
Prodigal Sister



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-14-2014, 05:39 PM
OOC: All I have for her are puppy tables from when she was played before me. She's not a puppy anymore! lol. I need to remedy that...

Mismatched paws beat a quick-time cadence as they carried her back into Alacratia. No fanfare to mark her return, nothing to remark upon, but that humble entrance was the norm rather than the exception for this girl. Besides, the world would know soon enough. Cascade Saxe had come home.

Anticipation vied with anxiety in her chest. Her family were here, somewhere. Her mother, her littermates. Long ago had she wandered and gotten lost, doomed to wander farther and farther from home until she had left the lands of her family completely, left Alacratia. Though she knew it not, her mother had been locked in battle when she'd disappeared, and had anyone gone looking for her it was long after her scent had faded. So she'd wandered.

Life alone as a pup, always on the edge of starvation and desperation, had changed her deeply. Where once honor and honesty had held the highest meaning to her, now she cared only for survival. Would Neios and Nausica even recognize her, if she found them again? Would her mother? Were any of them even alive?

She stopped short, raising her nose to breath deeply the air barely remembered from her childhood, and excitement flooded through her. Though she'd found no trace of her family, she could recognize this place. Not specifically - she couldn't recall if she'd ever been here. But it was as familiar to her as the salt-water stench of the coastline she'd raised herself upon. Home.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
06-14-2014, 08:45 PM

D?gmar wound her way through the barren hills lost in thought and plotting for the future. To go? to stay? she didn't know. If Arcanum was indeed ruled by one of Viridiana's pawns then she was definitely out of this game. But if Sibelle could prove she was her own woman and not just some patsy well then that was a different matter entirely. But how to tell? D?gmar paused and as she did a peculiar yet slightly familiar scent crossed her nose. Eyes narrowed as she tried to analyze it. Stars above she needed a break?.

D?gmar moved like a dappled shadow until she came into sight of a young woman with an all to familiar coat color. Neios? she had to be related there was no mistaking it. But this wouman? such a lovely little thing. Thin, delicate and sleek. D?gmar's tongue ran along her lips. Where had Neios and his little gang gotten off to anyway? Well? surely it wouldn't hurt to say hello.

"You look like you're looking for something? tell me, you wouldn't happen to be related to Neios Saxe by chance?"


06-14-2014, 09:39 PM


The woman had completely forgotten about her sister. The one who abandoned them the most. Her and Neios both disliked Cascade a little bit, just due to differences. Neios and Nausica were oddballs. Nausica saw enjoyment with the little things. The little things like death, slaughter, sex, and adventure. She and her brother had a connection that could never be reproduced or destroyed. By death nor illness. Nausica had not even spared a thought for her other sibling until her scent filled her slightly moist nose. The Saxe girl instantly stopped walking as her tail flicked slightly. The woman's mouth hung open to amplify her senses. Nausica rolled her shoulder and began to trace the scent of her long lost sister. Though, when another scent filled her nose she became weary. It was one that her brother carried, of the pack. Nausica did not think twice as she began to slither closer to the scene. Her eyes darted around the area before she came upon the two ebony Wolves. The huge woman marched in, war drums radiated within her head as she moved closer. The girl smirked as she heard the other lady speak sultry tones. "We are his sisters, Little Dove." The woman looked between the two with a cocky grin. "I am Nausica Saxe, that is Cascade Saxe." The beautiful being was horribly confident, but she thrived for situations like such.

ooc: sorry worst post ever, they will get better once my house stops being crazy!



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-14-2014, 11:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2014, 11:59 PM by Cascade.)

She got both feet on the ground

And she's burning it down
The scent of a stranger reached her, and Cascade tilted her head to regard the mottled gray female. Her ears were pricked forward in interest as she was approached, her tail held with confidence but not aggression. The woman was the first to speak, and without hesitation named Neios Saxe in her question. Cascade's tail flagged excitedly but not a word could pass her lips before she was interrupted. A voice both familiar and yet, not, and an approaching form that was unmistakable even without the accompanying words.

Cascade's tail returned to its previous position as she regarded her sister with some trepidation, her demeanor remaining calm in spite of it. "Nausica," she greeted with quiet confidence. Whatever her misgivings Cascade had still spent the better part of her first year surviving nearly completely alone - she was assured of her own superiority and felt no need to cringe before her sister. "Its been a long time. How are you? Neios and Mother?"

Her time alone had not completely robbed her of her manners though, and she turned her mismatched gaze back to the stranger. "Please forgive me. I have not seen my sister in quite some time. My name, as she said, is Cascade. And yours, stranger?

She got her head in the clouds

And she's not backing down
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
06-15-2014, 09:29 AM

At the sound of the name Neios the younger fae's eyes lit up and that was all the answer she needed. This little fae was indeed related. But did she perhaps know his whereabouts? He seemed to have quite a little brood and D?gmar was curious what the male planned to do with himself now. Perhaps his plans could also help point her in a direction. Before the young femme could respond another approached. A massive fae whom D?gmar recognized from the Arcanum meeting with Sibelle. Unlike the delicate looking flower this fae was built like a bison, thick and muscular.

"We are his sisters, Little Dove."

D?gmar grinned softly at the young woman's words. It had been quite a long time since anyone had called her by such sweet little pet names, particularly by youngsters. Though she supposed it was partially warranted in this case. She was little compared to the other woman who stood a good five inches above her. Massive males were no oddity where she came from so she'd barely blinked at Syrinx and Neios but women of this size were almost unheard of. D?gmar decided at some point she should like to spar this femme. It was very rarely she sparred anyone so much larger than she. It would be a learning experience certainly but there would be a time and place for that. The fae introduced herself as Nausica and the other as her sister Cascade. Cascade moved to talk to her sister before turning once more to D?gmar.

D?gmar grinned. "Think nothing of it. I am the awkward fifth leg as it were." She chuckled softly to herself. "I am D?gmar Thyre, former Marquis of Arcanum, trying to decide what I shall do with my future and if I shall pledge my loyalty to this new woman or not. I'd rather hoped to run into Neios and discern his plans. A matter of simple curiosity nothing more." Neios and, despite his bravado, Novocaine were two males she had respect for. Neios for his skill in battle and Novocaine for his passion for it. She was very curious what they planned to do. Hati was the other one she awaited though she had a feeling he was much in the same position as he though she very much doubted he'd pledge loyalty to Sibelle.


06-15-2014, 11:38 AM


Nausica was on her own for the better half of her first year as well. She was born, nursed, then thrown to the side. Her father was murdered and her mother was a no good bitch. The lady was very passionate about the fact that her family was shit other then her brother. Though, maybe her and her sister may be able to patch up things. But, if Cascade even thought of going near Neios the way Nausica did then the bigger woman would be ready to strike. Nausica would kill for her beloved brother. She heard her sister speak her name and the larger fae turned her attention back to Cas with a muzzle void of expression. Nausica was turning into something much more then she use to be. The woman had killed her first wolf. She developed serious feelings for her brother. She enjoyed blood and slaughter. Nausica was blooming into a sadistic, yet wonderful, being. Her sisters next words would bring a raised brow to the larger girls features. "Its been a long time. How are you? Neios and Mother?" Nausica scoffed and let out her harsh tones. "I am delightful, sister." She paused a few moments before letting out more luxurious vocals. "Neios is fine. Mother abandoned us, she is nothing to us now. We have been on our own. I left, but Neios has been here the whole time. But, not I am back for good, with my dear brother." She stared at her sister with a firm gaze.

Nausica slowly turned her attention to the other lady with narrowed eyes. The Saxe girl was becoming an adult and she never stopped growing. Eventually she would be larger then most males. It excited her, to be so strong and eventually be able to dominate anyone with such ease. Cascade began to spew her own vocals, yet her attention did not waver from the beauty before her. "Please forgive me. I have not seen my sister in quite some time. My name, as she said, is Cascade. And yours, stranger?" Nausica rolled her eyes slightly before she rolled her broad shoulders. "Think nothing of it. I am the awkward fifth leg as it were." Nausica would smirk slightly, "You are not Fifth leg, darling." She eyed the woman, enjoying the site. More of her delightful tones were heard, "I am D?gmar Thyre, former Marquis of Arcanum, trying to decide what I shall do with my future and if I shall pledge my loyalty to this new woman or not. I'd rather hoped to run into Neios and discern his plans. A matter of simple curiosity nothing more." Nausica thought for a few moments, "I do not know his plans, I am not very interested in the red woman. But, I will go where my darling brother goes."



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-16-2014, 09:44 AM

She got both feet on the ground

And she's burning it down
Cascade cocked her head to the side, simply listening with the same bright expression as Nausica spoke. It seemed some things just didn't change, among them her sister's dislike of her. That wasn't unexpected, nor really was her possessiveness over Neios. But couldn't Nausica see? Couldn't she see that Cascade was different, stronger? It was hurtful to know that their mother had finally abandoned them for good but that wasn't unexpected either. Had she looked for Cascade at all? It didn't matter, none of it - Cascade let it just slide off her back. "I'm glad you both are well," she simply said politely. "And glad I finally found my way back home as well. I look forward to seeing Neios again." A faint smile played over her delicate muzzle as she said this last, obliquely acknowledging that she was not leaving, either, and that she would not be intimidated like she once was by her rougher siblings.

The smile remained as she turned her full attention to Daegmar, as the woman said her name was. She didn't know this Arcanum, or what she meant by "new woman" or any of it, but it was pretty safe to assume that was directed toward Nausica, who did seem to at least know what she was talking about, even if she didn't know - or wouldn't tell - what Neios' plans were. Cascade was mildly disappointed, truth be told. She'd hoped to find out as well what Neios was up to. Was he still up to his old tricks? Her eyes brightened as the thought send a bolt of excitement through her. How would he feel about her, she wondered. She'd like to find him, and find out. "What is Neios doing now?" she inquired of Nausica, though she continued to keep her attention on Daegmar, gazing curiously through half-lowered lashes at her. If she kept company with those Neios and Nausica did, perhaps she wasn't as benign as she looked... She wanted to know more about this stranger.

She got her head in the clouds

And she's not backing down
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



5 Years
06-16-2014, 07:39 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 07:40 PM by Dægmar.)

ooc: making it short so we can all run into Neios lol

D?gmar caught the silken tones and the sultry scent of Nausica's being and it tickled at her own body, causing a seductive little grin to grace her own maw. It seemed the ebony woman knew nothing of her brothers plans but she was pleased to hear that she was not the only one who held suspicious of Sibelle's ability to lead. As Cascade asked what her brother might be doing a barking call sounded out over the hills. D?gmar laughed lightly. "It seems you'll find out soon enough." She started moving toward the call. She would have to intrude on this family just a little longer, at least until she got answers. Though with sisters like this, D?gmar certainly wouldn't mind following Neios for a bit. Though the real question was, was he willing to share?
