
A Dogs Life

Outlaw Doggy Relatives



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
10-06-2020, 02:18 PM
Want to play a dog?  Want to have family?
Come to the Forgotten Isle.  Outlaw has a slew of family living there.  I'd love some of them be made into PC's

What sort of dog breeds?

Five years ago four dogs found their way to the Forgotten Isle.  Two female and two mail all of which were true-blue mutts.  The breeds within them can be guessed but neither of their parents were pure-breeds either.  This means you are very open to make a dog of any format and if you want something more 'Brittany Spaniel' or more 'wolfhound' then go for it!  

The founders of the island eventually had puppies and as nature does those dogs likewise had puppies.  Besides those two bloodlines any wolves that dropped by could possibly have added to the bloodline, or any dogs!

Are you saying the Island is littered with dogs?
Nope!  This is not being renamed to Dogville.  The dogs have no real 'pack' mentality so much as a group that happens to share the same space, some working together more than others.
Some dogs chose to leave.  They made themselves rafts and headed out to the wild blue yonder.
Some died for any number of reasons. (drown, food for the sharks, hurricanes, fights, bad food, the list goes on)

Island Life. (As imagined by Shard till told otherwise)

Due to the size of the island what it was once used for I don't see a lot of big predators having made their way so it seems likely most the threats are from their own species or visiting wolves. (I guess the random predator could have found their way there same as visiting wolves)  
Also I doubt expect the island has much in the way of large prey animals.  I see a lot of fish and crustaceans in the diet.  Likewise potentially birds, rabbits, other small mammals and any edible plants.

A number of dogs likely made homes in the human buildings (ancient strange den sites) and while its been debated on the boat but some like to call its cargo area a cave.

With the oddities left behind by humans as well as dogs that like to leave the island a number of them have turned to learning crafting.  

While I'd love the characters to be active I'm not going to talk about re-adopts if they fall by the wayside - this is just for a bit of fun and plenty to go around.

I lack art talent and there are so many different breeds to choose from anyway - I'm sorry no free art to tempt you at this time.

Name: Name of the character
Gender: Gender of the character
Appearance: What the appearance of this character is, some players have a minimum word count
Personality: What you character will be like, some players have a minimum word count
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby