
Light of my life

Azaric <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-06-2020, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2020, 11:49 PM by Ulric.)

The trip up to the north east had been a fairly long one, but he knew it would be worth it. He wanted this moment to be absolutely perfect and he knew the exact place that would give him the scene that he wanted. He was glad that he didn't have to do much convincing when it came to getting Azariah to come with him, though there was a good bit of pestering involved when he told her that it was a surprise when she asked for the reason behind their trip. The whole way up to Firefly Lake they passed the time with easy chatter and quick, stolen kisses, but he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as they got closer and closer to their intended destination. He liked to think that there was no reason to be nervous, but he was. Not necessarily that she would say no to his question, but simply because of his desire to make this moment absolutely perfect for her.

They reached the lake just as the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. He was so glad that he had gotten his timing right. So far things were going off without a hitch and he just hoped that his luck continued. "This way," he told her with a smile before walking toward the shore of the lake. He stepped into the thick row of reeds and pulled them to the side to give her a free passage way to pass through, exposing the soft, sand covered shore that laid just behind it. It also revealed the lake that stretched out in front of them that reflected the stars that were just beginning to peek through the night sky. Perfect, this is exactly what he wanted. Every time something went according to plan in eased a bit of his nerves, but he still couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. It was a big, official step for them both and he wanted this to be something they could remember forever.

He let her pass through to the beach before following her through as well. Once she was seated on the sand he settled onto his haunches behind her and wrapped his forelegs around her so that he could hold her against him with her back to his chest, peering down at her with a warm smile. "Your surprise will be here in just a moment," he told her as he dipped his head to place a gentle lick on her forehead. He looked back out over the water and after a few moments he spotted the first firefly, bringing a wider smile to his lips. One was quickly joined by another and soon enough the whole lake was lit up with what could have been hundreds or thousands of fireflies. He squeezed Azariah gently in his arms and he looked down to see her reaction as he thought back to when they first met in front of the waterfall. It felt like so long ago now, but it also felt like it could have been yesterday.




5 Years

09-06-2020, 10:04 PM

There weren't many wolves that Azariah would feel safe traveling with, but Ulric wasn't one of those. She would follow him anywhere and knew she would always be safe. He was there with her, and in true fashion, the monochrome lady would bump her body against his just enough to make sure he was really with her. It was a habit of hers now to seek contact with him whenever she could, finding comfort in the tiny gesture as they went on. Love had been what she was missing all along, that final piece of the puzzle that was Azariah. When they arrived at their destination, Aza was taken aback by the beauty of the place, but this was apparently not what Ulric had in mind for his surprise. Though, the fae that gathered seemed to be wise to his plans, as they lit up and danced all over the place. The tinkling of their laughter could be heard while they walked by, causing Aza to grin and watch their festivities. As he ushered her into a more isolated area, following her to her chosen seat on the sand, Azariah planted a gentle kiss on his cheek as she passed him and moved to sit. Settling back on her haunches, Azariah leaned into him as he held her from behind, perfectly content in that moment just to be happy and there with him. "The place alone is breathtaking, but you are always full of surprises, I know this will be good." Smiling happily she tilted her head back so that she rested it on his shoulder and could nip and tease his ear, always careful to be gentle.

Soon, as she looked out over the lake, Azariah began to notice that lights danced over the water, and her head tilted as she was reminded of their night at the waterfall. Though it was pinned between them, her tail gave the best wave it could, the white tip the only part that moved with the gesture. It didn't take long before the lights of the fae were drowned out by the twinkling of lightning bugs, the gentle squeeze that Ulric gave her just enough to bring her back. Her expression was one of dazzlement, wonder, and pure joy. "Est pulchra, amica mea!" Latin fell from her lips, and though he may not understand the statement, her meaning was clear on her face. It was beautiful! The thought and planning that had to go into getting the timing of the fireflies right showed her just how much care he had put into this surprise. "I love it, Ulric! It's so beautiful!" She repeated herself, finally realizing she had spoken in Latin, and laughed. She had told him she spoke a few languages, but her list had been rather extensive and she hadn't been specific. Most didn't know the language, but it was no issue for the monochrome woman. "Breathtaking." She said softly, her smile seeming unable to be removed, looking from her handsome love back to the sparkling festival in front of her. The man was truly magical, his mind worked in wondrous ways. Every time Azariah thought she loved him the most she could, she found more and more love for him ready to grow. It was a cycle she never hoped would end.

"Talking." | 'Thought.' | 'Others.'

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Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
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Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-06-2020, 11:54 PM

Azariah didn't disappoint when it came to her reaction to his plans. The joy and amazement that lit up her face was something that he wished he could capture and make sure she got to experience for the rest of time. He understood the saying that the dark days make the bright ones even better, but he never wanted her to experience those dark days ever again. He only wanted her to feel happiness and joy and love. A wide, crooked grin lit up his face at her reaction, his own tail brushing and swishing through the sand and leaving a semi-circle mark behind in his excitement. He couldn't tell what of the languages she had spoken, but it didn't matter. He could tell that she was pleased with his surprise all the same and that was all that mattered. The lightning bugs were beautiful and they brought back the same sort of magic that had been around them when they first met, but they were dull in comparison to her. The way her ruby eyes shimmered, the sound of her laughter, the joy she held in her smile, the amazing knowledge that she held in her mind... She was everything he wanted and more.

I'm so glad you like it, my love," he replied softly before she looked back out over the water at the fireflies as they dances and floated though the air. It looked as if the stars had floated down to put on a show for them over the water and it painted the most beautiful, picturesque scene he could have asked for. He couldn't quite bring himself to look at it though. He glanced up at the fireflies for a moment, but his silver eyes kept getting brought back to his lover as he continued to hold her snuggly against his chest. He examined everything about her that he could see from the way that the gray of her ears faded into the white of her forehead to the little scars that peeked though the fur on her muzzle. Even her flaws made her even more wonderfully perfect in his eyes. She was his and that was all that mattered. They had each other and if he might be lucky enough to spend the rest of his days at her side then he would consider himself the most blessed man alive.

There was one more thing he had to do here though - the whole thing that had sparked this idea and his desire to give her the most amazing backdrop he could possibly imagine. Remembering why he had brought her here brought back some of those anxious nerves and made his heart flutter in his chest. He placed a gentle lick across her ears, grooming them carefully for a few moments as he steadied himself before he finally let his forelegs untangle from her and gently placed her own feet back on the ground as well. He stood and came around to be able to face her more easily. He hoped that he didn't look too nervous as he sat on his haunches across from her, but he knew that he couldn't hide his emotions from her. Sometimes it felt like she could read his mind, but it was something that he loved about her. He felt like he could always be himself around her because she was always going to figure out what was going on anyway.

"Azariah... Since I met you, I've felt like I'm finally whole. You've completely changed my life in the very best ways... I never really believed that I would love someone the way that I love you, but... I do. I love you more than I could have ever imagined." He had trouble searching for the right words despite all the thinking and rehearsing he had done in the days prior. Now that he was actually sitting here face to face with the woman he loved every practiced word flew out of his brain. Even though his words stuttered and hesitated, he hoped that he was getting across just how much she meant to him. "But... I don't want to just love you. I want you to be with me for the rest of our lives... I want to be with you for every single day, whether it's good, bad, beautiful, or ugly. I want you to be a part of my family forever. I want us to have our own beautiful family and make our own mark on this world together."

His ears folded back nervously as he glanced down, reaching to gently left her left paw with his right, holding her paw in his as his eyes found hers again. "Azariah... will you marry me?"




5 Years

09-07-2020, 11:03 PM

Azariah couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the firefly light show that dazzled and shimmered over the lake, the fae folk that intermingled with the bugs danced and frolicked, making the witch's smile grow even more wide as they celebrated. Her head tilted curiously at them, as a few stared and smiled at her with knowing eyes. They never spoke to her directly, though to their credit she had never truly interacted with them. When Ulric released her, the tricolor lady mourned the loss of the contact but found she was curious as to why he pulled away. Aza looked over her shoulder at him questioningly, trying to ignore the excited tinkling of the fae folk around them - though the smile never left her lips. Her ruby red gaze followed him as he came around so they were face to face with open curiosity - and buried anxiousness - in her expression. Her own nerves were a result of the anxiety present in his own eyes, even though there was not nearly enough to make a panic about.

What could have her bear nervous? What would be even frightening enough to put even a microscopic amount of nervousness in his silvery eyes? The suspense was enough to kill her, she was sure, and the tangling of her innards told her so as well. Her heart fluttered in her chest like a wild bird caught in a cage, and she had to struggle to keep her breaths even, making a real effort to stay put and not seem as though she was falling apart inside. Before she asked any questions or had the chance to speak at all, Ulric began his enchanting speech.

While he seemed to struggle a bit with his wording, Azariah found she hang on the edge of every syllable. Her ears were perked attentively forward, her eyes wide and a soft smile on her face as he spoke, the witch could hear his heart in his words, and she committed each note to memory. She was left speechless, and while he paused to catch his breath, Azariah felt her own heart pause with him. The organ had somehow jumped into her throat, a smile permanently etched on her face as she listened to him continue, her expressive face showing only adoration and love. This moment, already spectacularly special in her own mind, would soon become one of the most significant moments in her life. She found her own ears mirroring her love's as he pinned them back for only a fleeting moment. As Ulric lifted her paw, Azariah found the happiest tears she had ever shed had finally collected enough to spill over. She found her heart choking her enough that she couldn't speak, only laugh and cry and nod as vigorously as she could.

Her tail couldn't stop its frantic waving, even her body shook with the force of it as she was suddenly on her paws. She only took a couple of small steps to close the short distance between them and planted a big, happy, passionate kiss - nose to nose, full contact. When she finally pulled away it was only long enough to take a breath, and with tears and laughter she half-whispered, half-yelled, "Oh, Ulric! You've made me so happy! Yes, Ulric, yes!" With her response clear, every fae within earshot began to beam brightly, the tinkling of bells and celebratory sounds filled her ears, making her laugh and cry even more.

After her answer, she fully expected she would end up on her back, and decided to meet him first. Once again she pressed her mouth to his, curling her smaller frame against the muscled planes of his own. Sitting up, she threw her arms over his shoulders and around his neck, so they could be chest to chest. Azariah wanted to be close enough that she could feel his heartbeat against her chest and hers against his, that way he could literally feel the depth of her feelings. She kissed him silly, the gestures broken only by uncontrollable yips and howls as he showered her with his own affections. He had made her the happiest woman ever! Her bear would be hers forever, he wanted to keep her not as a slave, but as a wife! A true wife!

"Talking." | 'Thought.' | 'Others.'

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-07-2020, 11:49 PM

The happy tears and the frantic nodding of her head was the only answer he needed. His nervousness immediately fell away and replaced by the most all consuming joy he had ever felt. The only feeling that might rival this was from the first night they spent together, but even that didn't quite have the same incredible high that this had. A huge grin cut across his muzzle and he found his vision clouded by the same happy tears as he gave a giddy laugh that mixed with hers in the air. She was his - really his. And he was hers. Soon enough they would be married and she would be his wife. She'd share his name and their lives would be entwined forever. His mind was already racing into the far flung future as he tired to picture what their ceremony and celebration might be like, but she quickly brought him back to the present when her muzzle pressed hard to his in a passionate miss.

If he thought that he wanted her any other time before now, it only paled in comparison to how he felt in this moment. In this beautiful spot with the soft sands under them and the twinkling stars scattered across the sky, his emotions at an all time high with the absolute joy that this woman had given him... All he wanted was to show her how much this moment meant to him in the only way he knew how. She pulled away for just a moment to vocalize her happiness and to give him an official "yes" to his question, but he didn't respond - not that she really gave him a chance to. After another brief moment of them grinning and laughing at each other like idiots, her muzzle found his again and this time he wasn't going to let her slip away. He melted into her just as she pressed herself into his form. When her forelegs found their way around his neck he brought one of his paws up around her lower back, holding her against him and supporting her much smaller frame in his strong embrace.

With their chests pressed together and the combination of his one leg and both of her arms holding her to him, he carefully eased her down onto the sand under him before letting his paw slip away from her so that he could support himself over her. With his larger frame laying gently across hers he let his muzzle slip away from hers just so that he could start covering her face and neck in tender licks and kisses, occasionally letting his teeth gently nip at her skin and let the strands of fur slip through his teeth. The sounds of her joy and enjoyment made him grin and he silently made it his personal mission to make sure the entire world around them knew the love and joy that was shared here tonight. The thick semi circle of reeds that surrounded this section of beach made this place feel incredibly secluded and private, but he knew this wasn't like being in their den were they were quite literally cut off from the outside world for the most part. He didn't mind though. Let them hear how happy he made his woman - he was proud to do so.

He spent a good bit of time just making sure that every single inch of her perfect form was touched by him in some way and she was able to get every ounce of enjoyment possible from this moment. All of this had been for her - the trip to the lake, the timing of the fireflies, the grad, love filled speech, the passionate, lingering kisses and love... This was all for her. He knew he probably didn't need some grand show of his love for her to say yes, but he wanted to make it special. She deserved it. He still didn't know what all had led her to this point or what had gotten her the scars that he found under her fur as he moved down and around her body, but he knew that she deserved something special. She deserved every good thing in the world and if he could bring her a little bit of happiness and magic to make her this happy then he would move mountains to do it.

Ulric finally let himself give in to his overwhelming desires and gave her all of himself, leaning down press his cheek to hers as he did so. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening with his wife to be and this felt like the only way he could imagine beginning this new chapter together - lost in each other under the stars with the fire flies dancing and celebrating with them over the water.

- fade -

He was on his back, holding Azariah on his chest as had become habit for them after they made love, a lingering, goofy grin still ever present on his muzzle. His silver eyes were half open as he looked up at the stars, but he wasn't ready for sleep just yet. He was just content and happy with this moment and was letting himself enjoy every minute of it. His claws gently traced along her skin and drew slow, wandering circles over her back and sides. "You're going to be my wife," he said after a while, lifting his head a bit so he could look down at her, his silver eyes shining with love. It was something that he obviously knew, but with his pleasure rattled brain it felt like a fresh revelation every time he thought or said the phrase.




5 Years

09-27-2020, 01:01 PM

He literally covered her, but it wasn't smothering, instead she felt protected, sheltered and treasured. The gentleness of his kisses and his tenderness made her almost writhe beneath him, purrs and echoes of joy and pleasure filling the air. What he gave she gave back in equal measure, making sure to cover every bit of him that she could reach with kisses and gentle nips, even lightly biting his ear as her desire grew to new heights. Each time they were together this way she found herself wanting more of him, needing more of him, and now she would have every bit of him! A soft gasp left her as they became one, before their souls had met. This time, along with the physical feel of him, she could feel their souls fully meld together. Their surroundings spun dizzyingly and Azariah found herself lost to pleasure, and buried her face into his chest.


Keeping her ear pressed to his chest so she could listen to the thunder of his heartbeat slow to a more peaceful pace, Azariah relaxed over him as she caught her breath. With a smile on her face, she still found herself doing the weird, girly crying thing that happened after particularly good...ahem... She purred softly so that he would know she was happy, a smile growing on her sleepy features as he spoke. A peel of giggling erupted from her, "I'm going to be your wife!" Another lavishing of kisses ran along his jaw and then over his heart, "And your wife loves you, to the moon and back!" Her tail waved happily and she lay her head back on his chest, her paws pulling her even closer to them. Oh how she loved and adored him, everything about him, even the soft way he snored. Aza found it hard to fight the sleep that rose to claim her, but she did so with another 'I love you.' on her lips and a smile on her face. Nothing had ever felt this good.

Note: So, we makes application now, Yes??
| Word count: 338 words |
"Talking." | 'Thought.' | 'Others.'

Click character icon to see their profile.
Discord Bird#1780 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!
Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3