
mother, present




3 Years

08-29-2020, 10:10 PM

truthfully, she had been around much. when she did poke her head in, it was to look around. leaving her sent among the edge of the carved out area. she was keen enough to avoid meeting anyone else new. uncomfortable with the idea without at least ulric present. she did remember that he said he had other family, and since his mother settled here - surely they came and went. last time, there was even talking of what sounded like pups. the idea sent a shiver down her spine each time she got the courage to attempt looking for roza.

today however, seemed to be a different story. she had crouched some distance away with a freshly caught rabbit between her front limbs. this one, hadn't been so mangled. the worst was the bite marks she issued to take its life. this one had been the best one from her most recent collection of brush hunting. but it adventure had riddled her with fresh scratches. dancing along her limbs, some deep enough to stain her coat its rusty color. it wasn't as terrible to limit her movement, purely because she was used to it all. as soon as she got around to dipping in the water all the problems would be solved. at least, that was how she decided it to be.

she settled into this spot for a long while, unsure of how much time had passed. building the courage, or the hope she could deliver this gift she wanted to give. and only after she was certain no one else was around, would she collect the rabbit within her maw and press forward. setting into the cleared space, her ears pricked forward. head turning to look around, both to avoid surprise and seek out who she desired to see.

awo. an awkward kind of sound, muffling its way between full lips. awo. awo. a sound meant to summon attention to herself, low and rumbling. such an odd sound, settling between a bark and whine. she didn't know if the sound would attract the women, preparing herself to leave the rabbit in the middle to found later on.

awo. awo. a second attempt, this small pale creature with perked up ears called, while her stomach churned with the curious feeling of excitement..


blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby



8 Years
Athena I
09-05-2020, 11:18 PM

While she didn't have a lot to offer in the way of help these days besides occasionally helping with a small hunt here and there, she did at least like to help maintain the dens while the others were out. She would clear away any new growth around the clearing they had made and would straighten out the hides that they used as bedding - occasionally pulling them out into the open to shake out the dust and dirt they collected. She'd find any little tasks around their home to keep herself busy and make herself useful. Now that Ulric had a woman that he seemed to be quite smitten with she was starting to get a bit of hope that there could be grandchildren on the horizon. She was excited about the idea for obvious reasons, but she was also just looking forward helping with them and babysitting whenever Azariah or Ulric needed to go take care of other things. She loved having someone to care for, but especially pups.

Just as she was finishing tucking the hides she had been cleaning away once again and stepping back out into the open, she heard an unusual noise that made her lift her head curiously. It wasn't quite a bark or a whine, but it sounded like whoever it was had to be somewhere near her. Finally her eyes landed on Farrah's form a short distance off and she quickly realized why her noises had been so muffled. A bright smile pulled across her features and she left what she was doing immediately to go over to where Ferrah was waiting. She did notice that this rabbit wasn't nearly as damaged this time and she was honestly very impressed. "It's so good to see you, Ferrah!" she told the small woman genuinely, her tail wagging gently behind her. Ever since the day that she had offered Ferrah a place in her den she had more or less been thinking of the gray-eyed girl as her daughter of sorts. Of course she would never force the younger woman to stay with them if she wasn't comfortable, but it did make her exceedingly happy to see her from time to time. Her scent always seemed to be somewhere in the area if Roza went looking, but she hadn't actually spotted her since that day they met.

"I was hoping you'd visit. I've been thinking about you," she added as she settled onto her haunches in front of her. It was true that the small girl had been on her mind nearly as often as Philomena since they met. She was so curious about how Ferrah had gotten to this point and this state, but she somehow felt certain that she would never really know the answer. It was just going to have to be one of life's mysteries she supposed, though she did wish that maybe one day Ferrah would tell her. "You've been hunting again I see!" she commented, nodding to the rabbit with a smile. "It looks really good - very well done!"

Talk Abbey Others



3 Years

09-07-2020, 08:23 PM

while the call was awkward, farrah was lucky enough to see roza appear. unsure of what she had been up to, she could only find herself happy that she had been up and about to hear her. as the women greeted her, settled in front of her. farrah would close the distance. she got closer to the women during their last meeting, and the idea had rolled into this one. similar in which she chose to greet ulric, her nose prodded towards her cheek. her hind wiggled to express such excitement.

as the rabbit was praised, farrah was quick to offer it to her. she had brought it for her anyway, her ears perked high in hopes she would claim it. even praise her some more. it brought about a fuzzing feeling, strange but one she found a craving for. she seemed full of energy today, or at least a surge of interested since her call had been so easily answer.

she wouldn't sit still, moving in a happy circle around roza. once.. twice, but the third time would be missing as she bounced towards the parts of this home she hadn't moved towards before. her nose twitched as her pace slowed, trying to see if anyone else was around. she didn't want to meet anyone else, but her frame gave off the need to poke around. a playful curiosity. dont wander too far in.. just because she welcomed you before doesn't mean she will now.

even if you brought her a sacrifice! her cheeks puffed, a slight pout to form. not sacrifice. present, present! if ru had eyes to roll, they'd certainly be tossed around his head in disbelief. but the point he made would cause her to pause, peeking behind her at roza.

her hoarse and rough voice to surface. look the word lingered at the end to suggestion a question, but she not so smooth enough to fully provide one. her head turned back towards the rest left unexplored, wanting to look. wanting to know. would know making her feel more comfortable? her ears twisted back against her head in thought. if she knew, would she sprawl herself out freely?


blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby



8 Years
Athena I
09-09-2020, 11:29 PM

She gave a surprised, but pleased smile with Farrah leaned forward to press her nose to her cheek. It made her more happy than she could express to see the smaller woman begin to get more comfortable around her. She was incredibly patient and was willing to give Ferrah as much time as she needed. It was just nice to see that progress was being made. The quick offer of the rabbit she had just praised surprised her as well, but it brought another bright smile to her scarred face, her tail brushing against the ground as it wagged. "For me?" she asked, even though she knew the answer. She almost felt bad for taking it since it really did look very well caught, but she also knew Ferrah probably brought it specifically to give as a gift. "Thank you, Ferrah! That's so sweet of you! This is a wonderful gift," She leaned forward to quickly press her nose to Ferrah's cheek in the same way she had greeted her before dipping her head to pick up the rabbit she had been given. It would definitely make a nice little meal later. Perhaps if Ferrah stuck around long enough they could share it.

Ferrah hopped up with what seemed like a burst of energy and Roza had a hard time following her movement as she ran circles around her, pulling a slightly muffled laugh with the rabbit hanging from her mouth. She got to her paws and turned around to follow Ferrah as she moved further into the area that they called home. Roza's blue eyes watched the woman curiously while she walked over to her den to place the rabbit just outside the entrance for later. She looked back toward Ferrah just in time to hear her say "look" which Roza quickly deciphered as a question, asking to look around the area. She nodded in agreement, replying, "Of course! No need to ask, you're always welcome here." She knew she had invited the woman to stay before, but she felt like she needed to reiterate the fact just to emphasize that the offer still stood.

"I can show you around a bit if you want," she offered with a smile. "It's not a lot, but then you'll know which dens are where, you know?" She nodded to the den that was just behind her and added, "This is my den. You're more than welcome to go in any time you like." Turning to her right, she pointed with her muzzle toward a den that was maybe a dozen feet away, the entrance partially hidden under a few particularly large tree roots. "That's Ulric and Azariah's den. And over there," Roza nodded toward the left to a pair of small dens that sat side by side. "That's Nausicaa and Memento's dens - those are my grand daughters and Ulric's nieces." It wasn't a lot, but it was their's for now and they had more or less made it home.

Talk Abbey Others



3 Years

09-17-2020, 07:28 PM

she still felt unsure, even with the second invite. the second collection of promising space for her. it held her attention, but her mind was unmade. as she began to speak, farrah stepped closer. extra effort taken to look at each spot properly. labeling them in how close she would dare approach them. her nose pointed off towards roza's den, nostrils to flare as she took in the scent that wafted from it. this is the space she was directly welcomed into, she couldn't step towards it, but instead gave the woman a nod of her attention. effort placed to express she heard what she was kind enough to tell.

look, everyone has a place. there isn't one for you. this was true, but she was certain she could simply make a spot of her own. this is what she was being allowed to do, wasn't it? you want to sleep in the ground? when was the last time we slept in the ground?? her nostrils flared in thought, her focus very clearly drifting in thought.

farrah commonly slept under things, or within things. beneath the brush, within the hollowed centers of trees, both dead or alive. she slept between rocks, and within the occasionally cave. but within the ground..? the last she remembered was when she still had her brothers to follow around. but the den, it was where she hid when her father came around. the thought made her ears flatten, her maw parted as she huffed.

her feet could carry her a few steps away, her chest to puff out as more words spilled out in great effort. spot... mine.. her tongue flickered across her lips in discomfort, the words came out louder then she wished. making her peek towards roza with uncertainy. make.


blind in her left eye. words rarely spoken. yet a voice within her head.

[ f a r r a h ]
a maybe baby



8 Years
Athena I
10-02-2020, 10:25 AM

Roza watched as Ferrah took in the area some more following her explanation and was as patient as ever as she waited to see what the smaller woman would make of it. The pale woman clearly had something on her mind, but what it could be she couldn’t even begin to guess. Even though Ferrah didn’t often speak, Roza could tell that there was something going on in her mind all the time. Her single gray eye was intelligent and she spoke in her own way with her body language and expressions - it was a silent language that Roza was slowly beginning to understand.

Her ears perked to listen to the few, short words that she was given when Ferrah looked back toward her with an obvious uncertainty. Spot mine make… Roza smiled as she deciphered the simple phrase and nodded in agreement. "Of course you can make your own place here. I would love that. I’ll help you build it if you want,” she offered, excited by the idea that Ferrah might make her own home here as well. Perhaps it was a bit presumptuous to think of the pale, younger woman as her daughter of sorts, but at least in her mind Ferrah was family and she never wanted anything more than to keep her family close.

"What would you like your place to be? Would you like to dig out a den like ours or would you prefer to build a little shelter of some kind? It could be in the bushes here near my den if you’d like… Or maybe a little of both! A den dug under the trees like Ulric and Azariah’s.” She left the plans completely up to Ferrah - whatever would make her the most comfortable would be what they would build.

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