
Shit fire and save the matches

Aracari Sibs



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-22-2020, 01:45 PM

Perseus was... somewhat buzzed. He was at the point where he was pretty sure he was fine, like, totally good, and he'd be happy to reassure you of that if you asked. Things were just a little fuzzy, is all. And maybe someone had turned gravity up a tick. He was pretty sure that was a thing, and it made sense when you considered the data. Data being how many times he caught himself before stumbling. But he was totally fine.

He couldn't bother being distracted by dumb data either, because unless his blurry eyes deceived him, he'd definitely seen some of his siblings wandering around. They were a pretty distinctive bunch. At that thought his chest puffed out a little because clearly him and his siblings were the best and the prettiest wolves at this party. Assuming they were actually there and he hadn't just hallucinated. Oh, right! He was trying to find them!

Perseus blinked and scanned his eyes across the beach, looking for a flash of color that was actually related to him. He may or may not have mistaken a fire for Hyperion once or twice before remembering, wait, he's the one that glows. Riiight, right. He sat down with a flop. Maybe this would be easier if he just waited for them to find him instead.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Perseus' siblings may enter into any of his threads, regardless of tagging!
Note: Perseus also has a glowing mutation visible in low lighting.

Stjarna A.


3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - GayPride - AgenderDouble Master
09-22-2020, 07:30 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2020, 07:22 PM by Stjarna A..)

With tail waving contentedly, Star trotted back inland dripping wet but with a large fish secured between ivory fangs. What a catch! Stjarna couldn't wait to smoke some of the fish on a nearby fire and maybe see if they could detach the head and get a game of catch going.

Star repositioned the fish so their fangs were just behind the gills and started chewing. Just working through flesh and thinking as best as an inebriated wolf could. Star had had a couple drinks and was feeling pleasantly tipsy. Every so often their backside would sway off in a different direction but with a little determination forward momentum would be re-established.

Star walked right past Perseus, did a double take and then whipped around. He stopped, the fish didn't, it's tail heading right for Percy's face.



4 Years
09-23-2020, 11:49 AM

Thankfully Keet had become distracted by some pretty face or another and had left her alone. Cicero stayed beneath the wagon, but had begun to pile empty flasks around herself as a sort of drunk wolf camouflage. It had worked too. No one else bothered her for the majority of the night. She was able to sit in peace and observe the effects of her aphrodisiac concoction.

Until she wasn't.

Big, strong arms pulled the tiny woman out from beneath the cart from behind. She screeched in protest and left furrows in the sand from her claws, but it was no use. Out from beneath the cart, the monochromatic wolf flipped onto her back like a wildcat, claws out, but it was only one of her brother's. "Hyperion!" She hissed fire at him. Then she was snatched up, flung over his shoulder, and carted off down the beach. She flailed a bit, but eventually gave up. They always overpowered her. It never failed.

From her perch, she could see two forms out near the water. That was apparently where they were heading. The small woman took the moment of distraction to jump off of Hyp's back. After kicking him in the shin none too gently, she tore off across the sand towards the pair of wolves. Through the salt breeze, she could smell her siblings on the wind. She dove behind Star, using their larger monochromatic form to hide herself, lest she be picked up and flung around like a ragdoll again.




2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
09-23-2020, 09:40 PM
Hyperion had nothing to say to his sister beyond the occasional evil cackle. Her attempts to get away were all mercilessly and smugly stymied. The little gremlin had all kinds of tricksy advantages so whenever necessary he had no problem using his size to his advantage. And right now was necessary. Hyperion had become aware of her hideout earlier in the night and well, honestly, he'd have come after her sooner if he hadn't been so busy coming in other ways. Now, his fun a happy memory and his jimmies rustled for the night, it was past time to flip the rock his sister had been hiding under and drag her out into the light. So to speak.

He knew right where to take her too so that she would have no choice but to not be a stick in the mud: the rest of their siblings.

Only once the others were in sight did Hyperion not fight Cicero's attempt to get away. He did, however, chase her when she ran off because why not, you know? That's just what big brothers did when their smaller sister ran off. It was like Cissy wanted to be chased. Any other day he probably would have caught her right quick, but he'd just about drunk himself under the wagon she'd been hiding in so the best he could muster after her was a wobbly jog.

He caught up when Cicero moved to hide behind Stjarna. Hyperion dropped into a play bow and gave Cicero a teasing look under Stjarna's belly. Oh, he was so going to get her if Star moved.



5 Years
Extra large

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
09-23-2020, 09:59 PM
Friendly faces!! Artisan couldn't express how happy he was to see the very distinctive forms of his siblings. In his drunken haze he could tell that a few were missing, but he barely spared a few moments squinting out at the group before deciding he'd figure out who was absentee later. Right now there was a much better issue to be addressed, and Art stumbled himself right up into the center of the fun to bring it to his precious siblings' attentions.

"There's this guy, and he's like this big-" His foreleg lifted and his not-sober body swayed in response, though he tried his damndest to give an accurate height description regardless. It was no use, he could either make his paw hover at too-damn-tall or very-very-short but not at the right size for the furry heathen. He slapped it back down in frustration and then continued. "He has a stupid cool hat but that doesn't matter right now because he stole my beads!" This time both forelimbs lifted and fell rhythmically one after another as he displayed his bare and silent legs for all to see. His stones were a part of him, and that scoundrel stole them. His legs would forever feel empty and his steps would forever be lacking in the happy jingle he'd come to expect from each movement.

Artisan stopped moving and his expression turned pleading, though he also knew that his siblings just might not care as much as he did about his precious possessions. He needed to sweeten the pot. "I may be able to be pursuaded to accept a hot wax in exchange for their safe return." Anything for his momentos.

Artisan wears multiple twine bracelets around his forelegs, each one with different colored homemade marble-like beads upon it. Each bead corresponds to a wolf who he has met and decided deserved a place on his wrist, and thus he might ask your character for a lock of fur, etc to add to his creation to remember your character by.

Unless otherwise stated, you can assume he is wearing them at all times.
Artisan's companions are two blue and yellow macaws, their names are Siri(F) and Cisco(M) and while they can be assumed to always be nearby, they're likely out of sight.



5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - Pansexual
09-27-2020, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2020, 07:43 PM by Hyacinth.)

It was all fine and dandy that his siblings got to go off on a bender almost right away after arriving on the continent but Hyacinth had been explicitly told, by more than one of them, that this party was too adult for him, that he wasn't allowed. And so he'd been left to sit on the beach while he watched his brothers and sibling get piss drunk and his sister hide herself away immediately. And then Perseus didn't even have the good graces to approach him, instead flopping over away from the party a few miles down the beach. Hyacinth rolled his eyes and grunted, to tell the truth, the normally good-natured young man was a little bit peeved he'd been so immediately abandoned by his siblings, especially after they'd all spent so much time telling him he wasn't allowed to attend. He wasn't actually used to being left out.

He supposed he could have gone off, tried to make mischief on his own... but well that simply wasn't as fun and it was clear even to him as an outsider all of the continent's trouble makers were here tonight... and he wasn't even allowed to mingle. It was a truly terrible fate he'd been consigned too. Still, as he saw the rest of his siblings starting to gather around his older brother the young man sighed, guess he might as well join them. It was better than moping by himself for who knew how many more hours. Maybe he could convince them to smuggle him some booze, or even a few of the cuter faces they'd spied at the party.

"I've always wanted to know how you'd look with a stripe of fur missing all the way down your back." He chuckled as he approached, hearing Artisan's plea. "But I've been told this party is too adult for me. Alas, it seems you'll need to get help elsewhere." He placed the back of his forepaw to his forehead for a moment and rolled his eyes overly dramatically. Okay so maybe he was still a little bit bitter.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-02-2020, 06:15 PM

Lorikeet arrived in time to see a fish flying at her brother's face, a small sister thrown over the shoulder of a larger, a disgruntled sunset, and their youngest teasing him for all he was worth. The social bird fluttered down to her siblings' stretch of beach, and settled down besides Hyperion, tucking her toes under her warm brother's belly. He was dressed like a fire, after all.

“Oh Sunset, hun”
she said to Artisan.
“I’ll get them for you if you push the knot out of my shoulders.”
She could charm the hat of a scarecrow, of course she could get her brother's beads back from whatever trouble maker had swiped them.

Keetie was in the presence of her siblings, and she felt utterly relaxed and at peace, leaning against her almost-twins shoulder as she watched them all.




4 Years
10-16-2020, 02:48 AM
The little wolf hissed as Hype gave a half-assed chase and dropped his front half to stare at her. She silently pleaded with Star to sit still. But knew that her sibling couldn't sit there forever. Sitting up straight, Cicero gasped aloud, eyes going wide. The tiny, star spattered abyss pointed behind her giant brother. She waited until he turned to look before darting off across the beach in the direction of Lorikeet.

Cicero was small and she was fast. The young lady zipped behind the form of her big sister, squeezing herself between Keet and Art. "Hype is trying to make me his god damn parrot again." She had a mouth on her for such a little thing. Eyes cast towards Hyacinth and Cicero snorted. "You're not missing anything. A bunch of dirty gits doing dirty things." Her haul was big enough for all of them though, her younger brother included. "If you're a good boy though I might have a surprise for you."

Peering around Keet to see if Hype was coming, the woman opened the sack that she had derailed across one shoulder. "A wee taste of mushrooms to end our night mebbe." They should all very well know by now that the little scientist was always carting around a mind altering substance or two.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-25-2020, 05:08 PM

Perseus was thrilled, observing from his sitting-slightly-wobbling position, to eventually see Star wandering in his general direction. Star and their double, more exactly, even if he was pretty sure there was only one of them. Details to be worked out another time. Even better, they appeared to be carrying food, which was a positively delightful addition. Percy was quite hungry, after all. Perhaps just queasy, but either way his stomach was rumbling and a good meal seemed like the perfect solution that he certainly would not come to regret in the morning. Off behind Star were other flashes of color, pelts that seemed eerily reminiscent of their other siblings not too far away. That was good and fine, but Percy had locked in on a different target now.

Stjarna seemed to clock him as well, if their picture perfect double-take was anything to go off of. Percy grinned, mental engines already at full throttle, whirring through all the possible ways he could worm his way into sharing in their hard earned catch. "Heya, Star! Fancy seeing you here. Whatcha got th-" Sadly, in his inebriated state keeping track of more than two things seemed beyond Percy's capability. One: Stjarna. Sibling, wanted to find sibling, sibling here now. Check. Two: Fish. Fish tasty, want to eat tasty, ale sloshing around in stomach demands fish. Check. The third very important matter of the fish now sailing through the air on a clear path to contact was missed entirely, until several pounds of cold, slimy scale whalloped him squarely on the nose.

Blindsided and far beyond his capacity to deal with unexpected events, Percy caved forward. His forepaws came up to cradle the affronted appendage that was his entire face, thanks a lot Star, as he laid on the ground and groaned. The voices of his approaching siblings were muffled by the ringing in his ears, so Percy paid them no mind. He was far too busy pouting. What had he done to deserve such treatment? Nothing! He was an angel! And angel's faces should not hurt so much.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Perseus' siblings may enter into any of his threads, regardless of tagging!
Note: Perseus also has a glowing mutation visible in low lighting.

Stjarna A.


3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - GayPride - AgenderDouble Master
10-25-2020, 05:25 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2020, 05:30 PM by Stjarna A..)

The fish struck his brother right across the face. Normally, Star would've rushed to apologize but in their tipsy state they immediately opened slender jaws to laugh. "Oh man! I'm sorry Percy, hahaha… I'm oh man…" Why was the world wanting to spin? Stjarna sat down heavily, taking deep breaths to try and collect their thoughts and scooted the fish closer. Food was definitely a good idea before another drink. Star immediately started chewing on the fish head until it was severed it off completely, listening as the rest of their siblings wandered in. The first being Cicero who immediately dove behind them. Star didn't bother to move at first since they had things to do. "Whatever it is I swear I'm not hiding it under my tail."

Star had two tasks, skinning the fish and stringing the meat on the spears to smoke. They had heard you could make leather of out of fish skin. Star had no idea but what better time to try new things than when completely inebriated?

Stjarna focused on working fangs under the skin and peeling it back down one side of the fish. This was trickier than anticipated and it was a messy job but it wasn't horrendous for a first timer. Next Star seized strips of flesh and started threading it onto the spears before finally standing up moving toward the fire. Star leaned the spears back up over the fire to smoke and dry into jerky.

Star was about to work on the next side when Arty came in mumbling about some guy stealing his beads. "What did this guy look like? There are a lot of guys around here. Was he hot?" Priorities. Stjarna had them.



5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - Pansexual
10-26-2020, 12:35 PM

Okay, so as much as he wanted to keep pouting he was finding that hard to do with his siblings so totally plastered. At least some of them, his tiny sister notwithstanding. Speaking of. He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Cicero's response to his complaint. "I don't know what you're talking about... I'm always a good boy." He said, giving his sister a wink.

"Not to be a spoilsport but are you sure shrooms are a good choice with how drunk everyone else is?" And he really didn't want to be the stick in the mud but he'd had his own pretty heavy trips before and he couldn't imagine how much just more that might be for his inebriated siblings.

"Talk" "Listen" Think



2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
11-22-2020, 08:56 PM
He fell for the distraction because, well, of course he did. Cicero was off like a shot and Hyperion, a step behind her, chased her around in a circle. They ended up almost back exactly where they'd started this time just on the opposite side of Lorikeet with Art. He would have happily continued the pursuit had not Art's words caught his attention. Immediately he was up like a shot. Consider it done. He was going to wax his brother bare. Hyperion waved a paw at Hyacinth, fixating on the wax part and not the pity act since it hadn't been his idea to bar the boy from the party. "You have no ambition, little brother! Why just one little stripe? If I find the thief I'm going to wax his ass bare like a baboon." To Art, he said, "You can count on me, bub. I got your back." If only to wax his ass, but details.

Hyperion leaned in for the details. He was committed now. If he had to fight off all these fuckers for the chance at waxing Art then by god, he would. Consider them tossed - lovingly or something - into the sea. That wax was his. He propped his head up on his paws and blinked innocently up at Art. "Okay so aside from being average or runty with a hat, what does he look like? Colors, man, give me colors. And don't say brown either - half the wolves in this place are brown." The palette was distinctly natural in this parts, he'd observed. Nothing wrong with that at all; in fact it made him feel a bit special. Which was nice.

Stjarna A.


3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - GayPride - AgenderDouble Master
11-28-2020, 08:27 PM

Stjarna chewed off the tail fin of the fish and then finished carefully peeling of the skin. They set the skin aside to start to dry as an early experiment in making fish leather. Surely this could sort of work, right? Or perhaps they needed to shred the scales off first? Star stared at the fish skin then decided to just let it dry. The scales would probably fall off as it dried or be easier to remove. Or they'd just be super cool.

Next, Star pulled the rest of the fish meat closer and shredded off one more strip of flesh and threaded it on a stick to dry next to the fire to dry. Star licked their lips and then dug in to eat the rest of the fish while their siblings chatted. Star swallowed down a chunk of meat and chimed in after Hyperion. "I would love to help with the waxing. I know where we can find some pine sap." Star chuckled as Hyperion pressed for a description that was more than 'brown'. Most of the wolves here did seem to be plainly colored compared to the Aracari siblings.



5 Years
Extra large

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
11-29-2020, 04:18 PM

Artisan sighed, one of relief this time as his siblings' jumped upon his wax offer in exchange for recovering his precious accessories. "I think one stripe would be plenty." He grumbled in reply, narrowing his eyes at his fire-touched brother and finding that it made the world spin a little less. "OK so the hat was about this big." Drunkenly he lifted his paws again, placed them back upon the earth, sat (for stability) and then raised his paws again to estimate the size. "It was black but not gross like empty boring black, it kind of had a lightness to it that just draws you in. But THEN around it, there's this actual-black wrapping and it just ties the whole thing together." A wistful sigh, before he continued his explanation. "And it's got a super cool brim that you could tip to make yourself look awesome." He pretended there was a hat on his empty head, and lifted an empty paw to the pretend hat to 'tip' it. "As for the raccoon, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention past the hat. He looked like a raccoon." That wasn't the important or memorable part - they NEEDED to find that fucking hat.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Artisan wears multiple twine bracelets around his forelegs, each one with different colored homemade marble-like beads upon it. Each bead corresponds to a wolf who he has met and decided deserved a place on his wrist, and thus he might ask your character for a lock of fur, etc to add to his creation to remember your character by.

Unless otherwise stated, you can assume he is wearing them at all times.
Artisan's companions are two blue and yellow macaws, their names are Siri(F) and Cisco(M) and while they can be assumed to always be nearby, they're likely out of sight.