
Ademre Warrior Sect Adopts




4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
08-27-2020, 08:02 PM
The Ademre and the path of the Letantha
(The Sword Tree)
[Image: 2RLijic.png]

The Basics:
Nestled deep in the island of Haert, these Ademre follow the path of the sword tree. Dedicated, and highly trained warriors, who follow a code of conduct known as the Lethani. Their world is a barren, harsh place, and from it produces wolves that are practical, and a little stern. They work together as a community, the wealth of one is the wealth of all. The Adem believe themselves to be culturally superior to the other peoples of the world, to whom they refer as ‘barbarians’. This is primarily a result of their beliefs regarding outward displays of emotion, the repression of which is viewed as a mark of civilized culture. They do not lord over other cultures, as this would ‘not be of the Lethani’
Fighting is their main trade, and they all strive to be warriors. Their fighters are ranked ‘by the stone’ with the ‘First stone’ being the lowest rank. Once any warrior reaches a ‘stone’ they are able to ‘take the reds’ and wear markings of red to signify their status as a warrior. The greatest fighter among them wears white. The Sword Tree is a great, red blossom tree that sits in the center of their island. There are stones laid out on the hill beneath it, and a warrior of each rank stands there. A warrior striving to rise higher in the ranks fights a warrior of each rank by a stone until they lose.
The school here teaches the path of the sword, and any who wish to join the disciple audition at the school

The Sword Tree: These are the warriors of the Ademre, their disciple of fighting is known as ‘The Sword Tree’


The Ademre

The Lethani: It is not only doing what is right, but knowing what is right to begin with. It is also a way to make the best of life, and it can be said that is the way to live properly, or with honor. Sometimes it seems counterintuitive, but it is frequently stated that no man, woman or child among the Adem claims to know the Lethani. To kill without need is not of the Lethani.  It is a complex topic that cannot be discussed explicitly.
“To guide us in our actions. By following the Lethani, you act rightly. The Lethani is not a path, it is what helps us choose a path”

Appearances: Colors of coal and amber, the flickers of fire. (these can be dulled tones for free colors) These are the tones the wolves of the Ademre boost. Sharper fangs are common, but not the rule. It could be said that they take their colors from the sword tree itself. (However, colors are open for player choice)

Communication: To outsiders, the Adem may seem at first impression to be aloof and emotionless, as they use words sparingly, avoid eye contact, and typically maintain an utterly blank facial expression. In addition, they are sometimes perceived as fidgety and anxious, for while they tend to be silent they can often be seen making small gestures or tics with one hand.
In truth, however, these gestures are how the Adem display their emotions, using a form of sign language while repressing facial expressions. Facial expressions are allowed while interacting in a family setting. While most emotions are not expressed facially or verbally, the Adem do not feel the need to refrain from laughter and crying, as they believe that such basic, primal emotions should not be kept inside. This form of communication is known among all the Adem, and used most prominently in their home Island. It is like a form of sign language

Sexual Beliefs: They do not believe that men have any role in helping women to conceive children, nor in passing on heritable traits. They believe that women naturally "ripen" and bear children after reaching maturity. The Adem are also not shy about sex, meaning they have no concept of sexual privacy, they aren't ashamed of nudity, and they can be in more than one sexual relationship at the same time without any kind of resentment from the other partners. Sex is not assigned any of the emotional weight and ceremony that is typical of other cultures; while it is an intimate experience, it is viewed as more of a fulfilling of bodily needs than an expression of romantic feelings, with sex and love being very distinct concepts to the Adem.

Alignment: Neutral Good - They follow the heart of the law before the letter of the law, this is of the Lehani


The Ademre Path of the Sword Tree plot in Ardent:
Lament returned home to his people in Haert and continued his training as a warrior. Becoming a General before returning to Ardent. Wolves in these adopts can be a part of his soldiers, or single mercenaries making their way in the world.

Adoption form:

[b]Build and Height:[/b]
[b]Gender:[/b] (Make sure to read over their sexual beliefs)
[b]Appearance:[/b] 150+ words - make your own design or choose from those provided
[b]Personality:[/b] 200+ words - (We will be looking for good to neutral aligned wolves)
[b]Relation to the Pyre family:[/b] Cousins, friends, soldier under Lament's banner
[b]Rp Sample [/b]100+ words


*We will reclaim these characters after a month or more of inactivity
Absolutely no rape or kidnap plots



3 Years

Trick 2019
08-28-2020, 09:30 AM

Name: Lava
Age: 2
Build and Height:
Gender: (Make sure to read over their sexual beliefs)
Appearance: 150+ words - make your own design or choose from those provided
Personality: 200+ words - (We will be looking for good to neutral aligned wolves)
Relation to the Pyre family: Cousins, friends, soldier under Lament's banner
Rp Sample 100+ words
[Image: pixel_eir.png]

Eir wears a Santa Claus' coat that has the typical red,white and black colors. She wears it all the time.