
FREEDOM (Oh, and a little drowning)



8 Years

06-14-2014, 06:28 AM

There was no sweeter scent, no sweeter moment, no sweeter anything then her first moment of freedom. She could leap and bound and cry and dance. She could touch the sky and nothing could ever way her down again. With a squeal and a giggle, and even a little half scream in the mix the girl would dive into the waters of Wolfpaw Lake. After her little bout of sickness she decided she utterly adored water. It was fresh and clean and smelled absolutely wonderful ? unlike how the child had smelled not so long ago.

She was utterly intent on challenging herself, pushing herself harder and further. She was going to catch the biggest and mightiest prey of the forest? somehow, prove to her siblings that she was ready again to face the world. Her dive scent her splashing into the waters with a little tidal wave in its path. With a gasp she pushed herself back to the surface and squealing swam right out into the heart of the lake.

She splashed and kicked and made a right fuss until she was there, and panting heavily looked at the shores that surrounded her and smiled triumphantly. Her little paws where kicking away and her breath only got heavier, panting so hard now she could hardly breath in fact. Every so often her head would dip under the water. What was this, she had swum to the middle of the lake before! She puffed heavily, trying to think. She felt so weak and tired now, that dratted illness must have made her less able. For half a second she almost cried wondering if she would be permanently damaged and weaker then she had been before, but only for a second, after all she had bigger concerns. Her little paws tried to kick harder, but she was just too tired.
Oh god, she was going to survive a long and horrible illness only to drown... she let out a huffed howl through wheezing lungs. ?VAAAAAAAAAAAL? and that one name was all she could manage.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]


06-14-2014, 11:02 AM

If it wasn't one thing it was another and for the first time in his life the adolescent felt bummed. He and Isis had made all these sick plans and plots for world domination and never ending fun when his leg finally healed but it seemed that as soon as it had she had fallen ill and then he had been forced to stay inside again. First it had been because of his fathers stupid 'quarantine' and then simply because he hadn't wanted to leave his sisters side. She had been so good about keeping him company while his leg had been broken and he had felt obligated to do the same. So he had stayed with her, day in and day out. Allowing his parents to gather herbs and do things while he focused on trying to keep her spirited up. Laughter was the best medicine after all... Right? He sighed, head hung as he shambled towards the lake. His father had told him to go get Isis some water and though he wasn't mad about having to do it everything was weighing heavily down on the boy. He had heard his parents talking, he had heard that his dad was mad at Erani... How could he be mad at Erani? To add to it he had heard them talking about maybe going to another pack and leaving Valhalla.

He didn't want to leave Valhalla, all his friends were here. Though that surmounted to all of Alpine and Surreal really since Isis would be coming with them. Man... That wasn't a lot of people he knew! His head lifted and for a moment and once again sighed. Man he was BUMMED. Icy paws slumped through the snow, shoulders rolling under thick ruff as orange eyes studied the frozen landscape. But despite the snow it was a fairly warm day out, the sun was shining, the birds were singing. Any other day he would have been laughing and prancing but his leg still felt a bit off, pressure building where the bone had broken every time he put weird down on it. He didn't want to push his luck just yet. So he walked at a slow and leisurely pace to the lake, taking in the sights and sounds without too many worries. Isis was healthy after all if not a little under the weather still. But whatever herbs his dad had given her seemed to be working well enough.

He turned a corner around a tree to straighten his path to the lake, the surprisingly unfrozen waters glittering against the snow dusted shores, when he heard the shriek. But it wasn't just a random unknown cry for help no, this one called for a name. Should he go? Yes. A knight would go, a warrior would go and that was what he was. Still gangly limbs would propel him forward, sprinting without thinking towards the lake. He would jump, flinging himself into the icy waters without a second thought as he saw the small form paddling away like crazy closer to the middle of the lake. His head went under as he hit the water and immediately he gasped as the cold water closed in around him. He broke then surface a second later, coughing and spluttering but he was swimming already, paddling easily despite the cold weighting heavily down on his limbs. It took him probably far too long to get there but as soon as he did he would attempt to reach out and grab at her before starting back to shore. At this point he couldn't say anything, already pretty breathless so hopefully she wouldn't freak out and make this hard on both of them.




8 Years

06-14-2014, 06:38 PM

Not once in her life had Val ever let her down, it was like he had a little internal alarm that went off any time she was in danger and he would appair before her like the knightly father she knew him to be. Thing was, he was certainly taking his time today and meanwhile her huffs of breath grew raspier and her paws just couldn't keep up the battle. She had never been so weak before, so lethargic, she probably should have realised that the sickness had taken her strength but she was just so intent on pushing herself and having some real fun for the first time in forever.

The form she finally saw plunging into the waves was not the familiar browns of Val, or even Emer, but someone else entirely. It was a softly white form and for a heartbeat she thought that Bass had come to save her and a little thrill went through her. As the form approached she could see through the splashes she kicked up about herself that this was not Bass at all, but a total stranger. He approached however and seemed set on saving the little tired creature and as he reached her she just didn't want to keep kicking and allowed her self to go limp the moment he touched her, trusting that he would grab her littler form and pull her back to the firm ground at shore.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]


06-14-2014, 08:52 PM

Cador hadn't explored much of Valhalla, to be honest. Most of the time, he was content to stick around his family, playing with his sisters (and keeping an eye on them) as much as possible. But Cador had wandered from his family on this day, heading out into the great unknown for the first time. Sure, he'd been outside of his den before, but Cador had not wandered this far, and he was shocked to see how much Valhalla had to offer. Why, the world was even larger than it had seemed that first day he'd left the den! Which was impressive, because Cador had been rather in awe of the world's size. It didn't bother him much, however. The world might have been large, but Cador Adravendi could face its greatest challenges, and he wasn't about to back down.

With that in mind, the pup had gone off in search of some fun. His sisters were both safe for the moment, engaged in their business with their mother watching over them, and that meant that Cador had some room to breathe. He had found himself wandering throughout Valhalla's territory, taking comfort in the familiar scents of Erani and the other pack wolves that surrounded him, even this far from their den. He could still pick up traces of his father in the area if he sniffed really hard, which gave Cador more confidence. Why, if his father could make this journey, then so could he.

It seemed to take an eternity for Cador to stumble across Wolfpaw Lake. And when he finally did, he found his amethyst gaze settling on the shapes of a white wolf towing a smaller pup to shower. Cador padded forward curiously, ears flopping to the side as he cocked his head slightly. "Can I help?" The youngster offered from the shore, surprisingly calm for witnessing something that could have ended in death. But Cador didn't really comprehend death, and at any rate, he was sure that he could help! He was Cador Adravendi, after all. There had to be something he could do.



06-26-2014, 04:37 PM

Her form would go limp in his jaws as soon as jaws would close around her scruff, it was both a relief and a fear of his. What if he wasn't strong enough to get her to shore? What if his leg broke again? He tried to quell the panic threatening to rise as he began to paddle back to the shore he had left to save this girl. The shore that suddenly looked so far away. But he would power through it, long limbs and awkwardly large paws working hard to drag the extra weight back with him. As the neared the shallows another form would appear, calling out to ask if they needed help. Erion couldn't even grunt in response, breathing shallow now as he was forced to drag air in through his nose rather then his mouth. Despite the cold water he was hot, he needed to pant but he couldn't. Not until he got her to shore.

A forepaw lash forward and toes scraped the ground. There! He continued to push forward, throwing his last ounces of energy into flexing his toes into the soft sand to try and pull him closer. Then his paws hit fully and his forward momentum slowed considerably as gravit began to pull down around him and he realized the full weight of the girl. But he would keep her in his jaws until they were in ankle deep water before he would finally release her. Tongue immediately lolled out over jaws as he lowered his head and shook the cold water from his pelt violently. He felt writes his skin was numb feeling but his core temperature felt way too high. "Are you... Okay?" He finally managed to pant out, his first concern to the girl before the boy on the shore. If she wasn't maybe the boy could run for help.




8 Years

06-30-2014, 02:17 AM

She allowed her savior to pull her to safety, this unnamed white hero who had streaked through the water without a second thought to bring a foolish pup back to shore. She could feel him panting through her coat, his breath warm and familier against her, just like Emer and Val had done when they had once picked her up and taken her to bed, or away from danger. This boy would continue to heave them both to shore, through the shallows and all until there was nothing but the lightest trace of water against there legs and here he would release her. She would touch down against the earth gently, and let out a burr as she shook water from her coat.

For a second she was lost in the moment, cold and tired but excited and free, until the boy spoke again and she would turn her gaze fully upon him. Her tail would take up an insistent wag behind her and she would leap forward and lick the underside of his chin with a swift flick. She would drop on her hunches again, truly exhausted despite her little display. ?That was so awesome! You where like a big white hero and you just cut through the water and pulled me back. Are you a hero? Are you what a hero looks like?? she peered at him closely to see if this could be so ? she had heard of heros before, but the only one she knew was Val ? she wasn't counting Emer only because she was her mum, she wasn't a hero, but a mum, althrough they where probably the same sort of thing. Her eyes would glance over the the other boy who had tried to help her and she would give him a wide grin too ? because it was the thought that counts.


[Image: aGjjkVy.png]