
Can't save me




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-01-2020, 11:50 PM

It was late in the evening as he approached the edge of the cliff, a brightly shining full moon lighting up the world around him and casting a cool, pale light on the world. He found himself retracing the steps he took when he was younger, reminding himself of things he had experienced before he had driven himself into a self-induced exile with his training. He vaguely remembered coming here once upon a time and even though he really only remembered the male he had met back then, it was enough to pull his sleepless self to this spot. He'd mostly kept to the pack lands since reconfirming his ties to his sister and her rule, but that didn't keep his wandering paws from venturing off occasionally.

He stood with his paws at the edge of the cliff, looking out over the wide expanse of ocean ahead of him while the cool air coming in off the waves ruffled his pale fur. His expression was unreadable while his mind wandered as much as his wayward paws, his emerald gaze looking at everything and nothing all at once. That familiar pressure to support and live up to everything his family wanted and needed had quickly returned after reintegrating himself into the pack again and as he stood here he couldn't find a way to make himself regret it. While it had been far easier to just lose himself in his studies and training while not having to worry about their current state and standing in the world, he knew that wasn't where he was meant to be. He was meant to be at Venom's side, blazing a trail with the legacy they had been given.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
11-29-2020, 09:25 AM
Knowing his mother and brother were missing from the pack kept Void from being able to truly rest. The young man frequently found himself leaving Abaven to search for the ones he cared so deeply for. Massive paws carried him to the familiar cliffs near his home. He had his doubts that he would find any clue here, but it was worth the effort. He tracked through the surrounding areas often, maybe more often than he could be found near his den. Void was hardly what could be called a passionate wolf, but now that he’d given himself a mission he couldn’t think of anything else. What if he wasn’t diligent enough to find them? What if a clue was just around the next bend?

Not only because of his affection for them he searched, but because he couldn’t truly relax until they returned to him. He couldn’t allow himself to grow complacent, what if he was their only hope? Void tried not to wallow into despair, he could still find them. He wouldn’t let the thought cross his mind of what if they didn’t wish to be found.

He kept to the edge of the cliff and was surprised when he found a familiar scent. He couldn’t deny his disappointment knowing it was not his mother or Desolate. He wouldn’t allow it to show on his stoic features. ”Plague.” Void greeted the pale man with his deep vocals, wondering what the chances might be that they would meet here again. The Ashen man looked just as caught up in his thoughts as Void felt, and he wondered if they might commiserate together. ”Have you lost your thoughts again?” There weren’t many wolves that Void would converse with, but even those first few moments when they’d met the young Destruction could feel a camaraderie between them.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-30-2020, 07:13 PM

A deep voice speaking his name finally broke him out of the thoughtful trance the steady sound of the waves had induced in him. With a curious glance, he turned his head till his emerald gaze landed on the monochrome, speckled man from his memories. "Void," he replied in kind, returning the smile greeting as he shifted his stance to face him fully. It had been quite a while since they had crossed paths, but he hadn't forgotten Void's scent and the male's unique patterning. His questioning over whether his thoughts were lost again made him give a soft snort of laughter. "When are they not lost to the wind?" he questioned in return, feeling a surprising about of good spirits now that he had a bit of good company to wait out the sleepless night with. There were still many worries and thoughts of the future to ponder, but perhaps they could be thought of better with the help of another.

He padded a bit closer, noting how they had both fully grown into strong men since they last met. There was an easy camaraderie between them and as he fell into step beside him he gave a small nod of his head to continue on his way. No need for him to interrupt whatever path it was Void had been taking before they found each other again. "What brings you out this way at such a time?" he asked after a moment of comfortable silence, shifting his gaze from the ground in front of them to glance in Void's direction. He didn't believe that wandering on one's own this deep into the night was really a normal way to spend time even though it had become a fairly normal occurrence for him as of late. He had sleep hadn't gotten along for as long as he could remember though so it wasn't like this was a new development, but it felt like this insomnia had only gotten worse since he found himself back among the lives of his sisters.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
12-02-2020, 03:26 PM
Void didn’t have to exert much effort to gain Plague’s attention, he was just as lost today as he had been the night they’d first stumbled across one another. His own name tumbled from the Klein’s lips, answering the question if he was remembered or not. He was told as such, that his assumption was correct, Plague’s thoughts often scattered to the wind. Void could relate, his thoughts often spiraling and expanding to much larger concepts than himself. The corners of Void’s lips pulled back slightly in silent agreement, knowing the feeling better than Plague could guess.

The young Destruction man didn’t expect the company as he walked, but he wouldn’t deny the company. Void was often on his own, when he wasn’t doing what he could to look out for his siblings. His concern over his mother and brother’s location didn’t dissipate, but maybe he’d find a distraction in his acquaintance. Massive paws carried him forward, but his pace was leisurely as he matched Plague’s steps. The silence that fell between them was easy, but Void felt himself appreciative of Plague’s question. Talking to someone without bias of being close to his situation would be refreshing. ”My paws are often restless.” Void answered simply at first, but he continued to the edge of the moontouched cliffs. The moonlight played with his dark and ivory fur, in a much different way than Plague’s icy fur reflected the soft light.

”But, I’m also searching.” Not unlike many wolves in Abaven, there was always someone you loved that you could spend far too much time missing. ”My mother and my brother disappeared recently. To a lesser degree my sister too, but she’s been gone for a lot longer.” Void quieted, wondering if maybe he’d said too much. Plague had asked a simple question and the usually quiet wolf explained further than he might.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-18-2020, 04:33 PM

Plague gave a small grunt of acknowledgement and agreement when Void explained that his paws were restless. That was a feeling that he knew all too well these days. He wished he could explain the constant, unsettled energy that he felt at seemingly every hour, but any possibility he had come up with had seemed insufficient. The best explanation he could come up with was the fact that he had kept himself so physically drained most days with his training that with his new, less strenuous routine he just wasn't burning off the energy he once had. It was the easiest one to accept and kept him from wondering more deeply about the possibilities of his unsettled mind.

However, after a moment, Void went on to explain a bit more about what was concerning him and Plague returned his gaze to the intricately speckled male. A small frown pulled at his lips at the news and he hummed quietly with consideration. Missing family wasn't exactly a unknown feeling for him either and was certainly one he could sympathize with. He didn't enjoy having problems that he couldn't fix - even if those problems were not his own - but he felt like he couldn't leave Void without at least offering his assistance. "What do they look like?" he asked after a moment of thoughtful silence. "I'll keep an eye out for them on my travels... Perhaps two sets of eyes looking for them will be more effective than one."




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-03-2021, 10:05 AM
He could see the agreement in Plague’s expression and heard it enforced with a light grunt of approval. If Void had to guess the man knew the feeling better than he let on. Void always felt like he wanted to keep going no matter where he was. He loved his home and family in Abaven, but there was always something out there calling to him. His paws couldn’t stop for long. Restlessness was a part of him, Void could feel it even more acutely with his mother and siblings gone.

Plague didn’t say much as Void offered up his deepest concerns, but then again he wasn’t a wolf of many words either. Talking quietly with the massive Klein put him at ease despite the facts that were facing him. His brother and mother had disappeared, and he should have been sick with worry for them, and he was. But being here next to Plague helped to put his plans into perspective. If only because he had an outside looking in perspective.

A knowing silence settled over them as Plague took his moments to think about his next words, but as he spoke them Void felt his ears fall back and a humbling feeling washed over him. Plague had no ties to him, owed Void no favors, and yet here he was offering himself. ”Thank you, Plague.” He whispered gratefully. The wolves of Abaven were always eager to help, but he’d never have expected such an offer from a near stranger.

”They look nothing like me,” he managed to say with a nervous chuckle. ”My mother is small and dainty, she is a soft brown color with darker points, gentle blue eyes, and scars over her face. Her name is Eulogy.” Void started softly, not realizing how much he missed her until this moment. ”My brother is Desolate, he’s a patchwork of brown and white with a red and blue eye. He’s much bigger than my mother but smaller than I am.” He paused for a moment, his bright eyes unable to leave Plague’s gaze. ”I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help.”



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-03-2021, 08:42 PM

It was easy to see how much the offer had touched the monochrome male at his side just from the look in Void's eyes as he made the offer to help look for his missing family. Plague hadn't really expected much from the offer when it came to the response he would get from his acquaintance, but seeing how he reacted made Plague all the more dedicated to the cause. Perhaps helping those outside of his immediate circle was not something that he would make a habit of, but for Void he could make the exception. He smirked a little at the chuckle Void gave when he admitted that the mother and brother in question did not share a resemblance to him. Of course not, that would make the hunt too easy. Plague listened to their descriptions and stowed them away in his memories for later use. Eulogy and Desolate... Even though they were not members of his own family, he'd look for them as if they were.

His emerald eyes connected to the bright, ice blue gaze and was still surprised by the amount of emotion he saw there in response to his offer. He gave a quiet nod to the thanks he received, though he couldn't quite bring himself to look away from his eyes for another long moment. "Of course... Not a problem at all," he replied softly as he finally pulled his gaze away to glance out over the cliff that they continued to slowly move along with a slight flick of his ear, the only thing that might have given away the odd twist in his gut that meeting Void's gaze had left him with. He knew that there was a very real and distinct possibility that both of them would come up empty handed in the search and the idea of disappointing him felt strangely painful, but now that he had given his word he wouldn't turn back on it now.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-03-2021, 10:10 PM
Void wasn’t one to show his emotions, but he couldn’t help the appreciative feeling that bubbled up within him at Plague’s promise. Likely there wouldn’t be anything turned up, the young Destruction wasn’t usually a pessimist but after disappearing once.. His hope was waning. He wouldn’t be about to go on a trip to search for them if all hope was gone though, and having someone who was far removed from the situation on the search too did more for Void than Plague could ever know. Their eyes connected for a long few moments, and Void felt himself transfixed much like he’d find himself as he stared up into the endless sky. There was a peaceful but overwhelming stirring within that he couldn’t quite quell.

Silence fell between them as Plague looked away, and Void followed his gaze out over the open ocean. Sitting here it was easy to forget his individual worries and woes as his mind could get easily swept away by the ocean and the breeze. It was a beautiful night but far too soon winter would fall. He worried about travelling in the snow and ice, but worried if he didn’t find his mother before the first snow they might never at all. That worry crept to his gaze, and he lowered his head as his mind raced with the tragedies that might befall his vulnerable mother.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-05-2021, 08:26 PM

He didn't mind the silence as it settled over them while they looked out at the ocean ahead of them. Feeling at peace wasn't something he could say he was very familiar with, but this was maybe the closest he had gotten in a while. Part of him knew that he should be getting back to Ashen just on the off chance that someone might notice his absence, but he also found it a bit hard to leave Void's side. His desire to constantly tackle whatever issue or obstacle put in front of him told him to start his hunt for Void's family immediately and it took a bit of wrestling with himself to remind his own mind that it couldn't be his priority. Mending his relationship with his own family and finding his footing within the pack had to be paramount, but he most certainly would keep an eye peeled for this Eulogy and Desolate as he went about his life and could be an extra set of eyes in another part of Boreas that maybe Void didn't frequent. It was hard to tell himself that was enough even though logically he knew it was more than most strangers would offer to one another.

After a comfortable stretch of quiet only broken up by the sound of the waves in the distance and the occasional chirp of a cricket, he finally let his emerald gaze shift again to look at Void's face. Once again that unexpected pull and draw fell into place and a slight twitch of confusion pulled at his features before he could stop it. It was just a brief, momentary flash of emotion that slipped through before being hidden behind the smooth, stoic expression he usually wore. Of course they weren't complete strangers, but two chance meetings were surely not enough to justify such a reaction. Plague knew there were other powers in the universe that he did not understand nearly as well as some of his sisters, but what purpose would they have bringing the two of them together? Did he dare question them? Or was he thinking far too deeply about something that could just be summed up as an odd bit of emotion between two wolves that happened to meet at vulnerable points in their lives?

Far too many questions to fully be processed this late at night swirled in his mind and only served to deepen the conflicted confusion pulling at him. Without meaning to, that natural pull physically brought him closer, causing him to lean toward the blue-eyed man till their muzzles had a small space separating them. From this close it was easy to pick up on the lavender sheen that the moonlight brought out in Void's eyes and Plague had a hard time pulling his eyes away from his unique, intriguing gaze. Reality came crashing in and with a flick of his ears he quickly leaned back again, looking toward the ground with a hard swallow. "Sorry," he muttered as he got to his paws, suddenly feeling like being here was pulling him in directions that he wasn't sure that he was prepared to go. He turned to go back toward home, but he hesitated, giving Void another glance though he avoided meeting his gaze. Questions still gnawed at his gut, many of which he was sure wouldn't find an answer tonight, but maybe one of them could. "Would you... want to see me again?" It was a question that felt loaded and felt strange even on his own tongue, but once it was out in the open air there was no taking it back.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
01-05-2021, 09:15 PM
Void easily switch from deep worry about Eulogy and his siblings to wonder at the landscape stretching before him. The extreme of emotion setting the beat of his heart into overdrive as he dwelled on being unable to do anything. He couldn’t just walk off and start yelling, that wouldn’t bring them home. He needed to rely on the two siblings that would come with him, they would work together to find their lost kin. He needed to rely on Plague, and his promise to keep his attention out for anyone that might fir their description. Just because he could.

Void’s blue and lavender gaze shifted back to the pale green eyed beast beside him, and he was suddenly very aware of the proximity they shared. Instead of tensing or moving, Void surrendered to the moment and relaxed. He’d lose himself again in Plague’s forest gaze, unwilling to break first, and found himself more startled at him pulling away than leaning forward.

The Destruction’s gaze followed Plague even as he apologized and stood up, having crossed a social norm.”Don’t be sorry.” The words were soft as they fell from dark lips. Void remained unperturbed by anything but the strange fluttering in his stomach and quickness of heartbeat. Had Plague done that to him? Seeing the pale wraith so flustered… Plague felt whatever it was too. Strange and not unpleasant Void, at the very least, wished to pursue the feeling. ”Yes, I would.” The young Destruction returned without hesitation. Though his voice was not filled with emotion, Void could feel a buzzing tension between them. ”You aren’t like anyone else I’ve met.” He told him cautiously. Void hadn’t met many wolves, most of them family anyone else hadn’t sparked him like Plague. ”Here?” He asked afterwards, knowing that soon he wouldn’t be in Abaven for a while.



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-05-2021, 10:08 PM

When Void told him that he was unlike anyone else he had met, Plague felt a bit of the uncertain tension leave him only to be replaced with more confusion. He wasn't oblivious or innocent when it came to the thoughts of relationships, love, attraction, and the like. However, he was incredibly inexperienced in all of these things and the idea that this natural draw and pull could be anything of the sort. There had been larger issues in his life to balance and juggle so the idea of finding a partner in any sense of the word hadn't crossed his mind. The big question that loomed above all others made him wonder though - what was this feeling that twisted in his stomach when their gazes met if not that? Of course his exposure to wolves outside of his family had been mildly limited thus far, but... there was something here, even if he couldn't name it.

"Yes... here is fine," he replied with a nod. Leaving still felt straining in a way he couldn't quite place, but he needed the space to think. Acting rashly was incredibly out of character for him and he wasn't going to start now. Perhaps the next time they met... Maybe by then he would have some kind of answers for the questions that he were all blurring and blending together. "I haven't met anyone like you either," he added softly before finally forcing himself to turn away and walk back down the slope, making his way back toward Ashen with far more uncertainty than he had when he arrived. With that confusion came an energy he had never felt before and though he was uncertain it didn't feel unpleasant. He wasn't sure when they would see one another again, but he knew they would.
