
Bittersweet Symphony




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-21-2020, 06:02 PM
OOC: This thread is set before Meadow leaves to join The Hallows

Paws plod along a well-known path that Meadow has traveled many times. It leads to the border of the Armada near the Weeping Woods. Changes are afoot and the small healer will be leaving soon to join Resin and her pack. She is mostly packed, furs that she is not using are bundled and tied awaiting transport. Herbs are ready and everything that she does not use daily are prepared for the travel to their new home.

All that is left to do is say goodbye.

Heart feels heavy as she walks. Her mind knows that this is for the best but it still hurts to have to leave. Resin needs her. Well… truthfully, Meadow needs her sister. The older wolf has always protected her smaller sibling and the earthen hued wolf is eternally grateful for her. So, when Resin had approached the small healer with the prospect of joining her pack, Meadow had quickly agreed. While there is no regret for joining Resin, there is a sadness at leaving her friends.

Today she is going tell Hanako, the fire and ink wolf who had quickly become her friend. Meadow needs to tell Hana that the small wolf is leaving and reassure her friend, and herself, that they will still see each other and play. Sirius had told the healer that the borders are open to her and, if anything changed, he would tell her. Right now, Meadow thinks that she will come back often. Honestly, they might get sick of seeing her so much. The thought pulls a chuckle from her lips.

Arriving at a willow, Meadow sits under the canopy of branches with her back to the trunk. Tilting her head back, she lets out a low howl of invitation to Hanako. ‘Come join me’ it says. There is no urgency or demand in it, just a polite call to a friend. Sitting in the shade of the tree, the sun high in the sky, Meadow starts to think through what she will say to her friend as she waits.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
Derby WinnerHomebodyLighting McQueenExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
10-14-2020, 09:47 AM

Hanako had heard talk of a new pack in the works but hadn't thought all that much of it, to be honest. Like any good Wraith she liked to know things , but she hadn't pressed further than that. If Resin was leaving to create a new pack and Sirius had given her his blessing then she saw no reason to pry or butt her nose in where it didn't belong. Still she couldn't help but feel a prickle of curiosity as the days went by, was this just a Resin thing or were others being taken from the fold? Never ever did it once occur to her that things would really change around here, Hanako was perhaps a little too eager to live on in ignorant bliss, soon to be blindsided by a harsh truth.

Venturing through the willows as Hanako so often did she paused in her trot. It wasn't all that often her friend, Meadow, called for her but the thought of spending even more time with the healer spurred Hanako to race through the trees. The breeze toyed with her fur, like a gentle touch attempting to soothe her for the hurt that no doubt would follow. Hanako only slowed when her friend was in sight, resting within the shadows of of a big ole willow tree, and bounced up to the healers side with a big grin gracing her pretty features. She couldn't help but wonder what was on the agenda today, would they go exploring again or did her friend want to talk girly things away from the packs prying ears? Her mind swam with the possibilities as she finally settled down beside her friend, sitting so close their shoulders brushed.

"So...what's up?"

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