
what the frickle frack



2 Years
06-14-2014, 01:59 PM

Enter the explorer, the giantess of ebony and ivory tones, with a truly confused and bewildered expression. This was definitely not here when she'd been living with her mother. Dual toned optics peered about the cavern, taking in the sight of the strange, glowing fungi. Slowly, she would step closer to them, entering the bluish halo of bioluminescence. Her dark sensor would drop to sniff the strange thing, and get a snoot full of dirt and spores. Sneezing and coughing on the nasty aroma, she would back up a few steps and rub her single ebony paw against her snout. Alright, noted. Don't sniff the glowing mushrooms. She mulled, shaking the last remnants of the scent and irritation from her nostrils.

Once more she would step forward, reaching out an experimental paw to tentatively poke the plant. It responded like any other mushroom would, thick stalk bending to the side under her touch. Her crown would tilt to the side, and lower once more to examine it closely. Applying more pressure, the head of the mushroom was now laying sideways against the ground, the edge pressed against the cool, damp stone. Even more force was put behind her ivory pedestal, and the elastic stalk snapped in half. Slowly, the glow began to fade. Curiosity and wonder sparkled in her odd pools, and she bent further to examine the plant. The light from it faded slower than the life left an animal when it was bleeding, dimming by tiny increments.

She stood for who knows how long, watching the light in the mushroom die, and when the thing went out, looking like a normal mushroom amid all it's superior glowing cousins, she straightened. Some of these mushrooms were enormous, the ones further into the cave, near the middle of the massive space, might even be big enough to act as a cushion. Would the big ones support her weight? Only one way to find out! Trotting carefully amid the land mines of the glowing fungi, she headed further into the cavern.

The oldest ones must be here, these mushrooms were astoundingly large. Rearing up onto her hind legs, she dropped her forepaws onto one and watched carefully. There was enough space to hold her paws, and some of the glow was still visible. Applying more pressure and weight, she found it dipping beneath her. Too bad, it might have been fun to sit on the mushroom and act like she was queen of the mushroom kingdom. It might be more fun though, if her subjects were actually alive in the way she was. Maybe. With a huff, the femme dropped her forepaws back onto the ground and padded along through the labyrinth of fungi.

Where had this place come from? What could have happened to the island to make this cavern appear, and so many other things. She didn't remember some of these places being there before, but she was young, her memory could have been faulty. Looking about, she continued to wander in a world of her own. Part of her was looking for any other strange glowing objects, like light up rats or something equally interesting, and possibly edible. The lass didn't want to chance the mushrooms being toxic, and left them be.




06-14-2014, 05:17 PM

Part of her was in denial, after all of her hard work of getting here, the world had turned its back on her again. Though she couldn't do shit about it, all her whining would not bring her mother back from the plague they only just recently recovered from. But one thing it would not change was how pissed she was about not coming sooner. When her mother was all alone, she had been too caught up in the joy of the thought of seeing her again. Of course, the thoughts of Hajime ran through her head as well. She remembered him when the family went to visit Rivaxorus, and if she knew correctly he had been on these lands too. So where the fuck was he while a member of their family had been dying? Hajime had always been a shy boy, she didn't know how much he changed so who knew. Oh how she really wanted to bust his face in.
A hefty sigh left her lips, of course, she couldn't let the anger get the best of her. The only thing to do now was to....move on. That would be easy right, she had everything down. With all this in mind, she really hadn't thought about where she had been going. The white lass lifted her head realizing she was in a strange crevice with a bunch of mushrooms. The small mushrooms glowed, raising her odd crystal blue eyes to widen and stare at them as she took in a deep breath within her surroundings. Her tail flicked mildly behind her, this place looked amazing and it took her breath away.
Light blue glow lined the walls from the mushrooms, the cool feeling of water that moved through the cavern made her step forward. One black paw stepping in a puddle, looking down, slime lined below with the moist air. Though her ears would perk to the difficult quiet sound of another. Making her amazed expression return to the same stoic one as usual. She really was in no mood to deal with a stranger, but company was something that would probably do her some good.
Emma rolled her eyes for a moment at herself, creeping forward lowered on her body until she spotted the girl. Young, but still looking strong, since Emma was one never to underestimate. She often felt like she was the one left behind in the walker family after all. Watching her, Emma's head would tilt to one side. Who else would be in a place like this? After all, it looked to be the result of a disaster.




2 Years
06-14-2014, 05:58 PM

Attention distracted, the rumbling in her belly was her only focus. Come on, something had to be eating the mushrooms, right? When her foot struck something solid and a raucous clatter echoed through the cavern, it became apparent that whatever had decided to eat the mushrooms did not take to them well. Swallowing nervously, she decided to forgo the search for food in the cavern. Odd, dual toned optics lifted from the ground, and a strong scent wafted up over the aroma of the glowing fungi. Her crown lifted high, the giantess looked about, curious. Someone else was in here? A shadow amid the light, albeit one that somewhat reflected the bluish tint, became apparent. A small, gentle smile came to play at the corners of her dark lips. "Hey there stranger." Calm melodies would greet, a cursory tip of her tiara given as well.

Dainty paws would pick themselves up, but drop again when the femme's posture was taken into account. It didn't look like she was in the mood for close proximity from anyone, let alone someone she just met. So she slowly lowered her rump to the cool stone, disregarding the dank stone and what might be on it. She hadn't died yet, had she? Mismatched audits were pushed forward, a plush alabaster banner laid flush with a lean thigh. "Care for a chat? I'm kind of bored." She chuckled, tilting her head slightly to one side, inquisitive.

The similarity between some of their markings was something that the wolfess found oddly comical, the two toned ears and the single black paw, it was amusing somehow. Did the other she wolf see it too? Despite the cape of ebony worn by the stranger, they looked somewhat similar. Maybe once she calmed down, they could have a laugh over it. "I'm Lakota, by the way." The taller lady added, feeling the need to do so out of common courtesy. She hadn't felt the need to add her last name, she was in her home land now, so she didn't need to see if everyone had any idea where she might have come from, to point her in the right direction.
