
somewhere only we know

pack meeting



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-21-2020, 09:45 PM

It wasn't lost on her that Eulogy was missing from the ranks of Abaven... again. Her brow furrowed slightly and she found to meet Rhyme's eyes among the wolves that gathered. They softened slightly, asking a wordless question. Had he seem her? Even more troublingly, her young mentee Desolate had been scarce. There were days when she swore she caught his scent but she hadn't seen hide nor hair of him since their victory meeting after the raid. That hurt the most. Steeling herself, she looked fondly out on the pack as they gathered. Today was a day of quiet celebration. It was a prayer for the future. A prayer... Her mind fumbled with the word, but her heart felt it was right. They were setting intentions today. That was as much of a prayer as anything. After all, wasn't a prayer really just a pleasant dream? A hope?

Just as she was about to call everyone to order, a familiar scent wafted through the thicket followed by the telltale movement of undergrowth as another wolf approached on the heels of everyone else. Impossible. Unable to hide her keen interest, Theory's ears flared upwards and she stared intently at Thalia as the branches parted to reveal her. And... everything simply fell away. The blood rushed to her ears so quickly and so hot that she felt like she might faint. Theory swallowed hard and reined herself in to return her gaze to the group at large. This would require some interesting explanations. Luckily she'd been rehearsing something just in case Thalia decided to show - really, part of her knew that (if nothing else), the stubborn Abraxas couldn't resist a challenge when the gauntlet was thrown. She just hadn't expected to have to address it so publicly. "Thank you all for coming. I have some exciting news for everyone - for wolves who have been with us for a while, you'll be pleased to know that are reclaiming the Thicket and Monument Rapids! The river is flowing strong once more and as you can see, the Thicket is reseeded and will only continue to regrow into its former splendor." Theo smiled, looking to Corvus across the gathering. She was pleased to see he was sat next to Twig. Their affection for each other was obvious. He had been looking forward to this homecoming.

"You might notice a stranger - this is Thalia, a visitor-in-residence for the next few seasons from Aerie. After Winterfell's raid, we are exploring new alliances and continuing to strengthen old. We will be working closely to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between our two packs. And, speaking of allies, Abaven wolves have been granted free passage to the Hot Springs and surrounding territories of the new pack to our west, The Hallows. Please still alert yourself at the border out of respect." Theory stared for a long moment at Thalia and then tore her gaze away again. There would be time to speak after the meeting. "Poem has been promoted to Liana! Congratulations, my dear sister. I couldn't dream of a better diplomat," she murmured, standing up slowly to move towards her and press her cheek against her sister's in congratulation.

"Please welcome Svala, our newest member. She is a marvelous crafter and friend of our own Spirit. Make sure she feels right at home. And finally - another introduction," Theory peered towards the edge of the clearing, a cheeky grin beginning to creep across her face. Ignoring the banging of her heart in her ribs about Thalia being here (here! In her home!), this was what she had really been looking forward to. She turned slightly so that she could catch Poem's full reaction.




6 Years
Extra large
11-21-2020, 11:07 PM
Saying that he was excited would have been an understatement. Joy and anticipation thrummed through the redwood brute. He had made his choice. The sister and alpha had been convinced. Now he was here to woo the woman that he was determined to call his. He could see her out there as he hid behind a particularly dense chunk of thicket. They weren't terribly far from where he and Poem had spent the night together, telling stories. It was fitting that this was where he and Theory would surprise her.

Ruby eyes watched as Poem sat close to Theory. His heart still danced every time that he saw her. This woman... and what a woman she was... did such crazy things to him. Things that no being ever had. She elicited such feeling within him that, if she were to reject him, he would surely die. Poem was absolutely beautiful to look at, but her beauty ran so much deeper than her appearance. She was good. She was so sweet and pure and selfless. She loved her family and was devoted to them. Because of this, Sparhawk would devote himself to them as well. He would protect everything that she held dear and in return, she need only protect his heart.

As Theory spoke of new members, Sparhawk prepared himself. They had discussed his entrance and now was the time. He noted the subtle repositioning of the young alpha and was glad that Theory was excited for this reveal as well. Though young, he had instantly felt a sense of respect for the Bob-tailed woman. It would be easy to live beneath her rule.

Sparhawk stepped from the brush, offering a nod to Theory before giving the object of his affection his full attention. He didn't want to embarrass her so he didn't immediately rush forward and sweep her into his embrace. Instead he moved to sit beside her, his striped tail sneaking out to curl behind her own as much as he could manage. He hoped that she was excited because he was quite thrilled.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
11-22-2020, 09:39 AM
The relief she had at being reunited with the lands she was born in was obvious on her features and the way she relaxed against her sister. A grin played on her dark features and for the first time in a long time Poem felt like life was returned to normal. There were still trials to be had and faced but Abaven was feeling brighter and looking forward. Brows raised in question at the unfamiliar faces, the smaller wolf next to Octave and the she wolf that appeared right before Theory spoke. She had a familiar scent on her and Poem was reminded of Eligos. She gave a questioning look towards Theo, but she was sure there would soon be an explanation.

She wasn’t particularly nervous about the Abraxas name, she had her experience with Eligos to mostly go off of. He had been a polite gentleman, and had she not found Sparhawk she might have pursued him more seriously. Poem knew vaguely of the Abraxas occupation on Abaven, other than Corvus and maybe her father she didn’t think anyone truly remembered that time in the pack’s history. With that said though, Poem would never allow something like that to happen again. Abaven was much stronger than they’d ever been, and no one would take away their freedom a second time.

Still, the woman smiled eager to hear about their guest and what liberties they were given with the Hallows, she knew that her grandmother especially would appreciate that deal. Perhaps she would convince Sparhawk to go with her… She lost her train of thought but managed to offer Svala a quick nod of welcome along with Thalia before her attention was shifted to Theo’s last newcomer. Poem looked to Theory, suddenly suspicious as the reason for her trickery emerged from the brush.

Poem couldn’t help the small gasp of surprise that fell from her lips as Sparhawk approached her. She had all of his attention and the grin that spread over her face said it all. She didn’t care that they were surrounded by the whole pack. Her striped white tail wagged enthusiastically at her hips as she stood to meet him, speechless. She sat as he did, finding herself leaning into his shoulder. Blue and lavender eyes held just for him as she forgot the rest of the group around her. Poem just barely kept herself from giving him an eager smooch, preferring not to give her father a heart attack just yet.

She calmed herself enough to take up where Theory left off. ”This is Sparhawk.” She tried to return her gaze to the rest of the pack, but she had to return her attention to the one she wished to call hers. After everything they’d been through so far Poem was more and more certain of her love for him. ”He’s my joy,” she admitted softly, feeling odd to confess to the whole of Abaven. ”He’s beyond talented at his craft, and will protect Abaven with the same ferocity as any of us.” She almost went on to announce her intentions, as she’d previously told Theory all about, but thought it better to discuss with her father before telling everyone she wished to be wed to him. The hint was there, and she’d further that clue as she gave him a sweet and soft peck on the cheek.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
11-22-2020, 05:10 PM
The sense that today was about celebration was not lost on Corvus. He leaned a bit more into Twig as Theory began to speak, flashing his cousin a content grin as she mentioned their move back to the thicket and the rapids that surrounded those lands. The move would be a positive one, a return to their home after the volcano's devastating effects on the lands. Corvus was content to uproot a bit and move to where he'd grown up, he definitely wouldn't complain. A few other announcements, though, were a surprise - in particular the arrival of Thalia Abraxas.

Corvus tilted his head in her direction, studying her. Though he didn't trust her and certainly didn't trust her family, he did trust Theory and he had to hope her staying here would.. well, at the very least not be detrimental to them. It was hard to envision an alliance with the Abraxas as a good thing, but he wasn't the one to make those decisions. He didn't doubt Theory for a second, and before long his thoughts shifted as she introduced not just one new member, but... another? He watched the scene as a stranger burst into the thicket, moving toward Poem. Their love was clear before Sparhawk even reached her side of the couple, and he felt his chest ignite with joy at the sight, leaning a little bit more against Twig. It was a beautiful thing to see, especially now that it was something he himself was experiencing.



5 Years
11-26-2020, 12:41 PM

Svala was delighted to hear that Abaven would be claiming the Rustling Thicket. Though she had no idea they'd previously occupied it she'd enjoyed her time crafting in the thicket and there were a good amount of herbs that grew there. It would be a wonderful resource come spring. She looked to Thalia and smiled, giving a nod of greeting. It seemed the pack had been through much. She tried to make note of as much as she could, particularly the pack relations.

She felt a sudden blush at being singled out as the newest member and being given such praise from the alpha. She smiled shyly and nodded to the rest of the pack before turning her smile to Spirit. Hopefully they could do some crafting again in the future. She wasn't the only introduction. The alphess' sister then spoke, introducing a man close in age to herself and if she gathered correctly the two were in some sort of relationship.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
11-26-2020, 12:43 PM

Brandr glanced about for Corentine and Lucine but he didn't see them. He frowned a little. Well, maybe they were here and he just couldn't see them. It was crazy to see how much the pack had blossomed this past season. There were so many wolves now and he couldn't help but feel as though he'd missed quite a bit while he'd been healing from his injury. It had been a good learning experience and hopefully with a little luck it wouldn't happen again.

Brandr was pleased to hear they'd be moving back to their old haunts. He wondered how the remnants of their old den were doing. Could they perhaps take up their old residence again? He smiled at Poem as she introduced her lover and he thought of how his relationship with Corentine had blossomed into what it was now. It was crazy to think how quickly time flew by. He was in his seventh year of life. A milestone he never expected to reach. In the back of his mind he could feel the pressure of dwindling time.

"Talk" "You" Think



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
11-29-2020, 09:53 AM
Familiar and unfamiliar faces filed into the meeting and as the moments went on the boy’s spirit dropped. His mother and Desolate were both missing from their ranks. Void tried not to let it sho won his features, he had to be strong for his siblings. He felt like the protector, he had to look after them. Quietly he resettled himself beside them, offering a hint of affection as he held himself tall, seeking to hide them from anymore misfortune.

The meeting commenced, he had little to add as smiles were had all around and it seemed like Abaven was returning to that joyful place he’d known as a tiny pup. Everything was different now, and he had goals and responsibilities. He’d care for Spirit and Gloom, and he’d find his lost kin. Void looked to his brother and sister, they were both timid and Gloom looked smaller than ever. He was more resigned to his plan now more than ever.

The young man lifted himself to his paws and approached Theory as the meeting began to wind down. ”Theory, I’d like to go and search for Desolate and my mo… Eulogy.” He wasn’t sure what caused him to use her first name, but it felt more official. The dire wolf looked back to his brother and sister and added. ”And if they’d like to join me, I’d bring Spirit and Gloom along as well.”



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-29-2020, 03:11 PM
There was no mention of his mother, nor of Desolate, which saddened him - though he doubted their absences had gone unnoticed. At least he had Gloom beside him, which comforted him even if they weren't terribly close. Spirit could only hope that time would change that. Family meant everything to him, even if he hadn't been the best at showing that. His eyes widened slightly as Theory began to speak, announcing a handful of things: a move away from the island, something that Spirit appreciated, as well as some new introductions and promotions.

His mind admittedly was wandering until he heard a familiar name spoke, as well as his own. His head snapped up as he tried to catch up to what she was saying. Svala was here! She'd come after all. He hadn't expected her to, but he'd enjoyed her company and her little lesson, and he found himself grinning in spite of his somber mood. He was glad he'd be getting another opportunity to speak with her and learn from her skills. Well - at least that was what he hoped would happen.

He was surprised when things settled down, the meeting coming to a close, when Void spoke again. His gaze lifted to find his quiet brother as he spoke. He wanted to leave? To search for Eulogy and Desolate. On one hand, he felt his hopes slightly deflate. He was getting accustomed to life within Abaven, he was trying desperately to learn and become useful for his family. And now Void wanted them to leave. He was unsure, but the thought of not being seeing his mother and brother again... that was a life he didn't want to face. Especially not alone. What would he be without his siblings? He tilted his head toward Gloom questioningly, wondering what her thoughts would be. "I-I will go," he replied quietly. "I-if.. G-Gloom wants to," Spirit finished weakly.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.



Beginner Navigator (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - BisexualPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
11-29-2020, 08:26 PM

No matter what Spirit might think Gloom had nothing but love for her family, even those that had abandoned them, she didn't even blame her extended family for letting her siblings and herself fall through the cracks. Even if that meant she had little comfort with them, they had, after all, basically been absent her whole life... except maybe cousin Corvus who had taken the time to teach her to fish... which was one of the only things helping to keep her fed. She really only half-listened as her cousin talked, leaning into Spirit, taking comfort in his presence.

It was only when Void stood and spoke that she really tuned in, her eyes growing wide as he suggested that they all leave to try and find their mother and missing brother and though she couldn't help but wonder why their missing sister wasn't included in the plan she felt her hope rising. It would be a chance to try and find their missing family and also would mean being with her brothers the whole time they traveled. Spirit seemed a little unsure and seemed to be looking for her confirmation. "I-I'll go!" She said, her high reedy voice croaking from disuse.

Speech Think Action
Image by AlienLion
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-30-2020, 08:15 AM
Rhyme leaned into Samara as the pack trickled in, he wasn’t blind to the wolves missing from their ranks. Eulogy disappeared again, even with his efforts in keeping an eye on her she still managed to sneak off. Or he hoped that’s what had happened, there were so many dangers outside the borders for a wolf like his sister… Rhyme tried not to feel guilt, he had a lot to keep track of with the newest litter and keeping them safe. Eulogy had been doing better, and he hoped she knew what she was doing and that Desolate was out there with her.

The once alpha took a quick look at the new faces around, and he barely kept himself from bristling as he saw the Abraxas girl. Theory was quick to announce the start of the meeting and Rhyme settled beside Rara as he watched the pups and listened to his daughter. He felt relieved that they were returned to Abaven’s original location. Theo was quick to speak on the girl Thalia, Rhyme wondered about the validity of aligning themselves with Aerie, but after Winterfell’s betrayal they needed to look for friends wherever they could find them.

They had an ally in the Hallows, which Rhyme wondered if he could get a babysitter to take Samara for a hot springs date… His thoughts were interrupted as Poem’s promotion was announced and he grinned proudly at his daughters. That pride wouldn’t subside even as another stranger appeared.

He couldn’t help it as his eyes nearly fell out of his face as the giant of a man made a beeline right to Poem’s side. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen such a smile on his daughter’s face, and any trepidation melted away as he took in the joy that seemed to radiate from the couple. Rhyme was returned to a time before the girl’s were born, when he’d felt the emotions that he could so clearly see between the two of them. If Poem could have what he’d been unable to keep a hold of then he could never offer objection. He’d just have to accept that his little girl was growing up. However the little kiss she gave the man nearly made her old pop faint, he could be happy to know that Poem had found her happiness.

When Void stood up to offer his service to find Eulogy Rhyme almost offered himself up as well, but even though he worried endlessly about his sister, his place was here.