
I don't need pity..I need reassurance



06-10-2014, 02:57 PM

Time had flown by in a period of three days as Maija stood at the Covari borders. Her leaf green eyes were filled with silent curiosity, but her observations would soon be done with a hardened gaze. She knew better than to show her emotions on the surface, especially when she was by herself. Time had passed since she had seen Viridiana, and even then, she was not sure if the red-pelted fae was going to be the same as before.
The last time Maija had seen the female, it was when she had recently given birth to her litter of five. Vi had come for a visit with Taurig and had been able to see their children - and herself - before returning to the mainland. Now, it was Maija's turn to seek out company. The only one she could rely on for companionship was Sibelle, and she certainly hoped that her old companion would not turn her away.
Maija Artenie was not the kind of wolf to draw attention to herself. Instead, she was the one that usually remained in the background, beautiful and silent. The awkwardness of the upcoming situation was upon her and she had no choice but to force herself to make her presence known. She tossed back her head and choked out a low soprano howl. Short and quick, just like she had wanted it to go. Her haunches recoiled to the ground and she remained still as a statue, waiting.

Talk like this


06-11-2014, 09:43 PM

Everything was happening so fast. They had found the cure, Crucifix was getting better by the hour and she had immediately given it to Desiree, Scorpion and Fiamette. Her precious sweet girl had been through so much and now she would be grounded for a month. Not to mention soon she would have to bring her red babies to Olympus to allow Virgil to choose a child of Vi's to marry off to one of to one of Virgils. She wasn't sure how she felt about that still, not willing to let her baby girl go but open to the idea of her sons going to another pack to secure the future of their peace. So much to do, so much to do. That was why today she was rushing around as usual, moving between Orchid's den and Zara's temporary one to gather the rest of the herbs that they had stored for the summer. Of course some would be left, just in case the sickness came back or if the specific herbs were needed for their intended purposes. Soon she would find the massive leaf she kept in her den for carrying things though with winter it was beginning to brown and become brittle. Hopefully it would at least last this trip.

Long legs were carrying her back to her own den when she heard the howl, head lifting as audits swivelled to catch the sound. She recognized it but for a time she didn't believe it. Maija? She hadn't seen the golden woman since.. Well since forever ago. What had it been? Almost a year? She hadn't seen her since before Vi had even realized she had been pregnant and now her children were almost 6 months old. She only hesitated a moment before she pivoted and ran towards the boarder. It wasn't a lope or an easy stride, it was a run and she didn't slow until she caught the gleam of the sun on the woman's golden coat. A smile split across her lips as she slowed to a lope and then eventually a trot and then a leggy walk. Tail waved easily behind her as she approached, quite obviously happy to see her old friend. "MAIJA! Its been so long how are you? Taurig? The kids?" Vi asked, looking around to see if they were here with her.




06-13-2014, 11:23 AM

Maija continued to look for any signs of the red-pelted female, and it was a good thing she did. In a matter of two minutes after she had dispersed her call, the familiar frame of her long lost friend appeared from the shadows of the nearby trees. If Maija hadn't been the kind to bury her feelings, she would have jumped up and greeted Viridiana with nuzzles and happy yips. Instead, she let the Covari Queen come to her, and it was a good thing she did.
Her lamp-like eyes roved around Maija as she greeted her with a warm tune to her voice. She immediately asked how she was, including Taurig and their children. Maija didn't want to rain on the reunion so quickly, but she knew it would happen sooner or later. "Vi...I...haven't been doing so well." She cleared her throat, letting a sliver of sadness show in her eyes. "Taurig disappeared -- not once, but twice -- and I decided to leave the island and take the children with me." The sadness was then sucked up from her eyes and the stony expression reappeared.
Maija then rose to all fours and she allowed her tail to lightly flick behind her. "But, things are looking up now. Sibelle came to the island and left with me, and now we are all staying in Arcanum. I hope it was the right choice to make for me and my children, even though they are old enough to venture out on their own." A small smile appeared on her face as she then voiced, "It is good to see you, Vi. I never knew that you would have your own empire so soon. Congratulations...I bet it is all you wanted." A part of Maija wanted to see it, but she knew that it would be rude to ask.

Talk like this


07-21-2014, 11:04 PM

Something seemed off about Maija, seemed a bit... Vi couldn't place it but soon Maija was speaking and Vi's haunches would hit the ground. He was gone again? Vi had known that for a while now, Sibelle had told her that when they had met. "Maija..." Vi's words were a soft whisper, her heart dropping in her chest at her old friends words. But she would continue on, speaking of Sibelle and Arcanum, saying that she was staying there. "Anywhere with family is a good place to be..." Vi would murmur softly, allowing a soft smile to drift across her lips. Things would take a lighter turn after that and Vi would chuckle and smile, rocking back on her heels slightly. If wolves could blush she would have. "It's great to see you too Maija, of course you are always welcome here, if anyone gives you troubles just tell them your my sister and of they don't believe you have them call me..." Vi tossed Maija a languid wink and chuckled softly before clearing her throat. All she ever wanted? No... "I never wanted this... I won it all for my wife, I want her to have the world if I can make it happen. I'm a mother now too you know..." Not that she wanted Maija to meet her asshole kids but hey she was proud to have been pregnant at least once, to carry on with the goddess's bloodlines.



07-22-2014, 06:56 PM

The conversation she had with Vi was going better than she had anticipated. The awkwardness was still there, but more like a silent patron in the background of their talk. Vi gave Maija her condolences and agreed with the golden female's decision to accept Sib's invitation. Her ears perked at Vi's own invitation, called her "sister" and if anyone challenged it, they would regret doing so. A wicked grin flashed across Maija's face at the thought of calling Vi for backup, but it slowly faded as she softly giggled. "That would be a fine day indeed, Vi...I wouldn't hesitate to call you by my side..." In all honesty, Maija would be thrilled to have it happen.
Vi then admitted that her hard work had been for her wife...and children? Maija had no idea that the red temptress had become a mother. Her face showed more alertness as she digested that new bit of information. "I had no idea..." she softly admitted, tones rich with the Romanian accent she proudly used. "You a mother...that is startling, but thrilling at the same time." Another smile appeared on Maija's face, this one more tender and endearing. "I bet they have your drive...and that they are determined." She immediately thought of Pandora, the only one currently proud enough to walk across Covari borders without worrying about consequences.

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