
Dance to the beat of my soul

Motif I


4 Years
06-15-2014, 04:32 AM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2014, 04:33 AM by Motif I.)

The sun's decent across the sky gave way to a golden halo that reflected against soft blues of water and along the long strokes of earth and fire that created the base colour of the creature that took stride within its deep bulk. Even winter could not hide the beauty of the day nor dampine the desires that took her body and brought her to these waters. All around her there was beauty, in the scenery and in the music of the softly thrumming waves. She was captivated by its call, a call that resounded within her chest until all she could do was run. Run until she thought she might leave flames in her steps, and in a way she did. With her ankles deep in the water and the golden sun that leapt about the waves that cascaded along her delicate limbs truly did leave the impression of fire in her wake.

It was another reminder of her freedom, and the power of it, to simply find her joy in that moment as she dashed along the beach, with her paws in the hold of the tide and yet nothing was able to grasp her. She had chased the sunset before and this felt similar, with the dying sun to the background of the soft waves, it all made her feel like she could run until the end of days and never tire of the melody that whispered in her heart.