
You Pulled Me In



7 Years
Chrono I

10-27-2020, 12:37 PM

Location: The Hot Springs

She was trying to settle in and at least she felt like she had better than the other packs she had been in. She wandered the lands in her free time to see what kind of herbs she could find at home. But otherwise hadn't come around to meet the wolves of the pack. She was growing a little more social here lately and she could feel the difference in her overall attitude. Not that she was a hundred percent better mentally but she did feel like she finally belonged even if she hadn't done much inside the pack yet.

Her paws treaded carefully up hill and around the different pools of water of the springs. She had to admit the entire sight was beautiful and peaceful but she wasn't here to take a dip and relax. She was here to work or at least keep track of the supplies or any of the wolves that needed aid around if they did. She'd spot some white flowers off to the side closer to the trees and approach them to sense they were boneset. But other than that there weren't many other herbs at least in this half of the pack. She would probably check the dens a bit later to see if they needed to stock on anything particular.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
10-27-2020, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2020, 08:24 PM by Sota.)
Sota was beginning to settle into life here - at least, as best as he could while tending to a broken leg. Due to his state he hadn't gone very far, and he definitely hadn't left the packlands, but truthfully he hadn't explored very much of these lands to begin with. Enduring a broken leg was surprisingly exhausting even when he wasn't doing much of anything, though recently he'd discovered the comfort of the hot springs. At first wading in those hot pools had been a bit uncomfortable, but once he relaxed and got used to the temperature he found it quite soothing.

That was exactly why Sota headed to the springs again today. It was early in the day and he was feeling physically better than he had in awhile, despite the quite obvious limp in his step as he walked. He couldn't put his full weight on his leg yet, and likely wouldn't be able to for quite some time, but.. things were getting better. Maybe if he soaked in the springs for a short while he might even be able to explore the rest of the territory a bit. Though Sota was independent to the core, lying around in his den all day wasn't doing him any favors, and the mere sight of a stranger was enough to excite the small man.

Only when he realized that this was not a stranger at all did his excitement grow, a smile spreading quickly across his features. Slowly, painfully slowly, he made his way to her, beaming as if he wasn't gingerly trying to avoid walking with a broken limb. "Aranea! I had a feeling we might meet again someday!" Sota called out to her, giving her a quick little bow. They'd traveled briefly together and spoke about their journeys, and though their time together had been short it had felt meaningful to him, and he was happy to see her again - here, in his new pack, of all places!

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



7 Years
Chrono I

10-29-2020, 06:30 PM

A quiet sound of shuffling came through her ears but she wouldn't feel worried or put all her attention to it. She was in fact in the pack lands and though she knew wolves of all kinds could be inside and behind her, she felt like the pack was still safe and if anything were to happen someone would be there to help her. Though when the voice spoke out, her ears twitched to the familiar sound and she'd turn to realize it wasn't even a stranger, but a wolf she had met before. The sight and eager tone from the tiny man gave Aranea a more than happy smile and she would excitingly respond, "Sota! What a pleasure."

To a quick and further inspection though, Aranea would see that Sota wasn't in the best shape and her face would instantly turn into a bit of worry was she leaned down to eye his broken leg, "Oh no, what happened?" She had joined The Hallows to offer her services where it seemed Sota was one of the unlucky who was inside for the other reasons. But either way she was still thrilled to meet the tiny man again, pulling her head back towards herself and offering another warming grin. "I hope they have taken care of you well so far." She was sure the pack had as was their intentions and goal. But still even in a generous manner, she wanted to make sure Sota felt he was moving towards good healing and would be back on four paws in no time.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
11-05-2020, 11:53 AM
"A pleasure indeed!" He returned the pleasantries with ease, his smile spreading nearly from ear to ear. As much as he appreciated the wolves he'd met within The Hallows so far, it was good to see a familiar face. He was even more grateful to see that Aranea had found somewhere to settle down, even if only temporarily - she'd seemed a bit discontent with the instability of her past. Perhaps she'd be able to find some steady ground here to stabilize herself. Sota was beginning to think The Hallows would be good for him in more than just a physical sense. Perhaps here he could begin to grow again, once his physical body was properly healed.

He looked taken aback for a moment at her question, as if surprised his limp was so obvious. Of course it was - but he'd gotten used to it by now, and truthfully it had gotten much better these last few weeks. "It's nothing big, really," he quickly tried to assuage her worries. He wasn't the type to like others pitying him or even worrying over him. "I just had a bit of a fall. Well, a good fall, but it's no matter. I managed to drag myself here and I've offered my services, once I'm well, for a place to safely heal," Sota explained, sounding dismissive though wanting to explain to her since she seemed curious. "They've been great, though! The springs are a good help, too. I'm hoping now I can get around a bit more and meet the rest of the wolves here instead of staying holed up like some hermit." It'd taken him a long time to get used to interacting outside of his tight-knit group when he'd first come to Boreas, but it was getting easier with time - and the truth was that Sota wasn't a terribly solitary wolf a the end of the day, "And what brought you here, if you don't mind me asking?"

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



7 Years
Chrono I

11-05-2020, 06:34 PM

The lack of consideration for himself made Aranea want to smack him upside his head. But also in a strange way she could see the similarity of herself in him, even if just in that moment. If anything the thought made her want to better herself as she felt she was doing every day at least since she came here. Or at least since she met Allegro. Maybe perhaps even meeting Sota by split chance had bettered the overall internal feelings she had about herself and she was understanding now that she needed the help of others to heal. Maybe not that of Sota's leg, but she was sure if she announced her thoughts to him he would understand.

The thought of the springs helping a broken leg wasn't exactly new to her but it had slid passed her mind. Though looking at Sota's tiny size she was surprised that there was a pool shallow enough for him to comfortably go in and out of. There were plenty of the springs around but still, it was hard to imagine that was a simple task for him to figure out. At least he was a lot more knowledgeable than a pup ready to drown.

"Well, I'm glad you are feeling well and I hope a quick recovery if anything." She'd state with a smile, wanting him to feel like he was very capable on his own if that's something that made him feel better. But she would be there anytime he wanted help, or even just someone to talk to. "I'd have to say I haven't been around to meet many of the wolves either. It's been hard adjusting to pack life again." Even though she just came from Lirim, here was different than dragging around the weight of her bad decisions behind Torin. And here being not only with a new group of wolves, but with a couple that she already knew was filling her tiny heart with a little extra joy it had been barren of for so many years.

Her response to his question wouldn't go unanswered as not only was her joining something she sought out but she was comfortable talking with the small man. "I had heard The Hallows was a place of healing and thought my experience would be put to good use here. I also happened to know Tamsyn before joining, and that lifted any difficult feelings I may have had to moving into a new pack." It was always weird to be the new guy. And she'd have to say, it was probably harder for Sota considering he was going around on a broken leg. A normal pack could have seen it as a weakness or potentially something that would never entirely heal on it's own. But luckily it was expected here at the Hallows to have an understanding of those that needed the help and healing before going on their own path.

She'd point down the path before offering, "I'd be happy to help you in to one or join you if you'd like. I don't think I've ever been in a hot spring before."

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
11-15-2020, 02:53 PM
Sota hadn't really thought of himself as someone in need of healing, but maybe he'd been looking at things incorrectly. All he needed was a different perspective - the perspective of someone who'd broken a leg and needed more immediate help, apparently. He didn't exactly consider himself broken, but he was sure now he had some healing that he could do here. He was lonely, and he had been for some time. First he'd lost Balsam, and then Eris and Oxide and Casper. They'd gone on without him and he'd been left to his own devices. He wasn't oblivious to the fact that time changed everyone, both wolves and the circumstances they were in, but where did that leave him? He was beginning to suspect having somewhere to belong would be more beneficial to him than he'd originally thought.

"I'm getting there," he acknowledged his healing with a little nod. Only time could really heal a broken leg, and all he could do until it was mostly healed was just rest and not overdo it. "It's been a long while since I've been around so many wolves. Time to get out of my comfort zone," Sota chuckled, more than happy to acknowledge his weaknesses, especially in the company of a friend. He was social, sure, but he tended to be reserved at the same time - especially among strangers. And most of this pack were strangers to him still, though he intended to work at changing that. Aranea explained she'd joined for a completely different reason than Sota - to offer her experience in healing to others, something he appreciated. This place was so unlike where he'd grown up, and Sota had begun to wonder if him finding this place had been meant to be.

The hot springs alone were a good reason to have found this place. Sota found himself grinning at her offer. She was right, some of the springs were quite tricky for him to navigate into. Help would not be denied. "That sounds like a lovely plan. I think you'll enjoy them," he admitted, turning slightly to veer toward the closest pool. Especially with winter coming soon enough, those hot springs would be a welcome reprieve from the cold, not that the east tended to get very cold at all... but little Sota was still far too accustomed to the milder weather of Auster, even after all his time here.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!