
There's No Place Like Home




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-20-2020, 10:13 PM
Meadow dips her paws in the pool of bubbling water that sits in her front yard. Paws are sore from all the work she has been doing. The small healer has been building a healing hut, a place for her to live and treat all those who need help. Rigel hoots his encouragement from his perch on the roof. With a nod to him, the earthen hued wolf stands and shakes off the water from her paws. There is still work to do.

It was fortuitous that Meadow had found this spot. There had been some dead tree trunks that had formed a ring right next to a bubbling spring. Since finding this place, the healer had worked to move smaller logs to brace the trunks and work as beams in her home. Each log had been a small tree that had to be dug up and the root cut off. She had then tempered each piece of wood with fire, to harden and strengthen it, before being moved into place.

The tricky part had been using a tool with her mouth to drill holes big enough for the beams to fit into the trunks. With a cart and lots of muscle, Meadow had finally finished the frame work for the hut. Next, came the laying of the furs. Luckily, the earthen hued wolf had a plethora of furs and, with Rigel’s talons, the pair had tied down each fur with leather stripes and stretched them to form walls. Meadow lost track of how many furs she had used but it had taken days to lay them all.

The hut needed a door, so Meadow hung two large furs over the entrance to keep winds out and warmth in. Next, she worked on the inside, laying furs for her bed and areas for treatment beds. She dug a small hole in the middle of her home and lined it with rocks. This would serve as steam area, allowing her to bring in hot rocks and pour water over them to create steam. It would help those with breathing issues and keep the hut warm.

She had hung lanterns from the ceiling of her home to illuminate every corner, Rigel helped  with that part too. Now she is working on setting up her herbs and salves. Rigel helps her tie bundles of herbs to hang around the hut. It helps serve the dual purposes of making it smell sweet and allow the herbs to dry. Salves and jars are lined on tables that are nothing more than dead trunks she had transplanted into her house.

With sore muscles and hurting paws, Meadow steps back to admire her healing hut. A smile tugs her lips up as she feels pride in the fact that she has made this. This is her home; her safe space and it is perfect. Moving to her bed, Meadow flops down on her belly and allows her body to relax. Mentally congratulating herself on a job well done, the small healers mind to the next task of building a garden of herbs.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-21-2020, 09:33 AM

They had all been hard at work but Resin was genuinely impressed by the skill that Meadow had used to built her hut. Her sister had outdone herself. The giant woman checked on the progress each day as she was crafting her own dens and walls. In time, Meadow seemed to halt her progress and so Resin assumed that she was done.

Dirty and streaked with mud and clay, the giantess submerged herself in one of the various springs. The water was tepid in the one that she had chosen, thankfully. Some were quite hot, but none were hot enough to kill. After washing away the muck of work, she exited the pool, sloshing water over the side. Shaking out her waterlogged pelt, she chose a place in the sun where she could dry a bit before calling on her sister.

Resin was still damp when she made her way to Meadow's hut, but she was no longer dripping wet. Raising one paw, she scratched lightly at one of the thick beams at the front of the hut, calling for her sisters attention.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-21-2020, 10:58 PM
Drifting on the currents of sleep, dreams floating up from the ether, Meadow’s realm of twilight is interrupted by a scratching near the door. Eyes quickly spring open but body is slower to respond as the small wolf stands sluggishly and stretches out the kinks. A yawn escapes as she quickly makes her way to the door and pushes through the furs. Owlish eyes blink wide at the sight of her sister and a giant smile appears. Chest puffs out a little in pride as she stands in the doorway of her new home.

Using her body to hold open the door, Meadow ushers her sibling inside while saying, “Resin! What do you think? Did I do a good job?” Truthfully the earthen hued wolf is more than a little proud of her accomplishment. With a huge smile, she follows her sister inside and indicates a bed of furs to rest on. She knows Resin has been busy with building, taking care of others and greeting new members. While Meadow is tired, she knows that her sister must be exhausted.

The furs she indicates are plush and provide extra cushioning for those with sore muscles. Moving to a bed across from the older wolf, Meadow asks, “How are you holding up? Is there anything I can do to help? How is your leg?” Worry taints the words and bleeds into her tone as she speaks. While Resin is older, Meadow has always needed to take care of others. That is why she became a healer. Looking over her sister, the worry for the other wolf is plain in her features.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-22-2020, 02:54 PM

Moving into the hut, Resin lay upon the pile of furs offered. She smiled at the pride on Meadow's face. "You did a very good job," she affirmed. "Will you be staying here when the rest of the pack moves on top of the falls?" She tilted her head slightly. Resin wouldn't like leaving Meadow down below. The intent was to keep pack wolves up high and visitors down low beside the springs. If this was where Meadow wished to stay, however, she wouldn't stop her.

Meadow launched into questions and Resin waited for her to finish. "I'm fine." She had been soaking in the springs and it seemed to help with the pain in her leg and shoulder. "The way that you can help me is to be prepared. I imagine we'll attract many broken souls, both mentally and physically." She needed Meadow to be ready to heal at a moments notice. She needed her sister to boost her skills and be prepared for anything that might come their way. "Can you do that? I'd like you to confer with Luta as well." Luta was the colorful, sunset looking woman that had joined. "She's an accomplished healer. I'm sure you two will learn from one another."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-22-2020, 09:01 PM
Heart swells with happiness as Resin compliments her and Meadow dips her head in thanks. When her sister inquiries about if she will be staying here or moving to the top of the falls, the small wolf explains her thinking, “Well, I was thinking that I will stay down here most of the time. I want to be close to the visitors that may need a healer. That way they don’t have to travel too much. I am still considering building a smaller den up with the pack so I can have a place to rest away from here. Sometimes, even healers need a break.”

A small chuckle bubbles out at the truth of the statement and she adds, “But don’t worry, I will always be available to help. I will make regular trips up to the falls and check on everyone.” Her bright smile dims a little as Meadow rapidly launches questions at her sister and a worried look takes the place of the smile. Resin is quick to tell the small healer she is fine and Meadow quirks an eyebrow at her but remains silent. As her sister informs her how she can be prepared, the earthen hued wolf nods and takes a moment to look around her hut. She mentally makes notes of all the herbs she still needs to gather and prepare.

Resin’s question, has Meadow’s head turning back to her sister and she nods her agreement before tilting her head at the request to confer with another wolf. She doesn’t mind consulting, actually she still much to learn, but she hasn’t met Luta yet. Hopefully the other healer will like her. After Resin finishes, the small healer says, “Yes. I will be ready. Also, I would love to learn from Luta! Do you think she will like me?” The insecurity in her shows for just a moment before Meadow quickly changes the subject.

She asks, “So how are you and Tamsyn settling in? Can I do anything for you both? I still have some things I want to work on here, like making an herb garden and a flower garden. I want every wolf that comes here to feel relaxed and comfortable. Do you have any suggestions for things I should add?” Mouth pulls into a slight frown as she thinks but quickly turns up into a smile as she looks at Resin. Meadow is so proud of her older sibling and she wants everything to be perfect for her pack. Anything Resin suggests, Meadow will work hard to make it a reality.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-08-2020, 12:30 AM

Resin did wish that Meadow would stay closer to her rather than being down at the bottom of the falls. She would allow outsiders into her territory for healing, but she didn't trust them. Especially not with her sister. Already she was trying to decide who would make a decent guard for the younger woman. Dunkan, most likely. He needed a job. Meadow said that she would come up to check on everyone and Resin simply released a contemplative rumble in her throat.

Ears flicked forward as they began to speak of Luta. Meadow was worried as to whether or not the woman would like her, of course. Always so worrisome and anxious... "I'm sure she will. Luta is very kind. Very knowledgeable." The woman had healed her wounds after a fight with a tiger. She knew first hand what Luta could do with limited supplies. She could only imagine what the sunset woman could do with a plethora of supplies.

Talk turned to herself and Tamsyn and the big woman's maw lifted into a smirk. "Tamsyn is doing well. She's going to need you to get your skills up this season, Aunt Meadow." Resin waited to see if her sister got the hint. Tamsyn was indeed pregnant. The Hallows would see it first litter of puppies soon.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
10-09-2020, 07:40 PM
A smile rests on her lips as Meadow watches Resin, gauging the bigger wolf’s response while telling her sister all about her plans. The hut has her excited and it bleeds into her words but Meadow also knows that her sister worries about her. To the small healer, this is the best option for everyone, she just hopes that Resin sees it that way. The thoughtful rumble in Resin’s throat tells Meadow that her sister is considering what the she has told her but still might not totally agree with it. Meadow tries to soothe her protective sister by saying, “I will be okay. Promise. If I need anything I will let you know. Besides, I can protect myself. Dunkan gave me some fight training before we left the Armada.” Her smile exudes reassurance and confidence as she looks to the older wolf.

The question about Lúta is answered and Meadow feels herself relaxing, she will just make sure to put her best paw forward when she meets the other healer. Nodding her understanding, Meadow gives a small sigh of relief before inquiring as to how Resin and Tamsyn are. Resin smirks and Meadow’s face crinkles in confusion as her sister speaks. Of course, she is always trying to increase her skills, so why should this be any different? Yes, she is an Aunt but Iolaire is not here so why the title? Not sure how to answer, the small healer opts for, “Oh?” a vague answer to an unclear statement. She tries to put the puzzle together.

Then it starts to dawn on her, like a sunrise on cloudy day and the confusion slowly melts away. Meadow thinks about how she hasn’t Tam in some time and the last time the small wolf had seen Tamsyn, something had seemed, different about her. More… glowy or something… but that could mean anything, right? It doesn’t necessarily mean that she is pregnant and that there are puppies on the way. Not possible… or is it? An, “Oh.” slips from her mouth as she continues to fit the puzzle together and when Meadow looks to her sister, smirk playing across her sister’s maw, the slightly dense healer’s eyes round in surprise and she almost shouts, “OH!” as all the pieces finally fall into place.

Voice is still loud, full of happiness and excitement as she asks, “I am going to be an aunt again?! Is Tamsyn really pregnant? I will get my skills up! I will be ready for anything! How can I help? Do you need anything?” Questions are fired rapidly by the excited healer and she practical dances in place as the talk turns to puppies.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm