
now you see me ( Naiche)



3 Years
09-15-2020, 08:07 AM

Strolling across the large obsidian beach, the purple lady would hum a gentle song to herself, her fluffy tail sweeping just above the beach's surface. How beautiful the scene, the beach has always been one of her favourite places. The sound of the crashing waves, the song of the birds. So peaceful. She made sure to travel here just in time to sea the sun set. The colourful golds and reds are so beautiful, romantic even. A yawn would slip her ebony kissed lips, her paws dipping into the clear and calm waters, Adelphie often wondered why it was so quiet around here, do everyone stick to their pack territories and not venture away? The scents of a pack or two linger against her nose and so she was careful not to trespass into the territory. Not the best thing to get into trouble quite yet.

Her long limbs would move forward and sink further into the sea, her belly just touching the sea's surface. Her mind would begin to go elsewhere before suddenly, she took one more step into the sea and SPLASH. her body and face submerge under the sea, not quite realising the next step would provide no sand to aid her footing. Quickly retreating, the lady would giggle to herself, hoping no one would see her looking like a drowned dog.

"blah blah blah "



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-15-2020, 11:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2020, 11:26 PM by Naiche.)

Naiche’s feet were coated in mud from the hocks down.  Who would have thought the swamplands were that much of a pain?   Naiche had figured out quickly enough to spend most of his time skirting the main part of the swamp and staying in the lake. However, towards the end there had been no way around going through some mud.  Not that he was upset at getting a bit dirty but the mud had been the type that could ensnare those who were less cautious.

He had come this way hoping to see the beach and he had stood on it for a few minutes and acknowledged how pleasant it was, but that was then when the sun had still been higher up in the sky.  Now the sun was almost gone and Naiche was standing in the waters himself, though only far enough that it covered up the muddy feet, shifting them in the water to slowly work out the mud.  Was it really worth it?

Surprisingly Pan seemed to be enjoying himself.  The pangolin was swimming nearby.  Naiche hadn’t even realized it could swim!  When he had got in the water around the swamp the pangolin had stayed put on his head but out here it was doing a decent dog-paddle and it looked to have a little smile on its face.  

Naiche let out a slow sigh.  Exploring was good, and the scent of the beach here was different from the beach on the armada lands.  There were no trees shooting out from the watery landscape and the sand was made of a different substance.  It was nice to look at, but Naiche was quite happy to feel that the armada had the better plot.  Sirius truly had picked out the best land in the golden wolf’s mind.  

Naiche thought of leaving the beach about now and heading back to the armada, but he didn’t want to traverse that swamp at night.  The golden wolf knew for a fact those waters he’d come through had crocodiles in them and Naiche couldn’t swear he’d see one of those in the water before it got to him.  He could go all the way around the swamp but that would take more time?  He had wanted to see the beach but another part of him wanted to go work with his pack mates on training.

Saltwater still screwed up Naiche’s nose when it was too potent all around him.  He didn’t notice the other wolf farther off until his ears heard the splash.  Looking up and seeing a soaked wolf head come up out of the water had the young wolf grinning.  So, he wasn’t alone.  “Come on Pan, let's go see who it is.”  Even as Naiche moved closer to her though Naiche had to acknowledge he was out of luck on catching familiar smells from her.  Maybe if she hadn’t just soaked herself in the saltwater. Was she Ashen?  She wasn’t armada, Naiche was confident of that much at least.  It was neutral turf though so it could be anyone.    

So it was the wheat-coated wolf moved a bit closer but stopped a few lengths away to see her reaction to his presence.  Naiche loved to work by scent first and he had just now learned something important.  Never meet stranger’s near an ocean.  It was actually bugging him.

"Speech"   Think



3 Years
09-16-2020, 01:14 PM

Silence consumed the lady, exempt for the crash of the waves, it was so tranquil... she could definetly get used to this. Her long ears would flicker amongth the small disturbance from afar, head tilting towards where the noise had accumulated from. She could see a beutiful golden boy, around her height, his colours complimenting the sunset present. Her eyes would glisten... Oh how she loved pretty things! Quickly snapping out of her thoughts she would take stand shaking her damp curly fur to try to look less like a drowned damsel in distress. As she would observe, again the smell of a pack lingered across his fur. Ashen Armada? The lady would clear her throat to greet the boy before her, hoping he didn't realise she doesn't look as nicely groomed as her norm.
" Well hello there stranger, come to enjoy the sunset too? Beautiful, right? "
she would murmur, before looking towards the sunset once again, as she did so, she quickly realised it was going to become dark and it was probable best to seek shelter.

While being cautious around the man before her, she didn't feel all that threatened, his stance was not too alarming, plus... do you think she could take him on? maybe. For the moment, all she wanted was company, she feared to admit that withought her siblings things were becoming rather lonely, losing that sense of adventure.
" I'm Adelphie Noire... and who are you? "
she would tilt her head, before daring to come slightly closer, not quite in is social bubble, yet.
" You're pretty, has anyone told you that? You kinda match the sunset "
She would giggle to herself, a smile tugging at her ebony lips



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-16-2020, 02:31 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2020, 02:31 PM by Naiche.)

Naiche looked from the friendly salt-smelling lady to the horizon where the sun was setting and back to the lady. She was pretty but all that salt. Of course, he had the same salty smell as well, somehow that was a different story. Naiche would be swimming in a lake before he got home.

“It’s nice,” offered agreeably, if not somewhat distracted. It wasn’t her fault, he was realizing how he wanted out of the water, but he wasn’t explaining that either. “I’m Naiche, nice to meet you Adelphie, I’m from the armada. Are you part of a pack?” Yup, not being able to tell that from scent was also irritating.

Pan was apparently growing tired, the little Pangolin swimming back over to rest on the island known as Naiche’s back. “Um, thanks.” Naiche sounded a bit surprised at the compliment, “Not that I can recall.” He wanted to be strong, fierce, dangerous, those sorts of words. Pretty? That didn’t steal from those things but it didn’t fit the self-image he was going for.

“It’s getting dark. I have no idea if the crocodiles in the swampland also come out here. I don’t think so, with less hiding places for their hunting but I’m going back to the shore to be safe. No idea what else is in the water.” Yup, blowing right past polite words to thoughts on practicality. No more saltwater swimming, ever. He didn’t ask her if she was coming but he assumed she might take that warning as a good reason. “Besides, I spent too much time waterlogged today. I’ll try some time on black sand.”

The pangolin was quickly climbing up to its normal spot with back legs near his shoulders and front hands and head resting on Naiche’s forehead. Odd to get use to allowing something on him like that. “I’m guessing your just visiting also?” Unless she lived on fish there couldn’t be much food out here Naiche assumed, and he didn’t smell any signs of pack owning this territory.

"Speech" Think



3 Years
09-20-2020, 09:22 AM

The sunset was quickly beginning to cease and the skies were slowly beginning to paint itself in black. A sigh would slip her lips, oh how she hated the dark, especially alone. Atleast for now, she had this brightly coloured boy beside her. Did he have somewhere to be? he did smell like he was from a family. " Ah, the Armada. I've hear the name mentioned. What's it like? is it full of strong and mighty warriors?" She would question, her voice lightening up when trying to get information about the packs surrounding. She paused when he mentioned if she was part of the pack, thinking whether it would leave her at a disadvantage if she was to say she was entirely alone. " for now, I have no pack.... I've been sort of uh... exploring, getting my barings. But i must say it is awfully boring being alone sometimes." She would shrug, growing up around her siblings shadowing her every move it was unusual to find herself totally free.

Adelphie would go further away from the water, head twisting and turning to find a spot slightly more comfortable and sheltered, but close enough to hear the hum of the sea. " So tell me, Is there anywhere you think i should avoid? where im likely to get myself into some trouble" While Del could hold her own... you never know what places could be volatile... or who. Being invested in the man in front of her, she didn't realise the pet before her. What was it? Her eyes would glue themselves upon the mysterious thing before her, head tilting side to side. " What's that? it looks weird... it seems to like you"



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-21-2020, 12:32 AM

It felt good to get back on shore, he moved up to be several feet away from as far as the waves could reach out and touch the land.  Naiche just wanted to try out now.  Thankfully it was summer but it didn’t mean as much with the sundown. “The armada is likely the strongest pack to exist.  We have many great warriors and teachers,”  this was said with absolute confidence.  How could any pack be better than the one Sirius lead? The warlord's confidence and size along with his children.  The giants were intimidating and while Asla was small at least she was a fierce fighter.  Numerous other members he met were worthy of respect as well.

Naiche was clearly proud of the pack he had found for himself and the members that were now his family. “As to what it's like? That would be hard to explain.  I am proud of my family and secure in the pack loyalty to one another if that answer serves well enough.  Boring is certainly never a concern.”  No, he could always find a spar, work to do, patrolling, or training.  

“the swamplands can be avoided.  I came here through them and it was nothing but trouble.  The waters very likely have crocodiles on this side considering I know they are on the bank opposite.  Oh and I’ve seen several bears east of the swamplands.  So if you consider those dangerous its another thing to be aware of.”  Fortunately, he seemed to find bears instead of them finding him first, and he had been fortunate to have someone to always fight against the bears with him.  Were Naiche alone against a bear he would likely run.

At questioning the pangolin he turned his head towards his back and then to her, “This is Pan, he’s a pangolin and yes he’s mine.”

"Speech"  Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



3 Years
09-21-2020, 02:38 PM
She noticed the boy seemed relieved to be leaving the waters, perhaps already having enough for the day. Adelphie personally loved the waters, how it claims her body... sooothes the aches and pains, its rather relaxing. Anyways, it was probably best to drive off before it gets completely dark. Ears would prick, listening to the golden boy talk about his pack Ashen armada. A lady had something quite similar just the other day, boasting about just how strong her pack was and it definitely was sparking an interest with the purple woman. " interesting... everyone seems to speak off this pack with such pride, maybe i should visit some time and see just how mighty they really are." She would smile, she came from a family too who would protect eachother at all costs.. a strong and powerful unit. " and are you a mighty warrior, sir?" She would somewhat challenge, contemplating a spar, however it was getting rather late, im sure the boy wanted to relax at this point. " Lovely... it's nice to hear the pride someone shares for their pack and family, atleast you aren't entirely alone." For instance, should they have become foe atleast he has the protection of his pack, where as she had just the protection of herself.

She would continue to stare and gawk at the little creature before her, her head still not getting used to the alien thing. Her attention would slowly go back to the boy when he mentioned the swamps and... and crocodiles?! She didn't yet fancy being anothers lunch. Such horrible things there were, so evil looking. " crocodiles..?? They are rather ugly things, right? if i were to die id rather go in a glorious way, not... not by something so ugly." Del often thought she would die with bravery, in a siege should her luck run out. she would grimace at the thought, pausing before continuing. " That's the way you came, surely you aren't going back that way... you'll get eating. She would gasp, would the man take an alternative route. " I've never seen a pangolin before, are they rare?"



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-22-2020, 02:15 PM

Naiche certainly could understand if she heard great things of the armada, who wouldn’t speak proudly of his pack? “I’ve held my own against a variety of opponents,” replied in return to whether or not he was a mighty hero.  It really went by one wolf’s standpoint of what it took to be ‘mighty.’  Naiche felt he fit the bill but then again comparing him to a monster like Sirius or Azure it was more painful to keep up.  Her comment of alone reminded Naiche how only a few months ago he had been alone. That was a good topic to leave alone perhaps.

Ugly? It was true crocodiles were ugly but it wasn’t the first thought that came to his mind when mentioned. “I have a feeling they kill you fast enough there wouldn’t need to worry about it long.  I’ve fought one before, but it was with the help of a very strong friend.” A crazy friend as Naiche recalled their insane battle. “For the most part I would prefer avoiding them.”

On questioning his return trip Naiche glanced back to where the swamps would start.  “I haven’t decided.  If I leave soon I’ll stick to the west side.  It would increase the time but with the river on the east, I think that should help with that concern.  I haven’t looked at the terrain farther west to see if it smooths out well or not.” It really was a good question that Naiche had already been pondering.  The gold-colored wolf had no desire to spend the night on the beach nor traveling in dark swampland.  This had been one of those trips he shouldn’t have started.

“They aren’t around these parts, but I believe they are also rare.” Hell if he knew how common they were but if none were wild in the area it didn’t really matter did it?  There was no one likely to debate the answer.  Pan for his part was doing little of interest, just closing his eyes as if it might nap where it was.

"Speech"   Think
[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



3 Years
09-26-2020, 12:22 PM

The golden boy would speak up as he would mention he had held his own against a variety of opponents. impressive, upon further inspection, he still seemed really young. so should he already be holding his own than the future looks very bright. " impressive, perhaps one day we should spar and put that up to the test" Perhaps not now, it was getting dark and she was growing rather tired. To the crocodiles, she would giggle to herself once again, perhaps ugly wasn't the right word. they were rather scary and intimidating and if caught off guard impossible to run away from. Adelphie's head would tilt slightly, he fought one? " you... you battled one before?" Fuck that, she thought, the lady valued her life too much, should her flesh fall between those large jaws, she would be long gone, a risk not worth taking.

Well, it seems she would be settling here tonight, not wanting to risk endangering herself, the boy spoke of another path, however it seemed quite long. Though, perhaps his pack expects him back, safety in numbers, " I guess it's better to go the safer route, is anyone expecting you back home?" She would enquire, wondering if he had duties to fulfill, or if he was free to roam if his loyalty was secure in the pack. I guess that wouldn't be so bad, if she found a pack that allowed her to roam freely as long as their loyalty was pledged. Her mind would ponder on the thought.



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-27-2020, 10:46 AM

Naiche offered a firm nod at her request for a future spar.  “I will never turn down a fight.  Let me know when you are ready for one.”  His mind was clearly distracted on his decision but that wasn't to say he was ignoring her either.  Naiche was simply irritated at himself.  He should have explored the swamp more before traveling through it to another location.  There was sure to be a better path that would have saved time and been safer.

He gave a grinning smirk at her surprise of the crocodile, “I didn’t do too much really.  My job was primarily to distract.  I only got one bite of value.  The other wolf pierced it from below and tore into its throat.  The thing sank quickly enough.” Naiche would someday learn how to be more effective against them also but in truth most likely the best option would be to avoid them.  The scaley thick top hide was a problem.

“No, there is no requirement that I will be back before dark, but I prefer sleeping on pack land.” It was safer to sleep with your pack, it was also just the comfort of having a family.  Naiche let out a deflated sigh, “however I imagine I shouldn’t court trouble so much.  I’ll wait here tonight and head back once the sun rises.”

What good was heading back to the pack if he got killed along the way?  A willingness and joy to fighting didn’t mean running into battles best not faced alone.  

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]