
Never ending Process




6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-28-2020, 09:09 PM
[Image: lZm0XG0.png?1]

She had been tidying and rearranging her stores to make room for the new stuff she would be gathering. Ridding of any bugs or plants that hadn't dried properly along with putting the plants in alphabetical order to make it easier to find what she needed. This process was on day 3 right now and she wasn't sure how much longer it would take her, but she was getting herself fully prepared to be a very active healer for Winterfell. She would be kicking her butt in gear to make sure the pack was fully prepared. They did well with the raid she was involved healing with, but they had to be prepared to handle whatever might be thrown at them. She hadn't even began her reorganization of her salves and ointments yet. It was a lot, but she was fully focused on what she was doing.

Once she had finished reorganizing the drying herbs she looked to the trash pile shaking her head with disgust. She hadn't paid enough attention to her stores and had a lot of plants (common ones) wasted. That would not happen this year. Moving over she gently tied the bundle of trash together with a long strand of hide, grabbed it and began to drag it out of the deeply hidden storage den. Through the long hall to her own den room, and out of her den. Her molten gaze looked around for her boar companion who was good at helping her dispose of things while she continued to work. When she didn't see him she let out a sharp calling bark and waited. Not long after he came galloping from the bushes, tail held high as he ran.

"Boris would you be so kind as to get rid of these," he asked with a tender smile.

With a snort, grunt, and a nod of his head the Boar took the bundle and quickly drug it off. She watched him leave and her eyes looked down to Lorenzo who crawled from the den to her feet.

"I think I may take a break, this process seems so.... never ending," She spoke.

"Well you have accomplished so much that I think there is no problem with a break," the opossum replied with a wide toothy grin.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them