




7 Years
Chrono I

11-28-2020, 10:03 AM

She had been pretty quiet in her stay in Abaven, but still tried to pull some of her own weight with helping them stock on herbs when she could. The pregnancy had seemed so natural to her this time around though when she was younger it still felt like her purpose for her to have pups. Her body was much more atoned to carry and birth the pups now that she was older and it didn't hurt that she had gone through this before even if it was five years ago.

She was sitting outside the den admiring the river flowing gently through the plains, trying to find a way to make new memories here in Abaven. She after all didn't birth her last litter here but it was where she fell in love and her emotions changed drastically in the time frame she lived here back then. And it was hard to make new, happier memories of the place but with Allegro by her side she seemed to manage a lot better. But a part of her was scared to think that their bonding and relationship would eventually make her want to stay or come back to live out their lives together. The thought of leaving her pups behind to be cared for by their father for the most part was heart aching. And something she pushed to the back of her mind to keep the moments happier than her last time birthing.

The evening was dimming as she began to feel the slight contractions coming in. She knew Allegro would be back at the den soon and he wouldn't miss the birth of their children. She wouldn't go for the medicine unless she needed it. Allegro would know who to call if it was dire but she wasn't feeling any type of bad luck today. She'd turn to go into the den and get comfortable. She'd still have plenty of time but it wouldn't be long before they started coming.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
11-29-2020, 02:41 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Having Aranea around had given him a whole new perspective on life. He’d been happy enough living on his own with the motivation of looking after his pack and relatives to keep him active in his hunting, but knowing that she was there waiting for him each day brought him a new kind of joy. He tried to go into each day reminding himself that soon enough their children would be born and she would go back to The Hallows just to keep it from being such a shock to his emotions. Even with the constant mental reminders he was pretty sure letting her leave was going to break his heart. It didn’t really matter that she would come to visit and would still be a part of their lives from a distance... He was selfish in the sense that he wanted himself and these pups to be a priority over her the pack.

He tried not to bring it up though and just enjoy the time he did have with her as much as possible. He went out that morning to do some hunting, both to add to the pack’s store of food and to get something fresh for each of them, and when he returned with a healthy portion of deer meat he had expected to find Aranea waiting outside the den. Not seeing her surprised him enough to go looking and found her resting inside.

Leaving the meat off to the side just outside the den, he slipped inside to join her. He leaned his head down to leave a kiss on her cheek and to ask what she was doing in here when he noticed the squeezing, rippling motions of the muscles along her side. His blue eyes widened with surprise and looked to her with a mix of nervousness and excitement. “Is it time?”



7 Years
Chrono I

11-30-2020, 05:54 PM

She'd push her face slightly into his kiss as he entered the den, His affection was something entirely new that she experienced and she definitely couldn't say it wasn't wanted. As much as she didn't want to compare their relationship to Tyranis, and she certainly wouldn't out loud, she couldn't help it. Even if it was just a thought or a feeling deep inside her. She couldn't deny the burning passion and desire she felt for Allegro even if they hadn't known each other very long. And perhaps she even felt lucky that they had stumbled across each other and he had come to accept her and the fact they they would be parents. He could have just left her or chose someone else as Aranea had felt she wasn't necessarily worthy especially of the kind of love he was willing to give her.

"Yeah, I think they will be here anytime soon." Her curled body would stir to pull her legs out from under her as she tried to get more comfortable. The pain still wasn't a great feeling, but knowing what to expect helped a lot. She wouldn't wait long to speak out again, "I'm not scared this time, Allegro." She almost wanted to add with you by my side and if only she knew it would probably make his heart flutter. Though the scared feeling in her last litter came from her being young and troubled by her position alongside Tyranis.

She'd accept any kind of comfort he'd offer her, of course craving it though not physically. And before she knew it, she'd be rising her neck to look down at four healthy pups wiggling and searching for her. She'd let Allegro do as he pleased of course trusting he wouldn't hurt them, she knew he wanted them as much as she did. She'd poke her nose at one, pushing it towards her tummy to find milk and warmth. And without noticing it a tear came from her eye. It wasn't entirely clear if it was from happiness or sadness if she would have noticed it. But at least she would know that continuing on from here these children would have a better life than her first two.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
12-01-2020, 10:30 AM
Walk | "Talk" | think

If it hadn't been for Aranea's surprising calmness as she confirmed that their pups were on the way then he probably would have started to rush around with worry and go to find one of the healers and do any little thing he could do to get them ready for this moment. Instead, he just embraced this happy, nervous energy that bubbled up in his stomach and his tail wagged behind him as they exchanged affections and he waited for her to make herself more comfortable. She surprised him again when she told him that she wasn't afraid this time and it gave him more questions that he knew he wouldn't get the questions to - at least not right now. Her past was still fairly mysterious to him so he wasn't entirely sure if there was more meaning to that statement than just to say she knew what to expect this time around. Either way his expression softened a bit and he pressed his nose to her cheek. "Good, I'm glad."

He settled in beside her, letting her head rest on his front legs if she wished and gently showering her ears, face, and neck with affections to comfort her in the only way he knew how as she went about bringing their family into the world. It was absolutely astonishing to him and he watched her in awe as one by one pups joined them in the den and eventually became the four pups that were nestled against her. They were all a mix of russets, blacks, whites, and there was even one that looked so much like him that there was absolutely no denying that this was his son. His heart was so full he thought it might burst and as he shifted how he was laying to curve himself protectively around Aranea and their pups, he wished that he could just live this moment forever. He looked to Aranea to tell her how beautiful they all were, but the tear falling from her eye caught his attention first.

His ears flicked uncertainly since he wasn't sure if it was tears of joy or sorrow, but either way he leaned toward her to gently lick away the tear and give her a sweet, adoring smile. "They're beautiful and perfect. You're beautiful and perfect. You've changed my life and I'm so grateful for that." He swallowed past a lump forming in his throat as he looked from her captivating gaze down to the pups that were pressed to her side between them, each of them enjoying their first meals and soon falling into what seemed like the most peaceful sleep he could possibly imagine. His family. This was his family. Sure, Abaven was full of various cousins and siblings of various degrees of relation, but... this was his and he loved them more than he thought would ever be possible.



7 Years
Chrono I

12-01-2020, 06:08 PM

It was weird to think that Allegro would share the same kind of emotion and passion for the pups as she did. And back then, her and Tyranis were both young and terrified for all outcomes with their children and future. But she was happy knowing that in her older age and with Allegro by her side, that there was a calmness and a loving of the children and the birth of them.

She’d look up to Allegro as he spoke, her body secretly overwhelmed to the passion she felt towards him and what they created. Still it was hard for her to fathom that she was worthy of such a beautiful picture and beautiful life. She’d look down to the adorable snuggled creatures beside her, wanting to say something back to him but not sure what to say at all. Allegro has been so giving and understanding to the plans they had made, her spending as much time with him and the kids before going back to The Hallows for her duties. And though it was mostly unspoken, she couldn’t deny that she felt the same way about not wanting to leave. Her sourness and past towards Abaven and her previous lover slowly fading under her stepping stones. But she couldn’t help but feel that The Hallows was where she belonged. Even as much as she wanted to stay here and stay a family with Allegro. "My last two..." she trailed, very open to share almost anything with the passionate man now, "Their names were Rain and Nuada."

She didn’t want to spoil the moment or the night. Everything had gone so smoothly and the two of them had filled the den with nothing but love and quiet excitement. And it almost felt like she couldn’t be any happier than she was right now. Her eyes wandered down at each pup as she didn’t really want to look Allegro in the eye, almost feeling like he would have a disappointment as she spoke, "I wish I didn’t have to leave." and sure she would come visit as often as she could or even bring the kids to The Hallows if Resin allowed, but it would never feel the same then being here raising them with their father as they should be.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead