
Click Bait Puppies

aka Hyad

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
11-26-2020, 05:49 PM
Alrighty! According to beliefs Ballad Pyre has finally ripened to pregnancy! (No daddies here. Nope nope!) (BUT for reference this is their bio Dad) I’m going to do this a little differently, mostly so I can get art done before the babies are born. So for this adoption I’m going to have two slots with only two designs. I kinda picked out a couple of names that Ballad would definitely use but if you come up with something better I’ll be happy to give them up. As usual I’d like these kids to be relatively active. (At least enough to keep up with me, and I’m not very fast on post turn arounds usually.) I don’t want these designs used outside of Ardent.

So the names I liked are:
Aster and Spark
I think I’d like for both of them to be female but you can try and wow me with a boy!
I’m not opposed to making them twins or making edits! I have the psd file for both designs.
These pups will be raised as neutral as possible, you’re welcome to be creative but I’d prefer to see extreme deviation through play.
Ballad will be raising them as a single mother as she has no solid partner at this time. There aren’t more than a handful of Ademre in play right now but they might have an aunt or uncle pop in.
Definitely a 25% discount on height up to 40” but Ballad and most Adem are smaller. These will have a 50% discount on odd colored marlins red and orange. I might be persuaded to help/pay for them if needed, I just want them to find a good home.
Mom will keep a close eye on them because of being so alone while they’re little. I’m not 100% sure about her mothering yet but she will be protective and will want to be with them as much as possible.




Culture: don’t feel like you need to memorize anything, but these are Ballads beliefs and most of it was just stolen from the original Ademre adoptions.

Basic Beliefs:
Tor- she wolf moon god - females pray to her and call upon her in time of need- Life - Love - Heart
Fenris- wolf sun god - males pray to him and call upon him in times of need - Hard Truths/Honesty - Death - Heroism
Sita- from whence all good things came, was murdered and reborn 3 moons later to return the balance
Wolfbane- from whence all evil comes, murdered Sita
Pyre- The red girl, one of Tor’s daughters with fur red as an autumn leaf - keeper of the red meadow
Dammam - first of the Varg and first keeper of the balance. - born from the earth
Va - created by Tor out of Dammam’s tooth - mother of the Varg
Varg- wolf
Lera- any wild animal
Red Meadow- afterlife - where souls go to rest after death
The Great Darkness: When balance went out of true over the whole of the world. Reversed by Sita’s sacrifice.
Keeper: The chosen wolf (by the previous keeper - 1st keeper chosen by Dammam but that line was lost during the great darkness. Current line was first chosen by Sita herself.) that keeps the stories and legends of their past - passed down the knowledge of keeping the balance and seeking out disturbances then correcting them in either direction. Always a male, but prays to both Tor and Fenris instead of just Fenris.
In the legends, the wolf gods Tor and Fenris were said to be the makers of sky and stone, and had created the world and so brought "light out of the darkness" and Tor first brought forth the earth, and her children Dammam, Sita, Wolfbane, and Pyre.
Dammam, the first wolf and first keeper of the balance. Tor sent Dammam to sleep one day and took one of his teeth and created the first she wolf, Va. The pair would go on to rule the first pack, her children the Varg.
Dammam taught that as wolves they had reign over the land and its inhabitants. They were taught by Tor to keep the herd healthy in their selections. By Fenris the wolves learned to kill efficiently and to fight honorably.
Dammam being mortal eventually passed on to the red meadow, and the children he left behind were taught to keep the balance of life and death. Through the generations the knowledge passed down from the first of the Varg was twisted and corrupted with the help of Wolfbane. The world fell out of balance. Violence and Death were all the Varg or Lera knew. Tor and Fenris then sent the angelic Sita from the heavens to the Varg below.
She brought with her love, kindness, and compassion. Soon the Varg were lifted from darkness, but not without sacrifice. She was killed by Wolfbane. The world looked as though it would be plunged back in to chaos, until three moons later Sita reappeared with the rising moon of winter solstice.
With both Sita and Wolfbane in the world Balance was restored and the pact between Tor, Fenris, and the Varg returned and the wolves lived in peace. However in places other than the island of Heart, the balance remains off center.

Ideals: Seekers of balance in the mortal realm. Can’t have life without death, happiness without sadness, or good without evil. Tor and Fenris will call you to this path, but most still train under the sword tree. The oath of the star is a personal oath that some Ademre take and some do not. They seek to restore balance to the world around them, through prayer and action.


The Ademre

The Basics:
Nestled deep in the island of Haert, these Ademre follow the path of the sword tree. Dedicated, and highly trained warriors, who follow a code of conduct known as the Lethani. Their world is a barren, harsh place, and from it produces wolves that are practical, and a little stern. They work together as a community, the wealth of one is the wealth of all. The Adem believe themselves to be culturally superior to the other peoples of the world, to whom they refer as ‘barbarians’. This is primarily a result of their beliefs regarding outward displays of emotion, the repression of which is viewed as a mark of civilized culture. They do not lord over other cultures, as this would ‘not be of the Lethani’
Fighting is their main trade, and they all strive to be warriors. Their fighters are ranked ‘by the stone’ with the ‘First stone’ being the lowest rank. Once any warrior reaches a ‘stone’ they are able to ‘take the reds’ and wear markings of red to signify their status as a warrior. The greatest fighter among them wears white. The Sword Tree is a great, red blossom tree that sits in the center of their island. There are stones laid out on the hill beneath it, and a warrior of each rank stands there. A warrior striving to rise higher in the ranks fights a warrior of each rank by a stone until they lose.
The school here teaches the path of the sword, and any who wish to join the disciple audition at the school

The Sword Tree: These are the warriors of the Ademre, their disciple of fighting is known as ‘The Sword Tree’

The Lethani:  it is not only doing what is right, but knowing what is right to begin with. It is also a way to make the best of life, and it can be said that is the way to live properly, or with honor. Sometimes it seems counterintuitive, but it is frequently stated that no man, woman or child among the Adem claims to know the Lethani. To kill without need is not of the Lethani.  It is a complex topic that cannot be discussed explicitly.
“To guide us in our actions. By following the Lethani, you act rightly. The Lethani is not a path, it is what helps us choose a path”

Appearances: Colors of coal and amber, the flickers of fire. (these can be dulled tones for free colors) These are the tones the wolves of the Ademre boost. Sharper fangs are common, but not the rule. It could be said that they take their colors from the sword tree itself.

Communication: To outsiders, the Adem may seem at first impression to be aloof and emotionless, as they use words sparingly, avoid eye contact, and typically maintain an utterly blank facial expression. In addition, they are sometimes perceived as fidgety and anxious, for while they tend to be silent they can often be seen making small gestures or tics with one hand.
In truth, however, these gestures are how the Adem display their emotions, using a form of sign language while repressing facial expressions. Facial expressions are allowed while interacting in a family setting. While most emotions are not expressed facially or verbally, the Adem do not feel the need to refrain from laughter and crying, as they believe that such basic, primal emotions should not be kept inside.

Sexual Beliefs: they do not believe that men have any role in helping women to conceive children, nor in passing on heritable traits. They believe that women naturally "ripen" and bear children after reaching maturity. The Adem are also not shy about sex, meaning they have no concept of sexual privacy, they aren't ashamed of nudity, and they can be in more than one sexual relationship at the same time without any kind of resentment from the other partners. Sex is not assigned any of the emotional weight and ceremony that is typical of other cultures; while it is an intimate experience, it is viewed as more of a fulfilling of bodily needs than an expression of romantic feelings, with sex and love being very distinct concepts to the Adem.

Alignment: Neutral Good - They follow the heart of the law before the letter of the law, this is of the Lehani

The Ademre Path of the Sword Tree plot in Ardent:
These wolves will eventually form a band, we are looking for wolves of good alignment, dedicated to their people. They will be warriors of the first stone, set out to make a name for themselves and bring back wealth to their people

The Ademre Oath of the Star plot in Ardent:
These wolves seek to find disturbances in the balance and to correct them to true. Often have complicated personal rituals performed for the gods Tor and Fenris. In our plot, we are focused on the path of the sword tree, but wolves following this path can also take an oath to their religion (Oath of the Star)

Where My Demons Hide



5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - Pansexual
11-26-2020, 09:46 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2020, 06:38 PM by Hyacinth.)
Name: Spark
Sex: Female
Skills: Fighting & Intellect
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: Spark was born with a sort of reverence one might not expect from a young child, loving the stories her mother told her, listening with rapt attention. She'll take quickly to the culture she's exposed to, picking up the quirks of her people's communication faster than one might expect of an excitable pup. In fact, to an outside observer Spark might be an incredibly unpuppy-like child. She's exceptionally duty-driven, she has figured out her place in life from an early age and moves with an uncanny sort of certainty.

But those that are closest to her, her mother and sister, when she's young, will know that Spark is true to her name a bright burning light. She sees the joy in most things and approaches every day with good faith, approaches others with good faith. She has an optimistic outlook and though she may struggle to really connect with the barbarians she seeks to understand them and befriend them where possible.

More than anything else Spark seeks to bring balance to the world where she meets it. Though she may not know the exact ways to do so, she's known since she was young that that was what she was meant to do.

Height: 28
Build: Light
Design: 1
Plots/Ideas: I'm hard eyeing the Oath of the stars, mostly kinda of just want Spark to be the social butterfly of her people, maybe a bit of a bridge?



8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
11-27-2020, 04:39 AM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2020, 11:16 AM by Magnus.)
Name: Sizzle (twin to Spark? yes?? also good with Aster, just trying my luck xD)
Sex: Female
Skills: Intellect & fighting
Alignment: Neutral good
Personality: Sizzle was born and earned her name for her feisty ways as a young pup. She's a sweet-natured girl, but that doesn't come without a bit of sass and spunk. She's always respectful and happy to do what she's told, but that doesn't mean it isn't lacking a little flavor, or spice as one might call it. She's rowdy and playful, definitely not keeping her opinion to herself while she's young. Of course as she ages, her personality will change to be much more like her mother. She will be calm and stoic, often not expressing her feelings outright. All the times she spent as a pup will not be forgotten, but definitely pushed aside. She won't regret her ways, but she won't look back on them fondly either. She will strive to be like her mother, be a respectful Ademre, and make her mother and other family proud. She will certainly grow into the Ademre name, even if it doesn't seem like it at first.
Height: 28
Build: Light
Design: 1
Plots/Ideas: punk.
Magnus has a silver horseshoe septum ring, poorly cropped (long) ears, and bright blue crystal goat horns that may not always appear in his art
Commission ShopPlot with me!

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
12-16-2020, 08:38 AM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2020, 08:38 AM by Ballad I.)
Alright ladies these babies are yours!! As long as you're both okay with twins I am, and Skelle if you're in love with Sizzle your welcome to use that name<3

Today is the due date so make sure your apps are in within the two week window!
Where My Demons Hide