
Picnic Trip or battle training?




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-12-2020, 09:45 PM

Naiche had made his way out to the mangroves for two different reasons, the main one was a matter of tolerance, the second one was the reason he would tell anyone who asked.  The truth was his pangolin pan wanted to climb the tree’s here, it felt more comfortable in an area with plenty of trees to climb.  Naiche had never been excited about the idea of having a companion but between knowing it would be useful in a fight and the fact Sirius wanted to gift him with one, of course, he’d take it.

The truth was the pangolin was silent and didn’t annoy him, so why not let it get some time with what it wanted to do? Naiche also was here to look over the place in terms of fighting on these grounds.  This was the perfect time of day as the sun would start on its downward path soon and shadows would grow longer.  Naiche walked over the landscape, leaping from a branch of tree roots to another to avoid the water, and to work on his feet adjusting quickly to the balance on things that had no real stable purpose.  It was important in case a true fight happened in such territory.  He had told Tamsyn the shadows and footing would be the challenge here.

Naiche took his time as he leaped or walked across different areas, pausing to smell the land, watch the shadows.  He could hear his pangolin, Pan climbing up into a higher spot on a tree and was using its powerful claws to peel away part of the trunk.  It had probably found some ants hiding within.  Naiche hopped into the water, felt the slick algae that could make it easy to lose one's balance if they weren’t cautious.
Really, when all was said and done he was just a wolf taking his pangolin for a picnic.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
09-20-2020, 10:00 AM
Eyrún was growing restless again, something that wasn't unusual as of late. The arrival of her dual raven companions had been like a breath of fresh air, giving her some kind of guidance, but now that she had grown used to their company she wasn't quite sure where she was supposed to go from here. Hjarrandi was nowhere to be found, and she hadn't yet succeeded in retracing the steps of her comrades either. Until then she wouldn't be able to formulate a foolproof plan. Instead she was left aimless and wandering, scouting lands she'd never been to before in hopes of a sign - whether a sign from the gods themselves or something more concrete, either would do, as long as she found something to give her insight into the future.

Huginn and Muninn had left some time ago to scout ahead of her. They had yet to return, which merely told her that there was nothing terribly alarming to report. They had a good system of alerting her to potential danger, something that she'd gotten used to by now. The sun was beginning to slowly sink toward the horizon, its descent casting shadows across the mangrove forest. This place was far from ideal to Eyrún, but there was something mystical about it that caught her attention. As the last of the light began to fade, the forest seemed to come to life, a dull but visible luminescent glow seeming to come from everything around her - from the patches of water between the roots of the trees, to the air itself. There was no doubt this place was touched by the gods themselves, the beauty a stark contrast to the mucky ground that she traipsed carefully over.

Only when a stranger came into view - and why had her ravens not made a point to alert her, she wondered? - did her pace slow, from somewhat quick and frantic to a near crawl. For a long while she kept her distance, observing him as best as she could, before she decided to make her presence known. If he hadn't seen her already, of course. A soft laugh left her lips, her eyes sparking with interest. "Do you feel it too?" She started, in lieu of a greeting. "The presence of the gods? All around us? Look!" Her gaze darted to something colorful shimmering nearby, floating on the slight breeze that whisked through the forest.



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-21-2020, 12:04 AM

Naiche was always interested in his surroundings and keen on smelling the world around him.  It was rare he would miss noticing anything.  However, his attention was very focused right now on his current style of training.  It wasn’t his pack’s land but it was close enough and as Tam had mentioned who knew what the terrain would be like if the pack was ever in a fight against rivals elsewhere.

He noticed her before she spoke, but no more than a few seconds when he should have smelled her farther back.  Chastising himself thoroughly he turned his attention on the stranger. She was about his size and build which was rather refreshing these days.  No sign of any oddities to her either, no saber-like teeth or absurdly huge paws, she was just an average pretty looking female.

Naiche looked about the landscape as she asked a strange question and acknowledged the bit of glow along the landscape, but gods? Naiche had no belief in some higher beings and if they did exist at least no interest.  Something that he could not smell nor touch nor hear was of no threat to the pack or to him.  If the pack had needs they would get it with their own teeth and claws so what need was there for any higher power?  

“Yeah, pretty amazing isn’t it?” Naiche returned pleasantly, mostly so he didn’t have this lady telling him all about some matter that was of no consequence to him.  “Did you come here just to see them work?”  It seemed the best way to ask what she was doing if yapping about gods helped her feel free to answer questions.   It was clearly a hard thing to find normal rational women.  This one looked normal but god-talk already flashed a warning in his head.

Naiche didn’t bother his gaze to look for Pan but listened to the sound of where it was digging further into the tree for food.  Good to know where the little pangolin was in case Naiche decided they should leave soon.

"Speech"   Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
11-03-2020, 07:53 AM
The sight itself of the luminescent orbs darting to and fro, ducking between the mangrove trees, was quite breathtaking. The real beauty though, at least for Eyrún, came from the source of the sight - which was the gods, she had no doubt about that. Everything that lay before them was thanks to the gods and their gifts, though certain things like this - oddities that couldn't quite be explain within the context of everything she'd seen before - were no doubt sent directly from the gods themselves.

The stranger seemed at least receptive to the idea, agreeing with her, though he didn't say it with half as much conviction as she had. Given the wolves she'd met thus far that was hardly surprising. "Amazing indeed!" She echoed his assessment of the view, finding herself grinning a bit wider. "I only stumbled upon this place. I've been looking for a sign of some sort, some kind of guidance as to where I should go next... and now here I am." These lights, while certainly godly, were not much of a concrete sign. But at least they were something, and for that Eyrún was grateful. "My name is Eyrún, by the way," she added. She was feeling generally more pleasant than usual, as if a weight had been lifted off her restless chest thanks to the little light display she'd encountered.