
Take me home tonight!



06-13-2014, 07:30 PM

Sunlight failed but only for a while

In the moonlight pale someone made me smile

Gossamir strolled into the battlefield like she owned it. She'd been feeling pretty good and was ready to test her mettle against her packmate Ritsuka. But to add to the mood she thought it would be best to hold the spar here. Tipping back her head the little femme howled for her sparring partner before setting about stretching and limbering herself up for the trial ahead. It hadn't occured to her that he might refuse her. There was just no way! Ritsuka was like another part of her. Being around him thrilled her and always brought a smile to her face. She never knew she could feel this? happy. A thought crept in, softly, sweetly? was he more than a friend to her? She lingered on the thought for a minute before casting it aside. What was she doing? She was going to spar, time to psyche herself up for it!

The shining almost took me

but I made it through the night


06-19-2014, 01:34 PM
It was the call of a friend, a dear friend that would reach Ritsuka?s ears. He would heed the call, knowing what it meant. He had been waiting for this, wanting it almost as much as his sparring partner he was sure. Gossamir had been denned up for a period of time, ill as could be, and now she was ready to get back in action. The male would move onward, at a jog, to the battlefield. It was a fitting place for the spar... A place of blood and gore, of battle and malice. The brute would breathe in as he set foot in the place. He was ready. He yearned for this, just as she did. They would become stronger through each other... And after the the two pack mates could go back to enjoying each other?s company.

He perhaps looked forward to that period of time even more. Suka would arrive, eyes shining with seriousness as he came to stand across from Gossamir. He would give a nod of greeting, ready to get this underway. But he would make sure that she was ready for this first. ?So this is it then, is it? Are you ready, Gossy?? For a moment the playfulness of the male would shine through, but it was short lived. He had a battle to focus on... And he didn?t intend to lose.

Body was ready to slip into his defenses, and, to be on the safe side, he would do just that. Ears lowered to his skull as emerald orbs narrowed into slits to protect them. Head would lower, aligning with the spin, while tail would raise to do the same thing. Suka scrunched his neck, tipping his chin downward. Shoulders would roll forward and he would tense his stomach. Knees would remain bent, ready for action, in a position where all legs were evenly spread apart to distribute his wait. Claws gripped the earth, fur raising, especially on his hackles, as he waited for Gossamir to answer... And possibly begin the first move.



06-29-2014, 02:08 PM

Excitement pulsed through her body as Ritsuka appeared and she barked out playfully, tail wagging. He was looking good, and strolled in with an aire of confidence. She smirked lightly to herself. She couldn't wait to wipe that smile of his face. All in good fun of course! She wanted to prove herself to him? Gossamir didn't really know why. She was sure he liked her as she was but this was her first chance to get physical with him. And to show her just how strong and fierce she was, she was no delicate flower and she wanted to be absolutely sure he knew this. In turn she would test his abilities. Together, she was confident they could take on anything

"Of course I'm ready! Don't hold back on me because I'm a girl or anything. That would be a great insult and I'll have to chew your ear off." She laughed playfully but soon the smile faded. It was time to get down to business. Ebony limbs spread equally apart, distributing her weight equally.. Legs bent as her toes spread, claws digging into the ground. Her tail lashed out behind her as she lowered her center of gravity. Head lowered to align with her spine, head titled forward just slightly to protect her throat. Hackles laced down her back as her shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back. Jaws parted in a snarling growl as her eyes narrowed, ears pinning to her head. She was ready to give him the time of his life.

Sapphire eyes observed Ritsuka for a moment before taught muscles uncoiled springing the young woman forward. She attacked straight on attempting to close the distance between her and Ritsuka, Gossamir's head lifted and twisted to the right as she attempted to seize the lower jaw of the taller wolf in her own fangs. Top jaw seeking the left side of Ritsuka's jaw, her lower jaw seeking his right. Gossamir hoped to gain a solid hold and further twist her head to the right to sprain Ritsuka's lower jaw. Hopefully making it harder for him to bite her during the course of this spar. As she raised her head to attack her upper body also lifted, weight shifting to her hind legs, balance holding steady in coiled haunches. Her right front leg lifted, attempting to wrap around around the lower left side of Ritsuka's neck directly in front of his shoulder blades hopefully to give her self more stability should her attack succeed. Her left front paw shot forward as she tried t to wrap it behind Ritsuka's right wrist to tug it forward and hopefully unbalance him.

Gossamir vs Ritsuka for Spar 1/2?

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]

No defaults, yes?


07-25-2014, 02:32 PM
Ritsuka would give a nod as Gossamir answered, feeling excitement spread through him at this. ?Hold back? I think you?d know if I?d did; And I?m pretty sure you?d never let me forget it.? He would grin at his own answer. The small fae was full of fire -- no, he?d have to give his all to keep up with her. As Gossamir began to set up her own defenses it became his job to focus on his own, to protect him in the upcoming fight. They weren?t going for serious blows, but getting in the habit of such things was always a good idea.

Ears would lower to his head, flattening against his skull. His brow furrowed, lips pulling back in a slight battle-ready snarl. Eyes would narrow, head lowering to align with his spine. His chin would tip forward, the fat upon his neck being bunched up to give added protection from bites. Suka would roll his shoulders forward, stance widened slightly and weight evenly distributed among all four legs. His knees were bent, claws gripping the earth beneath his paws. Tail raised, aligning with his spine, as he raised his hackles, giving him a slightly larger look than his usual thirty-one inches of height. He tightened his core, steadying his breathing as he waited for Gossamir to make the first move.

The young fae would spring forward, making her move. She would attack straight on - a bold and sometimes dangerous move in a fight with foes. But perhaps she thought of the fact that this was just a spar, and that he would not aim to permanently damage her. Still, he would not hold back. Not just because Gossamir asked him too either. He had a promise to fulfill... And that wasn?t going to change. He would start his own move, his counter, before he was entirely sure what she would do. It was a chance he was willing to take.

Ritsuka would surge forward as well, aiming for a direct slam upon the smaller fae. Using his body like a battering ram could do some damage, should any slams be successful, without having to worry about tremendous injury. Head would lower, the brute unhinging his jaws in preparation for a bite. But what happened instead was Gossamir?s own attack meeting his jaws, fangs gabbing the top part of his muzzle and gaining some puncture wounds. It was a hold that was still firm enough, however. He had slowed in his slam, a reaction from their collision, and now instinctively sidestepped to the right.

As he did so, however he would feel Gossamir?s right paw slide past his shoulder. He would try and push forward again, though throwing himself into her jaws could very well injure himself further. It was a risk, but not one that he was unwilling to take. He would try and push her back, his right front paw leading. As he lifted it, however, Gossmair?s right paw would sweep behind it, causing the male to be dragged forward slightly by the blow. With any luck he would stumble directly into her, and, perhaps, gain some edge on the second round. His left forepaw splayed forward in some hope of smashing down upon her right forepaw.

Ritsuka vs Gossamir for Spar
Round: 1/2
Notes: Way too lazy to do stat stuff right now, sorry Luns. XD
