
Starlight, Star Bright




6 Years
09-06-2020, 12:23 PM

Skælingr hated to disturb his wife on nights when he struggled to sleep. She looked so peaceful curled up next to him but try as he might his thoughts would not quiet enough to let him rest. Rather than stay awake while anxiety started to creep in he decided to go for a walk. Skælingr carefully pulled away from Ragna, making sure not to disturb her before he left the den. It was a hot summer night even though they'd gone north to the Mile-High Woods. It seemed like the heat had followed them but he was hopefully that the coming week would be cooler.

They were just north of the battlefield so Skælingr headed south. He was skeptical that he could find an opponent but it was still worth a try. Either way he'd get some exercise with the walk and if he did get an opponent the fight would be the release that he needed to maybe get some sleep.

Skælingr arrived at the battlefield an hour or so after midnight. It was a new moon and the sky was vast and dark except for the stars. Thousands upon thousands twinkled and sparkled above him and as he watched the night sky he saw one streak across the horizon. Skælingr remembered wishing on falling stars as a pup but it wasn't a practice he did much anymore. Hopefully, the star would be a sign of good luck for him on the Battlefield but it certainly wasn't guaranteed. Anyone could have seen the star. Skælingr found a nice clearing and let out a call for an opponent.


WC: 269Sta



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
09-06-2020, 09:14 PM
The summer heat brought a distinct restlessness to the Adravendi, one that was compounding the increasingly urgent call in his head to get out there, to gather together those who'd follow him. To declare himself to the world so that the world would acknowledge the true Adravendi bloodline, to bring glory to that name that it had not known for some time. The stars overhead guided his restless feet to the grounds he'd walked so many times. He'd spent his blood here as currency for his skill in battle. He'd come to offer that trade once again, and as if in omen a star streaked across the sky. He followed it with his eyes, gaze going icy within those crystal blue pupils as his resolve condensed within him, a promise to his mother who had died before she could see her children grown. He would be known.

A call drew him from his reverie. It took a moment to drag his mind back from the future he was building within it, the plans he was making and the foundation he was constantly laying for it. He was turning to stride towards the call before his thoughts had entirely returned, and with little memory of the steps between he found himself standing facing the same man he'd fought both lion and bear with. "You again," he said wryly. It seemed every time he'd met this man they'd both been in mortal peril. Artur glanced about warily for the man's better half. If she was here, no doubt next they'd be attacked by a tiger who happened to den where they were standing. But she was nowhere in sight, and with relief that he wouldn't admit to himself (but for real, he did need a bit of a break from near-death experiences with large animals, probably) he turned his attention fully to the other male, settling into a warrior's stance. "I've seen you fight," he observed aloud dispassionately. "It will be good to truly experience your skill first-hand."

WC: 336
TWC: 605



6 Years
09-07-2020, 04:01 PM

While he waited Skælingr observed the sky above, marveling at the beauty. In some ways he wished his wife were here to enjoy the spectacle. However, she'd been working hard all day and he didn't have the heart to wake her even for something such as this. So, in the end he'd just have to content himself with the spar and if no one showed up at least the heavens were putting on a show. Sowelu settled in next to him and neither one spoke until Skælingr got an answer for his call. He grinned as he recognized the male they'd fought a few predators with. He was very skilled and had youth on his side.

"I can say the same about you." Skælingr nodded and prepared to fight, quickly setting his defenses. Skæ lowered his head to align with his spine, shifting his tail up to do the same as his shoulders rolled forward, his neck scrunching back to push fur and fat over his vitals.  His chin tucked slightly and his hackles stood on end.  He growled, his limbs spreading equidistant apart, bent slightly to lower his center of gravity and to prepare him to spring into action at a moments notice.  His weight settled equally across his limbs as his toes splayed, his claws digging into the earth.  Skælingr wrinkled his brow in a snarl, his ears pinning tightly to his head as his alert emerald eyes narrowed.

Skælingr kicked off violently, shredding grass and flinging dirt as he charged toward Artur. He hurtled toward the younger, and quite a bit taller male, nearly head on. Shifting his weight to his hind legs he attempted to push off with his front feet and lift himself into a rear before he guessed they would collide. Bringing his right shoulder forward he attempted to slam the front of the shoulder into the point where Artur's neck met his left shoulder. He hoped to throw as much of his weight behind the move as he could in hopes of straining the tendons of the other man's shoulder.

As he did so his jaws lanced forward seeking to dig into the flesh where the man's neck met his right shoulder. Skælingr looked to keep his chin tucked to help protect his neck as he attacked. Hopefully he could get in a good strike against his opponent.

Skælingr Nalin Catharsis vs Artur for Spar
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Companion 1: Indri lemur, Male - Battle
Skills: Novice Intellectual & Advanced Fighter
Specialty: N/A


WC: 394
TWC: 1000



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
10-30-2020, 09:42 PM
It seemed the other male recognized him as well, and Artur gave a slight tilt of his head in acknowledgement of the other male's words. As far as bringing trouble went, he supposed they were even, since they'd come to his aid with the lioness and he'd come to theirs with the bear. Maybe he should make it a point to spend more time in their company, since he had gotten in more battle practice in the last little while than he had in quite some time. It did make him wonder how much training his siblings were able to get in, and he made a note to spar again with his sister. He owed Caelia more attention than he'd been giving her, and he needed to tell her of his intentions to leave anyway. He did learn, after all, and his confrontation with Geoffrey... Meriadoc... when they were younger told him that the longer he kept it hidden from her the more likely it was that she would take it badly when circumstances forced it into the open. Well, he had a way to go before he was satisfied with his progress as a fighter, anyway, so there was time yet before he felt he was ready to lead and defend a band.

He slipped into a fighter's stance as his opponent did, holding his weight lightly on the balls of his feet, his joints loose and slightly bent and his weight centered carefully over all four feet. His tail flagged out as his head lowered to bring the whole of his spine into alignment. His muzzle tilted down slightly to protect his throat, his ears back and eyes narrowed to protect them as well. He'd been taught to never get lazy with defenses, friendly spar or not, for accidents were possible with any fight, and it only took a single slip to leave a careless fighter crippled for life. Carelessness was a bad habit to get into.

As the man charged him he dropped suddenly into a crouch, so that Skae's strike would take him over Artur's shoulder rather than slamming into Artur's neck. Digging his claws into the ground Artur slammed up and forward from his crouch in an attempt to slam his right shoulder into Skae's stomach right where the ribcage ended in an attempt to knock the wind out of him. This perforce twisted Artur's front slightly to his own left, and he snapped his jaws at the front of Skae's right thigh, aiming to lacerate it rather than grip, because he want to be able to extricate himself from the situation without needing to release a grip first. He hoped that his own greater height and weight would allow his forward-and-upward thrust to throw the other male over completely and make his current untenable position moot, but in the event that it didn't he was careful to keep his feet beneath him and his limbs coiled and ready to propel him in any direction to get him out.

Artur Pendragon Adravendi vs Skaelingr for Spar
Round 1/1
Age: over 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Leather braces with claws
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

WC 504
TWC: 1504

The Judge


11-28-2020, 01:47 PM

And the winner is...


ARTUR must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Askell: 209.88
Rolls: 17 85 12 62
Adjusted: 20.4 85 12 65.1

Artur: 193.14
Rolls: 5 66 10 66
Adjusted: 5.75 69.3 10 75.9