
Watch Your Step



2 Years
06-13-2014, 12:28 PM

The young princess made her way across the boundary line, not even bothering to look back. This was the first time she had gone exploring unsupervised, but it definitely wouldn't be the last. Everest abandoned her siblings to their own petty affairs and sought out one of the darker patches of land. Shadows fell in the evening light, casting darkness over the small pup. But she wasn't afraid. The darkness gave her a thrill, the feeling of cold adrenaline slithering down her spine.

Her lashes drew their own shadow over her poisonous green eyes, and she smiled as her lanky form maneuvered easily around the thorns. Already her form was beginning to fill out, her legs taut with fresh muscle and sinew. Everest couldn't wait until she was grown and she could use that bulk for her own devious purposes. Or perhaps she wouldn't use the brawn of her body so much as the deceiving feminine curves... but that was another matter entirely, a matter that her youthful mind had not yet considered. Either way, Everest had decided that she would end up on top. She would win fights and conquer land and strike fear into the hearts of every wolf she met. But for now, the dark princess busied herself with climbing around dangerous thorns and spikes. It was a worthy pastime.

She chuckled quietly as she noticed a small bird seated atop a bramble of thorns. Her stormy pelt made it easy to melt into the shadows as she approached the creature, verdant eyes aglow in the night. She wiggled her rump in the air as she stalked it, finally pouncing forward to dig into it with her claws. Everest held it in her grasp for a split second, but before she could make the killing bite the creature took flight and left her to scramble against the spikes. She nearly bit down on the deadly bush and had to reel for a moment to regain her balance. One thorn caught the pad of her foot and sliced it, drawing blood. The young girl gasped in pain and retreated quickly to survey the damage. But now the shadows were too dark. She couldn't even see the cut in her paw. Everest whimpered once in frustration and glanced about, thinking about heading home. But she knew Loki would be angry. Should she face the wrath of her father now or deal with a little bleeding for a while longer? With a faint growl, the pup seated herself on the forest floor and held her paw up a bit, glaring into the shadows.




5 Years
06-13-2014, 03:59 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2014, 05:04 PM by Fiamette.)

The carmine beauty had an unmistakable thirst for furor, an aspect rarely seen within her family's commonly peaceful den. Her brothers and sisters were oftentimes sheep, following their mother's every command without an independent thought in mind. Other than herself Hestia had been her only sibling to clearly show their self determination and independence at a young age, an event the babe had not been expecting due to her sisters timid behavior. The crimson princess usually did the things she was ordered to do to gain her mothers satisfaction, but she did not follow every rule her mother expected her to abide by- one of them being to remain in the pack lands. Her most recent rule was atrocious, how could her mother expect her to stay in the same territory all day? She wanted adventure, to discover new things on her own and not sit around all day with her siblings while they play meaningless games to pass the time. She wanted so much more, and she would have it. She would cross Covari's border with ease, ebony dipped legs carrying her South of her home, no particular destination set in mind.

-enters territory-

She would continue south until Covari was long gone, striding into an unknown land without precaution although it was littered with threats. She does not feel concern as she weaves past spiked weapons, instead seeing an opportunity to find adventure within the thickets of thorns as opposed to danger. Immediately, as if the stranger had meant to cross her path, another canine would cross her volcanic gaze, brows narrowing to glare as she crouches downward to observe her next victim. She would remain silent and motionless, audits perked toward the girl as she watched her stalk and ambush a small bird. The animal would squirm and flap, causing the ebony babe to release her grasp, resulting in an unsuccessful hunt and a thorn in her paw. Lips would quirk slightly in amusement, her own reaction to the girls anguished cries and failure. She would rise to her current height, carmine skull lifting skyward as the tip of her elongated tail flicked behind her dainty hips. She would aim to approach the girl from her left side, all emotion vacant from her facial features as she coos her taunt. "pitiful." Mischief gleams in her volcanic hued eyes, her extravagant lashes batting a few times in innocent ridicule.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



2 Years
07-25-2014, 01:00 PM

The little temptress was nursing her bleeding paw when a noise sounded from the shadows. She planted her foot on the ground and dug her claws into the earth, a fierce growl ripping from her throat. Who had followed her here? It better not have been one of her idiot siblings, coming to get her in trouble for wandering off alone. Everest felt her small black tail snapping angrily behind her as the figure emerged. But it was no one she recognized.

Her growl fell quiet for a moment as she examined the other wolf. She was young, but not as young as Everest, and her coat was a crazy shade of red. There were strange black marks surrounding her scarlet eyes, but that was all that could be seen in the darkness. The dark princess was a little ticked off, frankly, but she had to admit that she admired such a startling coat color. "Nice fur," she commented, a hint of acid in her tone. Then green eyes would narrow as the other lady voiced her own comment. Pitiful? What, had she noticed her failed hunting attempt? Everest felt her face heat up, but otherwise she managed to keep her cool.

"Yeah. Like you could do any better," she taunted, ignoring the sting of pain in her paw. There was no was she was going to nurse the blood from it now. She couldn't appear weak. This woman was too confident for her own good, as was Everest, but only one of them could live up to the hype. "So, the younger one muttered, sliding her posture to the side casually. "What brings you here?