
Things That Happen


06-10-2014, 04:38 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Her time had come. Ellis could feel her large belly bulging out, the pups shifting within with each contraction that shook her. Teal-green eyes flashed with a bit of worry... But she was hoping that all would be well. She was fairly sure that the litter wasn?t going to be a large one, but that was alright. She wasn?t sure what she was going to do with the children... Or even names for them. But she was pretty sure that Othello would be around soon, and that did give Ellis a bit of comfort. The other woman, dealing with pregnancy as she did, was a relief to the healer indeed. She was sure she could rely on Othello, especially should something go wrong today.

Which Ellis did worry that it might. She cringed a bit as a particularly bad contraction shook her, the woman closing her eyes as she lay against the bark of the hollowed out tree. With a bit of work she had helped Othello make it larger, large enough, hopefully, for the two women and their pups to lay within. It would certainly serve it?s purpose at least. Then it came, the first of her children, and the time that passed from that first delivery, to the second, and the clean up of her children, all seemed to flow without her fully aware of it all, as if she had fallen asleep and just allowed it to happen as she lay there, dazed.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



8 Years
06-11-2014, 06:07 PM

Othello had ventured from the make shift den in search of food, she knew that Ellis should be hungry by now. They days were getting closer and closer until they had their pups, while Ellis was a bit ahead of her in stages both of their bellies were robust with the life that grew within them. She was almost waddling as she made her way back to the hollow log, a thin rabbit grasped in her ivory jaws. It was hard to find prey at this time of year, but she had managed to get at least one rabbit for them.

When the dame got closer to the log, a scent wafted up and greeted her, although it was not as welcoming as she had hoped. The sickly sweet scent of birth hit her full on in the face, and her jaw gaped open. Rabbit was forgotten about, falling to the earth as she raced as quickly as she could, nearly breathless by the time she got to their home. When she poked her head in she saw two little bundles of newly born wolf. Purple eyes grew wide as she gasped, rushing inside and prancing around Ellis. Oh my gosh oh my gosh, what do you need? Water? Food? Ellis are you okay? The rush of words flew out of the ivories dame's mouth, unsure of what to do in this kind of situation. Should she be quiet? Did she need herbs? Oh gosh! Dancing from paw to paw Othello began to lick her friends coat, trying to calm Ellis and herself with the soothing action. What should she do? 'Oh Goddess help me'



06-14-2014, 08:37 PM
It was warm, safe. The sounds she had become used to were soothing, not developed enough to recall her mother?s frantic escape from the Bay, away from her father. The run had weakened the fae, though she was doing better now with Othello to help her. Othello, a fae that the young girl would become familiar with as she aged, brought into the world in the harshest of seasons. She had sensed it since the beginning of the morning, how things seemed to be changing. She could feel her body against the form of the the other one, the space around them seeming to get smaller and smaller. Tighter.

Then came the first movement. Her conscious, or what had formed of it, would alert the girl that change was coming. Powerless to stop it she could only accept what was coming, whether she wanted it to or not. Small legs began to flail within her birthing sac, or at least as it could for unborn pup. She had grown enough that she would be born, and her brother too. The world that they were going into was not always a kind one, but the faes that would become known as mother and friend would do what they could to protect the children.

The girl was then thrust into the world, first noticing the lack of warmth as she came in. She was freed and cleaned, little wails leaving her in protest at the cold all around her body. Gentle jaws would lift her small form next to warmth, the smell of something sweet reaching her nose. She moved towards that sweet, warm scent, mouth latching onto one of the teats that she could feed from. Then the girl would greedily drink the liquid of life, taking her fill, ignorant of the rest of the world around her for now.


06-15-2014, 05:05 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Ellis had her head leaning against the bark of the tree, panting softly. She had done it, a boy and agirl. The girl bore lighter coloration though her coat was more of a creamy-tan than silver or white, like her and that male had been. The male was darker still, bearing brown coloration and lighter undertones. He was a handsome brute, and larger than his sister. She almost couldn?t believe that she had been the one to give birth to him. He seemed, well, massive for her small frame. She would lick her muzzle, the children at her belly, nursing contentedly with her tail curled around them.

Then Othello was there, speaking words that seemed a bit too fast. The femme would force her mind to drag itself from the fog that she was in. She would turn her teal-green eyes upon her friend, a weary smile crossing her face. ?I?ll be alright, Othello... Just a bit tired.? She looked toward the newborns, feeling her heart well up a bit with pride. Before she had them... She had felt so uncertain, worried that she wouldn?t be able to get attached to them. But now she knew, that no matter how they had been brought to this world, they were hers. They were her children and nothing would ever take them from her.

?I think I will be alright for now... Perhaps some water later... But right now... I?m just glad that they?re here.? She would set her head her paws, gaze still resting upon her friend. She looked tired, certainly, but content. ?I... Don?t really have any names thought of though... I was wondering if you might have a suggestion or two you might be able to throw my way.? She would give a gentle smile to her friend, glad that she had found someone else she could trust.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



8 Years
06-15-2014, 10:29 PM

Quote:When the dame heard her friends pups cry, her whole body froze as she stared at the little ones. They were so little, still blind to the world as they came to their mother's belly. The pale dame suddenly felt weak in the knees and settled her form behind Ellis, resting her head on her white belly. Othello's purple gaze rested on the two little bundles before she smiled up at her friend, sudden tears welling in her eyes. "Ellis, they are beautiful." She said softly, emotions making her vocals thick. They were the most beautiful little bundles she had seen. Giggling, the girl scooted closer to Ellis, her own large belly resting along her spine as she stretched her neck across her friends belly to look closer at the tiny bundles. It was easy to tell that the little male would dwarf his sister.

Ellis told her that she was tired, and she nodded her head. "I bet you are, you just gave birth to two perfect little children. If you would like I could go and get Orchid to check up on the three of you." She offered, making a note to grab her some water if she did so. Even though the pups looked perfectly healthy to her, it would be just a general precaution. Nuzzling up to the new mother, she let out a small sigh as she thought about names. She still had no idea what to name her children, but there was a certain male name that she always loved. "What about Tyrion for the male?" She had offered that name to Scorpion but he had turned it down, so maybe her friend could use it for the brown bundle. As for the little girl... she would have to think about that part.
[Image: CZ7X72Z.png]


06-18-2014, 05:14 PM

OOC: -LATE- post. id like to say this was obviously when he was getting popped out and stuff. :3 - so sorry for the shortness i just really wanted to get a post up for yall.
The boy began to feel the squeezing, the pushing, and the abnormalities of birth. He began to be encased in unknown walls. It got colder and colder with each second. He felt the movement, the tightness. It was just so very odd. He began to thrust forward and forward until the coldness hit him. It got colder and colder until he plummeted from the warm caverns of his mother. Instantly the creature would flail around, covered in goop. He began to let forth cries and protests. He shivered from the cold. But, something told him to go to the warm giant next to him. He than got carried to safety. He found the warmth of his mother. Instantly suckling on the tit before him. His little mouth wrapped around it. The boy was indeed large for a pup. Though, he was all the normal next to his new sister as she joined him.



06-20-2014, 09:23 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Ellis wouldn?t shift much as her friend settled down behind her, resting her head upon her own belly. They were indeed beautiful, Othello was right. Regardless of why they were here they were, and they were perfect little pups. She felt happiness welling within, glad that she had someone to share this wonderful experience with. Othello would move her head over her belly, getting a closer look at her son and daughter. Ellis couldn?t take her eyes off the two. The male was a bit larger, one that would grow taller, or so she suspected. The girl seemed like she might be closer to her own size when she grew, but there was time yet to see how food and environment helped shape them.

?I will think on that a bit... I... I?ve been debating about going to Covari to join, actually.? The woman would admit, watching her son and daughter suckle. Her friend would offer a name then, and Ellis would give an approving nod. ?Tyrion... It seems to fit him. I can see his sister call him Ty for short.? She would smile widely, closing her eyes. ?Truthfully I?ve always had a thing for long names... Ones that could give several nicknames. It?s neat to see what others will come up with.?

A yawn would escape her, and the mother would relax, drawing in comfort and heat from her friend. ?Perhaps something like Theisinova or Xhoria... They were names of wind spirits where I once lived.? It was a little odd, speaking of home like this. But she didn?t mind telling Othello more if she was curious. Eyes would slide closed, a weary content washing over her. ?It was more common for the faes of my pack to become healers, to be honest with you. Guess I just kind of followed that path. Makes me wonder what these two will chose...?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.