satisfactory enough. ?The land we are now in I believe is called Alacritia. My mother, she told me of this place long ago... before I was even a yearling. I don?t know the name of the mountain itself, but I am certain we are in the lands she spoke of.? Kau would look back at him with his purple gaze.

?You?ve done very well, Avion. It has been a long journey, and you have more than earned yourself rest. Find somewhere close and lay down... I will hunt for us both alone this time, to reward you for your efforts.? There was a bit of a pleased purr to his tone, and he would slide his tongue across the smaller male?s muzzle. ?Unless you believe we should seek a proper den first. I will leave that choice up to you. There is enough daylight left that it does not need to be immediate, so if you wish to rest first you are free to do so.? The male stretched a bit, waiting for Avion?s answer.
