
Mine, mine, MINE



5 Years
Extra large
06-12-2014, 08:00 PM

Life was improving now that a cure had been found. The smell of vomit and other unpleasant bodily fluids was beginning to dissipate, although the freezing conditions promised that it would linger at least until the next snow. Laufey, for one, was relieved it was over. Now things could finally go back to normal.

Now that he felt comfortable traveling again, Laufey found himself wandering away from the safety of Valhalla. He really enjoyed packlife, but there were some things a pack couldn't offer him. Valhalla offered family and comfort, but wandering offered him untold adventures and the longer he explored the more he found that he craved it.

Currently, the boy was laying just beyond the border shared by Wolfpaw Lake and Redwater Rocks, a bone between his teeth. Eventually he'd head off into the unknown, but for now he worked on his prize mercilessly; the skeletal piece creaking under the weight of his jaws. The bone was old and nearly tasteless, but something about the chewing action was relaxing. He-/p>

Nearby the sound of falling rocks echoed off the red walls.

Instantly Laufey's head snapped around. He was on his paws in seconds and stalking towards the commotion with his heart in his throat and his hackles raised. He didn't like being snuck up on, so if something was over there he wanted to be the one doing the confronting.

The boy reached the place where the rocks had fallen and nosed around it, searching for signs of life. Nothing. Not so much as a whiff of something bigger than a rodent. Shaking his head in confusion, Laufey began to make his way back to his resting spot...


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-12-2014, 08:25 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2014, 08:26 PM by Esti.)

There he was- dear brother. It had been a while. Esti had ruled a kingdom and gotten the plague. She was better now, not that she appreciated running to Erani like that. Now, despite her best attempts, she smelled sorta like Valhalla and vomit. Lucky enough for her, she was quiet, and she could see her brother chewing on a bone. She wondered where he got these things. It seemed like he always had some sort of prize, and every time he was way over-possessive about it. Knowing that, Esti knew she had to have the bone. There was simply no other way.

Esti worked her way around, finding something that could be a distraction. Part of her thought that if only she could toss him another bone, she could steal his before he turned around and, of course, jealousy would ensue. She couldn't find any bones, just the red rocks of the land, scattered everywhere, and too discolored to pass as bones.

In her frustration, she picked one up and threw it as far as she could. It clacked and clattered as it tumbled against the walls. Her cover was blown! Esti looked towards her brother, slinking for cover, but surprisingly he was occupied with where the rock had landed. Gruffly, he rose and made his way to the spot it had tumbled to, nosing around it. Is that all she had to do to distract him? Well, he didn't have to know it was a mistake.

Esti went for the bone as quickly and as quietly as she could, grabbing it and laying down in his resting spot with it. 'Ooh, still warm.' Esti laughed inwardly and began chewing on the bone. It was old and tasted mostly of Laufey spit, but if she could just get his attention... As her brother turned around, Esti searched to make eye contact, her jaw clamping down on the edge of the bone as hard as she could while still smirking. With any luck the bone would give out with a loud crack, hopefully right as her brother laid eyes on her.




5 Years
Extra large
06-13-2014, 11:56 PM

Walking with his head down, it wasn't until he was almost on top of her that Laufey realized Esti had taken his spot. Staring at her uncomprehendingly, the boy froze with one paw raised. His eyes then darted from Esti's face to the bone and back again rapidly. Then he looked over his shoulder at the place where the rocks had fallen. At last he zeroed in on her maw, watching her jaws work the old bone over.

When at last he couldn't take it any longer, Laufey ran up and seized the other end of the bone in an attempt to snatch it out of her mouth. It was his and she had no right to it. Putting his full weight behind it, the boy backpedaled quickly while shaking his head. There was no way he was going to let her get away with his bone. No way. If she wanted it she was going to have to fight for it.

OOC: Sorry it's so short ><


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-16-2014, 03:01 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 03:02 AM by Esti.)

Laufey went for it, and Esti retaliated. Since her brother wanted the bone, she wanted it more. The tug of war went on, both just about matched in size and weight, not to mention determination. There were no words between the two, just threatening growls. Esti pulled with her hind legs almost in a sitting position, her rump only off the ground by the force of her brother's pulling.
Her paws stayed stuck to the ground, but slowly, slowly, the bone began to shift under Esti's jaws. She was going to lose it. The bone was going to slip. The bone couldn't slip! A growl rumbled in Esti's throat as she gave the bone one last tug, tucking her tail and lowering her ears, hoping to cause her brother to pull back just as hard and fall backwards. Without hesitation, Esti lunged at her brother, fangs bared and eyes scrunched, aiming to pin him and get a good hold on the flabbier parts of the side of his neck. She didn't want to kill him, she just wanted to stun him long enough to snatch up his bone again. How Laufey reacted to the fight would determine how seriously the rest of the fight played out, but Esti wasn't worried, they were siblings after all.

Fight for Dominance (and the bone)


ATTACK:Pulling the bone to topple him. Lunging at him to pin him while trying to bite the flabby sides of his neck.

DEFENSES:Ears back, tail tucked, eyes scrunched




5 Years
Extra large
06-19-2014, 09:28 PM
Iko and I have decided that there will be no time limit on this.

Grinning wickedly around his prize, Laufey suddenly threw himself backwards, hoping to pull the bone out of his sister's mouth. He could feel her slipping. Inch by inch he was winning and it was a delicious, extremely satisfying, feeling. Her falling on her butt with nothing to show for it would be priceless.

Although it was a hope of his, the boy was caught off guard when his plan actually worked. Suddenly the tension in the bone was gone and Laufey was sent reeling backwards. Stunned by the sudden change of events, he landed on his rump and before he could recover, Esti was on him. She hit him straight on, using her momentum to push him backwards. At some point in all of this the bone went flying. He felt teeth dig into his neck; the bite pinching hard but not hard enough to break the skin. His hackles went up and his lips curled back in an angry sneer. Instinctively, the boy reacted by wrapping his front paws around her neck, his forearms resting on the forward parts of her shoulders. His ears flattened and his eyes narrowed, more out of anger than strategy. He then snaked his head to the left in an attempt to sink his teeth into Esti's neck. He aimed for near the base of her right ear, hoping the sensitive nature of the area would work in his favor.

With his arms wrapped firmly around his sister's neck and his rump planted on the ground, the boy's position was an odd one. Nevertheless, he strove to make the best out of it. There was no way he was going to let his sister win. Kicking up with his back legs, Laufey aimed to strike Esti right below the ribs while pulling on her neck with his front paws. If it all went according to plan his sister would be breathless and off balance just in time for his next move...whatever that was.

Fight for Dominance (and the bone)


ATTACK: Wrapping his forearms around her neck, snaking his head to the left in an attempt to bite the base of Esti's right ear/upper neck area, pulling on her neck while kicking up with his back legs in the hopes that she becomes unbalanced.

DEFENSES: Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, lips curled, hackles up
INJURIES: Bruising to his neck where Esti bit him.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-23-2014, 03:44 PM

Esti found herself on top of her brother, his arms around her neck. From a distance, it might look like they were hugging... Really violently. Her teeth had hit their mark, but the hold wasn't anything amazing. She had the advantage by being on top, but her brother was otherwise matched perfectly to her.

Before she had much of a chance, her brother returned an attack. He bit into the right side of her face, his teeth biting on either side of the base of her ear, right above her cheek. The tender skin was protected by fur, but only enough to guard from serious injury. Blood trickled from the wound into her ear, giving her the urge to shake her head and causing her eyes and nose to crinkle as she resisted. A growl pulled through her chest, but was cut short as Laufey rammed her stomach. Esti felt bile rise into her throat as she audibly gagged, letting her grip on her brother go, causing her head falling into an odd position from Laufey's grip near her ear. Her vision tunneled slightly, and then went red.

Esti's shoulders rolled as she tried to jolt downward, aiming to drop her weight fully on her brother while her head twisted to get another grip on the main portion of his neck, right in the middle; hopefully a more painful grip than the first time. Her ears stayed back, afraid of giving her brother more room to attack. The two were in gridlock, neither having much room to move. If she could slam down on Laufey, maybe his grip would break and Esti could pull away, or maybe if she got a good grip on his neck, she could strangle him into submission, it didn't matter to her. Her fur was raised in anger, her eyesight oddly sharp and red. This was anger like Esti had never felt before, though maybe she was caught in the moment. She was totally caught in the moment.

Fight for Dominance (and the bone)
ATTACK: Dropping her weight down, twisting to bite the meaty part of his neck.

DEFENSES: eyes scrunched, nose scrunched, ears back, shoulders rolled

INJURIES: Ear bleeding at base, bruised stomach, though not enough to knock the breath out of her.



5 Years
Extra large
07-06-2014, 06:45 PM

Success! Each attack landed and Laufey was allowed a brief moment of satisfaction. A very brief moment, because Esti retaliated far too quickly for his liking. The gagging noise she'd made had made him hopeful that the end of their little fight was near, but apparently that wasn't meant to be.

Suddenly Esti dropped on him, her form momentarily blotting out the light. His mouth opened in surprise, his tongue quickly getting coated in his sister's fur. He had half a mind to bite down and see if his jaws caught anything. Instead his back limbs shot out on either side of her body and flailed. For a couple of heartbeats, the boy felt suffocated and it wasn't until he felt Esti's jaws clamp down on his neck that the boy even considered retaliating. Her teeth dug into the skin, slicing through it to the muscle and causing blood to well up out of the wound. Lucky for him, the skin there was loose, the fur thick, and padded with muscle. Nothing vital was hit.

Releasing Esti's ear, Laufey tucked his chin and rolled his shoulder forward in order to protect his neck and loosen the skin up around it, hopefully easing the tension created by Esti. There wasn't much more he could do defense-wise since he was still on his back, but that would hopefully soon be fixed. His hackles, though flattened beneath him, were still puffed in agitation and his eyes remained narrowed, the brow points almost meeting between his eyes. His tail curled up to rest across his stomach, protecting the sensitive area should his sister decide to play dirty. The boy's ears remained pressed flat against his skull. Black lips peeled back to reveal crimson tipped teeth and he growled his displeasure, thoroughly peeved with how his merry little evening was turning out. His toes splayed out, the nails held ridged and talon-like.

Okay, his turn. Coiling his legs under him, Laufey kicked out, hoping to once again catch his sister's stomach. This time there was a slight twist. As he kicked out, the boy arched his back and began to attempt to roll Esti and himself over to his right side. She hadn't moved much so his front legs were still on either side of her neck and the pup was hoping to use that to his advantage. If he could lift her into the air and guide her front half over with the "cage" his front legs made, then he'd be golden. For good measure, the boy jerked his head down and to the right side, jaws searching once again for Esti's ear, although this time he targeted the left one. Seizing and pulling on that ear would hopefully encourage his sister to roll with him.

Fight for Dominance (and the bone)


ATTACK: Kicking up with his back legs while arching his back and pivoting to the right in an attempt to roll the pair over, reaching out for Esti's left ear.

DEFENSES: Chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears flattened, tail tucked, lips curled, toes splayed.

INJURIES: Bruising to his neck, moderate wound to the middle of his neck.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2014, 03:46 PM

Esti made the drop on her brother. His legs went out from under her and, instinctively, Esti's tail attempted to tuck against her stomach. The feel of his form flailing out beneath her was satisfying, but the taste of blood on her tongue was much more exciting. Her bite had hit, and though it bled, her brother didn't seem to lose focus. He let go of her ear and rolled his neck, making the hold on his neck much harder to keep. In her focus, Esti kept her face scrunched and her ears back. As much as she was okay with her brother, she wasn't going to let him get a good grip on her, especially not now with the force of the fight clouding her mind.
A growl rippled against her tongue, and it took Esti a moment to realize that the growl was not her own, but her brother's. She soon felt his back feet press against her tail and stomach, his front paws still around her neck. Her rump slowly lifted from the ground and Esti attempted to root herself, trying to bite down on Laufey's neck. Regardless, the girl was lifted, and she struggled to get her forepaws beneath her to gain some leverage. Finally, as a last resort, she let go of her brother's neck, attempting to whip her head back and avoid toppling. She didn't. As her brother moved, Esti felt his teeth graze her left cheek sharply, scraping the flesh. Though they had missed the mark of her ear, she felt their sting in her cheek. Esti was then shifted and she landed squarely on her left side, the dull thud causing her breath to rush out of her forcefully for a moment.

As she struggled to get her breath, Esti double checked her body, tucking her neck for good measure; nothing seemed broken. The girl's breath came back with a snarl as she attempted to free herself from her brother at first, his forelegs still locked around her on both sides. Then another thought came to her head and she tried to dive for his nose. At the distance they were at, she didn't have many options, and she needed to stun him before trying to climb out of his "cage". She aimed to bite quickly, bite hard, hopefully on his sensitive nose, and then roll to her right. She didn't need a good grip, she would let go to roll if her bite made its mark. She tried to tuck her paws to her chest, hoping to defend the area and make escape easier. Esti made sure her ears were tucked, and as she scrunched her face, Esti felt again the sting of her left cheek. She knew she only had once chance to get this right. The two were too close to risk stretching out much, an attack-and-go might help to distance them from each other. If hitting Laufey's face didn't make him let go, maybe attacking his legs would.

Fight for Dominance (and the bone)
ATTACK:Bite his nose then roll to her right to get away.

DEFENSES: Ears tucked, face scrunched, tail tucked, face and neck tucked, forelegs tucked

INJURIES: Ear bleeding at base, bruised stomach, bite on cheek (enough to cause bleeding)



5 Years
Extra large
07-26-2014, 11:56 AM
OOC: I asked Iko to clarify how Esti was laying in her third paragraph after she attempted to free herself and she said Esti is laying on her left side still so I've based Laufey's response around that.

His efforts earned him a moderate amount of success. While he succeeded in rolling the two of them over, he'd missed her ear entirely. Not that it matter too terribly much, his end goal had been met. He wished to savor his new position and the power it gave him, but there was no time. The fight must go on.

In retaliation, he attempted to stand over her with his left forepaw against her shoulder blades and his right in front of her chest, scant inches above her forelegs. His back paws were to be positioned in a similar manner, with his left pressed against the base of her tail and his right carefully placed behind her back limbs just below her butt to avoid her kicking it out from under him. All this in an attempt to maintain his balance and keep her pinned. He didn't want his own moves used against him. The boy tensed and bent his knees, digging his splayed toes into the ground as he did so, hoping to make it even harder to move him. His tail, curving up slightly, was held rigidly out behind him for balance.

Freed from the burden of his weight, Laufey's hackles finally had the chance to be visibly puffed. The boy rolled his shoulders forward to protect his neck and he lowered his chin, lips curling in a warning, hoping the combination would make the vital throat area an unappealing target. His ears remained pinned and his eyes narrowed, both speaking volumes for his displeasure.

Esti lunged up for his nose and the boy jerked his head back instinctively. Her top teeth grazed the bridge of his nose before sliding off the end, peeling pieces of skin off as they went. Furious, he snarled, his lips curling back further in a wicked smile as a thought struck him. He was thoroughly enjoying his stance over her and wishing to aggravate his sister further so the boy lifted his right back leg, toes out, and attempted to kick Esti as hard as he could in the rump. Big ole nail shaped welts upside her left butt cheek would serve her right for trying to steal from him. At the same time he lunged down, jaws parting, shoulders hunching further as he leaned down, to go after Esti's own nose in the hopes of biting into it. A nose for a nose. It was only fair.

Fight for Dominance (and the bone)


ATTACK: Positioning himself over Esti to keep her pinned, kicking her butt with his right back paw (nails held out to scratch her because that's the kind of things siblings do, duh!), attempting to bite her nose

DEFENSES: Weight centered and balanced, body tensed, knees bent, toes splayed, hackles raised, tail out for balance, shoulders rolled forward, chin tucked, teeth bared, ears pinned, eyes narrowed

INJURIES: Bruising to his neck, moderate wound to the middle of his neck, scraped nose


OOC: Finally done! Sorry for the wait! I'll post this in Judging ASAP.
This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.

The Judge


08-10-2014, 05:54 PM

Esti v Laufey for Dominance and the bone

Round 1

0 for clarity- -1 I'm not sure how her pulling on the bone would topple him, now letting go of it sure, make sure to mention though that she let go or she wouldn't be able to attack with her jaws -2 what angle is she approaching Laufey, I know it's probably straight on but you have to specify so no one makes assumptions xD -4 how's she planning to pin him? with her legs? her body? flip him on his back? his side? -2 where specifically on his neck is she aiming? -2 what is she trying to grab his neck with? again i'm assuming jaws but you can't leave it open for me to assume you must state specifically -2 which side of his neck is she attacking?

10 for powerplaying. none seen, nice work

4 for defenses.+1 for each seen

2 for attack. +1 for pin attempt (points deducted for numerous clarity issues) +1 for bite (points deducted for multiple clarity issues)

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 26/50


1 for clarity--2 what part of Esti hit him? if your opponent fails to be specific its up to you, an excellent time to use their move against them! -2 where on his neck did the bite land? -1 what do you mean "snaked his head to the left"? how is he twisting his head? minor thing that bugs luns xD -2 what side of Esti's neck is he aiming to bite? -2 a little more clarification for "below ribs" would nice. that's a wide area. are you aiming right below the sternum? ribs on the left? the right?

7 for powerplaying.-2 you need to attempt to wrap his forelegs around her neck -1 not sure I find it believable or not that the bite did not break skin did he move in some way to avoid the attack or cause it to not be fully successful?

1 for defenses.+1 for each seen -2 for not readjusting balance when front paws lifted

4 for attack. +1 arm wrap (points deducted for pp) +2 for bite (-1 for clarity) +1 kick (points deducted for clarity)

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 23/50

Round 2


3 for clarity- -2 how is she jolting downward? like straight down? Is she dropping completely? or is she crouching suddenly? -2 which way is her head twisting? -2 which side of his neck is she aiming for? -1 how would this grip strangle him?

7 for powerplaying.-1 the fur is thin near the base of the ear so the damage would likely be greater but good job with realistic damage to the other attacks! -2 watch the "if" statements at the end. you don't want to assume anything til your opponent actually reacts.

4 for defenses.+1 for each seen

3 for attack.+1 dropping weight down (points deducted for clarity) +2 for bite (points deducted for clarity)

7 for injuries. -1 bleeding near base of ear -2 kick to gut/ribs

Round two Total: 24/50


2 for clarity- -2 how exactly is laufey positioned in relation to Esti? his back legs are on either side of her but where in relation to her? either side of her hips? her shoulders? -2 what part of her is pressing on him, you mention jaws hit fur? or is this just your previous attack? later you mention he released her ear -2 where on his neck did her attack connect? -2 what side of his neck?

8 for powerplaying.-2 still need an attempt for the front limbs something like "he attempted to keep his arms around her neck" or something

7 for defenses.+1 each seen, much better!

6 for attack.+2 for kick +2 attempt to roll her over the side +2 for bite (point deducted as the ears are pinned so this attack will be particularly tricky but overall good work!)

8 for injuries.-2 damage to middle of neck

Round two Total: 31/50

Round 3

2 for clarity- -2 how is she positioned over laufey? you say her legs went out from under her is she spread-eagle? xD -2 which way did she twist her body -2 where are his forelegs around, again I can probably assume around her neck but you have to specifically say, just part of how it's done on ala. -2 attacking his legs? I'm not sure what to make of that sentence at the end

7 for powerplaying. -3 this could be a clarity issue but you have her try to bite his neck then say she let go this is assuming the attack landed

5 for defenses. +1 for each found

3 for attack. +3 bite to nose

7 for injuries. -2 kick to the gut -1 light bite wound

Round Three Total: 24/50


5 for clarity--2 what angle is he at in relation to Esti? -3 how his he getting a paw against her shoulder blades when she's on her side? Do you mean right next to? Same with the other paw is the paw actually "on" Esti or just near? If they aren't on her how is the positioning intended to keep her pinned? -2 what is his intent with the bite to the nose? is it for a grip? just a nip?

6 for powerplaying.-4 you need to include an attempt to have your paws positioned on her otherwise it negates the whole point of him attempting to stand over her.

6 for defenses.+1 for each seen -2 for not adjusting balance when leg lifted

5 for attack. +2 for butt scratches (lol) +3 bite to nose

8 for injuries.-2 bite to nose, extra point removed for damage to sensitive area

Round Three Total: 30/50


Esti: 74/150

Laufey: 84/150

And the winner is...

Laufey! Esti must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Minor bites will take a few ooc days to heal the deeper ones will take an ooc week. Overall not many serious wounds so you're wolves should be up and going in no time.


Fun fight guys! I think "hugging? really violently" is my favorite line I've read in a fight thus far. Both of you just really need to focus on clarity, I know a lot of things can be more or less assumed but judges are not allowed to go on assumptions. Also note that if your opponent fails to be specific it's up to you to do so. I know this can be tricky but it's important to avoid later confusion in a fight, it's also an opportunity to turn an attack against your opponent.

- By [Lunarcat7]