
With a bit of liquid courage



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-10-2020, 06:54 PM

The General had spent a good portion of the beginning of this “party” partaking in the various beverages that had been brought for them to enjoy and simply watching everyone that had gathered. At some point she had caught a glimpse of Resin as she went to hide away, clearly not trying to be seen, but still keeping Tamsyn within her sight. It did make her relax a bit. She still did her best to not go looking for her lover so that she could make herself interact with new wolves - that had been the whole point of this experience after all - but it still made her feel better knowing that Resin was near by if she needed her.

She wasn’t sure how much she had actually had of the mead and wine that sat near her in skins and jars, but at some point she began to realize that her watching and drinking was really beginning to effect her. She rose to her paws and things felt a bit more wobbly than she would have liked, but she at least felt like she was still thinking coherently so it wasn’t all bad. Her mint hued eyes scanned the wolves around her curiously. Most had begun to pair off or group into smaller clusters for conversations and... other things. Some were more bold than others and she was actually a bit envious of the wolves that were confident and bold enough to do such things so spontaneously. She was struggling to even strike up a conversation with a stranger.

Her eyes landed on a man that was at least semi familiar. She didn’t know his name, but she’d never forget his face after that usual fight. The slight familiarity and her alcohol infused confidence finally convinced her to approach him while he wasn’t occupied with someone else. “Hello,” she said simply in greeting with a small smile. “I’m Tamsyn... I don’t know if you remember me, but you definitely caught me off guard using that pot as a weapon when we fought.” At the very least she could appreciate his approach as a fighter and she had been curious about it ever since she had fled from Aerie’s lands so there was at least something for her to talk about.




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
09-11-2020, 06:58 AM
Iroh was beyond enjoying his time here, maybe he hadn’t gotten as lucky as he wanted thus far but he was smiling, meeting new wolves, forgetting about Banshee. He’d drank quite a bit at this point, but he was a big man he could hold his liquor pretty well. As soon as he started to have trouble brewing more tea he was going to stop and go lay down. That moment had not come yet. He was enjoying another bowl of spiked tea, somehow he’d wound up alone once more but it seemed the fire was a good place to linger, someone new wwas bound to reappear. To keep warm, to sober up, or hopefully to ask about his brew.

The man didn’t expect to see someone he recognized, and as she became alight with the vibrance from the fire he didn’t realize who she was. His mind was far from the battlefield and the liquor didn’t help anything either. When she spoke he remembered though. His eyes widened slightly and he was suddenly filled with mixed emotion. Should he consider Armada wolves his enemy? Did she know anything about Banshee? He tried to hide the warring thoughts as he welcomed her beside him.

”I’m Iroh,” he answered with a nod as he gestured to the sand beside him as he pulled over a bowl for her. ”Would you like to see what else I can do with it? I promise this one wont hurt as much.” He chuckled much more boistrously than sober Iroh would have at the joke.
Where My Demons Hide


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-11-2020, 11:44 PM

As she settled in beside him, she barely noticed his change in expression since her attention had already been pulled to the tea pot in question and then to the bowl that he pulled over to offer her. She laughed lightly at his comment on this not hurting as much as the last time she had any sort of contact with his tea pot and she grinned in response. "As long as you don't go swinging things at me again I think we'll be just fine." Perhaps the alcohol was affecting her more than she had realized. She would never dream of approaching someone from another pack that she had fought during a raid on their turf in such an easy and friendly manner if she wasn't at least a fair bit inebriated. Ah well, she was already here, wasn't she? He hadn't seem too thrown off by her presence so she figured it was probably fine.

The far smaller, dark furred woman settled down with the bowl of tea he had offered her between her front paws, sniffing at it curiously for a moment before lapping up a taste of the drink. It still had a bit of the bite that she recognized from the other drinks she had been enjoying before she came over here, but it was mellowed out a bit by the herbal, slightly bitter, slightly sweet taste of the tea. Her brows lifted with surprise and she gave Iroh a smile. "This is really good! Where did you learn to make this?" she asked before dipping her muzzle to take another drink.

Her mint eyes lingered on him while she awaited his answer and she tried to assess him through any other lens than as a warrior. It was hard to do since that had been most of her life for a while now, but she supposed she could see why he'd be popular at a party like this. He was a strongly built, handsome man that seemed to have an affinity for putting together pleasant cocktails. She was kind of surprised she had caught him alone at all.




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
09-12-2020, 02:19 PM
Iroh made her laugh at his crude attempt at humor, but the liquor was flowing and it seemed like she was amused enough. He’d been much too preoccupied during battle to realize the subtle beauty of his opponent, but here in the firelight that task was so much easier. Despite being from rival packs, Iroh could smile in her presence and was glad for her company. She seemed comfortable, and didn’t hesitate to curl around his offered drink.

Iroh didn’t hide his gaze as he watched her enjoy the offered spiked tea. He cocked his head to the side, his whole body fully feeling the effects of the alcohol. She was quick to give him her assessment and his heart soared as his grin widened and he straightened himself proudly. A soft chuckle left his lips as he shook his head. ”My companion for the most part. The rest was experimentation.” His drunken self was quite pleased with the way her bright eyes flashed over his form. It was hard to stop smiling beside her.

He wasn’t great at telling wolves ages but he could tell that she was his senior, not that she looked it. Her body was built better than many even his age. She held herself with grace, and he silently wondered if she would have been able to teach him a thing or two. ”I’m glad you like it, not very difficult to be better than a teapot to the head though.” His deep voice offered quietly, ”Is there anything else I could offer you, Miss Tamsyn?” dark brows raised as he asked his question with a thrill of suggestion laced in his words.
Where My Demons Hide


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-12-2020, 05:50 PM

The scarred woman grinned when she saw how proudly Iroh puffed up at her compliment. She always enjoyed making others happy in whatever various way that might come about and it was clear that he held a lot of pride in being able to brew and make these concussions. It was nice to have something outside of your "work" or day to day life that you could enjoy. For her it had been exploration and learning things like weather patterns and stars. It wasn't always that was as tangible or easy to share as his passion for making tea, but the same sort of concept applied. It was so interesting to see this side of him considering how different he had been on the battlefield. Although, if she was being honest, wasn't she also a completely different wolf when she was fighting? Of course the intoxication certainly had something to do with this as well, but it was an intriguing thought that her wandering mind liked to think about.

He earned another fit of laughter when he compared this to getting a tea pot swung at her head. The sound was very distinctly feminine and almost more like a giggle then a full bodied laugh. Even though she preferred to present herself as strong and capable, mostly for her own peace of mind and benefit out of a fear that she might be taken advantage of and treated poorly again, there were a few things that gave away how feminine she actually was. Her giggle was definitely one of those things. It was really hard to decipher if Iroh was just that clever and likable on his own or if it was the alcohol making them both a bit more loose and agreeable than normal, but did it really matter? They were having a good time and that seemed to be what this whole party was about.

Iroh's question caught her off guard and she gave him a surprised glance as her drink rattled brain began to put together the question with the suggestive tone of his voice. When clicked for her the realization was visible across her features and she glanced away from him with a small, shy smile, her ears folding back against her head. "O-oh! Um..." she stuttered uncertainly as her face began to feel hot with a nervous flush. She'd honestly not thought anyone here would offer her such a thing. She wasn't incredibly interesting looking or what she thought of as beautiful with the scars that marred her leg and cut across where her cheek and neck met. She wasn't like him with his intricate markings and interesting, swirled eyes.

She reminded herself of why she had even come to the party in the first place... to let herself explore and experience things that she had never been allowed to experience before. She had fallen happily into Resin's arms as soon the moment that she felt she was ready to take on being in a relationship, but there was still a tiny bit of insecurity and curiosity that came from knowing that Resin had been with several others before they got together. Tamsyn felt incredibly inexperienced in comparison. Letting herself give in to the curiosity and the alcohol driven confidence, she tentatively brought her gaze back to Iroh's. "I, um... I think maybe you could," she replied just as quietly, her heart pattering in her chest wildly.




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
09-14-2020, 06:38 PM
Iroh was enjoying looking at all of the different woles that attended the party, he was certainly looking forward to enjoying a few of them up close to. Tamsyn was sweet, and as he spoke the young man realized that perhaps she was even more innocent than he was. Iroh grinned at her shyness, but even as she took her time in thinking about his words he could feel a tension building between them. He was quiet, in no rush for her answer as he leaned down to take another deep drink of his warm beverage. His eyes wandered over her again, though she wasn’t looking at him. She had the body of a warrior, hard and strong, likely nothing like Elise and the softness of her body pressed against him. Not that he would classify that as a bad thing, just different.

He tried not to scare her with the excitement in his grin as beautiful mint eyes were turned back in his direction as she made up her mind. She was quiet and almost shy, but that was all so endearing to the massive wolf. He smiled softly and tentatively reached a paw out to gently take her own. ”Maybe?” He asked softly, wondering if closing the distance between them so soon would scare her off. ”Maybe… a kiss? A caress? Something more… intimate?” His words were soft and quiet and meant only for her as he squeezed her paw light with every question as he leaned forward slightly with each one.
Where My Demons Hide


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-14-2020, 09:29 PM

Tamsyn let Iroh place his paw over hers and managed to keep herself from shifting away from him at all which felt like a feat in of itself. No matter what she did she still couldn't get her heart under control so she gave up trying, letting that nervous excitement bubble up through her body. She just kept thinking back to Resin's request that she explore other things and experiment with a man before they really settle into their relationship and she continued to use that as her motivation to keep up this moment of confidence. It felt fleeting and fragile so it made her feel like she had to act on it now because she might not be able to muster it again later.

As Iroh leaned in closer with each suggestion he made, each more intense than the last, Tamsyn let him more into her space and even dared to lean closer as well. She couldn't find the words to respond and every thing that ran through her mind couldn't quite make it to her tongue. She'd come to understand that sometimes when words fail sometimes action was the only answer. By now their muzzles were nearly touching as it was so she crossed the small, remaining distance and pressed her lips to his in a gentle, testing kiss. Kisses at least were something she was familiar with so that was a familiar territory. She followed that first kiss with another and another, letting herself relax into each one a little more.

When she pulled back just enough to be able to see his two-toned swirled irises again, she could feel her breathing picking up a bit to match the pounding of her heart. This was it, this was her chance to experience being with a man without any strings or questions, she just needed the follow through to actually do it. "I'd like something more intimate..." she told him softly, finally picking a level from the selection that he had offered her.




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
09-15-2020, 08:16 PM
He didn’t miss how she moved in with each word as he did, and as Iroh grew silent the dark pair were nearly touching. The Abraxas’ bright eyes flashed when she closed the distance and their lips touched. With the taste of her on his tongue Iroh relaxed against her touch. He let her lead him, realizing quickly that they were very close to the same experience level. She became more comfortable with him and Iroh tested the waters carefully. She seemed even more timid than Aryn. That whole situation just frustrated him, but he was glad to have Tamsyn so close.

Her answer had been kisses for a long moment that when she pulled back Iroh held his breath. The young man was not eager for a repeat of his lost love in Aryn. The beat of her breathing was akin to his own, his heart beating just as fast as he held his breath. Her voice brought the corners of his lips into the hint of a grin as he searched her expressive gaze. ”Then I’m yours.” He promised her softly, wanting nothing more than to press his body close to hers. Their last encounter he’d only wished to cause pain and destruction, now he was eager to please her.

He didn’t rush, but as she gave her permission he reached out to nuzzle her cheek as he aimed to groom her fur slowly. Training from cheek to ears while giving the sensitive skin there a suggestive few nibbles. All the while Iroh would make himself comfortable beside her, shoulder to shoulder as he leaned against her. His paw was still on hers and his attention suddenly distracted by this placement, he lifted it slightly and lowered his lips to her toes as he kissed her paw.

Iroh sought her gaze once more as he lifted his features and smiled softly. He aimed to kiss her once more, eagerly, passionately, lustfully, as he shifted again so his huge form would envelope her wholly. His grin only grew, as did more important things while he nuzzled against her dark ear and breathed her in, giving her the ability at any time to stop his advances. ”Tamsyn...” Iroh kissed her neck and held her tight, with their hips aligned and her name on his lips Iroh planned to show her the fun tricks he’d picked up in his adventures so far.

Where My Demons Hide


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-16-2020, 03:02 PM

There was a definite thrill of excitement and a nervous flutter in her stomach when he agreed to her request. She felt like she was just a young wolf again, figuring these things out for the first time. It was the same way she felt the first time she went this far with Resin, but there was the added uncertainty of being with someone she barely knew. She really appreciated the way he took his time with things, grooming and kissing her face and neck as she got more settled into him and the feeling of everything. She smiled when he tipped his muzzle down to her paw to kiss it and she leaned in to place a gentle lick on his cheek in response.

Her eyes met his for a moment and she returned his smile before his muzzle met hers in another kiss, this one more eager and passionate than the last. Tamsyn melted into the kiss and fed off of the slightly tipsy, blurry feeling of the alcohol to tuck any nervousness out of her mind, meeting his passion and lust with some of her own. When he settled his form over hers another little flutter in her chest reminded her of the uncertainty and nervousness she had originally felt over the whole situation, but the way he softly spoke her name and kissed her neck quickly brushed that out of the way and replaced it with that slightly anxious desire again. "Iroh..." she said in return, her voice soft and breathless. She wanted this... at least she was pretty certain she wanted this. She was certain enough to not put up any resistance to his advances as they melted together for the first time.


Once it was all said and done, Tamsyn found herself stretched out on the dark sands of the Obsidian Beach, looking out at the ocean while her whole form felt like it was floating on a pleasant, soft cloud. She couldn't really determine how much of it was from the sex she had just enjoyed and how much of it was from the alcohol, but she did know one thing. She had liked it. A lot. The realization made her chuckle and she closed her eyes for a moment while a grin spread across her muzzle. She couldn't help but silently curse Resin for suggesting she try this. Now that she had she felt like she was going to be in the same boat as her lover - she was going to miss being with a man... but she was still happy to give it up to be with her.

When she opened her eyes again she lifted her head to look at Iroh, chuckling softly again while she gave him a slightly crooked, floaty grin. "That was wonderful..." she told him and she truly meant that. He had made her first time with a man more than enjoyable. Now she could also blame him for the internal conflict she was going to have to tend with. She pulled herself to her paws and gave her fur a quick shake to free it of the sand that could barely be seen intermingled in her dark pelt. She didn't feel entirely steady on her paws, but the evening was still young and perhaps she could go experience someone else juuuust to make really sure of her decisions. Now it was her personal mission to see if this moment with Iroh had been a fluke or if she had actually enjoyed it as much as she thought she had.

"I hope we'll meet again," she told him as she brought her muzzle to his to give him a quick parting kiss. She offered him another grin and added, "Maybe on the battlefield next time, huh? I'd like a second chance against you with that tea pot of yours."




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
09-16-2020, 04:07 PM
Iroh wasn’t sure if it was the delayed gratification or just how lovely Tamsyn was, but he felt incredible afterwards. He had no doubt the alcohol helped, but he wasn’t sure if there would be a topper to this encounter tonight. Iroh didn’t let her go immediately, he enjoyed the closeness of thei rbodies as both of them recovered and regained a bit of their wits. Iroh nibbled on her cheek affectionately as he noticed the smile that played over her features. She’d started out timid in his presence, but her similar satisfaction was obvious.

Tamsyn told him as much too, and earned herself a hearty chuckle and genuine smile. He pressed his head against hers as he squeezed her lightly, feeling the fading effects as tingles in his limbs. ”It was wonderful.” He returned softly. ”I’m glad you wandered over.” Iroh told her honestly, he enjoyed having her and her company. Iroh rolled over as she pulled away and returned to her paws. Their time together was coming to an end, but perhaps they would see each other again someday. Maybe not under similar circumstances, but now that he’d known both sides of her, Iroh looked forward to their next fight as well. ”Until next time, Tamsyn. You’ve been a pleasure.” He gave her a wink as she kissed him one last time and pulled away, leaving him to recover and prepare to host his next guest. Definitely time for more tea.
Where My Demons Hide