
so we meet again




3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
10-25-2020, 04:58 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2020, 02:37 PM by Tyrian.)
When looking out over the wedding guests Tyrian had very nearly choked when a familiar face jumped out at him. It was that woman, that nameless woman who had sucked him off that night on the beach. The woman who had fucked him and sent him down an insatiable path. That woman. Just seeing her was enough to send a shiver down his belly. He'd spent the rest of the ceremony very aware of her presence and the effect it was having on him. When it was finally, blessedly over and the guests had been ushered to the feasting grounds Tyrian had casually made his way over and struck up a conversation with Pyrrhic, the man she appeared to have come with. Was he her mate? Surely not. Out of the corner of his eye he'd watched the child too just in case it ended up being hers. His fears were quelled quite quickly, though, as Pyrrhic introduced the woman as his sister and the child as his daughter.

After the introductions had been made and the following small talk had died down, Tyrian had casually bowed out. Some time later after mingling with the rest he'd successfully snagged Fel's gaze and then purposefully left the scene hoping she would follow. He wanted to speak to her again but he wanted to do it somewhere a little less public. He walked to a secluded nook and stopped to wait. The sun had set some time ago and the orchard was bathed in shadows save for the feast area which was illuminated by the light of several fires. From here he could still see and hear the festivities quite clearly but they were far enough away and the lighting was at such a contrast that they felt like a separate thing entirely.

Would she come? He resisted the urge to look back, choosing instead to gaze into the deep, dark woods that marked the border between the Soulless Forest and the Orchard.
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.



3 Years
10-25-2020, 05:14 PM

It had been terribly amusing when her brother had introduced her to a man that she knew quite well and yet didn't know at all. They had never shared names, after all. Well, they knew each other now. Pyrrhic had introduced the man as Tyrian. Not only did she have his name, but his title as well. It seemed that she'd bedded a self proclaimed king. How interesting. It had taken every ounce of her willpower to not burst out laughing as she was forced to pretend that they were strangers. Her poor brother, if only he knew just how familiar the two of them actually were.

She didn't miss the glances that he shot her way, for she was shooting them his way as well. As always, there was a mischievous glint in the woman's eyes, but this glint was only for Tyrian. She wondered if they would run into one another again during the festivities. In fact, she downright hoped that they did.

When the slender woman's blood-moon eyes caught sight of the big man skirting away from the  congregation of party-goers, she made some excuse to her brother and peeled away from him and her niece.  It was easy to pick up his scent despite the thick wood smoke in the air. He moved out into the darkness, though the plethora of fires afforded them enough light so that they weren't creeping around blindly.

Playful as ever, Fel gave the area a wide berth so that she could come up behind him on her tiny, quiet paws. The silver spattered fae cast her gaze upward as she drew close, inspecting the summer starlight above. "Lovely night, isn't it, Tyrian?" His name was tinged with a grin and her small white teeth flashed in accompaniment.

[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
11-06-2020, 09:13 PM
The shadows, Tyrian noted as he looked out over the Forest, were solid and black, and blanketed by a smothering silence. That was one of the things that had always struck him as odd about the place. How heavy the atmosphere was. How serious. As a child he'd been intrigued but there had always been something about the place that demanded he take it seriously. Even as a little boy he'd known to be wary. Now, a grown man confident in his ability to defend himself, Tyrian still felt faintly unnerved by the place. Like he didn't really know what it was capable of only that he had reason to be wary.

"Lovely night, isn't it, Tyrian?" She came. Still staring into the forest, Tyrian chuckled. After a beat her turned to face her with a small smirk on his lips. "Is it, miss...Fel? Hadn't noticed." He canted his head to the side, his expression mildly sassy. "I was a little distracted." Tyrian bit his lip and eyed the dark woman accusingly. Every time he'd glanced out over the crowd his gaze had been drawn to her. Her presence at the wedding itself had been an unsought yet entirely welcome surprise.

It had take every ounce of self control he possessed not to race to her side at the after party. He'd reminded himself more than once that he still had duties to see to and that he was, even at this celebration, an alpha. While it was his prerogative to be as dignified or as unrefined as he wanted, even he could admit there was a time and a place for that. Not knowing how the Abraxas, a family he really only knew as religious zealots thanks to his father's stories, as a group felt about fraternization had kept him from being more forward. That and it amused him to be introduced to someone as if they'd never met. By her brother no less.
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.



3 Years
11-23-2020, 06:45 AM
He remembered her name and the woman accepted it with a grin and a single nod. "Well I think it's a nice night at least. Good food. Decent company." The dark woman had found it just as humorous that her brother had introduced them as though they didn't have intimate knowledge of one another. He admitted to being distracted and she grinned anew. She had been acutely aware of his position in the crowd as well. He'd carried out the ceremony nicely, a beacon in a sea of faces that would soon be forgotten.

Fel slid to her belly in the soft grass, toes flexing as she gave a little stretch. "Glad to have it over with?" The woman's head gave a slight tilt. "There was talk of you being next." A few voices had muttered about the alpha not having a mate or an heir. Amusement glittered in her deep ruby eyes. Fel was the last one to give in to gossip. Most of it was just the musings of the bored and dissatisfied. That didn't mean that she ignored it. Each little tidbit was filed away just in case she needed it for later use. "What a pity that would be," she purred as she crept forward on her stomach, splaying hind legs out behind her. The epitome of comfort. Fel was at ease wherever she went and this orchard was no different. The woman's thick tail flicked slowly back and forth at her shapely hips.

Bits and pieces of their night together flashed through her mind. Someone else had stolen his virginity, but she'd been the first to give him choices. The first to give him the power to decide. To give and to take whatever he wished. Fel liked to think that she taught him a thing or two about both giving and receiving pleasure. She was rather proud of that. A silvered brow arched as she turned her attention to him. "And what adventures does the rest of the evening hold for you?" She'd already told Pyrrhic that she would find her own way back. Her family knew how she was and if they didn't, then they weren't paying much attention.
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
12-04-2020, 06:00 PM
"Decent company," he murmured as though offended. "I see..." Tyrian's expression was hurt for a second before he broke into a soft, lopsided smirk. It was all for show. He knew she was teasing. In truth he thought the wedding had gone well too, all things considered. After seeing Jupiter's wife and his expression upon seeing his wife for the first time Tyrian had expected a much bigger fit than his nephew had thrown. He was happy to have been wrong; the last thing he needed was for the vikings to be offended, the deal off and whatever vendetta system they had kicked into gear. Blessedly that wasn't the case.

"There was talk of you being next." This caught him off guard and caused him to snort. Tyrian couldn't deny the utility of political marriages, but he'd known something about himself that Jupiter's party had only underscored: he would not be satisfied with one lifelong partner. Yes, he could be wrong, but he didn't feel wrong. Each partner he'd had that night had brought something different to the table. He'd loved their different personalities, their tastes, their bodies. Settling for one for life would be like settling for the same meal for the rest of his days. How boring. He could see himself as one of many instead of one of a pair, however. "I'm afraid they'll be disappointed; I don't do conventional." As a King he would have some stipulations for his partners and that, likely, would make his odds of finding one or more quite difficult. Even now, considering that for the first time, Tyrian was alright with that, though. He would love fleetingly if that remained his only option.

Tyrian glanced down at Fel and allowed his gaze to rove briefly over her stretched out form. He was reminded again of his love of differences. Fel didn't have the grace of Elise or the meekness of Lachlan. Her beauty lay in the strength of her body and the boldness of her character. She knew what she was doing here, now, and that only deepened his blossoming interest in her. "And what adventures does the rest of the evening hold for you?" He lay down across from her, one of his giant paws on either side of her left paw and fixed her with an amused look. "Well," he started, the corners of his mouth tipping up in a smirk. "Tradition dictates, apparently, that for these viking weddings to be official someone from each family needs to make sure they're that is in my future." Tyrian let that lovely fact hang in the air for a second before adding, "But until then my schedule is woefully empty. I'm not much of a partier, it seems."
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.



3 Years
12-09-2020, 09:19 AM
The mans mock offense was pleasing and Fel gave a soft laugh in response. She did love a wolf that could play with her. Verbal jousting was a very enjoyable pass time and so far Tyrian was doing a fine job at keeping up. Aerie was sorely lacking in intelligent, playful beings. Everyone was always so serious. It was slowly draining the life from her, but little encounters like this kept her blood pumping.

Her words about him being the next to marry elicited a lovely reaction. His snort was met with Fel's trademark Cheshire grin and she stretched a little, claws digging into the earth beneath them. Tyrian mentioned being unconventional and that pulled a throaty laugh from the midnight fae. "That makes two of us, believe me." Fel's silver spattered tail lashed back and forth, curling above her spine so that it waved like a banner. "At least you're an alpha and it doesn't really matter if others approve of your lifestyle. For some of us, it's a little more difficult." Just like Tyrian, Fel didn't believe she would ever be happy or satisfied with just one person. She needed variety. She needed spice. The Abraxas bunch wasn't very accepting of anything other than duty, unfortunately, so she tended to keep her sexual proclivities away from judgmental eyes. With Tyrian though, he had admitted his tastes first, and so she felt safe with sharing her own. "Males, females, one at a time or all at once." She shot the blue man a side eye. "I could see you with a happy little harem, Tyrian." She truly could.

Nights end and the traditions involved were mentioned and the prone woman gave a little wince and shudder. She couldn't imagine having to wait around to listen to Pyrrhic or Eligos bumping uglies. She felt for the man. "I'm... sorry." Since he'd positioned himself so close with his paws within reach, the ruby-eyed fae closed that distance. One black gloved paw rose and settled upon one of his massive ones, the velvety pads gliding over the short fur as she absently stroked before it stilled. "I prefer to stay away from such things myself. The mask gets tedious." Pleasantries and fronts wore you down after a while. She preferred smaller gatherings. Intimate interactions.

"Well, you're welcome to stay out here with me for as long as you'd like." Again her tail began to flick back and forth rhythmically. "I've told my brother not to wait up so I've nowhere to be." The woman's head tilted upwards and she inspected the night sky once more. "And it is a lovely night, as I've mentioned." With Tyrian's company or no, she might very well stay out in the orchard for a while, just soaking up the world.
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.



3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
12-19-2020, 06:52 PM
Somehow he was not at all surprised by Fel's statement that they shared a penchant for not conforming - a fact that, once realized, brought a faint smirk to his lips. As for her statement about him being lucky because of his position he definitely couldn't disagree there and offered no counter to that statement. She was right. His position afforded him all sorts of opportunities most pack wolves wouldn't necessarily get depending on the pack. While he personally had no problem with his members hitching with as many or as few wolves as they liked, not all packs were that way. And even then he did expect certain things from his wolves. While they could have any partner they liked, if they were going to have children he would expect them to be raised in Fireside. No other stipulations immediately came to mind, but he was sure he would have others.

The 'all at once' statement captured his curiosity immediately. He couldn't help but try and envision what that was like and truthfully, all he could 'see' was chaos, which, he supposed, could be its own sort of fun. As for him having a harem, that did sound more his speed than anything conventionally monogamous. Tyrian snorted a chuckle. "So could I," he agreed with a smirk. The potential for a lot of headache was there, but by the sound of it, headache or not, his own father had been happy with his arrangement and if Valentine could pull it off who was to say Tyrian couldn't as well? He wasn't going to go out of his way to 'collect' potential mates, but if one naturally put itself together he wouldn't complain.

Her reaction to the consummation part of his evening caused him to chuckle sardonically. "Believe me, I'm sorry too." Oh, the things he was willing to do for the pack. Blessedly he didn't think he needed to do more than ensure the parties stayed where they were for the night. "But if that's how this has to be, that's how it has to be, you know?" He shrugged his nonchalant acceptance of it. This deal needed to work. The pack needed what the vikings were bringing to the table. Additionally, they did not need angry vikings to deal with. His gaze fell to her paw on his. Watching it as it brushed his fur gave him goosebumps as she undoubtedly knew it would. "It does," he agreed. "The things we do for family and prosperity, eh?"

"It is, isn't it?" he said as he glanced around. Though his eyes were on what he could see of the heavens through the trees the bulk of his attention was on the warmth of Fel's paw over his. Now that his duties were over for the moment there was nowhere he'd would rather be than here. Being with Fel was a nice respite knowing she held many of the same opinions and expectations - or rather, lack thereof - he did. His gaze returned to hers. "What should we do with this lovely evening?" Tyrian felt like he didn't really know Fel and he'd liked talking to her so far so if she wanted to talk he was happy to talk, but if that was a little too lowkey for her it wouldn't take much pushing to send him down a different path.
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.



3 Years
01-18-2021, 06:56 AM
The more time they spent together, the more Fel realized that she genuinely liked Tyrian. He wasn't stuffy like some alphas that she knew. He was just a wolf. Just a man. A very attractive, kind, funny man. She could very well see them becoming friends if they kept on like this. He was very easy to talk to and was a good conversationalist in turn. What woman or man wouldn't want to flock to his side? Crazy ones, probably. Though Fel couldn't see herself as a permanent fixture in his life, she could see them coming together occasionally to simply share in the joy that was friendship. Maybe with a few added benefits here and there.

She didn't miss his motion when she began to brush her paw over his. His words brought a sort of sadness to her, however. 'The things we do for family...' "Indeed," she replied, plastering a grin to her face. She wouldn't allow her silly troubles to taint the good time that they were having. Instead she continued the slow, repetitive movement over the mans large paw.

When asked what they should do with the evening, the silver streaked fae chuckled softly. "Let's just enjoy one another's company, shall we? What happens will happen and what doesn't will not." Again her tail began to lash back and forth at her hips, much like that of a cat or fox. "Plans tend to get ruined. Spontaneity... now that tends to be a lot more fun, don't you think?" She brought her ruby gaze back to the blue man's face and smiled. Really, Fel was up for anything. They'd slept together before, so doing it again wouldn't be a stretch. If he wanted to talk or walk, fight or fuck. She was here and willing to play. "So, Tyrian. Are you going to surprise me?"
[Image: mZorPt0.png?1]
Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.