
Writing Stories

Eirik I


3 Years
06-16-2014, 12:39 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Covari was nothing like Mount Volkan. Where the mountain had been tall and rocky, scattered with little pockets of green or snow, this place was more even. Maybe there was a little roll to the ground, and maybe there was a noticeable low point, but it was all so even in comparison, not grand and huge as he had been used to. Snow blanketed it all in a soft, consistent layer with no broken patches that he had been able to see. The only distinguishing figures about the place were the buildings that Maia had spoken of, ruined structures that grew very strangely out of the ground unlike any rock formation and tree that he was familiar with. All in all, very different lands than where he had grown up.

Faced with it all now, free to wander where he willed, Eirik found himself stalling. He stood almost rooted to the spot, rosy pink eyes panning left to right a little widely. Where did he begin? His tail swung uncertainly and his black-tipped ears twitched, and for a moment he considered not even going off at all. There was no super strong desire to do much exploring within him as there was in his sisters. A home body of sorts, so long as his family was near he lacked the incentive to go off on his own. But then, if he did nothing, how disappointed they would be considering the last - and only - story he had to tell about an adventure all on his own had been some time ago! And he did seem to find awesome stories.

Making up his mind, Eirik furrowed his brow, an expression that made him look quite like his father, and began to pad forward into the waiting Range, wondering where Keiki and Warja had gotten to during his time of inaction.



4 Years
06-25-2014, 12:08 AM

It was so flat here! Perfect terrain for running, which was what she was doing. Snow kicked up behind her as she went, a crunching sound proceeded her with each step into the snow. The grey and white girl had explored the dilapidated structures and quickly grey bored of them. Now she was sprinting from place to place, feeling the cool winter air rush against her face.
She and Warja had been released upon the pack lands and had both not wasted any time exploring, though Keiki had lost sight of her sister after some time. Now as she rounded one of the crumbling structures she spotted the familiar figure of her brother. With a grin she adjusted her course to head towards him. Running full pelt as she was when she tried to stop it didn't quite work so well. Skidding in the snow she lost her balance and tumbled. Landing in a a puff of snow the girl realized she had only just missed hitting her brother. A playful giggle bubbled up from her chest.

[Image: VAzkBpg.png]



4 Years
06-25-2014, 09:35 PM

Oh, man, this place was great! All over the terra giant shiny things jutted out of the snow. Some were rusted, with cracks running through them like weather-worn rocks, and some were scarily shiny; so shiny that Warja had held a staring contest with her reflection (for far too long) before realizing what it was. Currently, Warja was galloping across the range with a small, floppy, gorgeously shiny trinket* that she'd pulled off one of the metal corpses.

Warja skidded sideways down an embankment, the trinket creaking and flapping as her mind got ahead of her legs and her body listed dangerously to the side. She recovered. Regaining her footing, the youngling scanned her surroundings. They were somewhere around here, she knew it. This dangly, creaking, fabulously shiny toy was too good to keep to herself. Warja wanted to share and somewhere close by wandered Eirik. She'd seen him lurking about earlier and if she wasn't mistaken, Keiki was nearby too.

Ah HA! She zeroed in on her siblings and took off running in their direction. "GAWS! EH, GAWS!" Warja stopped to adjust the trinket. When it was clamped firmly between her teeth she set out again, the bauble bobbing gracelessly.

Slowing to a walk as she neared, Warja lifted her chin so the shiny thing would be the first thing they'd notice. When she reached them, the youngling carefully placed The Shiny on the ground before raising glittery eyes to her siblings' faces. "Look what I found!" The Shiny glittered dully in the light, it's metal backside pocked with rust and dirt. Warja flipped it over. The other side was cracked and had pieces missing, but the objects reflected in its otherwise smooth surface were clear as day.

OOC: Warja has a small mirror from a tractor.

talk, think

Eirik I


3 Years
06-30-2014, 02:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The boy's wide black paws crunched softly through the snow with each slow step, giving himself enough time to glance left and right and assess what was nearest to him for possible exploration. He did not have Warja's eye for it, nor Keiki's enthusiasm, but he tried to make do, to see as they did and find the fun in what he saw. He thought he just about had it, his steps slowing and his tail giving a bit of a wag, when he heard the sudden sound of hurried steps, racing about through the snow.

Eirik's black ears perked and he turned his head to stare and then grin when he saw Keiki barreling across the snow, racing his way and kicking up a flurry behind her with each bound. It was all fun and entertaining until he saw that she was coming straight for him and would take him out if she did not think to slow down. The smile on his face grew uncertain, anxious, and though he took a step back he closed his eyes and braced himself only to feel a kick up of snow as his sister narrowly avoided hitting him. Tentatively his pink eyes opened and the pale grey pup peered at Keiki where she had stopped, laughing outright when he finally heard her giggling. At least she wasn't hurt. "You almost got me there," he laughed, wagging his tail for emphasis over his relief. Keiki seemed to respond oddly to words, if she responded at all, but physical gestures appeared to work better. "Gotta be careful."

Unexpextedly, he heard another voice calling out to them, the missing piece of their trio. Ears perking up, he turned to look her way, motioning with his muzzle in that direction so Keiki would know to look too. Much like Keiki, Warja was running swiftly toward them, her words mumbled around the object she carried inside her jaws. It looked strangely like some straight, rigid stick, but one end moved about and caught the light every chance it got. "What's that?" he whispered to himself, eyes narrowing slightly as his smaller sibling came walking up with her find held proudly between her teeth. She set it down, waited a moment, and then flipped it over. Once again it caught the light, and stepping forward with his nose leading the way Eirik crept forward to stare... himself. He blinked, and the stranger inside the object - with his same rose-pink eyes! - blinked too. He froze, startled, confused, and turned his head to look at Warja. From the corner of his eye, the wolf in the object was no longer looking at him either. "There's a wolf," he began, sure that Warja already knew. He only hoped she could explain to him how they had gotten in there. And how he had Eirik's eyes.