
Warm Love On A Chilly Morning



6 Years
11-28-2020, 04:40 PM

Morning hadn't quite broken yet. The dawn was still cloaked in dusky blues only a few shades lighter than he rich indigo that veiled the night. Skælingr was curled up snuggly in his new den, looking out on the lake while his wife slept on. He was wrapped gently around her, her head resting on his shoulder. In the distance he could hear the call of geese as hey migrated south, eager to find a warmer home to escape winter's chill. As long as he had Ragna with him no home was ever cold. He gently nestled closer to his wife while trying not to wake her. How the heck had he gotten so lucky?

Skælingr couldn't believe what a year it'd been so far. After the uprising in their pack and the betray that ultimately led to its dissolution they hadn't known what they were going to do. They'd had each other at least and that was a start. The mess with their former pack had left such a bitter taste in their mouths that they'd decided to begin traveling in search of a new land and new packs. It had been a long journey. There weren't many packs left in the north. The long, hard winter and put an end to many of them and it wasn't until they moved south into Boreas that they'd started to see signs of life. In fact, that's when they'd run into one of the nomadic wolves that told them about a grand festival being held in western Boreas. Wolves from all over were invited as were crafters that wished to trade their wares.

Skæ and Ragna had devoted themselves to crafting after the fall of their original pack. After all, there wasn't much need for warriors unless they'd wanted to join one of the warring sides. Concluding he conflict was foolish and their original leader had broken his vows they could not serve either their former leader nor the beta that had betrayed them. So they took up crafting and when an opportunity came to profit off the crafting they'd both agreed to follow the nomad and his band to the festival. Along the way they crafted at every opportunity and Skælingr had even befriended some birds that wished to find wolven companions.

The festival had been a huge success for the pair. They'd traded a number of wares and got a chance to become familiar with the wolves of various packs. Despite that they hadn't really decided which pack they wanted to try. There were so many options. Instead, they'd focused for awhile on getting familiar with the territories and lands of Boreas. The weather and climate seemed much better than their old homeland and there were a number of fascinating territories. There were a few big discussions over the course of the summer. Not only were they discussing making plans to join a pack but also if they wanted to try again for children. The couple had tried in the spring but whether it was stress or some other factor they hadn't been able to conceive.

Skælingr sighed as he rested his head on Ragna's shoulder. He hoped they could try again after they got a bit more settled into Aerie. Though, he could understand his wife wishing to just let it go. It was hard to be disappointed time and time again. Well, it wasn't the end of the world if they weren't able to have children and they could always take up a position as instructors and mentors for the pups of the pack if there were any in need.

Joining Aerie had to be one of the biggest decisions they'd made that year. They'd finally picked a pack that was nestled in a gorgeous and warm territory in southern Boreas. They'd both been nervous but it was such a relief to finally attempt joining a pack and a greater relief to be accepted. They had a home and just in time for winter. While the duo could likely have managed by themselves if needed, having a pack would certainly make life easier and a bit more comfortable.

Skælingr wasn't quite sure what the future would but whatever it held he and Ragna would face it together for as long as they could. The immediate future was simple enough. They'd patrol the borders, coordinate with other warriors and help prep their pack for winter. He was eager to start his first patrol around the whole of Aerie's territory. It would help him to get an overview of the whole of he territory and perhaps he would meet some of his fellow pack mates on patrol. Hopefully, he would get along with everyone at least and ideally he'd make a few friends. Perhaps there were other wolves here that liked to create and craft as much as he did.
