
Let your body talk



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-09-2020, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2020, 06:39 PM by Kai.)
Kai was pleasantly buzzed by now. He hadn't planned on drinking at all, but all it took was a little encouragement from Justice. One thing led to another... how much had he drank, anyway?... and now he was stumbling away from someone, his attention all but captured by a female who looked mostly unoccupied. She was downright gorgeous, but then again his vision seemed a bit hazier and everyone was starting to look pretty damn good by now. The tusked male redirected himself, nearly tripping over a bowl that sloshed some foreign liquid, before he made his way over to her.

Her appearance was familiar in a way he couldn't immediately place. It took him an embarrassingly long time to recall her; it'd been awhile since they'd met, and quite a bit had happened since then. And oh was she gorgeous, in a way most women here just plain weren't. Or maybe part of him just felt like he was looking at a desaturated female version of himself. He had no fucking clue. Either way, she wasn't really his typical type, but it didn't matter. Even Justice had been a far cry from the sort of wolf he usually went after, but he had decided to take a new approach to life. Why deprive himself of anything at all, now that he was free? "Well hello there again, beautiful," he half-slurred, giving her a wide grin as he plopped down in front of her. "Looking for a little company tonight?" Not a very restrained male to begin with, the copious amounts of alcohol he had consumed had begun to lower his inhibitions even further, and he leaned forward to nuzzle her shoulder lightly.



4 Years

Trick 2019
09-09-2020, 06:48 PM
She really enjoyed her time with Shilah, but as the night went on and she was alone again Akna found her heart beating like mad when she caught sight of Kai stumbling closer. She was far from sober, and the world felt light with a bit of an exciting spin. She was already having a grand time, and it seemed like her goal might be met out sooner than she realized. He was obviously quite inebriated at this point, but Akna didn’t mind. He only had eyes for her in that moment and the thought warmed her all over. Kai was a bit older than her, but he was mature and so ruggedly attractive. A true Jarvela if he could ever get back to the herds.

”Hello again, Kai.” She purred with a smile as he sat himself in front of her with all the grace of a drunken tusked man. Akna was all giggles tonight, and this moment wasn’t any different. She’d lost many of her inhibitions, not that she could harbor many with him. He leaved forward and nuzzled against her suggestively and she blushed lightly. ”I believe I am, especially yours.” She chuckled lightly as she shifted her curvy form to press her soft fur against his shoulder. Life was short and it was better to love the ones that you wanted to. Here in this moment she wanted to feel like home, and wanted to feel the Jarvela’s arms around her.

With slow graceful movements Akna lifted herself so that she could reach his cheek and unabashedly placed a sweet kiss there. ”I’ve wanted to do that since we met.” Akna giggled softly as she snuggled back against his strong arm.
[Image: akna-floof.png]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-12-2020, 04:13 PM
She felt nostalgic to him in a way that made no real sense, given that they had only met once. They'd been amiable at best then, but suddenly he found himself longing for more. Akna reminded him of a home he'd never had, a home he could only dream of - but her familiar was precisely what he needed, in this very moment. She seemed equally as receptive to him, which pleased him quite a bit. Maybe a woman like her was exactly what he needed. He didn't need a weak, spineless lover like one he'd had in the past; he needed someone with the kind of hardiness that wolves from his father's homeland no doubt possessed, the kind of strength he saw in Akna in this very moment.

He let out a quiet murmur of approval as she greeted him, wishing for a moment that he felt a touch more steady on his paws, but he felt too good to really dwell on it for long. "Is that so?" He slurred slightly, no doubt sounding far less suave than he currently felt. "Or are you just saying that to everyone to talk to tonight, hm?" Her next words made it clear that wasn't exactly the case, but he'd just been jesting anyway. Kai wasn't the jealous time and the fact that she wanted him in this exact moment wasn't lessened by anything she'd done so far tonight, or anything she might yet do. He let out a low chuckle at her words, though leaned into her touch, savoring it. He returned the gesture with a gentle lick of his own, placed closer to her snout, as he pulled her closer to him.



4 Years

Trick 2019
09-24-2020, 03:38 PM
Kai may have been older, but Akna’s wisdom beyond her years blurred the age difference between them She was raised deep in the heart of what he was born away from. Poor Kai had lost his way from the path of the herd and tonight Akna wanted to help reunite him with his past through her. Perhaps she would lure him away for some time on the range when winter drew more near. For now it was the reindeer marked woman that drew near to him.

Kai teased her lightly, but she could tell he only meant it in jest. Surely he had been with or would find more than just her tonight. Akna was only glad for the privilege of her time with him. Maybe she threw herself at Shilah, but Kai would be the only one that she truly looked forward to getting close to. Seemingly unfazed Kai returned her affection, and she was suddenly wrapped in his drunken but gentle embrace. The grin on her features was unmovable, she loved this moment. Akna had no reservations giving him her heart tonight.

”Kai,” she spoke his name softly, invoking him on her breath as she pressed herself close to him in return. She closed her gold speckled eyes in a moment of bliss, letting nothing but this moment keep her thoughts. Surely the spirits willed their union, she could feel it. ”Show me who you really are.” Akna’s voice barely as whisper as she aimed to return his kisses and press her lips to his.
[Image: akna-floof.png]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-03-2020, 01:25 PM
Akna, in this very moment, felt like home to Kai and he hadn't quite realized just how much he needed that until this exact moment. She was warm and familiar, and suddenly all the other women he'd encountered tonight faded away in her stunning presence. She wasn't like the other wolves here, not at all, and he wanted to get to know her more intimately... at least for tonight. He knew that feelings were often temporary and might very well never happen again, but that didn't stop the tusked male from wanting to indulge in them while he was able. If anyone could understand how deeply he could love in a single moment in time, Akna would.

He breathed a low sigh of contentment as she uttered his name, willing himself to move closer against her. "I think you know exactly who I am," Kai whispered a quiet reply to her command. He would show her regardless, eager to explore who she was in an entirely different sense. He hoped they were in an area of the beach secluded enough that they wouldn't be disturbed, but at the same time he was focused entirely on her, not on any worries that might dare try to sneak into the forefront of his mind. "Show me who you are," he breathed quietly as he moved a bit more roughly against her, sure now that this was exactly what tonight was meant to culminate in.
