
Keeping the priorities in order




6 Years
Athena I

09-25-2020, 10:30 AM

Even though they had already throughly talked it over, weighed their options, discussed it with their daughters, and decided that this was the best decision for them both, it was still a little sad and nerve wracking as they went to find the Valhallan Spirit. She didn't think that coming here had been a mistake - they had both learned something about themselves in the process - but in the end it hadn't been the right fit for them. She had fallen back into the routines and rigor of the pack life easily enough, but she could tell Ochre hadn't and that was where her priorities were. If he wasn't happy then neither was she.

She moved through the plains with her mate at her side until they finally spotted Aurielle's softly glowing form. She would certainly miss her family here and it had been a pleasure to see them all again as well as meet the ones she hadn't met yet, but she realized that she also missed the wolves they had lived with before and there was no perfect solution in either case. It all came down to what was going to make them both happiest. "Aurielle," she called as they got closer to catch the alpha's attention, smiling and dipping her head in greeting. "If you have a moment we have something we'd like to discuss with you."

"Talk" "You" Think



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
10-05-2020, 04:38 PM
Aurielle Adravendi

While motherhood and alphaship together had made for a busy life, that didn’t mean Aurielle didn’t have a toe on the pulse of her pack. She’d seen contentment and a pleasant drive to make a life here in Daelos, however, from the beginning, it seemed that Ochre, her cousin’s mate, had only been there because his mate and children were here. He had shown no true effort to involve himself, only tending to his close family rather than the pack as a whole.

She wasn’t a fool to think that if he left Daelos would stay, so when the older woman and her mate came into sight, with a certain note of business, she rose and pressed her nose to her cousin’s cheek, nodding to Ochre, uncertain whether he would welcome a familial greeting. Her smile was no less warm for her lack of physical touch, however.

She stepped back, studying the two as her haunches lowered, long tail flicking neatly to coil at her paws in a pool of silken hair. “I have all the time you need, Daelos.”

There was a note of knowing to her voice, in the way her ears curved toward them, though she let Daelos take the lead.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.