
The Return Of the Son



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2014, 12:37 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 12:46 AM by Erani.)
Okay. So? it?s been a very, very long time since Clash adopted Erani?s firstborn son, Castiel. I?m sorry to say that she maybe only did one or two posts with him. However, when he was played by Azazyl, he was slightly more active. With the Epidemic passing at last, I have decided to make the hard decision, and re-adopt Castiel out to the world. I love you Clash, and I hope that you come back to us with all my heart, but Erani needs her son back.

Now. Down to the nitty gritty.

I expect Castiel to be played like his new player would die if they didn?t get at least two out a day with him. He will remain Lawful Good, or Lawful Neutral, as he highly idolized his father, who was noble, though had been a pit fighting wolf before coming to Alacritis. (Azazyl played Nova, the father I speak of.) Castiel will be fully intended to go to Valhalla, and I will not allow inactivity to rise with him. It?s all and good if you?re just having a hard time with real life, but if you lose muse for him, or his activity drops, and no posts are made for one month, I am taking him back, and giving someone else a chance.

Castiel is fully grown at 39?. He?s muscular like his father, white like his mother, Erani, and has burning liquid golden eyes. He was always intended to be an honorable male, with a code of honor resembling the Protocol rules for a Warlord or Warlord Prince character in service to a Queen in the Shadow Realm of the Black Jewels Trilogy Series by Anne Bishop. The First rule Is to Honor, Cherish and Protect. And the Second rule is to Obey. If the second rule gets in the way of the first one, toss it out the window.

Castiel may be reserved after his long absence, and possibly trying to find a way to make up for being gone so long. His favorite sister is Surreal, an I expect for a close, big brother, little sister bond to reform, despite her and him being born in the same litter. They are the two firstborn children in the litter. Hurt his sisters, and there will be pain. A lot of it.

However, he has little to no experience with females. Flirting with him will likely be like flirting with a stone wall. He likely won't get the gist. He will be the kind of wolf to settle with one female, and only mate for love.

His voice is a deep, rumbling baritone, like thunder, and his accent will be more Russian inflected than his sister Surreal, as he had more contact with his father while out on their father son adventure. I?m saying that his father was maybe caught in a bison stampede in a far off land during one of their hunts, and Castiel, thinking he was dead, wandered, heading home, but got lost for over a year. (PS, Nova is actually alive, but he was kicked in the head and knocked silly, and has no memory of Erani or his children, or Valhalla/Alacritia.)

By the way, if you demand for him, I will refuse. There is a great difference between wanting him badly, and actually getting him and playing him consistently. Show me that you will be able to stay active with him by being detailed and work hard on that application form beneath, and I will consider it. But please, for heavens sake, don?t[//b] demand him.

Here is his profile:

Now. Down to the application form:


[b]Cbox or OOC name: This is required.

Appearance: I want a full 200+ word appearance here. Written from your own hand, in your own words, and not copied from his profile, though you may use it to reference from.

Personality: Again, 200+ words here. Perhaps note what all changes to his personality his long absence beyond Alacritia and his adventures in whatever lands there were out there made to his psyche.

RolePlay Sample: I want 300+ words here, and not a random post from some character that has nothing to do with Castiel. It must be a post of Castiel being played as you would if you got him.


06-12-2014, 08:06 PM
Cbox or OOC name: fawn

Appearance: Castiel lives up to his name, which brings to mind an awe inspiring fellow. He is powerfully built, with strong muscle packing bulk onto his frame. Everything about him shows strength. He stands easily at 39 inches tall, and every inch of his skeleton is packed with muscle. There are few wolves in these lands larger than he, and Castiel is well aware of that, it seems. His stance is full of confidence, and he is typically found with his head held high and his body language proud.

His body is covered in pure white, with no markings adorning the white male's frame. He's as purely colored as his mother, and unlike many of his siblings, he is the color of the innocent. Though most of his siblings are black or gray, Castiel is a simple, pure white. Unlike Lyric, he has no swirling patterns, and he takes purely after his mother in terms of coat, at least.

It's his eyes (and his size) that link Castiel back to his father. It's clear to any that see him that Castiel is not just his mother's son. He has the piercing golden gaze of his father, and the towering size of the dire wolf that sired him as well. He is the largest of his siblings, in both sheer size and in muscle as well.

Personality: Castiel is the epitome of what you would expect a knight to be. He is a protector of the small, and will not tolerate any attacks on those weaker than another. He's not afraid to tell a wolf to pick on someone their own size, and Castiel is quite willing to be the one that they choose to pick on, if only so that he can teach them a lesson or two. He's outspoken against any crimes against the 'small' (he would not call them weak; he would only say that these wolves that he has taken under his wing need someone to look out for them. To him, it's not weakness, just a certain type of personality), and does not hesitate to speak his mind. To Castiel, the surest sign of weakness is hurting those that are less able to protect themselves to make yourself seem larger, and he's not afraid to say it. His size and brute strength have given him an advantage that not all wolves have, and Castiel feels as if he ought to help those without these advantages wherever he can, something that has come to define his life.

Overall, Castiel is a kindly male, willing to do anything for a wolf in need. However, he especially chivalrous towards females, doing small things for them without even thinking about it. If he were a human, he'd be the type to pull out the chair for women, and open car doors for them. This is something that he learned from his mother - he respected her a great deal, and to him, this has translated to a deep respect for all women. They do the hardest things in life, like childbirth. However, Castiel is very innocent in terms of romance. As he has spent most of his life, trying to get back to his family, he clearly hasn't practiced flirting or anything like that. To him, the subtle nuances of flirtatious words are nonexistent. His chivalrous mannerisms are not intended to come across as flirting, and it doesn't even occur to Castiel that they may be misconstrued in such a way. That kind of thing just isn't on his radar.

Family will always be the driving force of Castiel's life. He will defend his family until his dying breath if he must, and is even more devoted to them than he was before. He failed his father, but he will not fail the others. He will not tolerate any harm towards his family members, and will avenge them tenfold if one of his family is hurt. He is closest, of all his siblings, to Surreal, and it is her that he will defend most fiercely. However, that doesn't mean that his mother or other sisters are lacking a warrior. Castiel will fight for any of his family without hesitation. He's their guardian angel, their protector, and he will not allow any to hurt them, especially as he as already lost his father. To some extent, his pack is also his family, and should push come to shove, Castiel is also willing to lay his life on the line for his pack, but he is most focused on his family in that respect. He will abandon ship if he must to protect his family, and Castiel would walk away without looking back in that case.

The most important thing in Castiel's life, save his family is the moral compass that he has formed in his life. It is strong and unerring; in Castiel's world, there is no reason to deviate from the two rules that have come to define his every action. First and foremost, he will bring honor to his queen (whether it's his mother, his sister, or another alpha), he will cherish her, and he will protect her at all costs. This is the most important thing, in Castiel's eyes. These three words mean everything to him, and the second rule, to obey, can and will be cast aside when it goes against his first rule. If he is told, say, to leave his lady behind during a time of danger, he simply would not. He obeys unless he cannot in good conscience, and then Castiel can and will go against his second law.

Frivolous emotions are rare in this male, in all honesty. He's very serious (which is part of why he's so out of his league when girls flirt with him), and rarely shows strong emotions on either end of the spectrum. Castiel is reserved even when he's overjoyed, and he takes this to extremes when he's angry. Like his mother, Castiel is all ice when he's angry, and he will hold a grudge. It's difficult to anger him (mainly, it's achieved when a wolf threatens another who can't defend themselves or harms/attempts to harm his family), but when Castiel is angry, he is furious.

RolePlay Sample: (tried to stay true to an RP sample with this and not powerplay anyone or anything ~)

Castiel could smell the borders of the Valhallan pack lands on the air. They positively reeked of his mother, something that Castiel noted with pride. Had she become Alphess while he'd been gone? She would deserve it if she had. Castiel remembered her devotion to the pack that she had called her home with fondness. Erani would have done anything for that pack, and to see that loyalty rewarded would please Castiel. He had been gone long enough that he wasn't sure of the status of the pack, but still the male was content just to sniff the air for a moment, drawing in the scents of his mother and traces of Surreal.

The feminine scents were strange after seasons alone, and even before that he had traveled at the side of his father. The thought of the black male sobered Castiel, making the silly grin that had spread across his maw fade as Castiel remembered again watching the previously untouchable male fall to his death beneath the massive hooves of the bison they'd been hunting. Nova's death had been what drove Castiel back to these lands, though it had been difficult to make his way back. After all, Castiel had been a pup when he'd left Alacritia, and his memories of the journey were foggy at best. But he was back now, and Castiel was not going to leave again. He would stay at his family's side for as long as there was breath in his lungs, and to Castiel, that was a joyful fate. The thought of being with his sisters and his mother again made Castiel's heart leap within his chest, though outwardly the white male remained sober.

As Castiel drew slowly closer to the border of Valhalla's territory, he had to admit that he felt a touch nervous. Would they welcome him back, even though he carried tragic news? He wasn't sure if it was better that they knew of Nova's death, but Castiel could not in good conscience lie to them. They deserved to know, at least - Castiel knew that he would have wanted to know, if he had been in their paws. And if they had missed him even half as much as he had missed them, then his family would be delighted to see him again, no matter what sad tidings he carried.

Suddenly, Castiel could wait no longer. The white wolf settled back on his haunches, majestic head tilting back as he let out a strong howl. His powerful voice rang out over the horizon, calling for his family. As his howl drew to a close, Castiel curled his tail around his paws and let his golden gaze scan the area. He waited in silence for any sign of life from within Valhalla's lands, strangely nervous at the thought of being reunited with his mother and sisters.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-15-2014, 03:38 AM
Congratulationsss, Fawn, Castiel is yours <33 Play him well!