
Spooky Cave (Lurid)



11-01-2020, 02:10 PM
Ç̸̭̩̻͔͖̱̥̉̚ŕ̶̨̛͙͍͓̲̣͕̎̃̾̎̄̑̐̏̔͆͝͠ȳ̸̡̼͉̙̻̘͚͕̘̿̌stall̴̞̪̀͋̎̏̂̄̔́̈́̀̆͐̕͝ĩ̷̛͎̦͉̼̤͇̏͠në̸̻̗̣̏ D̴͔̲̲̫̭̤̲͌̑̅͗̔̐̇̒̾͐͌͝͝epths

Going away from the noise sounded like a good idea, didn’t it? You thought the danger was all above you, right? You were wrong. As you navigate around, one of the pillars by your side shifts and pins you. The weight presses on your right leg until you hear the undeniable snapping and crushing of a broken bone. When you manage to free it, your right foreleg is a bloody mess- something that will take time to heal and likely leave a nasty scar.



11-01-2020, 02:11 PM
Kì̶̦̹͔̠͇͂̄̀ng Fire̴̢̡̝̹̭͚̲̫͔̔fly Guy

You enter the next room. It is small and curved like the inside of a geode. All around, fireflies buzz, lighting the room with a soft ambient glow that resonates within the smaller shards which dot the walls like a mosaic. In the center of the room, crystals grow up into a large throne and upon that throne sits a humanoid figure cloaked in a rough robe. Its eyes glitter and dance, and as it speaks it is as if many voices speak in unison from all around the room.

“You have entered my realm and come to see me with your own mortal eyes,” it says. The figure leans forward as if intrigued, you feel as if many eyes watch your every move. Behind you, a wall of fireflies block your path. “I can let you go, perhaps, if you give me something instead.”

Fireflies buzz around you affectionately for a moment before wandering into the robe. A series of flickering dances all the way down the creature’s body and it leans back in the chair. “Hmm, yes, it seems as if you are benevolent yourself, so why shouldn’t I treat you the same? I will let you make me an offer. What should I give you for your freedom- for your life? Or do you think you deserve to be free?"

How do you navigate this risky wonderland?
  • Offer something (list in post)
  • Negotiate to keep everything
  • Attempt to flee



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-01-2020, 02:38 PM
Lurid tried to react before the crystal shifted too close, backing up and using another crystal as leverage, but she didn't move fast enough. Trapping her right foreleg to the ground, the weight of the giant crystal that was crushing her leg saw the foreign empress scream like a freshly caught banshee as her leg snapped under the weight of it and skin split before the broken bones. Furiously, she dug at the earth to free herself, and when she managed to get most of her leg from under the crystal she was appalled to find a hideous gash from her elbow to her ankle. Her paw was still trapped, but upon seeing the bone protruding from her leg, she used it to horrifically set her bone in place. More searing pain washed over her in cold waves and she felt the blood pool around her elbow, cursing and howling in her agony she freed herself fully and pressed on.

Holding her broken, gashed leg up, she stubbornly pressed onward. The next room was alight with more lightning bugs, but Lurid could not find it in her hazed thoughts to spare them a glance. She moved forward in a hopping, demeaning gait as her leg throbbed with hideous intensity as she came upon more crystals, this time with a hooded ...something...sitting on it. It spoke, sounding an awful lot like her dead father with many voices at once. The result of this was for Lurid to sit at prompt attention while making sure she didn't jar her leg or put any pressure on the limb, listening to the being before answering with her own dual vocals. She gave a pained smile to the bugs that now buzzed around her, watching as they moved to the being and up its sleeve. "While I don't mind a scar, I cannot be hobbled this way. I am a mother, and I have wolves who rely on me. I can offer you some of the hidden treasures I found in this place, I am not inherently greedy. Would this be enough to earn my freedom and healing?" Lurid would exchange half of the gems and the weapon she found in the tunnel in hopes of being at least partially healed and released. Would he be benevolent, as she had been?
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
to plot with me, ask about threads,
or to remind me about posts!



11-01-2020, 05:40 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2020, 02:46 PM by NPC.)
Ç̸̭̩̻͔͖̱̥̉̚ŕ̶̨̛͙͍͓̲̣͕̎̃̾̎̄̑̐̏̔͆͝͠ȳ̸̡̼͉̙̻̘͚͕̘̿̌stall̴̞̪̀͋̎̏̂̄̔́̈́̀̆͐̕͝ĩ̷̛͎̦͉̼̤͇̏͠në̸̻̗̣̏ D̴͔̲̲̫̭̤̲͌̑̅͗̔̐̇̒̾͐͌͝͝epths

You offer half of those gems you found and the piece of armor you collected. The creature seems delighted. The objects are surrounded by fireflies and carried off. You ask about your leg and several fireflies hover around it before returning to the cloak. "I'm sorry, but I'm no healer," it says. The figure stands and motions behind his throne, “There is the exit you seek. Please, keep anything else you found along the way, but be wary of where you wander, wolf, for we are always watching.”

As you exit, you find you are very far from where you began. The cavern is steep, dark, and mysterious as it opens towards the surface. You breathe in your first breath of cool, fresh air and let the wind ruffle your fur. As you get your wits about you, you have only one question left in your head: Is this… Descensum???




11-19-2020, 03:41 PM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2020, 12:06 AM by Nyx.)
Descensum- The End!

You come away with your life, at least, but what else did you manage to do in the Spooky Cave?

How did you do?

The Final Result!
  • (Wolf-specific) +5 fighting skill points [Added - nyx]
  • (Wolf-specific) Cut paw (minor)
  • 50-25 gems (for firefly) = 25 gems [Added to Credits - nyx]
  • (Wolf-specific) 20 skill points to any skill [Added to Fighting - nyx]
  • (Wolf-specific) broken right foreleg (will heal by winter, but will scar permanently)
  • lost battle accessory reward [Complete - nyx]

Thank you so much for playing! I hope it was fun and that the risk vs reward was as enticing as it may have been frustrating. I appreciate you sticking with it to the very end and I very much look forward to next year!

Event Staff Iko